1,397 research outputs found

    Media representations of socioenvironmental conflicts in Guatemala: The case of the hydroelectric expansion

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    The Guatemalan State demonopolized and privatized the electricity market between 1996 and 2000, with two main justifications: first, that rural electricity coverage, which at the time was less than 50%, was a significant obstacle to human development; and second, that there were large amounts of energy resources, especially hydroelectric, unexploited. The subsequent policies and strategies implemented led to quadruple the installed capacity of the network in twenty years, while private hydroelectric generation grew 6000%. However, the neighbouring rural communities received the hydroelectric expansion with protests because of their impact on water use, associating it with extractive industries such as mining or oil. Although these events have been studied before, the last fact points that a Science and Technology Studies (STS) could provide new insights to understanding them, since this representation of hydroelectricity challenges the conventional view of renewable energy as clean and sustainable in this sense: Why is "clean" technology such as hydroelectricity associated with "dirty" industries like mining? The research objective broadens the scope of the previous question since it proposes to identify the fundamental social actors and processes for understanding the media representations of hydroelectric generation in Guatemala and the effects they have on hydroelectric conflicts. Two parallel investigations were developed to confront results. The first was the cartography of the hydroelectric expansion (Venturini, 2010), based on Actor-Network Theory, “ANT”, (Latour, 2005), and postcolonial theory (Anderson, 2002; Marques, 2006; Escobar, 2004) to account for the influence of the Guatemalan colonial past on conflicts, which occurred in mostly indigenous areas. The second was the analysis of a corpus of opinion articles chosen using the methodology of digital media monitoring (Neresini & Lorenzet, 2014) in Guatemala and Colombia. The analysis of the media representations was based on Social Representations theory, “SRT” (Moscovici, 2000), especially the work done regarding environmental studies (Lovins, 1976; Devine-Wright, 2007; Brondi, Armenti, Cottone, Mazzara, & Sarrica, 2014) and the methodology, the quantitative content analysis based on the "bag of words" model (Roberts, 2000; Tuzzi, 2003). Finally, the results from the previous stages were compared to establish an enriched cartography of the controversy. The analysis of the corpus points to significant differences in the representations of hydroelectricity. In Guatemalan media, the analysis of the corpus resulted on the prevalence of "soft-path" representation of energy transitions, which gives a more active role to the public; while in Colombian media, the texts were more associated with a "hard-path" representation, in which energy is a matter of national interest. As for the cartography, the findings point to the role of actants as Chixoy, the largest hydroelectric power plant in the country, or “El Niño” Phenomenon, in the creation of the legal framework for the de-monopolization of the electric market. At the time, the interaction between these actants and others put at risk the stability of the national electricity network, contributing to emphasize in the new laws the dispositions that guaranteed the electrical supply, even when their public justification pointed to more developmental objectives. By prioritizing efficiency, the socio-environmental costs of the projects were transferred from the corporations to the communities, which fomented the conflict. This finding, which had been overlooked in previous research on the conflicts, shows how methodologies and theories conceived from the Science and Technology Studies field can bring better understanding to this kind of conflicts. Theoretically, this dissertation shows how research that works with combined theoretical approaches can produce results grounded in more evidence from different contexts. In particular, it points to an affinity between SRT and ANT as joint research frameworks that is worth exploring in future projects

    Efecto de la altitud y tamaño de explotaciones ganaderas sobre aspectos productivos y reproductivos en la región sur-occidental de Norte de Santander

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    To evaluate milk production (LP), daily gain of weight in calves (GDP), interval between births (IEP) and use of artificial insemination in Cacota, Chitagá, Pamplona, Pamplonita, Silos, and Mutiscua, a sample of farms was selected (n=113) and a direct survey was applied. Two sizes of farms were characterized: up to 10 animals (47.8%) and >10 animals (52.2%). The farms were grouped by quartiles of altitude in meters above sea level (MSNM) (Q1: 1600-2300 (n=27), Q2: 2300-2600 (n=28), Q3: 2600-2800 (n=28), Q4: 2800-3800 (n=30). The Normande race predominates (38.2%), followed by Holstein (23.0%). The presence of Normande decreases with altitude descent, being different between Q4 and Q1 (P=0.009). Genotypes of Cebuins (Gyr, Brahman) appear in Q2 and increase in Q1 (P=0.03). The PL was 5.5±0.2 L/cow*day, with higher productions in Chitagá and Mutiscua (6.4±0.6 and 6.1±0.4 L/cow*day respectively), and lower (P=0.005) in Pamplonita 4.4±0.4 L/cow*day. The GDP was 367±17 g/day, and tended to be lower (P = 0.09) in farms with up to 10 animals (336±23.3 g/day, n=46) compared to farms with more than 10 animals (393±23.7 g/day, n=53). The larger farms (>10 animals) had a lower average IEP with 393±5.5 days (n=59), compared to farms with up to 10 animals (419±11.4 days, n=54; P= 0.04). For quartile Q1, the IEP was higher (438 days, P = 0.01) than Q4 (382 days). The use of semen from nine breeds for artificial insemination was reported, 48.8% corresponding to specialized dairy breeds (Jersey 27.9%, Ayrshire 11.6%, and Holstein 9.3%), 30.2% dual purpose European breeds (Normandy 27.9%, Simmental 2.3%), and 21.0% zebuin breeds or their crosses (Gyr 11.7%, Guzera 4.7%, Girolando 2.3%, and Brahman 2.3%). The present characterization allows us to diagnose the current state of the livestock industry in the region studied and to project technical guidelines for improvementPara evaluar la producción lechera (PL), ganancia diaria de peso en crías (GDP), intervalo entre partos (IEP) y uso de inseminación artificial en Cacota, Chitagá, Pamplona, Pamplonita, Silos, y Mutiscua, se seleccionó una muestra de predios (n=113) y se aplicó una encuesta directa. Se caracterizaron dos tamaños de predios: hasta 10 animales (47.8%) y >10 animales (52.2%). Los predios se agruparon por cuartiles de altitud en metros sobre el nivel del mar (MSNM) (Q1: 1600-2300 (n=27), Q2: 2300-2600 (n=28), Q3: 2600-2800 (n=28), Q4: 2800-3800 (n=30). Predomina la raza Normando (38.2%), seguida por Holstein (23.0%). La presencia de Normando disminuye con el descenso de altitud siendo diferente entre Q4 y Q1 (P=0.009). Genotipos cebuínos (Gyr, Brahman) aparecen en Q2 y aumentan en Q1 (P=0.03). La PL fue 5.5±0.2 L/vaca*día, con mayores producciones en Chitagá y Mutiscua (6.4±0.6 y 6.1±0.4 L/vaca*día respectivamente), y menores (P = 0.005) en Pamplonita 4.4±0.4 L/vaca*día. La GDP fue 367±17 g/día, y tendió a ser menor (P = 0.09) en explotaciones de hasta 10 animales (336±23.3 g/día, n=46) comparada con explotaciones con más de 10 animales (393±23.7 g/día, n=53). Los predios de mayor tamaño (>10 animales) tuvieron un menor promedio de IEP con 393±5.5 días (n = 59), comparado con predios de hasta 10 animales (419±11.4 días, n = 54; P= 0.04). Para el cuartil Q1 el IEP fue mayor (438 días, P = 0.01) que Q4 (382 días). Se reportó el uso de semen de 9 razas para inseminación artificial, 48.8% correspondió a razas lecheras especializadas (Jersey 27.9%, Ayrshire 11.6% y Holstein 9.3%), 30.2% razas europeas doble propósito (Normando 27.9%, Simmental 2.3%) y 21.0% razas cebuínas o sus cruces (Gyr 11.7%, Guzerá 4.7%, Girolando 2.3%, y Brahman 2.3%). La presente caracterización permite diagnosticar el estado actual de la industria ganadera de la región estudiada y proyectar directrices técnicas de mejoramiento

    Desarrollo de una aplicación de software para la migración de datos de una estructura relacional a una estructura de Big data

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    El presente artículo está basado en los resultados de una investigación aplicada llevada a cabo por docentes investigadores de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Computación de ITCA-FEPADE Santa Tecla. Éste consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación de software que aborda el conocimiento de una nueva tecnología llamada Big Data para el manejo de información, en sustitución de los sistemas tradicionales y, de una manera más específica, aplica los lineamientos para realizar la migración entre ambas tecnologías. Se mencionan los diferentes componentes de un Sistema Big Data, el proceso de trasformación que deben sufrir los datos contenidos en un esquema relacional y, finalmente, la integración a un nuevo esquema Big Data, donde no solo se resolverá la limitante del espacio de almacenamiento, sino también el rendimiento en el procesamiento de los datos, ya que se optimizará de manera notable

    In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation after occlusal stressing of indirect class II composite restorations with different resinous bases and interface treatments. "Post-fatigue adaptation of indirect composite restorations”

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    The present study evaluated the influence of different composite bases and surface treatments on marginal and internal adaptation of class II indirect composite restorations, after simulated occlusal loading. Thirty-two class II inlay cavities were prepared on human third molars, with margins located in cementum. A 1-mm composite base extending up to the cervical margins was applied on all dentin surfaces in the experimental groups; impressions were made and composite inlays fabricated. The following experimental conditions were tested: no liner (control group), flowable composite treated with soft air abrasion (experiment 1), flowable composite sandblasted (experiment 2) and restorative composite sandblasted (experiment 3). All specimens were submitted to 1,000,000 cycles with a 100-N eccentric load. Tooth-restoration margins were analysed semi-quantitatively by scanning electron microscopy before and after loading; internal adaptation was also evaluated after test completion. The percentage of perfect adaptation in enamel was 79.5% to 92.7% before loading and 73.3% to 81.9% after loading. Perfect adaptation to dentin was reduced before loading (54.8% to 77.6%) and after loading (41.9% to 63%), but no difference was found among groups for pre- and post-loading conditions. No debonding occurred between the base and composite luting. A significant, negative influence of cyclic loading was observed. The results of the present study support the use of flowable or restorative composites as base/liner underneath large class II restorations. Soft air abrasion represents a potential alternative to airborne particle abrasion for treating cavities before cementation. The application of a composite base underneath indirect composite restorations represents a feasible non-invasive alternative to surgical crown lengthening to relocate cavity margins from an intra-crevicular to supra-gingival positio

    A Interferência do doce de leite como pré-treino na performance dos praticantes de Crossfit

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    Introduction: Crossfit® is a high intensity training program, with functional movements. High intensity exercises demand an adequate energy intake, mainly of carbohydrates to promote glycemic homeostasis, providing energy for the activities that will be performed and delaying fatigue. There are several resources to promote a better performance in physical activity practitioners, one of them is the ergogenic resource, which has the function of promoting improvement in the ability to develop muscle work. Objective: To verify the influence of dulce de leche as an energy source on the performance of Crossfit® practitioners. The participants performed a Crossfit® workout, being 21-15-9 deadlifts and burpee over bar, with a time limit of five minutes. The training was done three times with an interval of at least five days from one training to the other, with the use of dulce de leche during the activities, which could be 15g and 30g of the candy, and one week in which there was no candy ingestion. It was done randomly, with no rules for the weeks. Results: There was an improvement in the participants' performance when comparing the training with the candy to the training without the candy. The results showed an increase in repetitions per minute of 9.36% when comparing 0g to 15g of dulce de leche and of 12.42% when comparing 0g to 30g of dulce de leche. Conclusion: We conclude that the dulce de leche as pre-workout can promote improvement in performance.Introdução: O Crossfit® é um treinamento de alta intensidade, com movimentos funcionais. Exercícios de alta intensidade demandam um aporte energético adequado, principalmente de carboidratos para promover a homeostase glicêmica, fornecendo energia para as atividades que serão realizadas e retardando a fadiga. Existem diversos recursos para promover um melhor desempenho em praticantes de atividade física, um deles muito utilizado é o recurso ergogênico o qual tem função de promover melhora na capacidade de desenvolver trabalho muscular. Objetivo: Verificar a influência do doce de leite como fonte energética na performance de praticantes de Crossfit®. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, longitudinal, realizado em campo. Os participantes realizaram um treino próprio da Crossfit®, sendo 21-15-9 de deadlifts e burpee over bar, com um tempo limite de cinco minutos. O treino foi realizado três vezes com um intervalo de pelo menos cinco dias de um treinamento para o outro, com o uso do doce de leite no decorrer das atividades, podendo ser de 15g e 30g do doce, e uma semana em que não havia a ingesta. Foi realizado de forma randomizada, sem regra para as semanas. Resultados: Houve uma melhora na performance dos participantes quando comparado o treino com o doce para o treino sem o doce. Os resultados apresentaram um aumento em repetições por minutos de 9,36% quando comparado 0g para 15g do uso do doce de leite e de 12,42% comparado de 0g para 30g do doce de leite. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o doce de leite como pré-treino pode promover melhora na performance

    A Interferência do doce de leite como pré-treino na performance dos praticantes de Crossfit

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    Introdução: O Crossfit® é um treinamento de alta intensidade, com movimentos funcionais. Exercícios de alta intensidade demandam um aporte energético adequado, principalmente de carboidratos para promover a homeostase glicêmica, fornecendo energia para as atividades que serão realizadas e retardando a fadiga. Existem diversos recursos para promover um melhor desempenho em praticantes de atividade física, um deles muito utilizado é o recurso ergogênico o qual tem função de promover melhora na capacidade de desenvolver trabalho muscular. Objetivo: Verificar a influência do doce de leite como fonte energética na performance de praticantes de Crossfit®. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, longitudinal, realizado em campo. Os participantes realizaram um treino próprio da Crossfit®, sendo 21-15-9 de deadlifts e burpee over bar, com um tempo limite de cinco minutos. O treino foi realizado três vezes com um intervalo de pelo menos cinco dias de um treinamento para o outro, com o uso do doce de leite no decorrer das atividades, podendo ser de 15g e 30g do doce, e uma semana em que não havia a ingesta. Foi realizado de forma randomizada, sem regra para as semanas. Resultados: Houve uma melhora na performance dos participantes quando comparado o treino com o doce para o treino sem o doce. Os resultados apresentaram um aumento em repetições por minutos de 9,36% quando comparado 0g para 15g do uso do doce de leite e de 12,42% comparado de 0g para 30g do doce de leite. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o doce de leite como pré-treino pode promover melhora na performance

    Estrategias para mejorar las habilidades lectoras en entorno virtual

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    The need to guarantee improvements in the teaching process has generated numerous ways of modernizing education, changing the pedagogical experiences of teachers. This study summarizes the experiences and main lessons that were obtained when preparing and developing a workshop at the Technical University of Babahoyo. It also includes some experiences from some similar workshops that were previously organized. In response to the existing problems in the methodological work in said university, the article is carried out that has as its objective: to favor the preparation of English language teachers, with a view to the improvement of the methodological work. To carry it out and with the help of different research methods such as observation and analysis of documents, methodological workshops were designed with a view to improvements in the English teaching-learning process, in the virtual academic programs that university offer. It has the mission of being a Higher Education center where its priority is to generate, apply and disseminate the training of competent and humanistic professionals through its functions as a teacher, to raise the quality of life of society and its ecological environment. Its Vision is aimed at being a Higher Education institution with leadership and national accreditation, integrated to the development of society, promoting the academy, research and connection; committed to innovation, entrepreneurship, the practice of moral, ethical and civic values.La necesidad de garantizar mejoras en el proceso de enseñanza, ha generado numerosas formas de modernizar la educación, cambiando las experiencias pedagógicas de los docentes. En el presente estudio se resumen las experiencias y principales lecciones que se obtuvieron al preparar y desarrollar un taller en la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo. También incluye unas experiencias de algunos talleres similares que se organizaron previamente. En respuesta a la problemática existente en el trabajo metodológico en dicha universidad, se realiza el artículo que tiene como objetivo: favorecer la preparación de los docentes de idioma inglés, con vista al perfeccionamiento del trabajo metodológico. Para la realización del mismo y con la ayuda de diferentes métodos de investigación como la observación y el análisis de documentos, se procedió al diseño de talleres metodológicos con vista a mejoras en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de inglés, en los programas académicos virtuales que oferta la universidad. La misma tiene la Misión ser un centro de Educación Superior donde su prioridad es generar, aplicar y difundir la formación del profesional competente y humanista a través de sus funciones como docente, para elevar la calidad de vida de la sociedad y su entorno ecológico ambiental. Su Visión está direccionada a ser una institución de Educación Superior con liderazgo y acreditación nacional, integrada al desarrollo de la sociedad, impulsando la academia, investigación y vinculación; comprometida con la innovación, el emprendimiento, la práctica de los valores morales, éticos y cívicos.&nbsp

    El Islam enriquece la diversidad religiosa en Bogotá

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    Contrario a lo que se cree, al menos la mitad de la población musulmana que vive en Bogotá son conversos de origen colombiano. Por eso, el Centro de Estudios Teológicos y de las Religiones (CETRE) de la Universidad del Rosario, decidió realizar un estudio en tres etapas sobre la presencia islámica en Colombia. Los investigadores consideraron necesario profundizar en los fenómenos de conversión, las relaciones sociales, de género y los procesos de cambio y continuidad de las comunidades. Diego Castellanos, del Centro de Estudios Teológicos y de las Religiones, explicó que en la primera etapa del trabajo la investigación se centró en el área urbana de Bogotá, con lo cual lograron identificar los principales grupos de musulmanes y sus particularidades. Así, se propusieron entender las complejas dinámicas que se dan dentro de las comunidades musulmanas que intentan conciliar la herencia islámica y el contexto colombiano. El proceso de diálogo entre ambas visiones no ha sido fácil, máxime cuando implica comprender las circunstancias particulares que afectan al mundo contemporáneo, en el cual los límites entre lo que tradicionalmente era conocido como “cultura nacional” y las realidades sociales se revelan como múltiples