4,555 research outputs found

    Videogames and fictional worlds. From Super Mario to Portal. Antonio J. Planells

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    Diálogos metaficcionales e intermediales (II) entre Agustín Fernández Mallo y Enrique Vila-Matas

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    The essay, dedicated to Darío Villanueva, one of the most important Spanish specialists in literary theory and comparative literature of the 20th century, explores in the first part his contribution to the research on metaliterature and metafiction in the Spanish contemporary novel of the decades of 1980-1990. His works establish the relationships of these concepts with postmodernity theories and with umberto Eco’s thesis in Il nome della rosa, Postille and other relevant essays of the Italian author. In the second part of the text, the aim is to apply these concepts of literary self-consciousness and reflexivity in the novel as a story-telling device in the work of one of the most relevant Spanish young writers of the 21st Century, Agustín Fernandez Mallo’s Nocilla Lab. In this sense, we will focus the ending sequence, written (and designed) in form of a comic book or graphic novel, in which the young author puts himself beside the more recognized Enrique Vila-Matas, as an allegoric and fictional reflection of Pierre Bourdieu’s theories about the literary field.The essay, dedicated to Darío Villanueva, one of the most important Spanish specialists in literary theory and comparative literature of the 20th century, explores in the first part his contribution to the research on metaliterature and metafiction in the Spanish contemporary novel of the decades of 1980-1990. His works establish the relationships of these concepts with postmodernity theories and with umberto Eco’s thesis in Il nome della rosa, Postille and other relevant essays of the Italian author. In the second part of the text, the aim is to apply these concepts of literary self-consciousness and reflexivity in the novel as a story-telling device in the work of one of the most relevant Spanish young writers of the 21st Century, Agustín Fernandez Mallo’s Nocilla Lab. In this sense, we will focus the ending sequence, written (and designed) in form of a comic book or graphic novel, in which the young author puts himself beside the more recognized Enrique Vila-Matas, as an allegoric and fictional reflection of Pierre Bourdieu’s theories about the literary field

    Vicia vulcanorum (Fabaceae), nueva especie para la isla de Lanzarote (Islas Canarias)

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    Vicia vulcanorum J. Gil & M. L. Gil (Fabaceae), a new species of subg. Cracca (Dumort.) Peterm., sect. Cracca Dumort. is described and illustrated from the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, north-west of Africa. It is related to and compared with Vicia cirrhosa C. Sm. ex Webb & Berthel. and Vicia filicaulis Webb & Berthel., two endemic species from the western and central group of the Canary Islands, and Vicia ferreirensis Goyder, an endemic species from Porto Santo Island, Madeira Archipelago.Se describe e ilustra Vicia vulcanorum J. Gil & M. L. Gil (Fabaceae), una nueva especie y endemismo de la isla de Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, perteneciente al subg. Cracca (Dumort.) Peterm., sect. Cracca Dumort. Se encuentra relacionada y es comparada con Vicia cirrhosa C. Sm. ex Webb & Berthel. y Vicia filicaulis Webb & Berthel., especies endémicas de las islas centrales y occidentales del archipiélago canario, y con Vicia ferreirensis Goyder, especie endémica de la isla de Porto Santo, en el archipiélago de Madeira

    STECF Evaluation of Fishing Effort Regimes in European Waters - Part 2 (STECF-13-21)

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    STECF notes that it has extensively addressed the ToR regarding the requested fishing effort regime evaluations in the 1. Eastern and Western Baltic, 2. the Kattegat, 3. the Skagerrak, North Sea, European waters in ICES Div.2 and the Eastern Channel, 4. to the West of Scotland, 5. Irish Sea, 6. Celtic Sea, 7. Atlantic waters off the Iberian Peninsula, 8. Western Channel, 9. Western Waters and Deep Sea 10. and the Bay of Biscay, i.e. updated estimates of trends in fishing effort, landings and discards by species, CPUE and LPUE by fisheries and species, and partial fishing mortalities for effort regulated and non-regulated fisheries by Member States. Few ToR could not be accomplished due to time constraints and/or data deficiencies. It is noted that compilations of fisheries specific data by fishing effort management regime and Member State are provided as electronic appendixes and can be downloaded at http://stecf.jrc.ec.europa.eu/web/stecf/ewg1313 in order to facilitate transparent dissemination of the information and further use. Due to the complexity of the fisheries information provided, interested users are advised to consult the data quality notes and data notations provided in the present report.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Optimization of a new Ni-free Ti alloy for applications in the implant field

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    Three new Ni-free Ti alloys, Ti-16.2Hf-24.8Nb-1Zr, Ti-5.2Hf-31.2Nb-0.4Zr and Ti-16Hf-36.2Nb-1Zr (wt%), were designed and produced in order to obtain shape memory and/or low elastic modulus materials in order to avoid stress shielding and to enhance bone regeneration in the load transfer implant field. The alloys were microstructurally and mechanically characterized, cytotoxicity was evaluated using MG63 osteoblast-like cells. The elastic modulus of the new alloys (between 67-90 GPa) are smaller than those of the commercial alloys employed for implantation. The lowest elastic modulus alloy, Ti-16.2Hf-24.8Nb-1Zr (wt %), with 67.5 GPa, was optimized by cold work in order to determine the key factor that promotes the desired shape memory properties and/or low elastic modulus. A higher proportion of martensite was observed by optical and electron transmission microscopy in the low cold work samples compared to the quenched alloy. The elastic modulus for each cold work condition was evaluated by nanoindentation tests using a spherical tip. The elastic modulus decreases when increasing the cold work level. The lowest value corresponds to the 99% cold work condition, with 44 GPa, closer to that of cortical bone and smaller than the quenched alloy (67.5 GPa).Tres nuevas aleaciones de Ti libres de Ni, Ti-16.2Hf-24.8Nb-1Zr, Ti-5.2Hf-31.2Nb-0.4Zr y Ti-16Hf-36.2Nb-1Zr, porcentajes en peso, fueron diseñadas y fabricadas con el fin de obtener memoria de forma y/o bajo módulo elástico con el objetivo de evitar el apantallamiento de cargas y mejorar la regeneración ósea en el campo de la implantología de transferencia de carga. Las aleaciones fueron caracterizadas microestructural y mecánicamente y la citotoxicidad fue evaluada utilizando osteoblastos MG63. El módulo elástico de las nuevas aleaciones (entre 67-90 GPa) es menor que el de las aleaciones comerciales utilizadas en implantología. El menor módulo elástico corresponde a la aleación Ti-16.2Hf-24.8Nb-1Zr, con 67.5 GPa y fue optimizado mediante trabajo en frío con el objetivo de determinar el factor responsable de la obtención de las propiedades deseadas de bajo módulo elástico y/o memoria de forma. Una mayor proporción de martensita fue observada por microscopía óptica y microscopía electrónica de transmisión en las muestras con bajo porcentaje de trabajo en frío en comparación con la muestra templada. El módulo elástico correspondiente a cada condición de trabajo en frío fue evaluado mediante nanoindentación con punta esférica. El módulo elástico disminuye al aumentar el porcentaje de trabajo en frío. El menor valor corresponde a la condición de 95% de trabajo en frío, con 44 GPa, valor cercano al del hueso cortical y menor que el del material templado (67.5 GPa).Peer Reviewe

    En la frontera meta : coordenadas para una cartografía de la metaficción hispánica y peninsular

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    El artículo trata de presentar de forma panorámica la producción teórico-crítica asociada con el concepto de metaficción en las últimas décadas desde el ámbito hispánico, o referida a corpus literario (y específicamente, novelístico) hispánico y peninsular

    El relato en la cultura de masas (II): Intermedialidades

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    El artículo trata de indagar las complejas relaciones entre las narrativas dominantes (novela, cine, televisión, cómic y videojuegos) como parte de un sistema de prácticas adaptativas. Para ello se exploran las diferentes manifestaciones de la adaptación, considerada no solamente en tanto relación genética y binaria entre dos textos, sino en cuanto una amplia gama de intermediaciones convertidas en una de las modalidades más dinámicas y productivas del sistema cultural a través de la práctica sistemática de ilustraciones, reescrituras, transficciones, interferencias, remediaciones, etc. Para ilustrar esta hipótesis se utilizarán sendos ciclos adaptativos o repertorios temáticos centrados en cada uno de los géneros y medios citados, tratando además de presentar casos relacionados con el ámbito hispánico: de las intermediaciones narrativas de la conspiración, a las ficciones del poder global, de las transficciones del superhéroe a las remediaciones literarias del ciberpunk