110 research outputs found

    Título da página eletrónica: International Association for the Study of Religion and Gender

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    The International Association for the study of Religion and Gender is the outcome of a three years networking programme called ‘Interdisciplinary Innovations in the Study of Religion and Gender: Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Perspectives’. The programme brought together some of the leading scholars in the field with the objective of developing research project proposals and grant applications and establishing a structural research network for the study of religion and gender. IARG, whi..

    Timothy Peace (2015), European Social Movements and Muslim Activism. Another World but with Whom?, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillian

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    La acción colectiva de los trabajadores precarios: elaboración simbólica, identidad colectiva, relación con los sindicatos y con la dimensión política. Una comparación entre Italia y España

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    Negli ultimi anni la crisi economica ha colpito con forza l’intero Sud Europa, esasperando dinamiche di impoverimento e precarizzazione di lungo periodo. In Italia e in Spagna, tra gli altri, si è assistito a mobilitazioni contro la precarietà lavorativa e esistenziale. In questo contributo vengono presi in esame i movimenti contro la precarietà in Italia e in Spagna, allo scopo di analizzarne la genesi, gli sviluppi e le prospettive future. In particolare, il paper si concentra sulle rivendicazioni dei movimenti, l’autorappresentazione, la struttura delle alleanze e le strategie di azione, mettendo in luce i risultati delle proteste e i repertori discorsivi e di azione.In the last years, the economic crisis heavily hit all the Southern European States, exacerbating well rooted dynamics of impoverishment and precarization. In Italy and Spain, among others, social movements against labour and existential precarity developed and took the streets, receiving a high degree of media attention. In this paper we focus on the movements against precarity in Italy and Spain, in order to analyse their genesis, developments, and future opportunities. In particular, the paper focuses on the movements’ claims, their self-representation, the structure of alliances and their strategies of action, highlighting the results of the protests and the repertories of discourse and action.Il lavoro di Alberta Giorgi è stato finanziato dalla Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [grant number SFRH/BPD/77552/2011]

    Migrants in the public discourse: Between media, policy and public opinion

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    The chapter focuses on the public and political discourse on “migrants” in Europe, which frames the relationship between migrants and trade unions, and offers an overview of the main issues at stake. We develop an original analysis of European citizens’ attitudes towards migrants using ESS data. These data show that hostility towards immigrants is related primarily to individual attitudes, characteristics and behaviour: age, education, residential area and, especially, political affiliation as well as the level of commitment and engagement in associations and charities. Therefore politics, political cultures and political behaviour are key factors to understand racism and intolerance. In the chapter, attention is paid to the factors influencing migration policy-making, including the role of the mass media in shaping interpretations and policy instruments on the topic. We subsequently explore how migrations are framed in the public domain and policies. Finally, we look at how migrants are imagined as members of society, exploring the main narratives used to talk about their integration

    Book Symposium/ Everyday Europe: Social transnationalism in an unsettled continent

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    Re-Shaping the Boundaries of Feminism: The Case of #femminismoislamico on Instagram

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    Although the Italian public discourse is characterized by an underlying Islamophobia and gendered processes of racialization and discrimination, for which the agency of women of Muslim culture is often denied, Italy hosts a growing and increasingly visible feminist movement that adopts intersectionality as practice and method. Particularly relevant for contemporary feminisms appears to be the digital environment, which is at the same time a space for networking and a site of protests and collective action. In this context the paper explores whether an online discourse on feminism and Islam exists, and how it unfolds on social media. In this contribution we focus on the discourse about #femminismoislamico in the digital sphere by analyzing how Instagram users engage with the related hashtags, in the case study of Italy between 2017 and 2021. Data are organized in three categories: information, inspiration & memes, call for change. The discourse developing around the analyzed hashtags contributes to re-shape the boundaries of both the feminist discourse and the place of Islamic feminism in online and offline feminist public space. Furthermore the adoption of the hashtags related to Islamic feminism illustrates the appropriation, reframing and composite reassembling of individual and collective intersectional identities

    Winning in the Parliament, losing in the Courts – Catholic biopolitics in different venues: the case of Italy

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    The catholic bio-politics, in recent years, addressed a variety of issues. In this contribution I focus specifically on assisted reproduction and stem cell research in order to analyse the Catholic neo-feminist discourse, and the complex interplay of discursive arenas. Namely, I focus the attention on the reconfiguration of religious discourse in terms of attention to feminism and gender rights, on the one side, and discursive opportunity structures in terms of venues’ opportunities and constraints on the other. The analysis underlined two main elements. First of all, in relation to the process of judicialization of politics, the analysis pointed out the different opportunities and constraints characterizing the different venues. Namely, judicialization of politics and venue shopping are not favourable the same way for all the actors. Second, a neo-conservative frame of revolutionary maternity gained large room in the Italian political sphere, and it is likely to gain even more resonance in light of the current debate on surrogacy, related to the never-ending discussion on the forms of regulation of same-sex couples in Italy

    Migrantske udruge u Italiji i štrajk migranata 2010.

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    On 1st March 2010 a “Migrants’ Strike” took place in Italy as well as in other European countries. In Italy, its organisation relied on a wide network of migrants’ associations. Based on press analysis, participant observations and interviews, this paper focuses on the case study of the Italian Migrants’ Strike, aiming at exploring the political side of the migrants’ participation. After a short description of the event of the 1st March 2010 in Italy, the paper focuses on the migrants’ political and discursive opportunity structure. The analysis indicates that the 1st March event and more recent migrants’ strikes have several elements of similarity with other contemporary political movements. These elements are the search for effective political instruments other than the strike, the process of identity-building and the negotiation between different political cultures.Dana 1. ožujka 2010. dogodio se štrajk migranata u Italiji i drugim europskim zemljama. Njegova organizacija u Italiji našla je uporište u širokoj mreži migrantskih udruga. Na temelju analize tiska te opažanja i intervjua sudionika rad se usredotočuje na studiju slučaja talijanskog štrajka migranata s ciljem ispitivanja političke strane sudjelovanja migranata. Nakon kratkog opisa događaja od 1. ožujka 2010. u Italiji, u središtu članka nalazi se struktura migrantskih političkih i diskurzivnih mogućnosti. Analiza pokazuje da događaj od 1. ožujka te sljedeći štrajkovi migranata dijele nekoliko sličnih elemenata s drugim suvremenim političkim kretanjima. Ti su elementi potraga za drugim učinkovitim političkim instrumentima osim štrajka, proces izgradnje identiteta i pregovori između različitih političkih kultura

    Título da página eletrónica: International Association for the Study of Religion and Gender

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    The International Association for the study of Religion and Gender is the outcome of a three years networking programme called ‘Interdisciplinary Innovations in the Study of Religion and Gender: Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Perspectives’. The programme brought together some of the leading scholars in the field with the objective of developing research project proposals and grant applications and establishing a structural research network for the study of religion and gender. IARG, whi..