1,106 research outputs found


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    Masalah yang melatar belakangi pada penelitian ini adalah penggunaan media pembelajaran yang berbasis computer. Kerena tidak semua daerah di Indonesia memiliki fasilitas pembelajaran yang berbasis computer. Sehingga pembelajaran terhambat oleh kurangnya saran adan prasarana tersebut. Pada rumusan masalah ini apakah penerapan Mind Mapping sebagai media dapat meningkatkan kretifitas belajar IPA pada siswa kelas IV SDN Kepadangan II Kabupaten Sidoarjo Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan: 1). Untuk mengetahui kreatifitas guru dalam mengembangkan media, 2). Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran siswa, 3). Untuk meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siawa. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 3 siklus, dimana setiap siklus melakukan tindakan pengamatan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan refleksi. Subyekdalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV SDN Kepadangan II yang berjumlah 30 siswa dan siswi. Data penilalian dari penelitian ini didapat melalui penilaian posttest, dengan ranah media pendukung yaitu lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Analisis data hasil belajar siswa setelah melakukan tindakan siklus 1 dapat mengetahui bahwa nilai rata-rata adalah 53,80 dengan terselesaikannya belajar klasikal mencapai 11,8%. Setelah tindakan siklus 2 niali rata-rata 72,35 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal 28,93%. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata pada siklus 3 89,70 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal 45,8%. Pada hasil analisis pada aktivitas siswa dan krativitas siswa pada tindakan 1 diperoleh hasil 60% dengan criteria yang cukup. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus 2 mencapai 73% dengan criteria yang baik, sedangkan pada siklus 3 tercapai 87% dengan criteria yang sangat amat baik. KataKunci: Mind Mapping mapel ipa

    Studi Analisis terhadap Ketentuan KHI Pasal 153 Ayat(5) tentang Iddah bagi Perempuan yang Berhenti Haid Ketika Menjalani Masa Iddah karena Menyusui

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    Iddah adalah suatu masa yang mengharuskan perempuan yang telah diceraikan suaminya, baik cerai mati atau cerai hidup, untuk menunggu sehingga dapat diyakinkan bahwa dalam rahimnya telah berisi atau kosong dari kandungan. Itulah sebabnya ia diharuskan menunggu dalam masa yang ditentukan. iddah telah dijelaskan secara eksplisit oleh nash al-Qur’an maupun Sunnah. Akan tetapi ketika iddah tersebut dihadapkan pada suatu peristiwa yang tidak lazim, seperti seorang perempuan yang berhenti haid ketika menjalani masa iddah karena menyusui, maka iddah tersebut menjadi sebuah masalah yang membutuhkan pengkajian secara cermat. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1).Bagaimana perhitungan iddah perempuan yang berhenti haid ketika menjalani masa iddah karena menyusui dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan 2).Apa dasar hukum iddah perempuan yang berhenti haid ketika menjalani masa iddah karena menyusui dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian secara kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data kepustakaan atau disebut dengan istilah library research. Dalam penelitian ini penulis juga menggunakan analisis yang bersifat “diskriptif” yang berusaha menggambarkan mengenai masalah tersebut. Metode ini digunakan untuk memahami ketentuan iddah bagi perempuan yang berhenti haid ketika menjalani masa iddah karena menyusui dalam KHI pasal 153 ayat (5) dan dasar hukumnya. Hasil dari penelitian yang penulis lakukan adalah: pertama, Perempuan yang sedang menyusui, kaitannya dengan masalah iddah, ia dianalogikan sebagai wanita yang berpenyakit. Bukan berarti susu itu adalah penyakit. Akan tetapi, menyusui yang mengakibatkan berhentinya haid itulah yang menjadikan wanita ini disamakan dengan wanita yang memiliki penyakit (illat). Kedua, Dalam KHI Pasal 153 ayat (5) mengandung ketentuan bahwa jika wanita yang haidnya berhenti karena menyusui atau sebab penyakit itu telah mencapai usia menopause, maka beriddah tiga bulan. Meski hal ini tidak dijelaskan langsung secara eksplisit. Ketentuan iddah yang tertuang dalam KHI Pasal 153 ayat (5) berdasar pada pendapat ulama yang bermazhab Syafi’i yaitu Syaikh Sulaiman


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    The word discourse is not only called in discourse analysis of texts media, or rather the communication, but also some disciplines, among others such as psychology, sociology, political or literature and others. Because of the difference in the scope of science, a word that has been popular usually have multiple meanings or different definition  as well according to various scientists from the scientific fields above and what is circulating in the community. Discourse is meant here is the analysis of the packaging on the shape of the structure or form of an interview as well as the practices of the communicator. Language here becomes a tool as an intermediary extend the hand of power in the point of politics through the depiction of subjects in which there are the interests of ideology


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    Riba is an economic activity that is prohibited by the Qur’an. Chronologically, the ban has been outlined clearly. On the other hand, bank interest that become one pillar of the existence of financial institutions is rated synonymous with usury. Financial institutions have become a pillar of economic growth. The problem is why the Qur’an forbids usury, whereas various economic activities ‘need’ the existence of interest that are identical to the usury. This study found two findings. First, the prohibition of riba in the Qur’an have preceded other forms of restrictions are more morally intolerable that broadly impacts a major disadvantage in the community. On the other side of the Qur’an strongly encourages the public Makkah to help the poor and orphans around him. Second, the prohibition of riba in the Qur’an has relevance to the real sector of the economy. Therefore, the economy based on usury will naturally ignore the underlying transaction which is the basis of the real sector. As a result of the investors (capitalists) certainly fortunate while the money manager/entrepreneur is still no clarity, so that the position is unbalanced, unjust. The usurious economic system can lead to gaps world community economic growth constantly


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    Permainan komputer atau yang sering kita sebut game merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang banyak diminati oleh para pengguna perangkat teknologi informasi dan komunikasi seperti mobile phone dan personal computer (PC). Pada sebuah game, biasanya terdapat implementasi dari algoritma kecerdasan buatan untuk mendukung gameplay game tersebut. Salah satunya adalah implementasi metode pathfinding dengan menggunakan Algoritma A* dan grid graph. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah game berjudul Treasure Hunter bergenre game action puzzle dengan mengimplementasikan metode pathfinding menggunakan algoritma A* dan grid graph pada non-player character (NPC). Dari hasil pengujian kinerja Algoritma A* dan grid graph dapat disimpulkan bahwa pencarian dengan menggunakan Algoritma A* selalu berhasil menemukan node tujuan dengan catatan waktu relatif singkat. Selain itu, berdasarkan data pengujian yang dilakukan dimensi grid 3x3 sampai 69x69 merupakan luas world game yang termasuk memiliki performa baik untuk digunakan pada game Treasure Hunter. Sehingga untuk game dengan dimensi yang lebih luas, Algoritma A* dan grid graph kurang cocok. Dari hasil kuesioner yang diberikan kepada responden bahwa dengan adanya penerapan pathfinding pada NPC, secara keseluruhan game Treasure Hunter menarik untuk dimainkan.; Computer games or what we often call the game is one application that is much in demand by the users of the information and communication technologies such as mobile phones and personal computers (PCs). In the game, there are usually implementations of artificial intelligence algorithms to support gameplay of the game. One of them is the implementation of the method of pathfinding using Algorithm A * and grid graph. This research resulted in a game called Treasure Hunter with game action puzzle genre by implementing methods of pathfinding algorithm A * and grid graph on a non-player character (NPC). From the results of performance testing Algorithm A * and grid graph can be concluded that the search by using Algorithm A * always managed to find the destination node to record a relatively short time. In addition, based on data of tests performed dimensional grid of 3x3 to 69x69 is a world wide game that includes having a good performance for use in the game Treasure Hunter. So for games with broader dimensions, Algorithm A * and grid graph are less suitable. From the results of a questionnaire given to respondents that with the implementation of the NPC pathfinding, the overall game Treasure Hunter is interesting to play


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    The objective of this writing is asking English teachers to make a creative teaching, to endeavor increasing their quality in teaching learning process. In these cas the classroom teacher can choose the methods and materials according to the needs of the learners, the preferences teacher, and the constrainst of the school or educational setting and the methods is considered in terms of its links to more general linguistics, psychological, or educational traditions. Finally it will enable teachers to become better informed about the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of methods and approaches so they can better arrive at their own judgement and decisions

    Problematika Ketetapan Majelis Permusyaratan Rakyat Dalam Hierarki Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Indonesia

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    Tap MPR is one source of the legal sequences in the laws and regulations hierarchy in Indonesia. Tap MPR  contains the meaning of Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat. Tap MPR was originally included in the hierarchy of statutory regulations in 1965. It is interesting because tap MPR  is still used as a source of law in Indonesia even though legally the MPR is no longer authorized to issue decrees. This article aims to delve deeper into the problems arising from the entry and exit of Tap MPR in the laws and regulations hierarchy in Indonesia. This is very important because there will be confusion in law enforcement if the status of tap MPR changes in the source of the statutory system in Indonesia. The method used is literature by reading books and other journal articles that discuss tap MPR. All data are then analyzed with content analysis to narrow the problem and find solutions to existing problems. This article finds several things, namely that tap MPR  problem contains at least 2 sides of the problem. The first is related to the standing of the MPR and the second is the judicial review of tap MPR. This article makes an important contribution that it turns out that this problem can be solved by several legal steps taken by the government. The first is by giving the right standing to tap MPR and the second is the interpretation of the laws and regulations relating to the judicial review of Tap MPR


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    This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the perspective of normative and philosophical. Mudharabah is interesting to examine, because the beginning of a substitute interest (riba) is the contract of profit sharing, one of which is based on mudharabah. Mudharabah is also rated as the contract representing equity in the transaction. However, in reality, the application of this mudharabah  is not so simple, there are some problems inside it. The research found some results, among other things: First, the contract of mudharabah is one of contracts that is used by the Islamic bank to manage the funding and financing in order to avoid the practice of interest (riba). Second, ideally, mudharabah  becone  the mainstay products of Islamic banking, both in terms of funding or financing. Because, with the principle of partnership, the two parties are equally benefited. Thirdly, in fact, the bank and the customer will not want for various losses. While the mudharabah practice allows for this. Therefore, it requires tactical steps to minimize the impact of such losses. One of these steps is to conduct the training to prospective mudharib intensively for in terms of professionalism and confidence (trust) it. Further, it requires accompaniment for the candidate of capital manager (mudharib)


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    The financial statements are information that is expected to provide assistance to users to make economic decisions that are financially, the financial report is also required an analysis to give an idea and making decisions about a company's financial situation. Analysis of financial ratios can help business people, government and the other financial statement users in assessing the financial condition of a company. This suggests that financial ratios useful in assessing the financial condition and useful in improving corporate profits, the recent economic climate change impacts greatly affect sales of property in Indonesia which resulted in the company's profit growth is likely to go down unstable and therefore researchers took research with the object property that is being developed to determine the extent to which the impact of fuel price increases to the growth in profit in Real Estate and Property companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange(IDX). Data used in this research is financial statement and Property Real Estate company that goes public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period 2005- 2009. There are three financial ratios used in the current ratio (CR), debt to equity ratio (DER), net profit margin (NPM). Technique analysis in this study are multiple regression model to test hypotheses simultaneously and partial as well as the dominant variable. From the analysis it can be concluded that the F test of the three independent variables (current ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Net Profit Margin) have an effect simultaneously on the dependent variable (earnings growth). Through t test variables only Current Ratio (CR) and Net Profit Margin (NPM), which is partially affected, while the variable Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has no effect partially to changes in earnings. Of the three financial ratios turned out to Real Estate Current Ratio (CR) and Net Profit Margin (NPM), which has the most dominant influence in increasing the growth in profit in Real Estate and Property companies that go public on the IDX
