56 research outputs found

    Felip Pedrell en la revista La Alhambra (1902-1922)

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    La revista La Alhambra, publicada en Granada entre 1839-1843 y 1883-1884, reaparece en 1898, bajo la dirección de Francisco de P. Valladar, con el subtítulo Revista Quincenal de Artes y Letras y sigue el curso regular de publicación hasta 1924. La colaboración de Pedrell consta de veinticinco artículos, desde 1902 hasta 1922, este último, póstumo; la diversidad de sus títulos abarca temas de folklore, nacionalismo, historia de la música, teoría y sociología de la música. El autor aporta además un interesante epistolario de Pedrell, fechado entre 1900 y 1910.La revue La Alhambra, publiée à Grenade entre 1839-1843 et 1883-1884, reparaît en 1898, sous la direction de Francisco P. Valladar, avec le sous-titre Revista Quincenal de Artes y Letras. La revue est ensuite publiée régulièrement jusqu'en 1924. Felip Pedrell y a collaboré en écrivant plus de vingt-cinq articles entre 1902 et 1922 - le dernier à titre posthume - dans lesquels il aborde des thèmes divers et variés comme le folklore, le nationalisme, l'histoire de la musique, la théorie et la sociologie de la musique. En outre, l'auteur illustre la revue d'un intéressant recueil épistolaire de F. Pedrell, qui date d'entre 1900 et 1910.The magazine La Alhambra, which was published in Granada between 1839-1843 and 1883-1884, reappears in 1898 under the direction of Francisco de P. Valladar, with the subtitle Revista Quincenal de Artes y Letras (The Biweekly Magazine of Arts and Letters) which continued to be published regularly until 1924. The collaboration of Pedrell consisted of twenty-five articles from 1902 to 1922, the last one being posthumous. The diversity of his titles covers the topics of folklore, nationalism, music history, theory and musical sociology. Furthermore, the author provides an interesting epistolary by Pedrell, dated between 1900 and 1910.Die Zeitschrift La Alhambra, veröffentlicht in Granada von 1839-1843 und von 1883-1884, erschient erneut im Jahr 1898, unter der Leitung von Francisco de P. Valladar, mit dem Untertitel Revista Quincenal de Artes y Letras und wurde regelmäßig bis zum Jahr 1924 veröffentlicht. Der Beitrag von Pedrell besteht aus fünfundzwanzig Artikeln von 1902 bis 1922, der letzte davon nachgelassen; die Vielfältigkeit seiner Artikel umfasst Themas wie Folklore, Nationalismus, Musikgeschichte, Musiktheorie und Soziologie. Der Autor legt des weiteren eine interessante Briefsammlung mit Daten vom Jahr 1900 bis 1910 vor

    De Falla's Hungarian Success: A háromszögletű kalap (1928)

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    In this study, I examine a hitherto completely unknown subject: the Hungarian reception of Manuel de Falla's ballet pantomime, El sombrero de tres picos (The three-cornered hat). As I point out, the story of the piece began well before Falla composed his music: Alarcón's novel was published in a Hungarian translation just two decades after the Spanish original. In the first decades of the twentieth century, the Budapest Opera House (Magyar Állami Operaház) and Municipal Theatre (Városi Színház) developed intensive opera, theatre, and ballet seasons, in association with the main European capitals during the first decades of the twentieth century. De Falla's ballet was premiered in Budapest in 1927 by Diaghilev's Russian Ballet, in the Municipal Theatre under the Hungarian title A háromszögletű kalap. The piece had such success that it had to be repeated three times. What is more, a Hungarian production was premiered in the Budapest Opera House one year later and this production continued until 1963, delivering a total of 75 performances. The sources (among others the handwritten performing scores) of this latter production preserved in the National Széchényi Library and in the Archives of the Hungarian State Opera House reveal an intense work of choreographic adaptation, along with careful design of staging, costumes, lightning, and scenery effects, all accomplished by great international personalities to make this very Spanish ballet understandable to the Magyar audience. Falla's work also found a significant support in the press, highlighting both the plot's universality and the expressiveness of his music, which had made it a Hungarian success

    Music and Culture in Granada at the turn of the century: José María Varela Silvari in the review La Alhambra (1898-1923)

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    En las  páginas de La Alhambra, Revista de Artes y Letras, (1884-1885, 1898-1924) hallamos una intensa presencia de la música motivada por los antecedentes familiares, la formación y personalidad de su director, Francisco de Paula Valladar (1852-1924) autor de gran parte de las referencias musicales; pero éstas también aparecen frmadas por una extensa lista de colaboradores. Este trabajo estudia las colaboraciones de José María Varela Silvari (1848-1926), compositor, pianista, director y musicógrafo, que abarcan un amplio espectro de temas relacionados con la música, y contribuyen a incorporar esta disciplina al ámbito cultural de ciudades como Granada.The journal La Alhambra, Revista de Artes y Letras, (1884-1885, 1898-1924) contains a considerable number of contributions on music, due to the interest, personality and family tradition of its director, Francisco de Paula Valladar (1852-1924). He himself wrote most of the musical references, but there was also a long list of collaborators who also contributed. The present study explores the contributions made by José María Varela Silvari (1848-1926), a composer, pianist, conductor and musical specialist; these cover a wide range of topics related to music, and help to stimulate the presence of music in the cultural context of towns like Granada

    Factors that influence the process of formation of the olympic judokas

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    Con el objetivo de analizar los factores que influyen en el proceso de formación deportiva de los judokas españoles olímpicos, se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada de 52 preguntas agrupadas en 6 dimensiones (Contexto Deportivo, Contexto Social, Proceso de Formación, Psicológica, Técnico-táctica, Condición Física). Los resultados muestran que los judokas olímpicos se iniciaron en la práctica del Judo a los 6,90 ± 3,02 años, concretamente las mujeres a los 6,80 ± 2,88 años y los hombres algo más tarde, a los 7 ± 3,42 años, el 95% (n=19) influenciados, fundamentalmente, por un familiar. Además, destaca que ninguno de los entrevistados consiguió medalla en categorías inferiores. Para el 75% (n=15) de los judokas olímpicos es muy importante llevar una sincronización del entrenamiento técnico-táctico, de la condición física y de los aspectos psicológicos de forma integradaWith the aim of analizing the factors that have an influence on the sports training process of the olympic Spanish judokas, a semistructured interview of 52 questions grouped in 6 aspects was carried out: Sports Context, Social Context, Training Process, Psychological Condition, Technical-Tactical Condition and Physical Conditon). The results show that olympic judokas began practising judo at the age of 6.90 ± 3.02 years. Specifically, women started at the age of 6.80 ± 2.88, and men slightly later, at the age of 7 ± 3.42 years. 95% (n=19) of them were mainly influenced by a relative. Moreover, it is to be highlighted that none of the interviewees won a medal in low categories. For 75% (n=15) of the olympic judokas, it is very important that technical-tactical training, physical condition training and psychological aspects be synchronised in an integrated wa

    Adapted sports as a contribution to education in values and the improving motor skills: the opinion of high school students

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la opinión del alumnado respecto a sus vivencias en las clases de educación física comparando los deportes tradicionales y los deportes adaptados en relación con el fomento de valores, la sensibilización social, la reflexión crítica y la participación, así como la habilidad motriz requerida para la práctica de los mismos. Con este fin, se encuestó a 103 estudiantes de Bachillerato del I.E.S. Diego Angulo, ubicado en la población de Valverde del Camino (Huelva), con una edad media de 17.6 ± 0.65. Los resultados mostraron que los deportes adaptados fomentaban en mayor medida la igualdad de oportunidades (tradicionales = 2.19 ± 1.04; adaptados = 3.85 ± 0.40; p < 0.001), el respeto (tradicionales = 2.84 ± 0.87; adaptados = 3.56 ± 0.65; p < 0.001) y la sensibilización social (tradicionales = 1.84 ± 1.08; adaptados = 3.80 ± 0.58; p < 0.001). Se concluye proponiendo la incorporación de los deportes adaptados al currículum de educación física en Secundaria.The aim of this study was to know the opinion of students regarding their experiences in physical education classes by comparing the traditional and adapted sports in relation to the promotion of values, social awareness, critical thinking and participation as well as the driving skills required for the practice of the same. To this end, 103 undergraduate students were surveyed in I.E.S. Diego Angulo from Valverde del Camino, with a middle age of 17.6 ± 0.65. Results showed that the adapted sports encouraged greater equality of opportunity (traditional 2.19 ± 1.04; adapted 3.85 ± 0.40; p <0.001), respect (traditional 2.84 ± 0.87, adapted 3.56 ± 0.65; p <0.001) and social awareness (traditional 1.84 ± 1.08; adapted 3.80 ± 0.58; p <0.001). It concludes by proposing the incorporation of sports adapted to the curriculum of physical education in high school

    The training of young football coaches in the province of Huelva

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    La formación del entrenador tiene cada vez más importancia en la enseñanza deportiva (Saura, 1996), debido a que ésta influye notablemente en la formación deportiva y personal de un gran número de chicos y chicas. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron los siguientes: Analizar la formación inicial y permanente que tienen los entrenadores fútbol base de la provincia de Huelva, así como determinar sus necesidades y demandas de formación. Con este fin se encuestó a 79 entrenadores de fútbol base que desarrollaban su labor en escuelas y clubes de fútbol de la provincia de Huelva. Los resultados indicaron que el 24% poseía el curso de Aspirante a Técnico Deportivo de Fútbol (ATDF), mientras que el 19% no tenía titulación alguna. Casi todos los entrenadores consideraron que la formación permanente tenía gran importancia. No obstante el 17,8% afirmó estar de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo con que la experiencia diaria era suficiente para estar al día. Prácticamente todos los entrenadores contestaron que podían mejorar su formación y que estaban dispuestos a seguir formándose (98,7%). Podemos concluir que casi la mitad de los entrenadores de fútbol base de la provincia de Huelva tienen una formación escasa. Además, los entrenadores con menor nivel de titulación son los que tienen menor experiencia. Los entrenadores suelen realizar actividades de formación permanente, pero muchos de ellos no. Además, el intercambio de opiniones, experiencias, etc., con otros entrenadores es una estrategia de formación informal muy demandada por los entrenadores de fútbol base.Coach education is increasingly important in sports education (Saura, 1996), because it significantly affects sports training and staff of a large number of boys and girls. The objectives of this study were: To analyze the initial and continuing education of youth football coaches in the province of Huelva, and to determine their educational needs and demands. To this end, we interviewed 79 young football coaches that were coaching in football schools and clubs in the province of Huelva. The results showed that 24% had the certification of Aspiring Football Sports Technician (ATDF), while 19% had no qualifications whatsoever. Almost all the coaches felt that continuing education was very important. However, 17.8% said they agreed or strongly agreed that the daily experience was enough to keep up with current trends in sports education. Virtually every coach replied that they could improve their training and that they were willing to take part in further education (98.7%). We conclude that almost half of the youth soccer coaches in the province of Huelva have a limited education. In addition, coaches with the lowest degree qualifications are those with less experience. Coaches often engage in lifelong learning, but many of these coaches do not. Moreover, the exchange of views, experiences, etc., with other coaches, is a very informal training strategy that is in demand by the youth football coaches

    Modelización de las condiciones de transporte y conservación prolongada en frutas y hortalizas

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    Este documento se generó a partir de la VI Reunión de la Red Temática FRUTURA de CYTED realizada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina del 26 al 30 de Setiembre de 2011. Organizado por el Laboratorio de Calidad y Postcosecha de Frutas y Hortalizas de la E.E.A. Balcarce del INTA, el programa de esta reunión se enmarcó dentro del principal objetivo de la Red, que es el desarrollo de un sistema integral de mejora de la calidad y seguridad de las frutas durante la manipulación, el transporte y la comercialización, mediante nuevas tecnologías de inspección y monitorización

    Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    To assess severity markers and outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH-SSc/non-PAH-SSc), and the impact of interstitial lung disease (ILD) on PAH-SSc. Non-PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish SSc registry and PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish PAH registry were included. A total of 364 PAH-SSc and 1589 non-PAH-SSc patients were included. PAH-SSc patients had worse NYHA-functional class (NYHA-FC), worse forced vital capacity (FVC) (81.2 +/- 20.6% vs 93.6 +/- 20.6%, P < 0.001), worse tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (17.4 +/- 5.2 mm vs 19.9 +/- 6.7 mm, P < 0.001), higher incidence of pericardial effusion (30% vs 5.2%, P < 0.001) and similar prevalence of ILD (41.8% vs. 44.9%). In individuals with PAH-SSc, ILD was associated with worse hemodynamics and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Up-front combination therapy was used in 59.8% and 61.7% of patients with and without ILD, respectively. Five-year transplant-free survival rate was 41.1% in PAH-SSc patients and 93.9% in non-PAH-SSc patients (P < 0.001). Global survival of PAH-SSc patients was not affected by ILD regardless its severity. The multivariate survival analysis in PAH-SSc patients confirmed age at diagnosis, worse NYHA-FC, increased PVR, reduced DLCO, and lower management with up-front combination therapy as major risk factors. In conclusion, in PAH-SSc cohort risk of death was greatly increased by clinical, PFT, and hemodynamic factors, whereas it was decreased by up-front combination therapy. Concomitant ILD worsened hemodynamics and PFT in PAH-SSc but not survival regardless of FVC impairment

    Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    To assess severity markers and outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH-SSc/non-PAH-SSc), and the impact of interstitial lung disease (ILD) on PAH-SSc. Non-PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish SSc registry and PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish PAH registry were included. A total of 364 PAH-SSc and 1589 non-PAH-SSc patients were included. PAH-SSc patients had worse NYHA-functional class (NYHA-FC), worse forced vital capacity (FVC) (81.2 ± 20.6% vs 93.6 ± 20.6%, P &lt; 0.001), worse tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (17.4 ± 5.2 mm vs 19.9 ± 6.7 mm, P &lt; 0.001), higher incidence of pericardial effusion (30% vs 5.2%, P &lt; 0.001) and similar prevalence of ILD (41.8% vs. 44.9%). In individuals with PAH-SSc, ILD was associated with worse hemodynamics and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Up-front combination therapy was used in 59.8% and 61.7% of patients with and without ILD, respectively. Five-year transplant-free survival rate was 41.1% in PAH-SSc patients and 93.9% in non-PAH-SSc patients (P &lt; 0.001). Global survival of PAH-SSc patients was not affected by ILD regardless its severity. The multivariate survival analysis in PAH-SSc patients confirmed age at diagnosis, worse NYHA-FC, increased PVR, reduced DLCO, and lower management with up-front combination therapy as major risk factors. In conclusion, in PAH-SSc cohort risk of death was greatly increased by clinical, PFT, and hemodynamic factors, whereas it was decreased by up-front combination therapy. Concomitant ILD worsened hemodynamics and PFT in PAH-SSc but not survival regardless of FVC impairment