13 research outputs found

    Quality of life and labor inclusion of people with disabilities

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    Introduction: Disability is a generic term that includes deficits, limitations in activity and restrictions in participation indicate the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual and its contextual factors, environmental and personal factors. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of labor inclusion and health-related quality of life of people with disabilities in a population group from the city of Neiva (Colombia). Materials and methods: Descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study with quantitative approach and non-experimental design, in a sample of 64 people with disabilities. Demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, education, socioeconomic status, link to the social security system in health, and type of disability were considered. The WHOQOL-BREF, 2004 quality of life scale was applied. Central tendency measures were also calculated with their dispersions and 95% confidence intervals in the continuous quantitative variables. Results: The most frequent disability was physical with 78.13%, followed by visual with 17.18%. The highest percentage of impairment of the quality of life concerning disability is given by the need to move from one place to another, to feel dissatisfaction with their sexual life and the perception of an unhealthy environment. Conclusions: The main factors for the labor inclusion of a person with a disability are subject to sex, the type of disability, access to decent employment, and remuneration according to their potentialities

    Quality of life and labor inclusion of people with disabilities

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    Introduction: Disability is a generic term that includes deficits, limitations in activity and restrictions in participation indicate the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual and its contextual factors, environmental and personal factors. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of labor inclusion and health-related quality of life of people with disabilities in a population group from the city of Neiva (Colombia). Materials and methods:  Descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study with quantitative approach and non-experimental design, in a sample of 64 people with disabilities. Demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, education, socioeconomic status, link to the social security system in health, and type of disability were considered. The WHOQOL-BREF, 2004 quality of life scale was applied. Central tendency measures were also calculated with their dispersions and 95% confidence intervals in the continuous quantitative variables. Results: The most frequent disability was physical with 78.13%, followed by visual with 17.18%. The highest percentage of impairment of the quality of life concerning disability is given by the need to move from one place to another, to feel dissatisfaction with their sexual life and the perception of an unhealthy environment. Conclusions: The main factors for the labor inclusion of a person with a disability are subject to sex, the type of disability, access to decent employment, and remuneration according to their potentialities

    De que manera influye el modelo familiar homoparental en el desarrollo de la sexualidad de los niños en Colombia

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    En Colombia los niños eran un grupo de población que poco se estudiaba, situación que llevó a reflejar abandono y desinterés por parte de la sociedad, por esta razón aún existen infancias que no disfrutan integralmente de sus derechos. En esta revisión se va a describir algunos de los aspectos que se destacan en la formación sexual de los niños en Colombia, con el fin de identificar perspectivas distintas y que son relativas al desarrollo de la sexualidad en la infancia, de tal forma considerar si es posible que la sexualidad la trasmite el modelo familiar, considerando el fenómeno cultural de familia homoparental, que es de gran impacto para la sociedad moderna, con el fin de evidenciar si el desarrollo y crecimiento de un niño en una familia homoparental es un método significativo para contribuir a su evolución como persona, desde la transformación del concepto de familia, se busca brindar herramientas para aceptar la interculturalidad con una sociedad con mayor inclusión y más formación frente al tema.In Colombia children are a population group that is little studied, a situation that leads to reflect neglect and disinterest on the part of society, there childhoods do not fully enjoy their rights. In this review we will describe some of the issues highlighted in the sexual education of children in Colombia, in order to identify different perspectives and are related to the development of sexuality in childhood, so consider if sexuality may transmits the family model, considering the cultural phenomenon of gay or lesbian parents, which is a great impact on modern society, in order to show whether the development and growth of a child in a gay or lesbian parents is a significant method contribute to its evolution as a person from the transformation of the concept of family, providing tools to accept multiculturalism and society more inclusive and more training towards the subject.1. Resumen. -- 2. Abstract. -- 3. Palabras claves. -- 4. Desarrollo. -- 5. Conclusión. -- 6. Argumentos en contra. -- 7. Argumentos a favor. -- 8. Bibliografí

    Simulacro de contabilidad financiera

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    Contador PúblicoPregrad

    Comportamientos relacionados con las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en estudiantes universitarios

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    Introduction: The scientific literature has reported the trend of the impact of non- communicable diseases on public health, and therefore, the investment of resources that interfere in the development of a country. Objective: To identify the presence of specific behaviors associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases in university students, since they are a susceptible population to the modification of these tendencies. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a 375 university students’ sample. The stepwise method was applied to identify risk factors associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases. Descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis were used to determine possible relationships between the variables studied. Results: The prevalence of tobacco use was 7.5%, frequent alcohol consumption was 91.5%, fruit intake was 96.3%, and vegetable intake was 95%. Additionally, only 48% of the sample practiced intense physical activity. Also, a relationship among the male sex, with the consumption of tobacco and the practice of low physical activity was found. Conclusions: Behaviors associated with chronic non-communicable diseases such as alcohol and tobacco consumption were identified in university students. &nbsp

    Comportamientos relacionados con las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en estudiantes universitarios

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    Introduction: The scientific literature has reported the trend of the impact of non- communicable diseases on public health, and therefore, the investment of resources that interfere in the development of a country. Objective: To identify the presence of specific behaviors associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases in university students, since they are a susceptible population to the modification of these tendencies. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a 375 university students’ sample. The stepwise method was applied to identify risk factors associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases. Descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis were used to determine possible relationships between the variables studied. Results: The prevalence of tobacco use was 7.5%, frequent alcohol consumption was 91.5%, fruit intake was 96.3%, and vegetable intake was 95%. Additionally, only 48% of the sample practiced intense physical activity. Also, a relationship among the male sex, with the consumption of tobacco and the practice of low physical activity was found. Conclusions: Behaviors associated with chronic non-communicable diseases such as alcohol and tobacco consumption were identified in university students. &nbsp

    Investigación Formativa en Diseño de Moda a través del Proyecto Pedagógico de Aula (PPA) y el Proyecto Integrador de Semestre (PISE) 2020-1

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    A continuación, presentamos la guía de trabajo 2020-1 un documento que recopila la investigación y experiencias adquiridas con el desarrollado de los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Aula (PPA) y los Proyectos Integradores de Semestre (PISE) del programa de diseño de modas en Bogotá, como estrategias pedagógicas que buscan dinamizar la apropiación de los conceptos relacionados con el diseño y la moda, de forma integral y siempre acorde con una línea de vestuario. Desde el Comité Curricular, se precisa la temática para trabajar en el semestre a partir de un ejercicio de observación sobre los principales acontecimientos y dinámicas culturales, económicas y tecnológicas a nivel global. Para el 2020-1 la investigación se relacionó con “Trascender universos paralelos entre las Bellas Artes”, tema que se buscó hacer un reconocimiento a las artes como una actividad humana, creativa e importante y que ha sido trascendido a todas las épocas y culturas, equivalente con las dinámicas actuales de un mundo interconectado. La forma como el programa articula este tema con los diferentes entregables por semestre y las líneas de investigación que son fortalecidas a través de sus productos de creación, es parte de lo que se quiere compartir a la comunidad académica. Igualmente, los mejores ensayos por semestre se incluyen en esta Guía de Curso 2020-1. Como producto final se presentan las colecciones en la pasarela virtual “PISE MODAS 2020-1” de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, publicadas el 24 de agosto de 2020 en el grupo oficial de diseño de modas en Facebook y que desde entonces ha tenido el reconocimiento por ser proyectos que se desarrollaron satisfactoriamente en medio del confinamiento por la crisis de salud mundial que todavía estamos viviendo y que esperamos superar pronto