1,172 research outputs found

    Difficulties quitting for smokers with and without a respiratory disease and use of a tailored intervention for smoking cessation – a qualitative study

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    Introduction: Smokers with respiratory diseases are less likely to quit than those without impaired lung function, yet few studies have investigated the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions with this population, and none have used a computer-tailored approach. Aims: This paper aims to fill this gap in the literature by exploring smokers’ experiences when trying to quit and their perceptions of a computer-tailored intervention. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 smokers recruited from six GP practices in North London. Thematic analysis was conducted to examine participants’ previous experiences of quitting and their perceptions of receiving personal tailored feedback reports to aid smoking cessation. Results: Participants discussed how their positive smoking experiences coupled with their negative cessation experiences led to conflicts with quitting smoking. Although the computer-tailored intervention was key in prompting quit attempts and participants valued its personal approach; it was not sufficient as a stand-alone intervention. Conclusion: The results highlight the difficulties that smokers experience when quitting and the need for a more personalised stop smoking service in smokers with respiratory diseases. The study also demonstrates the application and potential for computer tailored intervention as part of a wider programme of long-term smoking cessation

    High Throughput Sequencing and Proteomics to Identify Immunogenic Proteins of a New Pathogen: The Dirty Genome Approach

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    BACKGROUND:With the availability of new generation sequencing technologies, bacterial genome projects have undergone a major boost. Still, chromosome completion needs a costly and time-consuming gap closure, especially when containing highly repetitive elements. However, incomplete genome data may be sufficiently informative to derive the pursued information. For emerging pathogens, i.e. newly identified pathogens, lack of release of genome data during gap closure stage is clearly medically counterproductive. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We thus investigated the feasibility of a dirty genome approach, i.e. the release of unfinished genome sequences to develop serological diagnostic tools. We showed that almost the whole genome sequence of the emerging pathogen Parachlamydia acanthamoebae was retrieved even with relatively short reads from Genome Sequencer 20 and Solexa. The bacterial proteome was analyzed to select immunogenic proteins, which were then expressed and used to elaborate the first steps of an ELISA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:This work constitutes the proof of principle for a dirty genome approach, i.e. the use of unfinished genome sequences of pathogenic bacteria, coupled with proteomics to rapidly identify new immunogenic proteins useful to develop in the future specific diagnostic tests such as ELISA, immunohistochemistry and direct antigen detection. Although applied here to an emerging pathogen, this combined dirty genome sequencing/proteomic approach may be used for any pathogen for which better diagnostics are needed. These genome sequences may also be very useful to develop DNA based diagnostic tests. All these diagnostic tools will allow further evaluations of the pathogenic potential of this obligate intracellular bacterium

    Purification of native HBHA from Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Paratuberculosis remains today a major global problem in animal health, especially for dairy cattle. However, the diagnosis of its etiologic agent, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), still lacks sensitivity because of the lack of available antigens. Little is known about the virulence factors for this pathogen. In this study we have developed a method to produce and purify the heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA), a major adhesin of Mycobacteria, from a culture of Map. FINDINGS: For this extremely slow-growing Mycobacterium, a culture was established in a 3-liter bioreactor. Using the bioreactor the amount of the Map biomass was increased 5-fold compared to a classical culture in flasks. The map-HBHA was purified from a Map lysate by heparin-Sepharose chromatography on HiTrap columns. Binding of map-HBHA onto heparin-Sepharose can be reduced in the presence of salt. Consequently, all steps of sample preparation and column equilibration were carried out in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.2). The map-HBHA was eluted by a linear NaCl gradient. High resolution mass spectrometry analyses revealed that the native form of map-HBHA has posttranslational modifications, including the removal of the initiation methionine, acetylation of the alanine residue at the N-terminal extremity and the presence of methylated lysines in the C-terminal domain of the protein. CONCLUSIONS: An optimized culture of Map in a bioreactor was established to purify the native map-HBHA from a Map lysate by heparin-Sepharose chromatography. The availability of this antigen offers the possibility to study the structure of the protein and to examine its role in pathogenicity, in particular to better understand the specific interactions of Map with the intestinal tissue. The map-HBHA obtained in its native immunogenic form may also be useful to improve the diagnostic test, especially for the development of a new T-cell-based interferon gamma release assays

    La méthode Padovan® de réorganisation neurofonctionnelle auprès des enfants présentant un trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination : une étude exploratoire mixte

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    Introduction. Le trouble de l’acquisition de la coordination (TAC) touche environ 6% des enfants. La cause exacte du TAC demeure méconnue, mais les données probantes actuelles issues de la recherche démontrent la présence d’un dysfonctionnement neurologique. La méthode Padovan® de réorganisation neurofonctionnelle est une intervention qui cible ce type de dysfonctionnement et qui est utilisée cliniquement par des thérapeutes, dont des ergothérapeutes, dans divers pays. À ce jour, aucune étude n’a documenté les types de changements possible de cette intervention chez les enfants présentant un TAC. Objectif. Cette étude vise à explorer les types de changement de la méthode Padovan® chez des enfants d’âge scolaire ayant un TAC, en vue de proposer un premier modèle de changement. Méthode. Une étude de cas multiples utilisant une méthode mixte a été réalisée afin d'obtenir des information quant aux capacités des enfants et leur participation dans diverses habitudes de vie. Pour chaque cas (n = 5), les données ont été recueillies à partir d’entrevues semi-dirigées auprès des parents (données qualitatives) et d’analyses documentaires de dossiers ergothérapiques (données qualitatives et quantitatives). Résultats. Les résultats suggèrent des améliorations concernant plusieurs capacités, incluant les activités motrices, l’écriture manuelle et l’estime de soi, ainsi que dans la participation dans les soins personnels, l’éducation et les loisirs. Conclusion. Considérant ces résultats, des études expérimentales devraient être menées pour évaluer l’efficacité de la méthode Padovan® chez les enfants ayant un TAC

    Validation of a new fully automated software for 2D digital mammographic breast density evaluation in predicting breast cancer risk.

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    We compared accuracy for breast cancer (BC) risk stratification of a new fully automated system (DenSeeMammo-DSM) for breast density (BD) assessment to a non-inferiority threshold based on radiologists' visual assessment. Pooled analysis was performed on 14,267 2D mammograms collected from women aged 48-55 years who underwent BC screening within three studies: RETomo, Florence study and PROCAS. BD was expressed through clinical Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) density classification. Women in BI-RADS D category had a 2.6 (95% CI 1.5-4.4) and a 3.6 (95% CI 1.4-9.3) times higher risk of incident and interval cancer, respectively, than women in the two lowest BD categories. The ability of DSM to predict risk of incident cancer was non-inferior to radiologists' visual assessment as both point estimate and lower bound of 95% CI (AUC 0.589; 95% CI 0.580-0.597) were above the predefined visual assessment threshold (AUC 0.571). AUC for interval (AUC 0.631; 95% CI 0.623-0.639) cancers was even higher. BD assessed with new fully automated method is positively associated with BC risk and is not inferior to radiologists' visual assessment. It is an even stronger marker of interval cancer, confirming an appreciable masking effect of BD that reduces mammography sensitivity

    Local weather and body condition influence habitat use and movements on land of molting female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

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    The overall study was funded by the Institut Polaire Français Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV program 1037 HEnergES), doctoral fellowships of French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the University of St Andrews, the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS), and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are known to move and aggregate while molting, but little is known about their behavior on land during this time. In this study, 60 adult females were monitored (23 with GPS tags) during four molting seasons, between 2012 and 2016 at Kerguelen Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Population surveys were recorded each year (N = 230 daily counts), and habitat use was analyzed in relation to the stage of the molt and local weather. Based on stage of molt, habitat use, and movements on land, we classified the molt of elephant seals into three phases: (1) a “search phase” at the initial stage of molt when grass and wallow habitats were used and characterized by greater mean distances travelled on land per day compared with the two other phases; (2) a “resident phase”: during initial and mid‐stage of molt when animals were found in grass and wallow habitats but with less distance moved on land; and (3) a “termination phase” at the final stage of molt where grass and beach habitats were occupied with no change in distances. Windchill and solar radiation influenced individual distances moved per day (mean 590 ± 237.0 m) at the mid‐ and final stage of molt such that animals travelled greater distances on days of low windchill or high solar radiation. Individual variation in distance moved and relative habitat use were also linked to body mass index (BMI) at arrival on the colony, as females with higher BMI moved less and preferred beach habitat. Moreover, the individual rate of molt increased with the use of wallows. Aggregation rate tended to be negatively correlated with distances moved. We therefore suggest that individuals face an energetic trade‐off while molting, balancing energy expenditure between movement and thermoregulation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Drosophila TET acts with PRC1 to activate gene expression independently of its catalytic activity

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    Enzymes of the ten-eleven translocation (TET) family play a key role in the regulation of gene expression by oxidizing 5-methylcytosine (5mC), a prominent epigenetic mark in many species. Yet, TET proteins also have less characterized noncanonical modes of action, notably in Drosophila, whose genome is devoid of 5mC. Here, we show that Drosophila TET activates the expression of genes required for larval central nervous system (CNS) development mainly in a catalytic-independent manner. Genome-wide profiling shows that TET is recruited to enhancer and promoter regions bound by Polycomb group complex (PcG) proteins. We found that TET interacts and colocalizes on chromatin preferentially with Polycomb repressor complex 1 (PRC1) rather than PRC2. Furthermore, PRC1 but not PRC2 is required for the activation of TET target genes. Last, our results suggest that TET and PRC1 binding to activated genes is interdependent. These data highlight the importance of TET noncatalytic function and the role of PRC1 for gene activation in the Drosophila larval CNS

    PLoS One

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    Compared to the general population, HIV-infected patients are at higher risk of developing non-AIDS-defining cancers. Chronic HCV infection has also been associated with a higher risk than that of the general population of developing cancers other than hepatocarcinoma. Evaluation of the impact of HCV-related factors on non-AIDS-defining and non HCV-liver (NANL) related cancers among HIV/HCV co-infected patients are scarce. The aim of this study was to identify the impact of HIV/HCV clinical characteristics on NANL related cancers in a large cohort of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients followed from 2005 to 2017. Cox proportional hazards models with delayed entry were used to estimate factors associated with NANL related cancer. Among 1391 patients followed for a median of 5 years, 60 patients developed NANL related cancers, yielding an incidence rate of 8.9 per 1000 person-years (95% CI, [6.6-11.1]). By final multivariable analysis, after adjustment for sex, tobacco or alcohol consumption, baseline CD4 cell count and HCV sustained viral response (SVR), age and a longer duration since HIV diagnosis were independently associated with a higher risk of NANL related cancer (aHR for each additional year 1.10, 95% CI 1.06-1.14, p<0.0001 and 1.06, 95% CI 1.01-1.11, p = 0.02, respectively). Duration of HCV infection, cirrhosis, HCV viral load, genotype and SVR were not associated with the occurrence of NANL related cancer. Among HIV/HCV-coinfected patients, age and the duration of HIV infection were the only characteristics found to be associated with the occurrence of NANL related cancer. In contrast, no association was observed with any HCV-related variables