700 research outputs found

    Adolescents on contemporaneity: Subjective unfolding about divestment on virtual

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender os desdobramentos do uso adolescente das redes sociais virtuais na contemporaneidade sob a ótica psicanalítica que considera a constituição dos adolescentes na/pela relação com o outro, pela via social, cultural e por meio de processos identificatórios. Para compreendermos essa relação, partimos do conceito de ideal como elemento norteador da cultura, que oferece referências sobre aquilo que deve ser almejado. Nossa hipótese, no entanto, é de que os ideais da contemporaneidade não têm cumprido a função de amparo e a promoção de laços sociais, tal como proposto por Freud (2010c [1930]), e têm lançado os adolescentes a uma busca por amparo na virtualidade, o que pode ser visto de forma privilegiada a partir do Facebook.Palavras-chave: adolescência, contemporaneidade, Facebook.This article aims to understand the ramifications of teenage use of virtual social networks in contemporary society by a psychoanalytic perspective that comprises the adolescence as a subject who is built on/by the relationship with the other, through a social and cultural via, as well as by identification processes. To understand the relationship between adolescents and culture, we have used the concept of ideal as the culture guiding principles which offer references about what shall be longed for. Our hypothesis, however, is that contemporaneity goals forged by society have not fulfilled their function of performing a sense of security and fostering social ties/bonds, social bonds like what was proposed by Freud (2010c [1930]). Instead, they have thrown them to seek for shelter through consumerism and virtuality, what can be watched on Facebook.Keywords: adolescence, contemporaneity, Facebook


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    The present article aims to relate the teaching of a foreign language in a public adult school. For doing so, we analyze both the educational documents and the teaching practice of students from a peripheral neighborhood public school, in the city of Araguaína-To. When focusing the school curriculum, the public of students enrolled is often identified as an economically vulnerable audience. Even with all difficulties faced from these students to acquire their High School certificates, we can say that throughout the term, the need to use a foreign language in the job market was developed by these students; they could see that learning can be a possibility of access to the world


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    As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis são consideradas o principal problema de saúde pública atualmente. A prática “hospitalocêntrica” não tem solucionado o problema satisfatoriamente, assim o modelo “tecnoassistencial” da saúde coletiva vem sendo proposto para tal. O modelo, composto por equipe multidisciplinar, conta com o profissional de educação física, que pode interferir positivamente para a prática de atividade física na população assistida pela “Estratégia de Saúde da Família”, com atuações tanto no tratamento alternativo e menos medicamentoso quanto na prevenção e na promoção da saúde, levando em consideração a realidade local e as características individuais. Assim, o objetivo destne estudo é abordar o papel do profissional de educação física no cenário da saúde coletiva, através de ações relacionadas à prevenção e promoção da saúde.Palavras-chave: Saúde coletiva. Profissional de educação física. Prevenção da saúde. Promoção da saúde

    Vulvar Lymphangiosarcoma in a Bitch

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    Background: Lymphangiosarcoma (LSA) is a rare, highly malignant and infiltrative neoplasm of the lymphatic endothelium of dogs and cats. It is mostly reported in medium to large breed dogs, over 5-year-old, with no sexual predisposition. Affected animals present fluctuating and diffuse swelling, covering both dermis and subcutaneous tissue, spreading through lymphatic and haematic vessels. Histologically, LSA is characterized by connected channels devoid of conspicuous haematic elements. Treatment depends on location of the neoplasm, staging, and possibility of curative surgical excision. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can increase survival time. In this report, we describe a rare case of vulvar LSA in a dog. This is the first Brazilian report of LSA in dogs so far.Case: A 3-year-old, female, mixed breed dog was presented for evaluation of vesicle-bullous lesions in the vulvar and perivulvar region with progressive growth along 6 month. Histopathology revealed neoplastic proliferation in the superficial dermis, advancing through the profound dermis. The histological lesion pattern was consistent with angiosarcoma, which united along with macroscopic pattern of the tumor, and the presence of multiple anastomosed vascular structures without erythrocytes within it at microscopy, was compatible with LSA. No evidence of metastasis or lymphadenopathy was found on survey radiography and ultrasound. We performed a surgical excision, and remaining wound was reconstructed with an advancement skin flap. Despite wide surgical resection, neoplastic cells could be found in surgical borders, as well as a metastatic inguinal lymph node. Postoperative chemotherapy based on doxorubicin as a single agent was administrated. Disease free interval (DFI) was one month after surgery, when small bullous lesions were observed near the surgical site, and histopathological exam confirmed LSA. Three months after the surgical procedure, the patient presented with worsening of the lesions, anorexia, and apathy. The owner opted for euthanasia. Total survival time was five months.Discussion: The LSA occurs often in dogs above five years old, unlike this case, in which the patient was 3 years old. Several anatomic locations were cited in other reports. In this case, the lesion was in both the vulvar and perivulvar regions, which is an uncommon location of LSA, described as secondarily affected region in one report only. Despite absence of metastasis in this case, lungs, kidneys, bone marrow, and spleen can be affected. Histopathologic exam is the golden standard for a definitive diagnose of LSA. Diagnosing LSA may be challenging due to its resemblance to hemangiosarcoma, and confirmation is only possible if histopathology detects an absence of red blood cells in the lymphatic channels. Prognosis is poor due to LSA aggressive and infiltrative features. Doxorubicin demonstrated good clinical response in other dogs. Chemotherapy protocols, whether alone or in combination with cyclophosphamide, have been proving to be promising in dogs with soft tissue sarcomas, such as LSA. Surgical approach is the most appropriate and it may be associated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, especially if complete resection of the tumor is not possible. In this report, even though it was a young animal, the location and extension of the lesion did not contribute to the good prognosis, even after adding adjuvant chemotherapy to the treatment

    Prospective scenarios analysis Impact on demand for oil and its derivatives after the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Goal: This paper aims to illustrate one of the strategies found in the literature to deal with uncertainties: prospecting scenarios in the demand for oil derivatives after the COVID-19 pandemic (identifying the desirable scenario, the undesirable and the trend, at a national level in the Brazilian market) and proposing a corresponding strategy plan for each prospection in order to minimize the resumption impacts. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study was carried out with relevant indicators of the oil and gas industry (downstream). Commercialization data (from 2017 to 2020) were compared in order to verify the pandemic impacts. After collecting the data, we used the Momentum approach to prospect the scenarios, suggesting a strategic action plan for each prospection. Results: The results reveal that, regardless the post-pandemic scenario that we will encounter, the industries belonging to the oil and gas sector will have to define strategies and implement solid action plans to remain competitive in the market. It was also possible to note that the action plan for the desirable and trend scenario has synergy. Limitations of the investigation: The results obtained in this research refer only to the Brazilian scenario, more specifically to the downstream sector of the oil and gas industry and may differ from other sectors or regions. Practical implications: This research provides ways for oil and gas companies to be prepared for the post-pandemic future, thus remaining competitive in the market. In addition, as a result of applying the Momentum method, it is possible to see how the sector's indicators relate to each other through the cross-impact matrix. Originality / Value: This is an unprecedented study that allows the downstream oil and gas companies to be better prepared to the post-COVID-19 scenario. It adds value not only to the oil and gas industry but also to other industries, since it is possible to replicate the method presented here in other contexts with different databases


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    Formaldehyde is used in some cosmetic formulations, but according to ANVISA it can only be used as a preservative agent with a maximum limit of 0.2% and as a nail hardener with a limit of 5%. Although ANVISA determines the maximum allowable limit of formaldehyde, some product brands mask the characteristic odor of formaldehyde. The present study analyzed three brands of hair straighteners and dyes using the spectrophotometry method. Where evidenced the presence of formaldehyde in all samples, thus resulting in values ranging from 1.6% to 7% concentration above that allowed by ANVISA (2013). Hair strands have a pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.5. Samples A5 and A6 were compatible with the physiological characteristics of hair not affecting the internal structure of the hair, while samples A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6 and B7 had pH out of range. which can cause damage to the hair structure. None of the samples analyzed could smell formaldehyde. Thus there is a need for greater monitoring and surveillance around cosmetic products, especially hair dyes that have resulted in very high concentrations of formaldehyde that has a high toxicity and causes immediate or long-term harmful symptoms to human health.O Formaldeído é usado em algumas formulações de produtos cosméticos, mas segundo a ANVISA, somente pode ser utilizado como agente conservante com limite máximo de 0,2 % e como endurecedor de unha com limite de 5%. Apesar da ANVISA determinar o limite máximo permitido de formaldeído, algumas marcas de produtos fazem o mascaramento do odor característico do formaldeído. O presente estudo analisou três marcas de alisantes e tinturas capilares através do método de espectrofotometria. Onde evidenciou a presença de formaldeído em todas as amostras, resultando dessa maneira em valores que variam de 1,6% a 7% de concentração acima do permitido pela ANVISA (2013). Os fios de cabelo possui um pH que varia de 4,5 a 5,5. As amostras A5 e A6 foram compatíveis com as características fisiológicas do cabelo não agredindo a estrutura interna do fio, enquanto as amostras A1, A2, A3, A4, B1,B2, B3, B4,B6 e B7 estavam com o pH fora da faixa o que pode causar danificação da estrutura do fio de cabelo. Nenhuma das amostras analisadas foi possível sentir o odor do formaldeído. Dessa maneira existe uma necessidade de um maior acompanhamento e vigilância a cerca dos produtos cosméticos, principalmente as tintas capilares que resultaram em concentrações elevadíssimas de formaldeído que possui uma alta toxicidade e causas sintomas prejudicais de imediato ou em longo prazo a saúde humana


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    O artigo tem por finalidade analisar as normas e os instrumentos de efetivação do direito à convivência familiar e comunitária previsto no artigo 227 da Constituição Federal e nos artigos 4º e 19 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, diante da situação dos infantes que se encontram sob a tutela do Estado mediante o acolhimento institucional e desprovidos de convivência familiar e comunitária. Realiza um recorte metodológico a partir da criação da política pública de acolhimento familiar, editada como mecanismo que visa sanar a flagrante violação direitos. O estudo apresenta como hipótese um exame crítico da política pública, com o escopo de perquirir a sua efetividade e, para tanto, evidencia a motivação de sua criação, assim como os níveis de implementação na realidade social brasileira, com ênfase no Estado do Paraná e desvela, enquanto problemática, a fragilidade de sua efetividade, na hipótese de não serem dispendidos os desígnios necessários para o alcance de sua finalidade, acarretando na manutenção da ofensa dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes, vulneráveis e que se encontram em peculiar fase de desenvolvimento. Ao final, apresenta como nova hipótese para solução do impasse verificado, a movimentação do terceiro setor na condição de agente facilitador da implementação e efetividade da política, com fito de assegurar a dignidade desse grupo de pessoas incapazes. A pesquisa utilizará o método de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo, pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão legislativa

    Prática de futsal entre adolescentes no ensino médio: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Introdução: a motivação tem influência direta na manutenção da prática esportiva. Através dela é possível verificar o que leva um indivíduo a realizar determinada atividade física. Objetivo: analisar qual a motivação dos alunos para a prática de futsal nas escolas. Materiais e Métodos: a coleta de dados foi realizada nas principais bases de dados utilizando os descritores: futsal; escola; motivação e Educação Física, agrupados pelo modulador boleano ¨and¨. A seleção dos artigos foi criteriosa e a separação dos mesmos para utilização neste estudo foi com base em parâmetros como: cientificidade das fontes e prazo de publicação entre os anos 2012 e 2022. Desta forma foi possível localizar e apresentar resultados atuais e relevantes para a comunidade acadêmica.  Resultados: ao final foram selecionados oito artigos, no qual demonstraram que os pontos de maior destaque para a prática esportiva entre os alunos são para aprender novos esportes, desenvolver habilidades e para manutenção da boa saúde. Conclusão: foi possível depreender que houve um grande interesse dos alunos na prática de futsal na escola, desta forma, cabe aos professores desenvolverem aulas que incentivem e mantenham os alunos nesta prática esportiva

    Total lipids, fatty acid composition, total cholesterol and lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins in the longissimus lumborum muscle of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) from different production systems of the Brazilian Eastern Amazon

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyThe aim of this study was to analyze the influence of distinct production systems and seasonal variation in the Brazilian Eastern Amazon on the meat lipid composition of water buffaloes. Water buffaloes were reared in commercial farms in the Eastern Amazon either in extensive systems (Marajó Island, Nova Timboteua and Santarém locations), during rainy or dry seasons, or intensive (feedlot) systems. Animals reared in extensive systems were fed natural pastures, and those reared in feedlots were fed sorghum silage and commercial pellets. Buffaloes were slaughtered and ribeye muscle (longissimus lumborum) samples collected. Lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins and fatty acids were analyzed. The nutritional value of meat from buffaloes reared in Marajó Island extensive system during the rainy season was higher than that of other systems, as it had lower levels of cholesterol and higher amounts of α-tocopherol associated with higher hypocholesterolaemic/hypercholesterolaemic ratio and lower index of atherogenic. Also, this meat had lower percentages of saturated fatty acids and higher proportions of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly n-3 PUFA, with increased PUFA/saturated fatty acids ratio and decreased n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio. However, all extensive systems produced meat with a relatively low index of thrombogenicity values, which is advantageous for human healthinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este trabalho visa contribuir matematicamente no discernimento e raciocínio lógico de alunos do Ensino Médio. Aprimorando seu olhar sobre as mais variadas situações cotidianas que têm interferência significativa desse componente em suas estruturas, para este fim é proposta uma oficina denominada “Loteria: desvendando seus mistérios matemáticos”. Esta por sua vez faz uso do estudo dos jogos de loteria (Quina e Mega-Sena), oferecidos pela Caixa Econômica Federal, como instrumento para introduzir os conteúdos de Análise Combinatória e Probabilidade. De maneira a promover um melhor ensino e aprendizado de ambos, visto que a utilização de práticas pedagógicas e metodologias não-tradicionais podem viabilizar para esse processo