883 research outputs found

    Non-verbal sound processing in the primary progressive aphasias

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    Little is known about the processing of non-verbal sounds in the primary progressive aphasias. Here, we investigated the processing of complex non-verbal sounds in detail, in a consecutive series of 20 patients with primary progressive aphasia [12 with progressive non-fluent aphasia; eight with semantic dementia]. We designed a novel experimental neuropsychological battery to probe complex sound processing at early perceptual, apperceptive and semantic levels, using within-modality response procedures that minimized other cognitive demands and matching tests in the visual modality. Patients with primary progressive aphasia had deficits of non-verbal sound analysis compared with healthy age-matched individuals. Deficits of auditory early perceptual analysis were more common in progressive non-fluent aphasia, deficits of apperceptive processing occurred in both progressive non-fluent aphasia and semantic dementia, and deficits of semantic processing also occurred in both syndromes, but were relatively modality specific in progressive non-fluent aphasia and part of a more severe generic semantic deficit in semantic dementia. Patients with progressive non-fluent aphasia were more likely to show severe auditory than visual deficits as compared to patients with semantic dementia. These findings argue for the existence of core disorders of complex non-verbal sound perception and recognition in primary progressive aphasia and specific disorders at perceptual and semantic levels of cortical auditory processing in progressive non-fluent aphasia and semantic dementia, respectively

    Local Anisotropy of Fluids using Minkowski Tensors

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    Statistics of the free volume available to individual particles have previously been studied for simple and complex fluids, granular matter, amorphous solids, and structural glasses. Minkowski tensors provide a set of shape measures that are based on strong mathematical theorems and easily computed for polygonal and polyhedral bodies such as free volume cells (Voronoi cells). They characterize the local structure beyond the two-point correlation function and are suitable to define indices 0βνa,b10\leq \beta_\nu^{a,b}\leq 1 of local anisotropy. Here, we analyze the statistics of Minkowski tensors for configurations of simple liquid models, including the ideal gas (Poisson point process), the hard disks and hard spheres ensemble, and the Lennard-Jones fluid. We show that Minkowski tensors provide a robust characterization of local anisotropy, which ranges from βνa,b0.3\beta_\nu^{a,b}\approx 0.3 for vapor phases to βνa,b1\beta_\nu^{a,b}\to 1 for ordered solids. We find that for fluids, local anisotropy decreases monotonously with increasing free volume and randomness of particle positions. Furthermore, the local anisotropy indices βνa,b\beta_\nu^{a,b} are sensitive to structural transitions in these simple fluids, as has been previously shown in granular systems for the transition from loose to jammed bead packs

    Nonmonotonic Decay of Nonequilibrium Polariton Condensate in Direct-Gap Semiconductors

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    Time evolution of a nonequilibrium polariton condensate has been studied in the framework of a microscopic approach. It has been shown that due to polariton-polariton scattering a significant condensate depletion takes place in a comparatively short time interval. The condensate decay occurs in the form of multiple echo signals. Distribution-function dynamics of noncondensate polaritons have been investigated. It has been shown that at the initial stage of evolution the distribution function has the form of a bell. Then oscillations arise in the contour of the distribution function, which further transform into small chaotic ripples. The appearance of a short-wavelength wing of the distribution function has been demonstrated. We have pointed out the enhancement and then partial extinction of the sharp extra peak arising within the time interval characterized by small values of polariton condensate density and its relatively slow changes.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX 2.09; in press in PR

    Modeling the effects of litter stoichiometry and soil mineral N availability on soil organic matter formation using CENTURY-CUE (v1.0)

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    Microbial decomposition of plant litter is a crucial process for the land carbon (C) cycle, as it directly controls the partitioning of litter C between CO2 released to the atmosphere versus the formation of new soil organic matter (SOM). Land surface models used to study the C cycle rarely considered flexibility in the decomposer C use efficiency (CUEd) defined by the fraction of decomposed litter C that is retained as SOM (as opposed to be respired). In this study, we adapted a conceptual formulation of CUEd based on assumption that litter decomposers optimally adjust their CUEd as a function of litter substrate C to nitrogen (N) stoichiometry to maximize their growth rates. This formulation was incorporated into the widely used CENTURY soil biogeochemical model and evaluated based on data from laboratory litter incubation experiments. Results indicated that the CENTURY model with new CUEd formulation was able to reproduce differences in respiration rate of litter with contrasting C&thinsp;:&thinsp;N ratios and under different levels of mineral N availability, whereas the default model with fixed CUEd could not. Using the model with flexible CUEd, we also illustrated that litter quality affected the long-term SOM formation. Litter with a small C&thinsp;:&thinsp;N ratio tended to form a larger SOM pool than litter with larger C&thinsp;:&thinsp;N ratios, as it could be more efficiently incorporated into SOM by microorganisms. This study provided a simple but effective formulation to quantify the effect of varying litter quality (N content) on SOM formation across temporal scales. Optimality theory appears to be suitable to predict complex processes of litter decomposition into soil C and to quantify how plant residues and manure can be harnessed to improve soil C sequestration for climate mitigation.</p

    Momentum-resolved superconducting gap in the bulk of Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_{x}Fe2_2As2_2 from combined ARPES and μ\muSR measurements

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    Here we present a calculation of the temperature-dependent London penetration depth, λ(T)\lambda(T), in Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_{x}Fe2_2As2_2 (BKFA) on the basis of the electronic band structure [1,2] and momentum-dependent superconducting gap [3] extracted from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data. The results are compared to the direct measurements of λ(T)\lambda(T) by muon spin rotation (μ\muSR) [4]. The value of λ(T=0)\lambda(T=0), calculated with \emph{no} adjustable parameters, equals 270 nm, while the directly measured one is 320 nm; the temperature dependence λ(T)\lambda(T) is also easily reproduced. Such agreement between the two completely different approaches allows us to conclude that ARPES studies of BKFA are bulk-representative. Our review of the available experimental studies of the superconducting gap in the new iron-based superconductors in general allows us to state that all hole-doped of them bear two nearly isotropic gaps with coupling constants 2Δ/kBTc=2.5±1.52\Delta/k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c}=2.5\pm1.5 and 7±27\pm2

    Size Dependence of Current Spin Polarization Through Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanocontacts

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    The spin polarization P of the transport current through the interface between superconducting Al and ferromagnetic Fe is determined by means of Andreev reflection at nanostructured point contacts. We observe a systematic decrease of P with decreasing contact resistance. Our data provide evidence for the reduction of P by spin-orbit scattering and thus establish a link between density-of-states and transport spin polarizations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let