45 research outputs found

    Опыт лечения врожденных кист яичников у девочек на первом году жизни

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    В статті представлено три випадки оперативного лікування методом лапароскопії вроджених кист яєчника. Найчастіше перекрут вродженої кисти яєчника відбувається внутрішньоутробно, що може привести до самоампутації додатків матки з боку ураження. Показанням до оперативного лікування можуть слугувати відсутність регресу утворення, характерні ехоскопічні та доплерометричні ознаки.Three cases of laparoscopic treatment of congenital ovarian cysts are presented in the article. More often twisting of congenital ovarian cyst could happen intrauterously, what could cause autoamputation of adnexa. Indications to surgery could be an absence of regression of cyst and/or certain ultrasound and Doppler signs

    Cloning, sequencing, and overexpression of gene 16 of salmonella bacteriophage P22

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    Umlauf B, Dreiseikelmann B. Cloning, sequencing, and overexpression of gene 16 of salmonella bacteriophage P22. Virology. 1992;188(2):495-501.It has been suggested that gene product 16 of bacteriophage P22 forms a pore for DNA transfer and/or that it functions as a pilot protein guiding the DNA across the membrane. We have cloned gene 16 and determined the nucleotide sequence. Within the sequenced region there is an open reading frame that could encode a protein of 609 amino acids having a molecular weight of 64,366. The hydropathic plot of this protein does not reveal putative membrane-spanning regions as expected for a protein forming a membrane pore. Overproduction of gene product 16 in Escherichia coli was successful only in a mutant in which the La protease was inactivated. Gene 16 mutants of phage P22 were not able to infect recBCD mutants of Salmonella typhimurium nor was protein 16, synthesized in E. colifrom a plasmid, able to substitute for the pilot protein of phage T4. It seems that gene product 16 is not a pilot protein in the meaning of binding to the ends of linear DNA, thus protecting it from degradation by nucleases

    Home-administered pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Knee replacement surgery reduces pain for many people with osteoarthritis (OA). However, surgical outcomes are partly dependent on patients’ moods, and those with depression or anxiety have worse outcomes. Approximately one-third of people with OA have mood problems. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a psychological therapy, is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence for improving mood. However, evidence for the effectiveness of CBT before knee surgery in improving pain, mood, and quality of life following this surgery for people with knee OA is lacking. Methods/Design: This is a multi-centre, mixed-methods feasibility randomised controlled trial to compare treatment as usual (TAU) plus a brief CBT-based intervention with a TAU-only control, for people with knee OA. We will recruit 50 patients with knee OA, listed for knee replacement surgery, with high levels of distress (assessed using a mood questionnaire), and who consent to take part. Participants will be randomly allocated to receive TAU plus intervention or TAU. Up to 10 sessions of CBT will be offered on an individual basis by a psychologist. The assessments and interventions will be completed before surgery. Repeat assessments at 4 and 6 months after randomisation will be sent and received by post. Two patient-partners will conduct feedback interviews with some participants to assess what aspects of the intervention were helpful or unhelpful, the acceptability of randomisation, the experience of being in a control group, and the appropriateness of the measures used. Interviews will be audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed using the framework approach. We will examine the feasibility and acceptability of patient-partners conducting the interviews by also interviewing the patient-partners. Discussion: Findings from this study will be used to design a definitive study that will examine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the CBT intervention in improving patient outcomes following knee surgery

    Biografieforschung: theoretische Perspektiven und methodologische Konzepte für eine re-konstruktive Geschlechterforschung

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    Die Biografieforschung bezeichnet einen komplexen Forschungsansatz, der auf eine lange Geschichte des wissenschaftlichen Interesses an "persönlichen Dokumenten" verweisen kann. Sie ist eine voraussetzungsvolle Forschungsperspektive, die sich in zentralen Aspekten ihres Vorgehens auf Biografien als theoretisches Konzept, als historisch-empirischen Gegenstand und als komplexe methodologische Strategie bezieht. Andere Begriffe, welche oftmals synonym gebraucht, in der Biografieforschung aber systematisch unterschieden werden, sind "Lebensgeschichte" und "Lebenslauf". Die Autorin skizziert die Perspektiven einer rekonstruktiven Geschlechterforschung innerhalb der Biografieforschung, wozu sie auf die Differenzierungen empirischer Forschung, die methodologischen Prinzipien sowie auf Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse eingeht. Sie hebt insbesondere drei Kontextrelationen bei der Interpretation eines biografischen Textes hervor: Biografie, Interaktion, kulturelle Muster und soziale Regeln. Das skizzierte Konzept von Biografieforschung begreift sie als ein offenes Programm, das vielfältige Anknüpfungspunkte zu aktuellen theoretischen Diskussionen in der Geschlechterforschung aufweist. (ICI2