41 research outputs found

    Management of cytomegalovirus antibody negative patients undergoing heart transplantation.

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    In a series of 61 consecutive patients undergoing heart, heart and lung, and lung transplantation, 24 patients were known to be cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody negative on the day of transplantation. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for CMV IgG were performed on donor samples on the day of operation. In 16 of the 24 susceptible patients the test was negative and the only preventive measure taken was the use of blood and blood products from CMV-antibody negative blood donors. None of these patients acquired primary infection with CMV. In another six patients the donor serum was found to contain CMV specific IgG, and in these patients, including one heart and lung transplant recipient, prophylaxis with CMV specific hyperimmune globulin was given. All six patients developed CMV IgM antibodies and in five there was an associated but clinically mild illness. None of these patients required treatment. In the remaining two patients ELISA tests on the donor sera gave equivocal results and hyperimmune globulin was withheld. Both patients developed primary CMV infection of greater severity than those given hyperimmune globulin and one required treatment. Reference tests confirmed that the donor sera contained CMV antibodies. Primary CMV infection in susceptible patients after heart transplantation can be avoided by the use of screened blood and blood products where the organ donor is seronegative to CMV and it can be improved by the use of prophylactic hyperimmune globulin where the donor is CMV antibody positive

    Mapping to Support Fine Scale Epidemiological Cholera Investigations: A Case Study of Spatial Video in Haiti

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    The cartographic challenge in many developing world environments suffering a high disease burden is a lack of granular environmental covariates suitable for modeling disease outcomes. As a result, epidemiological questions, such as how disease diffuses at intra urban scales are extremely difficult to answer. This paper presents a novel geospatial methodology, spatial video, which can be used to collect and map environmental covariates, while also supporting field epidemiology. An example of epidemic cholera in a coastal town of Haiti is used to illustrate the potential of this new method. Water risks from a 2012 spatial video collection are used to guide a 2014 survey, which concurrently included the collection of water samples, two of which resulted in positive lab results “of interest” (bacteriophage specific for clinical cholera strains) to the current cholera situation. By overlaying sample sites on 2012 water risk maps, a further fifteen proposed water sample locations are suggested. These resulted in a third spatial video survey and an additional “of interest” positive water sample. A potential spatial connection between the “of interest” water samples is suggested. The paper concludes with how spatial video can be an integral part of future fine-scale epidemiological investigations for different pathogens

    Purification and characterization of an acyclic monoterpene primary alcohol:nadp+ oxidoreductase from catmint (Nepeta racemosa)

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    A soluble monoterpene primary alcohol:NADP+ oxidoreductase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from leaves of the catmint, Nepeta racemosa. The purified enzyme consisted of two polypeptides, with molecular masses of 42, 000 and 40, 000 Da, and contained zinc ions. A number of monoterpene alcohols (geraniol, nerol, citronellol, and their hydroxylated derivatives) were substrates, but the enzyme was inactive toward ethanol. The enzyme required NADP(H) as cofactor, with NAD(H) ineffective. Gas chromatographic and coupled mass spectrometric analysis of the reaction products showed that 10-hydroxygeraniol and 10-hydroxynerol were oxidized by the enzyme in the presence of NADP+, at both C-1 and C-10. These results are consistent with a role for this enzyme in the biosynthesis of iridoid monoterpenes

    Interactions of Avocado (Persea americana) Cytochrome P-450 with Monoterpenoids

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    The microsomal fraction of avocado (Persea americana) mesocarp is a rich source of cytochrome P-450 active in the demethylation of xenobiotics. Cytochrome P-450 from this tissue has been purified and well characterized at the molecular level (DP O'Keefe, KJ Leto [1989] Plant Physiol 89: 1141-1149; KR Bozak, H Yu, R Sirevag, RE Christoffersen [1990] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87: 3904-3908). Despite this extensive characterization, the role of the enzyme in vivo was not established. Optical and electron paramagnetic resonance binding studies described here suggest that the monoterpenoids, nerol and geraniol, are substrates of avocado cytochrome P-450 (spectral dissociation constant of 7.2 and 35 micromolar, respectively). Avocado microsomes have been shown to catalyze the hydroxylation of these monoterpenoids, and both nerol and geraniol have been shown to inhibit the activity of avocado cytochrome P-450 toward the artificial substrate 7-ethoxycoumarin, with nerol a competitive inhibitor of this activity