52 research outputs found

    Usługi elektroniczne oferowane przez biblioteki

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    The rapid development of information and communication technologies in the last 20 years contributed to the globalisation of the market and raised the level of competition. This transformation had a huge impact on the public institutions, including libraries, which have increased its range of services using new ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) tools. The article discusses the library electronic services and the issues related to their use in the activities of the library, and the opportunities and threats posed to these institutions.Gwałtowny rozwój technologii teleinformatycznych w ostatnich 20 latach przyczynił się do globalizacji rynku i podniósł poziom konkurencji. Przemiany, jakie się dokonały, wywarły też ogromny wpływ na instytucje publiczne, w tym na biblioteki, które poszerzyły swoją ofertę o usługi świadczone za pomocą nowych narzędzi ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). W artykule omówiono biblioteczne usługi elektroniczne oraz podjęto zagadnienia związane z ich wykorzystaniem w działalności bibliotek oraz z szansami i zagrożeniami, jakie niosą dla tych instytucji

    Chemical composition of soil and vegetation of large petrochemical complex of Tobolsk

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    For the study, sites were selected that were located in the immediate vicinity of the construction site of a large petrochemical complex. The chemical composition of the total phytomass of monitoring sites was determined. The accumulation range, the most accumulated heavy metals and trace elements, varied within the limits: Zn (0,88-5,45); Cd (0.10-0.13); Co (0.20-0.18); Pb (0.42-0.52); Cr (0.14-1.48); Ni (1.72-5.19) mg / kg. The biogenic and salt compositions of the soil were studied. It was revealed that the soils of the plots are nonsaline, slightly acidic, biogenic elements are concentrated in the upper horizons

    Conciencia social y ahorro de agua doméstica según las diferentes tipologías urbanas

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    España casi ha agotado las posibilidades de aprovechamiento sostenible de su potencial hídrico. Esta circunstancia, unida a los efectos negativos que tendrá el cambio climático, conducirá un déficit creciente e inevitable de agua de fácil acceso. Entre las actuaciones obligadas para enfrentar esta situación en el futuro, está la reducción de los consumos, medida que no depende solo de la disponibilidad de medios técnicos e infraestructuras adecuadas, sino, y en un alto grado, de una conciencia social de ahorro globalizada que haga posible la introducción y uso efectivo de estas tecnologías. La investigación, cuyos resultados se exponen en este informe, se ha desarrollado sobre el impacto de la conciencia social de ahorro sobre las tasas de consumo domestico de agua, según las diferentes tipologías edificatorias.Espanya quasi ha esgotat les possibilitats d‟aprofitament sostenible del seu potencial hídric. Aquesta circumstància, unida als efectes negatius que tindrà el canvi climàtic, conduirà a un dèficit creixent i inevitable d‟aigua de fàcil accés. Entre les actuacions obligades per fer front a aquesta situació en un futur, està la reducció dels consums, que no depèn només de la disponibilitat dels mitjans tècnics i infraestructures adequades, sinó, i en un alt grau, d‟una consciència social d‟estalvi globalitzada que faci possible la introducció i ús efectiu d‟aquestes tecnologies. La investigació, els resultats de la qual s‟exposen en aquest informe, s‟ha desenvolupat sobre l‟ impacte de la consciència social d‟estalvi sobre les taxes de consum domèstic d‟aigua, segons les diferents tipologies edificatòries.Spain has almost exhausted the possibilities of sustainable use of its water potential. This, coupled with the negative effects climate change will have, will lead to a growing and inevitable deficit of easy access to water. Among the actions required to address this future situation is a reduction in consumption, as it depends not only on the availability of technical resources and adequate infrastructure, but also a high degree of social awareness. This awareness leads to global savings that facilitate the introduction and effective use of new cleaner technologies. The study, whose results are presented in this report, is done on the impact of social consciousness of saving on the rate of domestic water consumption in various types of buildings

    Polskie czasopisma bibliotekarskie w otwartym dostępie

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    In the world of science there are trends related to opening access to scientific content. This trend also applies to librarian magazines, which are also available in Open Access versions. The content of publications in journals related to scientific information and library science is available in digital libraries, repositories, and Open Journal Systems (OJS). The purpose of the analysis is to show the situation of the Polish magazine dedicated to librarians in the context of trends related to common functions for the full texts of articles published in search periodicals. The study covered magazines in the field of library and scientific information registered in the Ariant database.W świecie nauki obserwuje się trend związany z otwieraniem dostępu do treści naukowych. Ta tendencja dotyczy również czasopism bibliotekarskich, które mogą być przykładem wdrażania polityki Open Access. Treść publikacji dostępnych w periodykach związanych z informacją naukową i bibliotekoznawstwem jest udostępniana w bibliotekach cyfrowych, repozytoriach i platformach otwartych czasopism (Open Journal Systems – OJS). Celem przeprowadzonej analizy jest pokazanie sytuacji polskich czasopism bibliotekarskich w kontekście trendów, związanych z otwartym dostępem do pełnych tekstów artykułów zamieszczanych w periodykach naukowych. Badaniem objęto czasopisma z dziedziny bibliotekoznawstwo i informacja naukowa, zarejestrowane w bazie Arianta

    Architektura bibiotek akademickich - od czasów starożytnych po czasy współczesne

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    Nil sine magno labore dedit mortalibus vita — life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work. The history of libraries is so long as the story of the written word. Over the course of many centuries of existence they have undergone continuous changes and their architecture changed, reflecting current themes and trends in construction. The article is therefore an attempt to draw up relevant changes that have taken place within many centuries in the library building construction until today.Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mortalibus — aby osiągnąć najwyższą jakość przyszłych budow­li, trzeba wielkiego wysiłku twórców. Historia bibliotek jest tak długa jak historia pisma. W ciągu wielu wieków ist­nienia ulegały one ciągłym przeobrażeniom, a ich architektura zmieniała się, odzwierciedlając aktualne nurty i trendy budownictwa. Artykuł jest więc próbą nakreślenia istotnych zmiany, jakie zaszły w przeciągu wielu wieków w budownictwie bibliotecznym, aż po czasy nam współczesne

    Clínqueres Pórtland Belíticos. Síntesis y Análisis Mineralógico

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    [EN] The quaternary system CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 has been taken into account to design five compositions of belite Portland clinkers with belite (Ca2SiO4) contents ranging from 60 to 65 wt%, located in its primary phase field of crystallization. The synthesis of these belite clinkers has been studied by high temperature microscopy, dilatometry, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. As a result, the optimum clinkerization temperature has been established at 1360 ± 5ºC. The quantitative phase analyses of the clinkers were carried out by X-ray powder diffraction with the Rietveld methodology. The mineralogical composition depends on the initial dosages, on the highest temperature achieved and on the time of residence at this temperature. The reaction was completed at 1365ºC during 15 min (free CaO <0.5 wt%), in those conditions the β-belite form is stabilized and the harmful transformation β→γ is avoided.[ES] Teniendo en cuenta el sistema cuaternario CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3, se han diseñado cinco composiciones de clínqueres Pórtland belíticos, con contenidos del 60 y del 65% en peso de belita (Ca2SiO4), situadas en su campo primario de cristalización. La síntesis de estos clínqueres belíticos se ha estudiado “in situ” por microscopía de alta temperatura, dilatometría y análisis térmico diferencial y termogravimétrico. La temperatura óptima de clinquerización, determinada con estas técnicas, ha sido de 1360 ± 5ºC. Los análisis cuantitativos de los clínqueres se llevaron a cabo por difracción de rayos-X con la metodología Rietveld. Los porcentajes de las diferentes fases dependen de las dosificaciones iniciales, de la temperatura alcanzada y del tiempo de residencia a dicha temperatura. Se ha conseguido una reacción total (%CaO libre < 0.5% en peso) tratando a 1365ºC durante 15 min, en cuyas condiciones se estabiliza la forma β de la belita y se evita la transformación perjudicial β→γ.Peer reviewe

    Uterine Dysfunction in Biglycan and Decorin Deficient Mice Leads to Dystocia during Parturition

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    Cesarean birth rates are rising. Uterine dysfunction, the exact mechanism of which is unknown, is a common indication for Cesarean delivery. Biglycan and decorin are two small leucine-rich proteoglycans expressed in the extracellular matrix of reproductive tissues and muscle. Mice deficient in biglycan display a mild muscular dystrophy, and, along with mice deficient in decorin, are models of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue anomaly associated with uterine rupture. As a variant of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is caused by a genetic mutation resulting in abnormal biglycan and decorin secretion, we hypothesized that biglycan and decorin play a role in uterine function. Thus, we assessed wild-type, biglycan, decorin and double knockout pregnancies for timing of birth and uterine function. Uteri were harvested at embryonic days 12, 15 and 18. Nonpregnant uterine samples of the same genotypes were assessed for tissue failure rate and spontaneous and oxytocin-induced contractility. We discovered that biglycan/decorin mixed double-knockout dams displayed dystocia, were at increased risk of delayed labor onset, and showed increased tissue failure in a predominantly decorin-dependent manner. In vitro spontaneous uterine contractile amplitude and oxytocin-induced contractile force were decreased in all biglycan and decorin knockout genotypes compared to wild-type. Notably, we found no significant compensation between biglycan and decorin using quantitative real time PCR or immunohistochemistry. We conclude that the biglycan/decorin mixed double knockout mouse is a model of dystocia and delayed labor onset. Moreover, decorin is necessary for uterine function in a dose-dependent manner, while biglycan exhibits partial compensatory mechanisms in vivo. Thus, this model is poised for use as a model for testing novel targets for preventive or therapeutic manipulation of uterine dysfunction

    Mosaic structural variation in children with developmental disorders

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    Delineating the genetic causes of developmental disorders is an area of active investigation. Mosaic structural abnormalities, defined as copy number or loss of heterozygosity events that are large and present in only a subset of cells, have been detected in 0.2–1.0% of children ascertained for clinical genetic testing. However, the frequency among healthy children in the community is not well characterized, which, if known, could inform better interpretation of the pathogenic burden of this mutational category in children with developmental disorders. In a case–control analysis, we compared the rate of large-scale mosaicism between 1303 children with developmental disorders and 5094 children lacking developmental disorders, using an analytical pipeline we developed, and identified a substantial enrichment in cases (odds ratio = 39.4, P-value 1.073e − 6). A meta-analysis that included frequency estimates among an additional 7000 children with congenital diseases yielded an even stronger statistical enrichment (P-value 1.784e − 11). In addition, to maximize the detection of low-clonality events in probands, we applied a trio-based mosaic detection algorithm, which detected two additional events in probands, including an individual with genome-wide suspected chimerism. In total, we detected 12 structural mosaic abnormalities among 1303 children (0.9%). Given the burden of mosaicism detected in cases, we suspected that many of the events detected in probands were pathogenic. Scrutiny of the genotypic–phenotypic relationship of each detected variant assessed that the majority of events are very likely pathogenic. This work quantifies the burden of structural mosaicism as a cause of developmental disorders

    Expert consensus document: Clinical and molecular diagnosis, screening and management of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: an international consensus statement.

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    Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), a human genomic imprinting disorder, is characterized by phenotypic variability that might include overgrowth, macroglossia, abdominal wall defects, neonatal hypoglycaemia, lateralized overgrowth and predisposition to embryonal tumours. Delineation of the molecular defects within the imprinted 11p15.5 region can predict familial recurrence risks and the risk (and type) of embryonal tumour. Despite recent advances in knowledge, there is marked heterogeneity in clinical diagnostic criteria and care. As detailed in this Consensus Statement, an international consensus group agreed upon 72 recommendations for the clinical and molecular diagnosis and management of BWS, including comprehensive protocols for the molecular investigation, care and treatment of patients from the prenatal period to adulthood. The consensus recommendations apply to patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann spectrum (BWSp), covering classical BWS without a molecular diagnosis and BWS-related phenotypes with an 11p15.5 molecular anomaly. Although the consensus group recommends a tumour surveillance programme targeted by molecular subgroups, surveillance might differ according to the local health-care system (for example, in the United States), and the results of targeted and universal surveillance should be evaluated prospectively. International collaboration, including a prospective audit of the results of implementing these consensus recommendations, is required to expand the evidence base for the design of optimum care pathways