5,265 research outputs found

    Cartographies as Spaces of Inquiry on Secondary Teachers’ Learning Nomadic Trajectories

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    Low-Cost Piezoelectric Sensors for Time Domain Load Monitoring of Metallic Structures During Operational and Maintenance Processes

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    The versatility of piezoelectric sensors in measurement techniques and their performance in applications has given rise to an increased interest in their use for structural and manufacturing component monitoring. They enable wireless and sensor network solutions to be developed in order to directly integrate the sensors into machines, fixtures and tools. Piezoelectric sensors increasingly compete with strain-gauges due to their wide operational temperature range, load and strain sensing accuracy, low power consumption and low cost. This research sets out the use of piezoelectric sensors for real-time monitoring of mechanical strength in metallic structures in the ongoing operational control of machinery components. The behaviour of aluminium and steel structures under flexural strength was studied using piezoelectric sensors. Variations in structural behaviour and geometry were measured, and the load and μstrains during operational conditions were quantified in the time domain at a specific frequency. The lead zirconium titanate (PZT) sensors were able to distinguish between material types and thicknesses. Moreover, this work covers frequency selection and optimisation from 20 Hz to 300 kHz. Significant differences in terms of optimal operating frequencies and sensitivity were found in both structures. The influence of the PZT voltage applied was assessed to reduce power consumption without signal loss, and calibration to μstrains and loads was performed.This research was funded by Basque Government, grant number KK-2019/00051-SMARTRESNAK and by the European Commission, grant number 869884- RECLAIM

    Elaboración y comercialización de infusiones naturales de frutas en la ciudad de lima

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    Actualmente, se está promoviendo la venta de productos más saludables y naturales en el mercado. El consumidor se preocupa más por su salud y espera que las empresas, en este caso las empresas de infusiones, hagan todo lo posible para satisfacer esa necesidad, evitando hacer uso de saborizantes u otros elementos artificiales en sus productos; debido al efecto negativo que resulta para las personas. Junto a ello, hay una preocupación por el uso de materiales no renovables en la industria de infusiones que generan una contaminación constante; el público quiere apoyar a cambiar eso. La búsqueda de lograr el bienestar en el consumo y el compromiso medioambiental, propone que se realice un producto capaz de considerar ambas problemáticas y tratar de resolverlas con su consumo. Para apoyar ese cambio, se crea “Fruit Essence” S.A.C., una empresa de elaboración y comercialización de infusiones de frutas, que busca integrarse en el mercado de infusiones con su receta 100% natural e innovadora que hace uso de una variedad de frutas y elementos ecológicos. Está dirigido a mujeres y hombres de 18 a 55 años que residan en los distritos de Villa María del Triunfo, San Juan de Miraflores, Surco y Miraflores, considerando el NSE A, B y C. La venta del producto puede ser a través de nuestro local o por pedido en la página web de la empresa; a precios accesibles de entre S/. 2.80 a S/.2.90. La investigación que se realizó en los Focus Group y encuestas, brindó resultados que motivan a impulsar la empresa; debido al gran porcentaje (92%) de aceptación e interés que mostraron los participantes sobre las infusiones de frutas. Para este proyecto se tendrá que contar con una inversión inicial de s/. 95,035; esta inversión se recuperará al 2do. año puesto en marcha el proyecto. Hay que destacar que el proyecto es viable debido a que se obtuvo datos de rentabilidad positivos como un VAN de 83,647 y una TIR de 49,7%.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Providing Public Value through Data Sharing: Understanding Critical Factors of Food Traceability for Local Farms and Institutional Buyers

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    Many of the datasets that could contribute to solutions for current public problems are proprietary and reside outside of government agencies. Accelerating data sharing and collaboration between those who hold valuable data and those able to deliver solutions is key to generating public value from private data. There is still a limited body of literature, however, that addresses data sharing and collaboration between private and public organizations. Using a case study of food traceability from local farms to institutions, this paper contributes to this emerging field by identifying challenges and incentives in data sharing among different types of organizations. In particular, our goal is to study how small farms and institutional buyers can be incentivized to share their data in a way that contributes to food safety, public health, and other societal goals. Our findings demonstrate that initiatives which can show the benefits of having a whole-chain food traceability system, have clear policies and regulations, and opportunities for participation in training activities are key incentives

    Caracterización de la producción con árboles de Ramón (Brosimum Alicastrum Sw.) y sus derivados para el desarrollo sustentable de la región sur del estado de Yucatán

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    En México se pueden ver los efectos del crecimiento poblacional, de la baja producción agrícola y de los niveles de pobreza y desigualdad que repercuten en la mala alimentación de los pobladores del país. Los factores de los cuales se habla son: la disponibilidad de alimentos, el acceso a los alimentos, la estabilidad y la utilización de los alimentos. Las plantaciones de ramón son una alternativa social, económica y ambiental para la producción de alimentos alternativos con alto valor nutricional; sin embargo, las bondades de este cultivo son desconocidas para la mayor parte de la población del sur del estado de Yucatán, por lo que tendrá que darse un proceso amplio de información de las cualidades del consumo de dichos alimentos. En el ámbito económico y ambiental, esta producción alternativa genera expectativas alentadoras puesto que las plantaciones pueden aprovecharse de manera integral utilizando el sistema agroforestal, ya que evitan la erosión del suelo, no implican el uso de agroquímicos y contribuyen a la diversidad nativa de la región del sur de Yucatán propiciando un desarrollo sustentable y productivo. Analizando la viabilidad social, económica y ambiental de la incorporación de tecnologías agroforestales para la producción de plantaciones con árboles de ramón como alternativa alimentaria se plantea una estrategia de información con sustento ambiental por ser un recurso local. Asimismo, se busca convencer del consumo de productos derivados del ramón como una opción para mejorar la nutrición e ingresos de los habitantes de la región, a través de un modelo de plantación agroforestal sustentable que incorpore árboles de ramón favoreciendo el uso integral de la planta

    What about the herb? A new metabolomics approach for synthetic cannabinoid drug testing

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    Synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) are consumed as legal alternative to cannabis and often allow passing drug-screening tests. Their rapid transience on the drug scene, combined with their mostly unknown metabolic profiles, creates a scenario with constantly moving analytical targets, making their monitoring and identification challenging. The development of fast screening strategies for SCs, not directly focused on their chemical structure, as an alternative to the commonly applied target acquisition methods, would be highly appreciated in forensic and public health laboratories. An innovative untargeted metabolomics approach, focused on herbal components commonly used for ‘spice’ products, was applied. Saliva samples of healthy volunteers were collected at pre-dose and after smoking herbal components and analysed by high-resolution mass spectrometry. The data obtained, combined with appropriate statistical analysis, allowed to highlight and elucidate two markers (scopoletin and N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)dodecylamine), which ratio permitted to differentiate herbal smokers from non-smokers. The proposed strategy will allow discriminating potential positives, on the basis of the analysis of two markers identified in the herbal blends. This work is presented as a step forward in SC drug testing, promoting a smart first-line screening approach, which will allow reducing the number of samples to be further investigated by more sophisticated HRMS methods

    On Mechanical and Electrical Coupling Determination at Piezoelectric Harvester by Customized Algorithm Modeling and Measurable Properties

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    Piezoelectric harvesters use the actuation potential of the piezoelectric material to transform mechanical and vibrational energies into electrical power, scavenging energy from their environment. Few research has been focused on the development and understanding of the piezoelectric harvesters from the material themselves and the real piezoelectric and mechanical properties of the harvester. In the present work, the authors propose a behavior real model based on the experimentally measured electromechanical parameters of a homemade PZT bimorph harvester with the aim to predict its Vrms output. To adjust the harvester behavior, an iterative customized algorithm has been developed in order to adapt the electromechanical coupling coefficient, finding the relationship between the harvester actuator and generator behavior. It has been demonstrated that the harvester adapts its elongation and its piezoelectric coefficients combining the effect of the applied mechanical strain and the electrical behavior as a more realistic behavior due to the electromechanical nature of the material. The complex rms voltage output of the homemade bimorph harvester in the frequency domain has been successfully reproduced by the proposed model. The Behavior Real Model, BRM, developed could become a powerful tool for the design and manufacturing of a piezoelectric harvester based on its customized dimensions, configuration, and the piezoelectric properties of the smart materials.This research was funded by the Basque Government, grant number KK-2021/00082-µ4IIoT, and by the European Commission, grant number 869884- RECLAIM

    Anatomy of corpus callosum in prenatally malnourished rats

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe effect of prenatal malnutrition on the anatomy of the corpus callosum was assessed in adult rats (45-52 days old). In the prenatally malnourished animals we observed a significant reduction of the corpus callosum total area, partial areas, and perimeter, as compared with normal animals. In addition, the splenium of corpus callosum (posterior fifth) showed a significant decrease of fiber diameters in the myelinated fibers without changing density. There was also a significant decrease in diameter and a significant increase in density of unmyelinated fibers. Measurements of perimeter's fractal dimensions from sagittal sections of the brain and corpus callosum did not show significant differences between malnourished and control animals. These findings indicate that cortico-cortical connections are vulnerable to the prenatal malnutrition, and suggest this may affect interhemispheric conduction velocity, particulary in visual connections (splenium).http://ref.scielo.org/nph4s