223 research outputs found

    Analysis of the basic sanitation system of black land earth in Manacapuru-Am

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    Due to the adjunct population growth of the Industrial Revolution since the 70\u27s, it has been thought and planned about the adequate urban infrastructure, which is taking into consideration the welfare of the population. From this line of thought, sanitation has become one of the alternatives for municipal development, because besides encompassing sanitation services, it also has interrelationship with other areas such as health, housing, leisure and others. Thus, this article aimed, through the analysis of the basic sanitation system, to facilitate the identification of the current problems in the sector of the black neighborhood in Manacapuru - AM. To this end, discussions were held on the structure of the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan of the municipality and field measurements were collected for the development of diagnostic maps of basic infrastructure characteristics, such as drainage, water and sewage network, waste collection and junk dumps. Thus, the analysis of the previous and current sanitation situation was carried out. Increases were found in the junk dumps, and in the drainage system\u27s mouths and in the absence of a sewage system. From this the adopted method was efficient for analysis of the basic systems, being able to be used for evaluation of the other districts of the city

    Analysis of the current situation of irregular dwellings in the black land neighborhood of Manacapuru-Am: causes and consequences

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    The present work aimed to perform an analysis of the current situation of irregular dwellings in the black earth neighborhood of Manacapuru-AM using geotechnologies. The methodology consists in identifying the irregular occupations of the neighborhood, and demonstrating the problems encountered as well as the possible solutions. The information obtained was used to generate the diagnostic maps to analyze the characteristics of irregular dwellings and if they have water and sewage network, waste collection, junk dump and drainage network, because it is a simple technique, it is possible to be used in other neighborhoods of Manacapuru, being extremely important in helping public policy planning and environmental monitoring

    Rehabilitation with implants to the posterior atrophic mandible: Case report

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    The short osseointegrated implants have been used in the last years as a reliable alternative to the rehabilitation of the atresic ridges in height. In this article, a clinical case illustrates the early literature discussion that corroborates the use of short implants in detriment to reconstructive surgical techniques like grafts

    Natural durability of five tropical wood species in field decay tests

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    Measuring the natural resistance of wood is fundamental for proper use. The natural durability of five tropical wood species was investigated by field decay testing during exposure for 360 days. Wood logs (length of 0,5 m; diameter of 8 cm - 12 cm) were used in this study. The mass loss and decay index were calculated and visual analysis during the exposure time was performed for all samples. The samples presented evidence of two different groups concerning natural durability. The species in the first group (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Mimosa ophthalmocentra, and Mimosa tenuiflora) showed the highest resistance to biodeterioration, better or similar performance compared to treated eucalyptus wood (as control). The other group (Aspidosperma pyrifolium and Cordia oncocalyx) had lower natural resistance in outdoor service, being more susceptible to decay. In general, the wood of the first group is indicated for outdoor uses that require medium or prolonged exposure, such as timber stakes and fence posts

    Prática de ensino em Química e a utilização de recursos tecnológicos durante o ensino remoto

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    The objective of this qualitative approach experience report is to describe and reflect on the experiences, lived and acquired, during remote classes in the pandemic period. Given that the entire lifestyle that people were used to has changed abruptly, in this context remote classes emerged as an alternative to reduce the negative impacts on the teaching and learning process. With classes suspended, many schools, educators and students had to switch from face-to-face teaching to emergency remote teaching, even without adequate preparation, which was a huge challenge for the educational scenario, especially for teachers, as they had to Look for ways to reinvent yourself. However, even with the adversities, it was possible to continue the teaching and learning process, since the teachers were fundamental in this adaptation process.El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y reflexionar sobre las experiencias, vividas y adquiridas, durante las clases a distancia en el período de la pandemia. Dado que todo el estilo de vida al que las personas estaban acostumbradas ha cambiado abruptamente, en este contexto las clases a distancia surgieron como una alternativa para reducir los impactos negativos en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Con las clases suspendidas, muchas escuelas, educadores y estudiantes tuvieron que pasar de la enseñanza presencial a la enseñanza remota de emergencia, incluso sin la preparación adecuada, lo que supuso un gran desafío para el escenario educativo, especialmente para los docentes, ya que debían buscar maneras de reinventarse, para que fuera posible una enseñanza de calidad, como lo era en el aula. Sin embargo, aún con las adversidades, fue posible continuar con el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, ya que los docentes fueron fundamentales en este proceso de adaptación.O objetivo deste relato de experiência de abordagem qualitativa é descrever e refletir sobre as experiências, vivenciadas e adquiridas, durante as aulas remotas no período pandêmico. Tendo em vista que todo estilo de vida que as pessoas estavam acostumadas mudou bruscamente, nesse contexto surgiu as aulas remotas como alternativa para reduzir os impactos negativos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Com as aulas suspensas, muitas escolas, educadores e alunos tiveram que passar do ensino presencial para o ensino remoto emergencial, mesmo sem a preparação adequada, o que foi um enorme desafio para o cenário educacional, principalmente para os professores, visto que eles tiveram que buscar maneiras de se reinventar. Contudo, mesmo com as adversidades foi possível dar continuidade ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, pois, os professores foram fundamentais nesse processo de adaptação

    Estimation of the basic density of Eucalyptus grandis wood chips at different moisture levels using benchtop and handheld NIR instruments

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    With the increasing demand for productivity and quality in the forestry sector, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is promising in the monitoring of wood properties, such as density. However, most predictive models are based on spectra acquired in wood at equilibrium moisture content using benchtop equipment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the NIR instruments in predicting the basic density of Eucalyptus grandis wood at different moisture contents. The wood chips were evaluated from saturated conditions (freshly felled) to hygroscopic equilibrium conditions using benchtop and portable NIR instruments. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to verify the behavior of spectral data, partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) to classify density categories, and partial least squares regression (PLS-R) to develop predictive models. The moisture gradient was not the limiting factor for the statistical modeling. PCA discriminated 99.50% of the variation in the data, while the PLS-DA correctly categorized in the range of 0–94% the density classes. The models developed by PLS-R with the benchtop instrument showed a prediction coefficient (R²) ranging from 0.79 to 0.85 and those with the portable instrument ranged from 0.77 to 0.82; the ratios of prediction deviation (RPD) were 2.20 and 2.45, respectively. Thus, NIR spectroscopy has shown potential application in wood under saturated conditions, regardless of the type of instrument. In the industrial context, the use of a portable NIR instrument could streamline wood characterization without the need for drying and transporting samples to the laboratories


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    As esp\ue9cies brasileiras de Myrtaceae compreendem diversas plantas arb\uf3reas e arbustivas que podem ser utilizadas na produ\ue7\ue3o de frutos para consumo in natura ou para industrializa\ue7\ue3o. Informa\ue7\uf5es sobre avalia\ue7\ue3o da qualidade de sementes dessas esp\ue9cies n\ue3o est\ue3o bem definidas, principalmente as relacionadas \ue0 adequa\ue7\ue3o do teste de germina\ue7\ue3o. Objetivou-se testar substratos e temperaturas para realiza\ue7\ue3o do teste de germina\ue7\ue3o em sementes de Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret. (goiaba-serrana), Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg (guabiroba), Eugenia involucrata DC. (cereja-do-mato) e Eugenia pyriformis Camb. (uvaia). Sementes de diferentes proced\ueancias foram submetidas ao teste de germina\ue7\ue3o em substratos areia e rolo de papel tipo germitest, umedecidos com \ue1gua destilada, e nas temperaturas 15 \ub0C, 25 \ub0C, 30 \ub0C, 35 \ub0C e 20-30 \ub0C, sob luz constante, em germinadores tipo BOD. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es de 25 sementes/tratamento/lote/esp\ue9cie, e as m\ue9dias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P < 0,01). O teste de germina\ue7\ue3o pode ser conduzido na temperatura de 25 \ubaC e em substrato rolo de papel para Eugenia involucrata e Eugenia pyriformis. Ambos os substratos podem ser utilizados para o teste de germina\ue7\ue3o de Acca sellowiana, a 25 \ubaC. A temperatura de 25 \ubaC e altern\ue2ncia de 20-30 \ubaC s\ue3o indicadas para Campomanesia xanthocarpa, assim como, os substratos areia e rolo de papel.The Brazilian species of the Myrtaceae comprises several arborescent and shrubby plants that are used to produce fruit for fresh consumption or industrialization. Information about the seed quality evaluations for these species are scarce in the literature, mainly related to the adequacy of the germination tests. This study tests different substrates and temperatures to test the germination of Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret. (goiaba-serrana), Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg (guabiroba), Eugenia involucrata DC. (cereja-do-mato) e Eugenia pyriformis Camb. (uvaia). Two seed lots were collected at different locations, one for each species, according to the requirements of the selection matrices. Sand and germitest paper towel rolls substrates were used, moistened with distilled water, and submitted to temperatures of 15 \ub0C, 25 \ub0C, 30 \ub0C, 35 \ub0C and 20-30 \ub0C under constant light, on P.D.A. germinators. The experimental delineation was entirely randomized with four repetitions of 25 seeds/treatment/lot/specie, and treatment means were compared using the Tukey test (P < 0.01). The germination tests can be conducted at 25 \ub0C using paper roll substrate for Eugenia pyriformis and E. involucrate. Both substrates can be used to Acca sellowiana germination test at 25 \ub0C. The temperature of 25 \ub0C and alternating 20-30 \ub0C are indicated for Campomanesia xanthocarpa, as well as sand and paper roll substrates


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509821120The Brazilian species of the Myrtaceae comprises several arborescent and shrubby plants that are used to produce fruit for fresh consumption or industrialization. Information about the seed quality evaluations for these species are scarce in the literature, mainly related to the adequacy of the germination tests. This study tests different substrates and temperatures to test the germination of Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret. (goiaba-serrana), Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg (guabiroba), Eugenia involucrata DC. (cereja-domato) and Eugenia pyriformis Camb. (uvaia) seeds. Two seed lots were collected at different locations, one for each species, according to the requirements of the selection matrices. Sand and germitest paper towel rolls substrates were used, moistened with distilled water, and submitted to temperatures of 15°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C and 20-30°C under constant light, on P.D.A. germinators. The experimental delineation was entirely randomized with four repetitions of 25 seeds/treatment/lot/specie, and treatment means were compared using the Tukey test (P < 0.01). The germination tests can be conducted at 25°C using paper roll substrate for Eugenia pyriformis and E. involucrate. Both substrates can be used to Acca sellowiana germination test at 25°C. The temperature of 25°C and alternating 20-30°C are indicated for Campomanesia xanthocarpa, as well as sand and paper roll substrates.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509821120As espécies brasileiras de Myrtaceae compreendem diversas plantas arbóreas e arbustivas que podem ser utilizadas na produção de frutos para consumo in natura ou para industrialização. Informações sobre avaliação da qualidade de sementes dessas espécies não estão bem definidas, principalmente as relacionadas à adequação do teste de germinação. Objetivou-se testar substratos e temperaturas para realização do teste de germinação em sementes de Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret. (goiaba-serrana), Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg (guabiroba), Eugenia involucrata DC. (cereja-do-mato) e Eugenia pyriformis Camb. (uvaia). Sementes, de diferentes procedências, foram submetidas ao teste de germinação em substratos areia e rolo de papel tipo germitest, umedecidos com água destilada, e nas temperaturas 15°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C e 20-30°C, sob luz constante, em germinadores tipo BOD.  O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições de 25 sementes/tratamento/lote/espécie, e as médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P < 0,01). O teste de germinação pode ser conduzido na temperatura de 25ºC e em substrato rolo de papel para Eugenia involucrata e Eugenia pyriformis. Ambos os substratos podem ser utilizados para o teste de germinação de Acca sellowiana, a 25ºC. A temperatura de 25ºC e alternância de 20-30ºC são indicadas para Campomanesia xanthocarpa, assim como, os substratos areia e rolo de papel

    Nonodontogenic cysts of the oral and maxillofacial region - demographic profile in a Brazilian population over a 40-year period

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    The aim of the study was to determine the distribution of histologically diagnosed nonodontogenic cysts (nOCs) over a 40-year period in a Brazilian population. Biopsy records from patients with nOC from the files of the Oral Pathology Service during the period of 1970–2009 were evaluated. Among 10,311 oral biopsies, 58 met the criteria of nOCs. The most frequent nOCs were nasopalatine duct cysts (32.8%), followed by epidermoid cysts (20.7%) and oral lymphoepithelial cysts (17.2%). Nasopalatine duct cysts showed predominance among females (68.4%). Epidermoid cysts were most commonly found in the floor of the mouth (36.4%), tongue (27.3%), and buccal mucosa (27.3%). Oral lymphoepithelial cysts exhibited female prevalence (80.0%) and were commonly located in the tongue (44.4%). The frequency of nOCs found in the population studied here is slightly different from those reported in other case series. Nasopalatine duct cysts, epidermoid cysts, and oral lymphoepithelial cysts were the most common nOCs found, accounting for 70.7% of all nOCs