528 research outputs found

    A importância do crescimento cultural após a aprendizagem na escola

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    The authors of this article analyze the problems believing people who learning at school and college. The main problem is the unpreparedness of students to the learning neither theoretically, nor psychologically, nor cultural. Most learners face the problem of a difficult entry at the beginning of the learning. The article describes the reasons for the difficulties at the beginning of the learning and the ways of gradual habit formation and preliminary preparation for the learning during the year. Most students can state the fact that after the end of the school they don’t learn during the year or do it very rare. It is good to study for a whole year but learning is the abstention from all mental desires forbidden and questionable actions, and it would be better for everyone and especially for the learning to lead such a law-abiding lifestyle every day throughout the year. The purpose of this article is to secure the learner, to warn in advance and to prepare psychologically and physically for a long year.Los autores de este artículo analizan los problemas de las personas que aprenden en la escuela y la universidad. El principal problema evideciado es la falta de preparación de los estudiantes en los aprendizajes teórico, psicológico y cultural. La mayoría de los alumnos se enfrentan a problemas a comienzos del aprendizaje. El artículo describe los motivos de las dificultades al inicio del aprendizaje y las formas de formación gradual de hábitos y preparación preliminar para el aprendizaje durante el año. La mayoría de los estudiantes puede afirmar que después del final de la escuela no aprenden durante el año o lo hacen de forma fragmentada. Es bueno estudiar durante un año entero, pero aprender es la abstención de todos los deseos mentales de acciones prohibidas y cuestionables, y sería mejor para todos y especialmente para el aprendizaje llevar un estilo de vida respetuoso de la ley todos los días durante todo el año. El propósito de este artículo es asegurar al alumno, advertirlo por adelantado y prepararse psicológica y físicamente durante un largo año.Os autores deste artigo analisar os problemas das pessoas que aprendem na escola e na faculdade. Evideciado o principal problema é a falta de preparo dos alunos na aprendizagem teórica, psicológico e cultural. A maioria dos alunos enfrenta problemas no início da aprendizagem. O artigo descreve as razões para as dificuldades no início da aprendizagem e formas de formação gradual de hábitos e preparação preliminar para o aprendizado durante o ano. A maioria dos estudantes pode dizer que após o fim da escola não aprendem durante o ano ou fazê-lo de forma fragmentada. É bom para estudar por um ano, mas a aprendizagem é abster-se de todos os desejos mentais de ações proibidas e questionáveis, e que seria melhor para todos e especialmente para a aprendizagem levar uma vida respeitosa da lei todos os dias durante todo o ano . O objetivo deste artigo é o de assegurar o aluno, eu avisá-lo com antecedência e se preparar psicologicamente e fisicamente por um longo ano.&nbsp

    Professional Thinking and Types of Professionals

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    We believe that main parameters of professional thinking are: the conceptual development of professional reality (as a separate socio-cultural area of activities and relationships embodied in the objectives, actions, functions of profession) and the adequacy of planning and regulation of actions in professional situations.The parameters of the professional thinking specify types of professionals. We investigated the parameters of professional thinking and the types of professionals through analysis of speech (dialogues, descriptions of professional activities, etc.) of people of different professions (n = 224) based on the ideas of A. R. Luria: (1) ‘The real use of the word <...> is always the process of selecting the desired meaning from the pop-up alternatives, with the allocation of some actual system ties and inhibition of other systems of relations, not relevant to this problem’; (2) the meaning of the word depends on the specific task facing the subject and situation in which the word is used. The units of meaning were: understanding of structural and dynamic sides of the professional reality; way of substantiation actions in professional situations. The data allowed to determine three types of professionals. (1) ‘Expert’: there is a complete and profound reflection of professional reality in the speech combined with the exact description of planned actions. (2) ‘Inept maven’: understands the professional activity and its components, but may not accurately describe the actions. (3) ‘Empirical practician’: can describe the correct actions, but descriptions are based on experience and stereotypes. Keywords: professional speech, professional thinking, professional reality, types of professional

    The issues of the judicial system and the jurisdiction of the courts of the first instance in the Republic of Austria

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    In the article the author gives a brief description of the current status of the justice in Austria, most attention is paid to issues of jurisdiction, which is very interesting among Russian Laws


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    Introduction. Most studies of psychologists and teachers in the phenomenon of conceptual thinking and ways of its formation are considered to be rather controversial and questionable. However, the research results were limited to the phenomenon of conceptual thinking and are therefore not representative for its implementation during the process of vocational training at the higher school. There is still considerable uncertainty with regard to the approaches to the problem of conceptual thinking in the humanities, including pedagogics and psychology. Furthermore, previous studies have not dealt with the objectives of conceptual thinking formation. The aims of the article are: to justify the use of the term “professional conceptualization of thinking” (PCT) in theory and practice; to describe the prospects of the development of PCT in the training process. Methodology and research methods. The methodological base of the research involves the Russian psychological and pedagogical science approaches to the consideration of conceptual thinking as a higher mental function, a systematized and summarized form of cognitive reflection of notions and relations of reality. The experimental work was carried out using the method of observation, interviews, and tests. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data was conducted. The process of formation of PCT is described through the theory of stage-by-stage systematic development of mental acts. Results and scientific novelty. The concept “professional conceptualization of thinking” (PCT), a new one for psychological-pedagogical science, is suggested. The PCT levels are identified: ordinary, formal, substantial, system, and holistic. The objectives proposed for the development of the PCT levels in the process of professional education consist in the organization of consecutive transition from conscious mastering of a terminological framework to its use in the performance of educational tasks; from understanding the logic of the solution of professional tasks to development of logic of professional activity; from the student's position as a participant of interaction with a teacher to the position of a member of professional activity. The author refers to the need of: continuous stimulation for students’ work during the process of understanding the relationship of concepts with intrinsic properties of objects; role definition of conceptual reflection of reality presented in the chain “aim of task solution – objects – their properties – a task – actions”. Practical significance. The findings of the study, approaches to development of PCT and the author’s recommendations can be used in teaching both psychological-pedagogical disciplines and other disciplines in higher education institutions.Введение. В научных трудах психологов и педагогов феномен понятийного мышления и способы его формирования рассмотрены весьма разносторонне и глубоко. Однако мало изученными остаются аспекты специфики их приложения к процессу профессиональной подготовки в высшей школе. Практически отсутствуют подходы к изучению этой стороны понятийного мышления в гуманитарных видах деятельности, в том числе в педагогике и психологии; больше того, не обозначены четкие ориентиры его развития в профессиональном образовании.Цели изложенного в статье исследования состоят в обосновании целесообразности использования в теории и практике профессионального образования термина «профессионализированная понятийность мышления» (ППМ) и в описании возможностей развития данного вида мышления у студентов вузов. Методология и методики. Методологической базой исследования явились сложившиеся в отечественной психолого-педагогической науке подходы к рассмотрению понятийного мышления как высшей психической функции, систематизированной и обобщенной формы познавательного отражения связей и отношений действительности. В опытно-экспериментальной работе использовались наблюдение, опрос, тестирование. Для обработки полученных данных производились количественный и качественный виды анализа. Процесс формирования ППС описан с позиций теории поэтапного планомерного развития умственных действий. Результаты и научная новизна. Предложено новое для психолого-педагогической науки понятие «профессионализированная понятийность мышления». Выделены уровни ППМ: обыденный, формальный, содержательный, системно-холистический. Намечены ориентиры для развития данных уровней понятийной компетентности будущих специалистов в процессе их профессиональной подготовки, которые заключаются в организации последовательного перехода от осмысленного освоения содержания терминологического аппарата к его использованию при решении учебных задач; от понимания логики решения профессиональных задач – к освоению логики профессиональной деятельности; от позиции студента как участника взаимодействия с преподавателем к позиции субъекта профессиональной деятельности. Указывается на необходимость постоянной стимуляции работы студентов по осмыслению связей понятий с сущностными свойствами объектов и по определению роли понятийного отражения действительности в цепочке «цель решения задачи – объекты – их свойства – задача – действия». Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования и намеченные походы к процессу развития понятийного мышления, которое является важнейшим инструментом совершенствования профессиональной деятельности, и рекомендации автора могут быть использованы при преподавании как психолого-педагогических, так и других дисциплин, осваиваемых студентами университетов

    Judicial system of Saudi Arabia and analysis of jurisdiction courts of first instance

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    The above analysis of the development of judicial system of Saudi Arabia allows authors reflecting the dynamics of the judiciary hierarchy. Particular attention is focused on the jurisdiction of the courts of first instance. The Law on the Justice System of Saudi Arabia (2007) excluded single consideration of petty crimes by kadi. Hence, their consideration was completely transferred to the courts of first instance in a collegiate composition of three kadis. In most countries of the world, consideration of petty crimes has been transferred to the jurisdiction of world courts or magistrates' courts. Therefore, the authors recommend the legislator of Saudi Arabia to return to the system of courts of summary jurisdiction, which provide the consideration of petty criminal cases under simplified legal proceedings

    Compositions Of Crimes In The Sphere Of Economic Activity, Referred To The Competence Of The Magistrate (Chapter 22 Of The Criminal Code Of The Russian Federation)

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    The international documents oblige the Russian legislator to pay substantial attention to the issues of jurisdiction. These requirements are stipulated in paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, etc. The essence of these requirements is to provide the states with guarantees of the right to a fair public consideration of the case without any delay by a competent court.The issues of the court competence in the criminal cases in Russia are regulated in Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The significance of meeting the requirements of this article is in the fact that if there are some violations of the rules stipulated in Article 31, it automatically leads to a sentence cancellation. The sign of territorial jurisdiction, as a rule, is not violated, but there are not only the issues, but also the facts of violations and sentence cancellation concerning a compliance with the requirements of subject jurisdiction, i.e. which court should consider a particular criminal case in vertical direction. In such cases, the entire procedure starts again, of course, this is a nuisance for everyone.  However, the arbitrary transfer of criminal cases from court to court is not allowed. In particular, no one can be deprived of the right to his case consideration by that court, to the jurisdiction of which it is attributed by law. This rule seems to be simple, but it should be impeccably observed


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    Цель. Статья посвящена одной из актуальных проблем в республике Татарстан – проблеме организации изучения татарского языка русскоязычными школьниками. Предметом анализа выступает методика обучения неродному языку русскоязычных школьников. автором ставится цель раскрыть возможности моделирования системы организации деятельности по формированию устойчивого интереса к освоению неродного языка.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют культурно-историческая концепция (Л.С. Выготский), концепция поэтапного формирования умственных действий (П.Я. Гальперин), деятельностный подход, системный подход, проблемный подход в обучении (Д.В. Вилькеев).Результаты. Результаты работы заключаются в том, что автор смоделировал и реализовал в условиях образовательного учреждения систему формирования устойчивого интереса к освоению татарского языка русскоязычными школьниками на основе общения и игровой деятельности в органическом единстве с дидактическими условиями, входящих в целостную систему образования. Устойчивый интерес у русскоязычных школьников снижает негативное отношение к изучению татарского языка при условии, если усвоение языка происходит как процесс непосредственного общения школьников в различных социально-значимых ситуациях; учебная деятельность организована в игровых формах; обучение построено с применением практических предметных действий с переходом к речевым действиям.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в сфере образования не только в школах республики Татарстан, но и в других регионах, где организовано обучение языкам коренного населения.Purpose. The article is devoted to one of the hot issues in Tatarstan Republic – the problem of organization the Tatar language study by Russian-speaking students. The subject of analyses is the method of teaching Russian-speaking students the second language. The author’s aim is to reveal the possibility of modeling the activity system organization based on formation of a steady interest to learn the second language.Methodology. The basis of research consists of the cultural- historical concept (L.C. Vygotsky), conception of the phased formation of mental actions (P.I. Galperin), activity approach, system approach, problem approach in teaching (D.V. Vilkeev).Results. The results of the work can be observed in the fact that the author modeled and implemented the system of formation of a steady interest in learning the Tatar language by Russian-speaking students on the basis of communication and play activity in the cohesion with the didactic conditions included in the integrated educational system. The steady interest of Russian-speaking students reduces the negative attitude towards the study of the Tatar language (as the second language) on condition that the learning of the second language occurs as a process of direct communication of schoolchildren in various socially significant situations; the process of studying is organized by applying game forms; the training is organized by using the practical actions in the speech activity.Practical implications. The results can be applied in the sphere of education not only in Tatarstan Republic schools, but also in other regions where the teaching of the second language is organized in multi-cultural societies

    Evaluation of Carbon Fluxes and Trends (2000e2008) in the Greater Platte River Basin: A Sustainability Study for Potential Biofuel Feedstock Development

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    This study evaluates the carbon fluxes and trends and examines the environmental sustainability (e.g., carbon budget, source or sink) of the potential biofuel feedstock sites identified in the Greater Platte River Basin (GPRB). A 9-year (2000e2008) time series of net ecosystem production (NEP), a measure of net carbon absorption or emission by ecosystems, was used to assess the historical trends and budgets of carbon flux for grasslands in the GPRB. The spatially averaged annual NEP (ANEP) for grassland areas that are possibly suitable for biofuel expansion (productive grasslands) was 71e169 g C m2 year1 during 2000e2008, indicating a carbon sink (more carbon is absorbed than released) in these areas. The spatially averaged ANEP for areas not suitable for biofuel feedstock development (less productive or degraded grasslands) was 47 to 69 g C m2 year1 during 2000e2008, showing a weak carbon source or a weak carbon sink (carbon emitted is nearly equal to carbon absorbed). The 9-year pre-harvest cumulative ANEP was 1166 g C m2 for the suitable areas (a strong carbon sink) and 200 g C m2 for the non-suitable areas (a weak carbon sink). Results demonstrate and confirm that our method of dynamic modeling of ecosystem performance can successfully identify areas desirable and sustainable for future biofuel feedstock development. This study provides useful information for land managers and decision makers to make optimal land use decisions regarding biofuel feedstock development and sustainability

    Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) of the Great Plains, United States

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    Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Re) are the fundamental environmental characteristics that promote carbon exchanges with the atmosphere (Chapin and others, 2009), although other exchanges of carbon, such as direct oxidation (Lovett and others, 2006), can modify net ecosystem production (NEP). The accumulation of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems results in systems in which soil organic matter (SOM) carbon often exceeds biomass carbon (Post and Kwon, 2000). This SOM pool exists at a steady state between GPP and Re in ecosystems unless drivers change or the ecosystem endures environmental perturbations (for example, climatic). As indicated by Wilhelm and others (2011), conversion of grasslands to agriculture and cultivation can result in reduced soil carbon, with the release of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) to the atmosphere by stimulated oxidation and higher Re; therefore, land-use and land management practices have clear effects on NEP, with potential repercussions on ecosystems. The recent demand for biofuels has changed land-use and cropping patterns, especially in Midwestern United States (Wilhelm and others, 2011). It is important to ensure the sustainability of these and other land uses and to assess the effects on NE