2,670 research outputs found


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    The commercial Nao humanoid robot has 11 DOF in legs. Even if these legs include 12 revolute joints, only 11 actuators are employed to control the walking of the robot. Under such conditions, the mobility of the pelvis and that of the oscillating foot are mutually constrained at each step. Besides, the original gait provided by the manufacturer company of the Nao employs only single support phases during the walking. Because of both issues, the reduced mobility in legs and the use of only single support phases, the stability of the walking is affected. To contribute to improving such stability, in this paper an approach is proposed that incorporates a double support phase and a gait based on cycloidal time functions for motions of the pelvis and those of the oscillating foot. To assess the stability of the walking an index is applied, which is based on the notion of zero-moment point (ZMP) of the static foot at each step. Results of experimental tests show that the proposed gait enhances the stability of the robot during the walking


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    The commercial Nao humanoid robot has 11 DOF in legs. Even if these legs include 12 revolute joints, only 11 actuators are employed to control the walking of the robot. Under such conditions, the mobility of the pelvis and that of the oscillating foot are mutually constrained at each step. Besides, the original gait provided by the manufacturer company of the Nao employs only single support phases during the walking. Because of both issues, the reduced mobility in legs and the use of only single support phases, the stability of the walking is affected. To contribute to improving such stability, in this paper an approach is proposed that incorporates a double support phase and a gait based on cycloidal time functions for motions of the pelvis and those of the oscillating foot. To assess the stability of the walking an index is applied, which is based on the notion of zero-moment point (ZMP) of the static foot at each step. Results of experimental tests show that the proposed gait enhances the stability of the robot during the walking

    Ultrafast Measurements of the Interfacial Spin Seebeck Effect in Au and Rare-Earth Iron Garnet Bilayers

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    We investigate picosecond spin-currents across Au/iron-garnet interfaces in response to ultrafast laser heating of the electrons in the Au film. In the picoseconds after optical heating, interfacial spin currents occur due to an interfacial temperature difference between electrons in the metal and magnons in the insulator. We report measurements of this interfacial longitudinal spin Seebeck effect between Au and rare-earth iron-garnet insulators, i.e. RE3_3 Fe5_5O12_{12}, where RE is Y, Eu, Tb, Tm. We use time domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) measurements to characterize the thermal response of the bilayer to ultrafast optical heating. We use time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) measurements of the Au layer to measure the time-evolution of spin accumulation in the Au film. We observe a spin Seebeck effect between Au/TmIG that is three times larger than for an Au/YIG bilayer. The interfacial thermal conductance between electrons in the Au and magnons in the TmIG layer is ~ 3 MWm2K\frac{MW}{m^2 K}

    Influence of a physical education plan on psychomotor development profiles of preschool children

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of structured physical education on the psychomotor development of 3 to 5 year-old preschool children. The sample consisted of 324 students of both sexes (3 to 5 year-old) from 9 public kindergarten classes in Porto, Portugal. A battery of psychomotor tests (pre-test) was used to assess the students’ psychomotor development profiles. The sample was divided in 2 groups: an experimental group (162 students) and a control group (162 students). Physical Education (PE) teachers used a structured 24-week PE plan in the experimental group. After the plan completion, the same battery of tests (post-test) was run on both groups. The outcome was that both groups grew their psychomotor profiles; however this growth was always statistically higher in the experimental group (at all ages and in all variables analysed p 0.05). Structured physical education is important for preschool children’s psychomotor development. Physical activity impact on children’s interaction with the outside world was proved, through their overall development motivated by the structured physical education lessons

    CloudBench: an integrated evaluation of VM placement algorithms in clouds

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    A complex and important task in the cloud resource management is the efficient allocation of virtual machines (VMs), or containers, in physical machines (PMs). The evaluation of VM placement techniques in real-world clouds can be tedious, complex and time-consuming. This situation has motivated an increasing use of cloud simulators that facilitate this type of evaluations. However, most of the reported VM placement techniques based on simulations have been evaluated taking into account one specific cloud resource (e.g., CPU), whereas values often unrealistic are assumed for other resources (e.g., RAM, awaiting times, application workloads, etc.). This situation generates uncertainty, discouraging their implementations in real-world clouds. This paper introduces CloudBench, a methodology to facilitate the evaluation and deployment of VM placement strategies in private clouds. CloudBench considers the integration of a cloud simulator with a real-world private cloud. Two main tools were developed to support this methodology, a specialized multi-resource cloud simulator (CloudBalanSim), which is in charge of evaluating VM placement techniques, and a distributed resource manager (Balancer), which deploys and tests in a real-world private cloud the best VM placement configurations that satisfied user requirements defined in the simulator. Both tools generate feedback information, from the evaluation scenarios and their obtained results, which is used as a learning asset to carry out intelligent and faster evaluations. The experiments implemented with the CloudBench methodology showed encouraging results as a new strategy to evaluate and deploy VM placement algorithms in the cloud.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Grant TIN2016-79637-P “Towards Unifcation of HPC and Big Data Paradigms” and by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) through a Ph.D. Grant (No. 212677)

    Lycopene and Myocardial Infarction Risk in the EURAMIC Study

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    A multicenter case-control study was conducted to evaluate the relations between antioxidant status assessed by biomarkers and acute myocardial infarction. Incidence cases and frequency matched controls were recruited from 10 European countries to maximize the variance in exposure within the study. Adipose tissue needle aspiration biopsies were taken shortly after the infarction and analyzed for levels of carotenoids and tocopherols. An examination of colinearity including all covariates and the three carotenoids, α-carotene, ÎČ-carotene, and lycopene, showed that the variables were sufficiently independent to model simultaneously. When examined singularly, each of the carotenoids appeared to be protective. Upon simultaneous analyses of the carotenoids, however, using conditional logistic regression models that controlled for age, body mass index, socioeconomic status, smoking, hypertension, and maternal and paternal history of disease, lycopene remained independently protective, with an odds ratio of 0.52 for the contrast of the 10th and 90th percentiles (95% confidence interval 0.33-0.82, p= 0.005). The associations for α- and ÎČ-carotene were largely eliminated. We conclude that lycopene, or some substance highly correlated which is in a common food source, may contribute to the protective effect of vegetable consumption on myocardial infarction ris

    Identification of Altered Evoked and Non-Evoked Responses in a Heterologous Mouse Model of Endometriosis-Associated Pain

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    The aim of this study was to develop and refine a heterologous mouse model of endometriosis-associated pain in which non-evoked responses, more relevant to the patient experience, were evaluated. Immunodeficient female mice (N = 24) were each implanted with four endometriotic human lesions (N = 12) or control tissue fat (N = 12) on the abdominal wall using tissue glue. Evoked pain responses were measured biweekly using von Frey filaments. Non-evoked responses were recorded weekly for 8 weeks using a home cage analysis (HCA). Endpoints were distance traveled, social proximity, time spent in the center vs. outer areas of the cage, drinking, and climbing. Significant differences between groups for von Frey response, climbing, and drinking were detected on days 14, 21, and 35 post implanting surgery, respectively, and sustained for the duration of the experiment. In conclusion, a heterologous mouse model of endometriosis-associated evoked a non-evoked pain was developed to improve the relevance of preclinical models to patient experience as a platform for drug testing
