447 research outputs found

    Writing Sample

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    Extracts from the novel The Bad Memory (2015

    Resultats de l'avaluació continuada : augment del rendiment i de la satisfacció dels estudiants

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    L'adaptació de les assignatures a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior requereix, entre d'altres, de la realització d'una avaluació continuada durant la qual l'estudiant va coneixent els resultats del seu aprenentatge. L'estudi es realitza amb els estudiants de primer curs de la titulació de Comunicació Audiovisual dels cursos 2005-06 i 2006-07. Es presenta la comparació entre els resultats quantitatius i qualitatius obtinguts pels estudiants de la mateixa assignatura en ambdós cursos. La diferència entre els dos grups està en les activitats realitzades que formen part de l'avaluació continuada i en la ponderació que té l'examen final en ambdós grups, ja que aquesta s'ha reduït al 30% en els estudiants que han fet avaluació continuada (curs 2006-2007), mentre que en els que han fet una avaluació més finalista (curs 2005-06) era del 80%. Els resultats mostren un augment del rendiment dels estudiants que han realitzat l'avaluació continuada així com també un augment de la seva satisfacció.To adapt all the subjects to EHEA (European Higher Education Area) we need, among others, to make a continued evaluation which would allow the students to have continuous knowledge of the results of their learning. This study was carried out with students from a first course of Audiovisual Communication during the years 2005-06 and 2006-07. We show the results of a comparison between quantitative and qualitative outcomes which were obtained from these students during the periods we mentioned before. One difference between these two groups was in the activities of each group, activities which formed part of the continued evaluation. Another difference was in the weighting of the final exam. For the students in the continued evaluation group (year 2006-2007) the weighting was reduced by 30%, while for the students who had only a final evaluation (year 2005-06) it was reduced by 20% only. The outcomes show an increase of the performance and students' satisfaction in the continued evaluation group

    Detection of Tephra Layers in Antarctic Sediment Cores with Hyperspectral Imaging

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    Tephrochronology uses recognizable volcanic ash layers (from airborne pyroclastic deposits, or tephras) in geological strata to set unique time references for paleoenvironmental events across wide geographic areas. This involves the detection of tephra layers which sometimes are not evident to the naked eye, including the so-called cryptotephras. Tests that are expensive, time-consuming, and/or destructive are often required. Destructive testing for tephra layers of cores from difficult regions, such as Antarctica, which are useful sources of other kinds of information beyond tephras, is always undesirable. Here we propose hyperspectral imaging of cores, Self-Organizing Map (SOM) clustering of the preprocessed spectral signatures, and spatial analysis of the classified images as a convenient, fast, non-destructive method for tephra detection. We test the method in five sediment cores from three Antarctic lakes, and show its potential for detection of tephras and cryptotephras.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First paleomagnetic results of mid-to late Holocene sediments from Lake Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan): Implications for paleosecular variation in central Asia

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    We present new paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data from mid and late Holocene sediments recovered in two gravity cores (C087 and C142a) from Lake Issyk-Kul (central Asia), for which independent radiocarbon-based age models are available. Our results indicate that sediments from core C087 are characterized by fine (pseudo single domain) magnetite grains and are reliable recorders of Holocene geomagnetic paleosecular variation (PSV) in central Asia, which is a region with poor data coverage. Similarity is found between the core C087 PSV record, which spans the last 5700 years, and the Lake Baikal PSV record, which is the only published Holocene central Asian PSV record of comparable length with an independent radiocarbon-based chronology. Our new results represent a step forward in constructing a reference PSV curve for central Asia that can be used to date sedimentary sequences. These results can also be used to improve the reliability and accuracy of global geomagnetic field models. We have not been able to disentangle past environmental changes in the Lake Issyk-Kul region based on rock magnetic properties, probably because the magnetite and hematite in the studied sediments have a mixed (fluvial and eolian) terrigenous origin. Copyright 2012 by the American Geophysical Union.Financial support for this research was provided through a CSIC JAE-Doc post-doctoral research contract (MGP), the GRACCIE (Spanish Consolider-Ingenio CSD2007-00067), APELIK (EU ICA2-CT-2000-10003), CGL2008-02203/BTE, and PALEONAO (CGL2010-15767/BTE) research projects.Peer Reviewe

    Firma digital

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    El Código Civil y Comercial (en adelante CCC) divide los instrumentos en públicos, privados y particulares. Los primeros se caracterizan por la intervención de un oficial público que no interviene en los privados y particulares. Estos últimos, si están firmados se llaman instrumentos privados, sino particulares (art. 287 CCC). Por ello, la firma es un requisito esencial de los instrumentos privados y públicos. El CCC en su art. 288 estipula que la firma prueba la autoría de la declaración de voluntad expresada en el texto al cual corresponde y debe consistir en el nombre del firmante o en un signo. La firma desde antes de la época de los romanos es la forma de atribuir efectos jurídicos a una persona respecto del documento firmado, entendiéndose como tales a un documento en soporte papel y a una firma hecha con los trazos de una mano en tinta o similar.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Selecció clonal i sanitària de la varietat picapoll blanc a la denominació d'origen Pla de Bages

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    El picapoll blanc, varietat cultivada a la denominació d'origen (DO) Pla de Bages, és considerada autòctona catalana. La selecció clonal i sanitària s'ha realitzat per permetre la certificació i multiplicació dels millors clons, amb una elevada adaptació a les condicions ambientals i amb una producció per a l'obtenció de vins de qualitat. També, aquest programa de selecció permet la conservació de la diversitat intravarietal d'una de les varietats que va ser més difosa al segle passat a Catalunya i que resta oblidada a gairebé totes les zones vitícoles excepte a aquesta DO, i procura mantenir així el nivell de variabilitat que presenta encara la població actual.El picapoll blanco, variedad cultivada en la denominación de origen (DO) Pla de Bages, es considerada autóctona catalana. La selección clonal y sanitaria se ha realizado para permitir la certificación y multiplicación de los mejores clones, con una elevada adaptación a las condiciones ambientales y con una producción para obtener vinos de calidad. También, este programa de selección permite la conversión de la diversidad intravarietal de una de las variedades que fue más difundida en el siglo pasado en Cataluña y que está olvidada en casi todas las zonas vitícolas excepto en esta DO, y procura mantener así el nivel de variabilidad que presenta aún la población actual

    Selecció clonal i sanitària de la varietat trepat a la denominació d'origen Conca de Barberà

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    El trepat, varietat de raïm cultivada principalment a la Denominació d'Origen (DO) Conca de Barberà, és considerat una varietat autòctona catalana. La selecció clonal i sanitària s'ha realitzat per a permetre la certificació i multiplicació dels millors clons, amb una elevada adaptació a les condicions ambientals i amb una producció per a l'obtenció de vins de qualitat. Aquest programa de selecció també permet la conservació de la diversitat intravarietal procurant mantenir el nivell de variabilitat que presenta encara la població actual.El trepat, variedad de uva cultivada principalmente en la Denominación de Origen (D. O.) Conca de Barberà, se considera una variedad autóctona catalana. La selección clonal y sanitaria se ha realizado para permitir la certificación y multiplicación de los mejores clones, con una elevada adaptación a las condiciones ambientales y con una producción para la obtención de vinos de calidad. Este programa de selección también permite la conservación de la diversidad intravarietal procurando mantener el nivel de variabilidad que aun presenta la población actual

    Vegetation dynamics at Raraku Lake catchment (Easter Island) during the past 34,000 years

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    Easter Island is a paradigmatic example of human impact on ecosystems. The role of climate changes in recent vegetation shifts has commonly been rejected without proper assessment. A palynological study of a long sediment core from Raraku Lake documents the vegetation dynamics for the last 34 ka and investigates their driving forces, particularly the effects of climate variability on vegetation changes. Significant relationships between pollen assemblage changes and sedimentary and geochemical proxies demonstrate the rapid response of vegetation to lake crater basin hydrology and climatic changes. The lake surroundings were occupied by an open mixed palm grove during the Last Glacial period. Poaceae and Sophora increased at the expense of palms and Triumfetta, and Coprosma practically disappeared, in response to slightly wetter and/or colder climate during the Last Glacial Maximum. Palms and Triumfetta thrived in awarmer and/or drier climate during the deglaciation. Minor vegetation changes (a slight increase in Sophora and a drop in Asteraceae and Poaceae) occurred between 13.2 and 11.8 cal ka BP and can be related to rapid changes in the Younger Dryas chronozone. The increase in herbaceous taxa indicates a gradual shallowing of the lake and development of a mire during the Holocene, caused by sediment infilling and warmer and drier climate. Relatively rapid vegetation changes in the Holocene were caused by climate and by plant succession on the expanding mire. The rates of vegetation change observed in the mirewere similar to those at the initial stages of human impact identified in a previous study. These results reveal significant vegetation changes prior to human presence, due to the interplay of climate variations (temperature and moisture), changes in lake basin form by infilling and intrinsic dynamics of plant succession. Hence, the potential contribution of these factors in vegetation shifts during the period of human presence should not be neglected

    Geoarqueología y registro geológico del último milenio en el pozo de la antigua Fábrica de Tabacos (Gijón, N España)

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    During the 2008-2009 archaeological excavations carried out in the ancient Fábrica de Tabacos (Gijón), a Roman well structure was discovered, covered by a sedimentary infill with archaeological remains. This work deals with the geological and depositional characterization of the sedimentary infill. Two hand drill cores of 1.45 m and 1.65m long were studied, using stratigraphic, geochemical and geochronological techniques. The evolutionary model of the sedimentary infill includes 5 phases: 1) construction and functioning as a well (prior? to 5th-6th centuries); 2) abandonment of the well and sedimentation in a restricted palustrine-like environment (5th-7th centuries); 3) a phase dominated by dumping of organic-rich landfill material (7th century); 4) re-starting of palustrine-like environment with some landfill episodes (7th-8th centuries); and 5) a final phase as a dumping site (at least during the 8th century). The sedimentary infill is an outstanding geoarchaelogical archive that provides key information to improve the knowledge of the region from the 6th to the 8th centuries.Agradecemos a la empresa Terra Arqueos S.L. su aportación en la realización de los sondeos y al Ayuntamiento de Gijón la financiación de la investigación (proyectos FUO-EM-403-10 y FUO-EM-342-09)Peer Reviewe

    Factors controlling the geochemical composition of Limnopolar Lake sediments (Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Island, Antarctica) during the last ca. 1600 years

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    We sampled a short (57 cm) sediment core in Limnopolar Lake (Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands), which spans the last ca. 1600 years. The core was sectioned at high resolution and analyzed for elemental and mineralogical composition, and scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) analysis of glass mineral particles in selected samples. The chemical record was characterized by a contrasted pattern of layers with high Ca, Ti, Zr, and Sr concentrations and layers with higher concentrations of K and Rb. The former were also enriched in plagioclase and, occasionally, in zeolites, while the latter were relatively enriched in 2 : 1 phyllosilicates and quartz. This was interpreted as reflecting the abundance of volcaniclastic material (Ca rich) versus Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous marine sediments (K rich) – the dominant geological material in the lake catchment. SEM-EDS analysis revealed the presence of abundant volcanic shards in the Ca-rich layers, pointing to tephras most probably related to the activity of Deception Island volcano (located 30 km to the SE). The ages of four main peaks of volcanic-rich material (AD ca. 1840–1860 for L1, AD ca. 1570–1650 for L2, AD ca. 1450–1470 for L3, and AD ca. 1300 for L4) matched reasonably well the age of tephra layers (AP1 to AP3) previously identified in lakes of Byers Peninsula. Some of the analyzed metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, and Cr) showed enrichments in the most recent tephra layer (L1), suggesting relative changes in the composition of the tephras as found in previous investigations. No evidence of significant human impact on the cycles of most trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb) was found, probably due to the remote location of Livingston Island and the modest research infrastructures; local contamination was found by other researchers in soils, waters and marine sediments on areas with large, permanent research stations. Chromium is the only metal showing a steady enrichment in the last 200 years, but this cannot be directly attributed to anthropogenic pollution since recent research supports the interpretation that climatic variability (reduced moisture content and increased wind intensity) may have resulted in enhanced fluxes of mineral dust and trace elements (Cr among them) to Antarctica. At the same time, some features of the chemical record suggest that climate may have also played a role in the cycling of the elements, but further research is needed to identify the underlying mechanisms.This work was partially supported by projects CGL2010-20672 and REN2000-0345-ANT (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), POL2006-06635/CGL (Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura), and 10PXIB200182PR (Dirección Xeral de I+D, Xunta de Galicia).Peer reviewe