745 research outputs found

    The impact of a changing financial climate on a UK local charitable sector: voices from the front line

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    Forced to compete with private and public sector providers, charities experience tensions as the quest for a more commercially-oriented position may conflict with their social imperative. Little attention has been given to understanding the experiences of local charities as service providers. This paper captures the reactions of those working on the charity front line

    Interplay between genome-wide implicated genetic variants and environmental factors related to childhood antisocial behavior in the UK ALSPAC cohort

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    We investigated gene-environment (G x E) interactions related to childhood antisocial behavior between polymorphisms implicated by recent genome-wide association studies (GWASs) and two key environmental adversities (maltreatment and smoking during pregnancy) in a large population cohort (ALSPAC). We also studied the MAOA candidate gene and addressed comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ALSPAC is a large, prospective, ethnically homogeneous British cohort. Our outcome consisted of mother-rated conduct disorder symptom scores at age 7;9 years. G x E interactions were tested in a sex-stratified way (alpha = 0.0031) for four GWAS-implicated variants (for males, rs4714329 and rs9471290; for females, rs2764450 and rs11215217), and a length polymorphism near the MAOA-promoter region. We found that males with rs4714329-GG (P = 0.0015) and rs9471290-AA (P = 0.0001) genotypes were significantly more susceptible to effects of smoking during pregnancy in relation to childhood antisocial behavior. Females with the rs11215217-TC genotype (P = 0.0018) were significantly less susceptible to effects of maltreatment, whereas females with the MAOA-HL genotype (P = 0.0002) were more susceptible to maltreatment effects related to antisocial behavior. After adjustment for comorbid ADHD symptomatology, aforementioned G x E's remained significant, except for rs11215217 x maltreatment, which retained only nominal significance. Genetic variants implicated by recent GWASs of antisocial behavior moderated associations of smoking during pregnancy and maltreatment with childhood antisocial behavior in the general population. While we also found a G x E interaction between the candidate gene MAOA and maltreatment, we were mostly unable to replicate the previous results regarding MAOA-G x E's. Future studies should, in addition to genome-wide implicated variants, consider polygenic and/or multimarker analyses and take into account potential sex stratification

    Neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents with cd/odd and effects of single doses of medications: The protocol of the matrics_wp6-1 study

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    Aggressive behaviors and disruptive/conduct disorders are some of the commonest reasons for referral to youth mental health services; nevertheless, the efficacy of therapeutic interventions in real-world clinical practice remains unclear. In order to define more appropriate targets for innovative pharmacological therapies for disruptive/conduct disorders, the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) funded the MATRICS project (Multidisciplinary Approaches to Translational Research in Conduct Syndromes) to identify neural, genetic, and molecular factors underpinning the pathogenesis of aggression/antisocial behavior in preclinical models and clinical samples. Within the program, a multicentre case-control study, followed by a single-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over, randomized acute single-dose medication challenge, was conducted at two Italian sites. Aggressive children and adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) were compared to the same age (10–17 y) typically developing controls (TDC) on a neuropsychological tasks battery that included both “cold” (e.g., inhibitory control, decision making) and “hot” executive functions (e.g., moral judgment, emotion processing, risk assessment). Selected autonomic measures (heart rate variability, skin conductance, salivary cortisol) were recorded before/during/after neuropsychological testing sessions. The acute response to different drugs (methylphenidate/atomoxetine, risperidone/aripiprazole, or placebo) was also examined in the ODD/CD cohort in order to identify potential neuropsychological/physiological mechanisms underlying aggression. The paper describes the protocol of the clinical MATRICS WP6-1 study, its rationale, the specific outcome measures, and their implications for a precision medicine approach

    Evaluation of Passing Process on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Spain with New Methodology Based on Video Data

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    Drivers need sufficient passing sight distance (PSD) to pass slower vehicles with safety. This distance can help to improve traffic operation on two-way, two-lane highways. Existing models propose different values of PSD because of different assumptions. In only some cases were these models based on field data of passing maneuvers. This research proposed the design of a methodology to observe passing maneuvers on existing highways with the help of six video cameras installed at a fixed point next to passing sections. The use of more cameras allows complete registration of trajectories along the entire passing zone, with uniform image resolution. The methodology was applied to register a sample of 234 maneuvers on four passing zones. Trajectories of 58 maneuvers were completely described and analyzed with specific restitution software. Results were compared with those from existing PSD models. The distances traveled proposed by the AASHTO model on the left lane were (a) similar to average observed distances when the passed vehicle was one truck and (b) between 50 and 100 m higher when one passenger car was passed. Higher differences, greater than 100 m, were found between measured data and the PSD model (published previously), especially at high design speeds. The observed average speed difference between passing and impeding vehicles was significantly higher than that in any model. Variables with the strongest influence on the time and distance traveled on the opposing lane were the type and speed of the passed vehicle and the length of the passing zone. Left-lane time and distance increase with this length.Llorca Garcia, C.; García García, A. (2011). Evaluation of Passing Process on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Spain with New Methodology Based on Video Data. Transportation Research Record. 2262:42-51. doi:10.3141/2262-05S42512262Farah, H., Bekhor, S., & Polus, A. (2009). Risk evaluation by modeling of passing behavior on two-lane rural highways. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 41(4), 887-894. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2009.05.006Rilett, L. R., Hutchinson, B. G., & Whitney, M. (1990). Mechanics of the passing maneuver and the impact of large trucks. Transportation Research Part A: General, 24(2), 121-128. doi:10.1016/0191-2607(90)90019-3Wang, Y., & Cartmell, M. P. (1998). New Model for Passing Sight Distance on Two-Lane Highways. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 124(6), 536-545. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-947x(1998)124:6(536)Polus, A., Livneh, M., & Frischer, B. (2000). Evaluation of the Passing Process on Two-Lane Rural Highways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1701(1), 53-60. doi:10.3141/1701-07Carlson, P., Miles, J., & Johnson, P. (2006). Daytime High-Speed Passing Maneuvers Observed on Rural Two-Lane, Two-Way Highway: Findings and Implications. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1961, 9-15. doi:10.3141/1961-02Harwood, D. W., Gilmore, D. K., & Richard, K. R. (2010). Criteria for Passing Sight Distance for Roadway Design and Marking. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2195(1), 36-46. doi:10.3141/2195-0

    COMPULS:Design of a multicenter phenotypic, cognitive, genetic, and magnetic resonance imaging study in children with compulsive syndromes

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    Background: Compulsivity, the closely linked trait impulsivity and addictive behaviour are associated with several neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). All three disorders show impaired fronto-striatal functioning, which may be related to altered glutamatergic signalling. Genetic factors are also thought to play an important role in the aetiology of compulsivity-related disorders. Methods: The COMPULS study is a multi-center study designed to investigate the relationship between the traits compulsivity, impulsivity, and, to a lesser extent, addictive behaviour within and across the neurodevelopmental disorders ADHD, ASD, and OCD. This will be done at the phenotypic, cognitive, neural, and genetic level. In total, 240 participants will take part in COMPULS across four different sites in Europe. Data collection will include diagnostic interviews, behavioural questionnaires, cognitive measures, structural, functional and spectral neuroimaging, and genome-wide genetic information. Discussion: The COMPULS study will offer the unique opportunity to investigate several key aspects of compulsivity across a large cohort of ADHD, ASD and OCD patients

    Accident and Speed Studies in Construction Zones

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    DOT-FH-11-8121The report includes results of two studies of construction zone traffic control. The first study involved analysis of traffic accidents occurring in 79 zones in seven states. Results indicate a before to during accident rate increase of 6.8%. Results also include breakdowns by accident types, severity, light conditions, roadway type, area type, work area roadway type, construction type and state. The second study was field testing of speed reduction methods. Speeds, erratic maneuvers and conflicts were measured at three sites--an urban freeway, a rural freeway, and an urban street. The field studies examined the effect of the following construction zone parameters on vehicle speeds and safety: Sequential flashing arrow boards; speed zoning (advisory and regulatory); enforcement; transverse striping; obliteration of nonappropriate pavement markings; taper length; lane width reduction; and active warning of speed zoning. Recommended guidelines for construction zone traffic controls are also included

    Eccentric, nonspinning, inspiral, Gaussian-process merger approximant for the detection and characterization of eccentric binary black hole mergers

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    We present ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA}, a time domain, inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform model that describes non-spinning binary black holes systems that evolve on moderately eccentric orbits. The inspiral evolution is described using a consistent combination of post-Newtonian theory, self-force and black hole perturbation theory. Assuming eccentric binaries that circularize prior to coalescence, we smoothly match the eccentric inspiral with a stand-alone, quasi-circular merger, which is constructed using machine learning algorithms that are trained with quasi-circular numerical relativity waveforms. We show that ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA} reproduces with excellent accuracy the dynamics of quasi-circular compact binaries. We validate ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA} using a set of Einstein Toolkit\texttt{Einstein Toolkit} eccentric numerical relativity waveforms, which describe eccentric binary black hole mergers with mass-ratios between 1q5.51 \leq q \leq 5.5, and eccentricities e00.2e_0 \lesssim 0.2 ten orbits before merger. We use this model to explore in detail the physics that can be extracted with moderately eccentric, non-spinning binary black hole mergers. We use ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA} to show that GW150914, GW151226, GW170104, GW170814 and GW170608 can be effectively recovered with spinning, quasi-circular templates if the eccentricity of these events at a gravitational wave frequency of 10Hz satisfies e0{0.175,0.125,0.175,0.175,0.125}e_0\leq \{0.175,\, 0.125,\,0.175,\,0.175,\, 0.125\}, respectively. We show that if these systems have eccentricities e00.1e_0\sim 0.1 at a gravitational wave frequency of 10Hz, they can be misclassified as quasi-circular binaries due to parameter space degeneracies between eccentricity and spin corrections. Using our catalog of eccentric numerical relativity simulations, we discuss the importance of including higher-order waveform multipoles in gravitational wave searches of eccentric binary black hole mergers.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 Appendix. v2: we use numerical relativity simulations to quantify the importance of including higher-order waveform multipoles for the detection of eccentric binary black hole mergers, references added. Accepted to Phys. Rev.