65 research outputs found

    Original Conductive Nano-Co3O4 Investigated as Electrode Material for Hybrid Supercapacitors

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    Cobalt oxides have been extensively used as conductive additives for Ni-MH batteries. We report in this paper the performances of an original nanometric cobalt oxide, close to Co3O4, as electrode material for hybrid supercapacitors. This spinel type phase contains hydrogen, lithium, cobalt vacancies, and especially Co4ĂŸ ions within the structure, leading to a high electronic conductivity. Cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy measurements show interesting capacitance (320 F/g in 8M-KOH), as well as good electrochemical cycling with a small amount of carbon black (5%)

    Electrodes pour supercondensateurs Ă  base d'oxydes de cobalt conducteurs

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    Les travaux de recherche actuels menĂ©s dans le domaine des supercondensateurs s orientent vers l augmentation des densitĂ©s d Ă©nergie, notamment via le dĂ©veloppement de supercondensateurs hybrides "oxydes de mĂ©taux de transition / carbones activĂ©s". Dans ce contexte, les prĂ©sents travaux avaient pour objectif d Ă©valuer les propriĂ©tĂ©s d oxydes de cobalt nanomĂ©triques en tant que matĂ©riaux d Ă©lectrode positive pour supercondensateur hybride.Ces oxydes de cobalt, de structure spinelle, sont prĂ©parĂ©s par prĂ©cipitation de nitrate de cobalt en milieu basique (T < 90 C). Ils possĂšdent une formule chimique du type HxLiyCo3- O4 zH2O et prĂ©sentent une bonne conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence d ions H+, Li+ et Co4+. Les analyses par DRX, ATG, RMN et les mesures de conductivitĂ© Ă©lectroniques ont mis en Ă©vidence une rĂ©organisation de la structure spinelle de ces matĂ©riaux sous l effet d un traitement thermique, conduisant Ă  une augmentation du rapport Co4+/Co3+ ainsi qu Ă  une amĂ©lioration des propriĂ©tĂ©s de transport Ă©lectrique. L association d une conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique Ă©levĂ©e et d une forte surface spĂ©cifique confĂšre Ă  ces oxydes des performances prometteuses en tant que matĂ©riaux d Ă©lectrode.L Ă©tude des propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lectrochimiques a montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de deux modes de stockage des charges, l un Ă©lectrostatique (double couche Ă©lectrochimique) et l autre faradique via l oxydation et la rĂ©duction du cobalt. Elle a Ă©galement permis de dĂ©terminer la signature Ă©lectrochimique de ces oxydes (capacitĂ©, fenĂȘtre de potentiels), prĂ©requis indispensable Ă  leur intĂ©gration dans une cellule complĂšte. Finalement, un supercondensateur hybride "oxyde de cobalt / carbone activĂ©" a Ă©tĂ© assemblĂ© et Ă©quilibrĂ©, donnant lieu Ă  des performances attractives (61,6 F/g sur 1,60 V).Investigations on supercapacitors are focusing on increasing energy densities, in particular with the development of hybrid supercapacitors "metal oxides / activated carbons". In this field, the present work aims at evaluating nanometric cobalt oxides as positive electrode material for hybrid supercapacitors.These oxides, with spinel structure, are synthesized by precipitation of cobalt nitrate in a basic medium (T < 90 C). They exhibit formulae such as HxLiyCo3- O4 zH2O and good electronic properties thanks to the presence of H+, Li+ and Co4+ ions. XRD, TGA, NMR analysis as well as electronic measurements have highlighted a structural reorganization of the spinel structure under thermal treatment, resulting in increase of the Co4+/Co3+ ratio and an enhancement of the electronic transport properties. The high electronic conductivity together with a huge specific surface area imparts these oxides promising performances as electrode material.The study of the electrochemical properties underlines two charge storage mechanisms, one electrostatic (electrochemical double layer) and the other one faradic through the oxidation and the reduction of cobalt. The electrochemical signature (capacity, potential window) of these oxides was also determined in order to develop a complete cell. Finally, a hybrid supercapacitor "cobalt oxide / activated carbon" was assembled and balanced, revealing attractive performances (61,6 F/g over 1,60 V).BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A numerical tool to integrate biophysical diversity of a large regulated river: hydrobiogeochemical bases. The case of the Garonne River (France)

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    This article presents the bases of a hydrobiogeochemical model of the Garonne River (southwest France) which has been developed to integrate physical and biological processes during summer low-water periods. The physical part of this model is composed of a one-dimensional unsteady hydrodynamic model, allowing the resolution of the Saint-Venant equations, and a transport model which simulates downstream changes in solute concentrations. Biogeochemical processes are considered through the definition of functional compartments which make up the channel bed. These different compartments are defined both by the organisms involved in the solute transformation processes and by the physical and hydraulic characteristics of their habitat. Integration of these functional compartments within the model required investigations at different scales. The scale at which biological processes take place ranges from millimetres to metres. The scale of a reach, at which organization of the functional compartments along the river can be linked to hydrodynamic and morphological characteristics, ranges from 500 m to several kilometres. The regional scale is that at which homogeneous reaches can be integrated. A feedback between numerical results and field experiments has allowed improvements to in situ measurement to increase modelling accuracy. For example, the model allows estimation of variables, such as fluxes, that are difficult to measure in situ. The developed model can integrate various functional compartments and their biogeochemical functioning. Two application examples, focused on dissolved inorganic nitrogen, are presented in order to illustrate the numerical tool functioning: integration of equations on nitrification processes in the water body, and integration of consumption/production terms on epilithic biofilm resulting from in situ experimental mean values. The model we have developed constitutes a promising analytical tool that will be able to integrate previous and future studies

    Epilithic biomass in a large gravel-bed river (the Garonne, France): a manifestation of eutrophication?

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    In order to evaluate the impact of outputs of the city of Toulouse (740 000 inhabitants) on the epilithic communities colonizing pebble banks in the river Garonne, a large gravel-bed river (eighth order), dry mass (DM), ash-free dry mass (AFDM) and chlorophyll-a (chla) epilithic biomass per unit area were measured and autotrophic index (AI) (i.e. ratio AFDM/chla) was calculated at four stations. This river is morphologically characterized by a succession of pools and riffles and by highly fluctuating hydraulic conditions. At the four stations studied (223 km apart), the means of AFDM values varied between 17.1 and 31.1 g m−2 of colonized surface and the chla concentration varied between 112 and 254 mg m−2. However, there were no significant differences in AFDM per unit area between the parts of the river upstream and downstream of the Toulouse area (Mann–Whitney U-test statistic), nor between the four stations (Kruskal–Wallis test statistic), and the AI did not allow the description of changes in periphyton communities between sampling locations. This study showed that epilithic biomass should be considered as the typical microbial community of the river rather than as a manifestation of eutrophication

    Effect of near‐bed turbulence on chronic detachment of epilithic biofilm: Experimental and modeling approaches.

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    The biomass dynamics of epilithic biofilm, a collective term for a complex microorganism community that grows on gravel bed rivers, was investigated by coupling experimental and numerical approaches focusing on epilithic biofilm‐flow interactions. The experiment was conducted during 65 days in an artificial rough open‐channel flow, where filtered river water circulated at a constant discharge. To characterize the effect of near‐bed turbulence on the chronic detachment process in the dynamics of epilithic biofilm, local hydrodynamic conditions were measured by laser Doppler anemometry and turbulent boundary layer parameters inferred from double‐averaged quantities. Numerical simulations of the EB biomass dynamics were performed using three different models of chronic detachment based upon three different descriptors for the flow conditions: Discharge Q, friction velocity u*, and roughness Reynolds number k+. Comparisons of numerical simulation results with experimental data revealed chronic detachment to be better simulated by taking the roughness Reynolds number as the external physical variable forcing chronic detachment. Indeed, the loss of epilithic matter through the chronic detachment process is related not only to hydrodynamic conditions, but also to change in bottom roughness. This suggests that changes in the behavior and dimensions of river bed roughness must be considered when checking the dynamics of epilithic biofilm in running waters

    High power density aqueous hybrid supercapacitor combining activated carbon and highly conductive spinel cobalt oxide

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    The remarkable electrochemical behavior of complete activated carbon/cobalt oxide cells is reported in the present work. Among the various weight ratios between the positive and negative electrodes evaluated, the best features are obtained with an overcapacitive cobalt oxide electrode. The energy densities obtained by this system (20 Wh kg−1 for a power density of 209 W kg−1) are twice higher than those measured for a activated carbon/activated carbon symmetric cell, in the same operating conditions. With discharge capacities around 62 F g−1, this system is among the best ones reported in the literature for this category

    Etude des effets combinĂ©s de l'azote et de la tempĂ©rature sur la synthĂšse des arĂŽmes en fermentation Ɠnologique

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    Today, the demand is oriented towards wines with fruity and floral sensory profiles. In order to meet consumer expectations, it is necessary to develop strategies to control the winemaking process to obtain the desired organoleptic properties. The general objective of this work is therefore to study the individual and combined effects of two key fermentation parameters on yeast metabolism and fermentation aroma synthesis: nitrogen and temperature. The first part of this thesis was devoted to studying the impact of the nitrogen addition timing during fermentation on the synthesis of aroma compounds by the yeast. In this sense, a study combining statistical modeling and analysis of the expression of genes involved in the aroma synthesis by yeast allowed us to determine the optimal timing of the nitrogen addition nitrogen during fermentation in order to maximize the content of positive aromas (mainly acetate esters). Then, an evaluation of the combined effects of nitrogen and temperature on yeast metabolism was carried out thanks to an online monitoring tool for fermentative aromas. An ideal synthesis temperature was identified for each compound monitored. Finally, the examination of the impact of nitrogen addition and temperature on fermentation and aroma kinetics for fermentation control was extended to the study of anisothermal temperature profiles. Profiles including a decrease in temperature were identified as the most favorable for the synthesis and accumulation of ethyl esters in the liquid.Aujourd'hui, la demande est orientĂ©e vers des vins disposant de profils sensoriels fruitĂ©s et floraux. Afin d'ĂȘtre en adĂ©quation avec les attentes des consommateurs, il est nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies de contrĂŽle du procĂ©dĂ© de vinification pour obtenir les propriĂ©tĂ©s organoleptiques souhaitĂ©es. L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de ce travail est donc d'Ă©tudier les effets individuels et combinĂ©s de deux paramĂštres clĂ©s de la fermentation sur le mĂ©tabolisme de la levure et la synthĂšse des arĂŽmes fermentaires : l'azote et la tempĂ©rature. La premiĂšre partie de ce travail de thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©tude de l'impact du timing d'ajout d'azote en cours de fermentation sur la synthĂšse des composĂ©s d'arĂŽme par la levure. En ce sens, une Ă©tude mĂ©langeant modĂ©lisation statistique et analyse de l'expression des gĂšnes notamment impliquĂ©s dans la synthĂšse des arĂŽmes par la levure a permis de dĂ©terminer le timing optimal de l'ajout d'azote en cours de fermentation pour maximiser la teneur en arĂŽmes positifs (principalement les esters d'acĂ©tate). Ensuite, une Ă©valuation des effets combinĂ©s de l'azote et de la tempĂ©rature sur le mĂ©tabolisme levurien a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e grĂące Ă  un outil de suivi en ligne des arĂŽmes fermentaires. Une tempĂ©rature idĂ©ale de synthĂšse a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e pour chaque composĂ© suivi. Enfin, l'examen de l'impact des ajouts d'azote et de la tempĂ©rature sur les cinĂ©tiques fermentaires et aromatiques pour un pilotage de la fermentation a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tendue Ă  l'Ă©tude de profils anisothermes de tempĂ©rature. Des profils comprenant une baisse de tempĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s comme les plus favorables Ă  la synthĂšse et l'accumulation des esters d'Ă©thyles dans le liquide

    Supercapacitor electrodes based on conductive cobalt oxides

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    Les travaux de recherche actuels menĂ©s dans le domaine des supercondensateurs s’orientent vers l’augmentation des densitĂ©s d’énergie, notamment via le dĂ©veloppement de supercondensateurs hybrides "oxydes de mĂ©taux de transition / carbones activĂ©s". Dans ce contexte, les prĂ©sents travaux avaient pour objectif d’évaluer les propriĂ©tĂ©s d’oxydes de cobalt nanomĂ©triques en tant que matĂ©riaux d’électrode positive pour supercondensateur hybride.Ces oxydes de cobalt, de structure spinelle, sont prĂ©parĂ©s par prĂ©cipitation de nitrate de cobalt en milieu basique (T < 90 °C). Ils possĂšdent une formule chimique du type HxLiyCo3-ÎŽO4‱zH2O et prĂ©sentent une bonne conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence d’ions H+, Li+ et Co4+. Les analyses par DRX, ATG, RMN et les mesures de conductivitĂ© Ă©lectroniques ont mis en Ă©vidence une rĂ©organisation de la structure spinelle de ces matĂ©riaux sous l’effet d’un traitement thermique, conduisant Ă  une augmentation du rapport Co4+/Co3+ ainsi qu’à une amĂ©lioration des propriĂ©tĂ©s de transport Ă©lectrique. L’association d’une conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique Ă©levĂ©e et d’une forte surface spĂ©cifique confĂšre Ă  ces oxydes des performances prometteuses en tant que matĂ©riaux d’électrode.L’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lectrochimiques a montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de deux modes de stockage des charges, l’un Ă©lectrostatique (double couche Ă©lectrochimique) et l’autre faradique via l’oxydation et la rĂ©duction du cobalt. Elle a Ă©galement permis de dĂ©terminer la signature Ă©lectrochimique de ces oxydes (capacitĂ©, fenĂȘtre de potentiels), prĂ©requis indispensable Ă  leur intĂ©gration dans une cellule complĂšte. Finalement, un supercondensateur hybride "oxyde de cobalt / carbone activĂ©" a Ă©tĂ© assemblĂ© et Ă©quilibrĂ©, donnant lieu Ă  des performances attractives (61,6 F/g sur 1,60 V).Investigations on supercapacitors are focusing on increasing energy densities, in particular with the development of hybrid supercapacitors "metal oxides / activated carbons". In this field, the present work aims at evaluating nanometric cobalt oxides as positive electrode material for hybrid supercapacitors.These oxides, with spinel structure, are synthesized by precipitation of cobalt nitrate in a basic medium (T < 90 °C). They exhibit formulae such as HxLiyCo3-ÎŽO4‱zH2O and good electronic properties thanks to the presence of H+, Li+ and Co4+ ions. XRD, TGA, NMR analysis as well as electronic measurements have highlighted a structural reorganization of the spinel structure under thermal treatment, resulting in increase of the Co4+/Co3+ ratio and an enhancement of the electronic transport properties. The high electronic conductivity together with a huge specific surface area imparts these oxides promising performances as electrode material.The study of the electrochemical properties underlines two charge storage mechanisms, one electrostatic (electrochemical double layer) and the other one faradic through the oxidation and the reduction of cobalt. The electrochemical signature (capacity, potential window) of these oxides was also determined in order to develop a complete cell. Finally, a hybrid supercapacitor "cobalt oxide / activated carbon" was assembled and balanced, revealing attractive performances (61,6 F/g over 1,60 V)

    Supercapacitor electrodes based on conductive cobalt oxides

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    Les travaux de recherche actuels menĂ©s dans le domaine des supercondensateurs s’orientent vers l’augmentation des densitĂ©s d’énergie, notamment via le dĂ©veloppement de supercondensateurs hybrides "oxydes de mĂ©taux de transition / carbones activĂ©s". Dans ce contexte, les prĂ©sents travaux avaient pour objectif d’évaluer les propriĂ©tĂ©s d’oxydes de cobalt nanomĂ©triques en tant que matĂ©riaux d’électrode positive pour supercondensateur hybride.Ces oxydes de cobalt, de structure spinelle, sont prĂ©parĂ©s par prĂ©cipitation de nitrate de cobalt en milieu basique (T < 90 °C). Ils possĂšdent une formule chimique du type HxLiyCo3-ÎŽO4‱zH2O et prĂ©sentent une bonne conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence d’ions H+, Li+ et Co4+. Les analyses par DRX, ATG, RMN et les mesures de conductivitĂ© Ă©lectroniques ont mis en Ă©vidence une rĂ©organisation de la structure spinelle de ces matĂ©riaux sous l’effet d’un traitement thermique, conduisant Ă  une augmentation du rapport Co4+/Co3+ ainsi qu’à une amĂ©lioration des propriĂ©tĂ©s de transport Ă©lectrique. L’association d’une conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique Ă©levĂ©e et d’une forte surface spĂ©cifique confĂšre Ă  ces oxydes des performances prometteuses en tant que matĂ©riaux d’électrode.L’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lectrochimiques a montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de deux modes de stockage des charges, l’un Ă©lectrostatique (double couche Ă©lectrochimique) et l’autre faradique via l’oxydation et la rĂ©duction du cobalt. Elle a Ă©galement permis de dĂ©terminer la signature Ă©lectrochimique de ces oxydes (capacitĂ©, fenĂȘtre de potentiels), prĂ©requis indispensable Ă  leur intĂ©gration dans une cellule complĂšte. Finalement, un supercondensateur hybride "oxyde de cobalt / carbone activĂ©" a Ă©tĂ© assemblĂ© et Ă©quilibrĂ©, donnant lieu Ă  des performances attractives (61,6 F/g sur 1,60 V).Investigations on supercapacitors are focusing on increasing energy densities, in particular with the development of hybrid supercapacitors "metal oxides / activated carbons". In this field, the present work aims at evaluating nanometric cobalt oxides as positive electrode material for hybrid supercapacitors.These oxides, with spinel structure, are synthesized by precipitation of cobalt nitrate in a basic medium (T < 90 °C). They exhibit formulae such as HxLiyCo3-ÎŽO4‱zH2O and good electronic properties thanks to the presence of H+, Li+ and Co4+ ions. XRD, TGA, NMR analysis as well as electronic measurements have highlighted a structural reorganization of the spinel structure under thermal treatment, resulting in increase of the Co4+/Co3+ ratio and an enhancement of the electronic transport properties. The high electronic conductivity together with a huge specific surface area imparts these oxides promising performances as electrode material.The study of the electrochemical properties underlines two charge storage mechanisms, one electrostatic (electrochemical double layer) and the other one faradic through the oxidation and the reduction of cobalt. The electrochemical signature (capacity, potential window) of these oxides was also determined in order to develop a complete cell. Finally, a hybrid supercapacitor "cobalt oxide / activated carbon" was assembled and balanced, revealing attractive performances (61,6 F/g over 1,60 V)

    Supercapacitor electrodes based on conductive cobalt oxides

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    Les travaux de recherche actuels menĂ©s dans le domaine des supercondensateurs s’orientent vers l’augmentation des densitĂ©s d’énergie, notamment via le dĂ©veloppement de supercondensateurs hybrides "oxydes de mĂ©taux de transition / carbones activĂ©s". Dans ce contexte, les prĂ©sents travaux avaient pour objectif d’évaluer les propriĂ©tĂ©s d’oxydes de cobalt nanomĂ©triques en tant que matĂ©riaux d’électrode positive pour supercondensateur hybride.Ces oxydes de cobalt, de structure spinelle, sont prĂ©parĂ©s par prĂ©cipitation de nitrate de cobalt en milieu basique (T < 90 °C). Ils possĂšdent une formule chimique du type HxLiyCo3-ÎŽO4‱zH2O et prĂ©sentent une bonne conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence d’ions H+, Li+ et Co4+. Les analyses par DRX, ATG, RMN et les mesures de conductivitĂ© Ă©lectroniques ont mis en Ă©vidence une rĂ©organisation de la structure spinelle de ces matĂ©riaux sous l’effet d’un traitement thermique, conduisant Ă  une augmentation du rapport Co4+/Co3+ ainsi qu’à une amĂ©lioration des propriĂ©tĂ©s de transport Ă©lectrique. L’association d’une conductivitĂ© Ă©lectronique Ă©levĂ©e et d’une forte surface spĂ©cifique confĂšre Ă  ces oxydes des performances prometteuses en tant que matĂ©riaux d’électrode.L’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lectrochimiques a montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de deux modes de stockage des charges, l’un Ă©lectrostatique (double couche Ă©lectrochimique) et l’autre faradique via l’oxydation et la rĂ©duction du cobalt. Elle a Ă©galement permis de dĂ©terminer la signature Ă©lectrochimique de ces oxydes (capacitĂ©, fenĂȘtre de potentiels), prĂ©requis indispensable Ă  leur intĂ©gration dans une cellule complĂšte. Finalement, un supercondensateur hybride "oxyde de cobalt / carbone activĂ©" a Ă©tĂ© assemblĂ© et Ă©quilibrĂ©, donnant lieu Ă  des performances attractives (61,6 F/g sur 1,60 V).Investigations on supercapacitors are focusing on increasing energy densities, in particular with the development of hybrid supercapacitors "metal oxides / activated carbons". In this field, the present work aims at evaluating nanometric cobalt oxides as positive electrode material for hybrid supercapacitors.These oxides, with spinel structure, are synthesized by precipitation of cobalt nitrate in a basic medium (T < 90 °C). They exhibit formulae such as HxLiyCo3-ÎŽO4‱zH2O and good electronic properties thanks to the presence of H+, Li+ and Co4+ ions. XRD, TGA, NMR analysis as well as electronic measurements have highlighted a structural reorganization of the spinel structure under thermal treatment, resulting in increase of the Co4+/Co3+ ratio and an enhancement of the electronic transport properties. The high electronic conductivity together with a huge specific surface area imparts these oxides promising performances as electrode material.The study of the electrochemical properties underlines two charge storage mechanisms, one electrostatic (electrochemical double layer) and the other one faradic through the oxidation and the reduction of cobalt. The electrochemical signature (capacity, potential window) of these oxides was also determined in order to develop a complete cell. Finally, a hybrid supercapacitor "cobalt oxide / activated carbon" was assembled and balanced, revealing attractive performances (61,6 F/g over 1,60 V)
