1,509 research outputs found

    In search of the "biological origin": Kinship and family in organizations of adoptees

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    Durante los últimos años, en Argentina, han surgido distintas asociaciones de personas adoptadas o inscriptas falsamente que buscan sus “orígenes biológicos”. Mediante la apelación al “derecho a la identidad”, estas organizaciones despliegan distintas acciones que se traducen tanto en un esfuerzo por visibilizar sus demandas, como en una tarea de acompañamiento y contención a las personas que emprenden la búsqueda de información sobre sus familias de origen. En el desarrollo de estas acciones se puede apreciar la conformación de particulares sentidos acerca de la familia, los lazos de filiación, la identidad y el parentesco. En efecto, las historias de vida de las personas que buscan sus orígenes nos ubican privilegiadamente en la interfaz de las dimensiones biológica y social, que son centrales en los debates antropológicos sobre la familia. A partir del trabajo de campo con integrantes de la Asociación “Raíz Natal: Por el Derecho a la Identidad Biológica”, en este artículo analizo la construcción y configuración de sentidos sobre el parentesco y la familia que sostienen y ponen en juego las personas nucleadas en esta organización. Asimismo, indago en el lugar y los valores asignados a lo biológico y lo social en esta construcción, así como los distintos usos que los integrantes de la Asociación realizan de aquellas configuraciones de sentidos para construir sus demandas en términos de acceso a derechos.In recent years, in Argentina, many associations of adopted or falsely registered persons seeking their "biological origins" have emerged. By appealing to the "right to identity", these organizations deploy different actions that result both in an effort to visualize their demands and as support for people who undertake the search for information about their families of origin. By undertaking these actions they shape individual meanings about family, bonds of affiliation, identity and kinship. Indeed, the life stories of people who seek their origins place us at the interface of biological and social dimensions that is a central topic to anthropological debates about family. As a result of my fieldwork with members of the Association “Raíz Natal: Por el Derecho a la Identidad Biológica", I analyze the construction and configuration of senses of kinship and family that support and bring into play the people gathered in this organization. I also explore the place and values assigned to the biological and social in this construction, as well as the different uses that members of the Association make of the different senses built around their demands in terms of access to rights.Fil: Gesteira, María Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Exile and Emigration: Tenets of Editorial Galaxia from its Foundation until the 1960’s. The Case of Argentina and Uruguay

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    Argentina y Uruguay, como principales países de emigración y exilio gallegos, ayudaron a cimentar el proyecto de la Editorial Galaxia durante dos décadas con ayudas económicas y con la divulgación de los libros publicados. La relación entre la Galicia interior y la exterior era intensa, por lo que fue posible llevar a cabo acciones comunes.Arxentina e Uruguai, como principais países receptores da emigración e do exilio galegos, axudaron a asentar o proxecto da Editorial Galaxia durante dúas décadas con achegas económicas e coa divulgación dos libros publicados. A relación entre a Galicia interior e a exterior era intensa, polo que foi posible levar a cabo accións comúns.Argentine and Uruguay helped to set the Editorial Galaxia project as the main migrant-receiving countries from Galician exile. For two decades, they collaborated with financial support as well as spreading published books. The relationship between “inland Galicia” and “Galicia abroad” was strong; therefore it was possible to perform common actions

    The beginnings of the Galician Language introduction into theteaching (1963-1977)

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    [Resumo] “Inicios da galeguización do ensino (1963-1977)”. Este artigo pretende ofrecer unha panorámica dos movementos que os axentes civís e as institucións galegas levaron a cabo para conseguir que se implantara o galego no ensino. Entre 1963 e 1977 as asociacións culturais ofreceron cursos para adultos e introduciuse o galego na Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, pero resistíase a incursión do estudo da lingua no ensino obrigatorio e no bacharelato. A Real Academia Galega comeza as xestións, ó igual que a Euskaltzaindia e o Institut d´Estudis Catalans, co Ministerio de Educación e Ciencia. A Lei Xeral de Educación (1970) recolle a posibilidade de introducir as linguas diferentes do castelán no ensino, aínda que habería que agardar ó Decreto 1433/1975 para que se desenvolva máis este aspecto. Este feito supón un gran avance, aínda que non cumpría tódalas expectativas e as reivindicacións seguen nos anos seguintes.[Abstract] “The beginnings of the Galician Language introduction into the teaching (1963- 1977)”. This article wants to offer an overview regarding the steps taken by the Galician Civil Agents and Institutions in order to introduce the Galician language into the education. Between 1963 and 1977 the Cultural Associations offered courses for adult people and the Galician Language was introduced into the University of Santiago de Compostela, but there were still difficulties in order to set the studies of the language both in the compulsory education and at the Bachelor´s degree Studies. The Galician Royal Academy (Real Academia Galega) started its negotiations, as well as the Euskaltzaindia and the Institut d´Estudis Catalans did, with the Ministry of Education and Science. The General Act of Education (1970) brings the possibility of introducing those of the languages different than Spanish into the teaching, however it will not be until the executive order 1433/1975 that this matter would be more developed. This fact means a great step forward, even though it will not satisfy the expectations and there will be more claims during the following years

    How can ocean warming at the NW Iberian Peninsula affect mussel aquaculture?

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    Understanding and forecasting future consequences of climate change in mussel aquaculture industry require the assessment of changes in physical parameters which may affect mussel growth. The FLOW module of Delft3D model forced with climatic data was validated and calibrated for the Rías Baixas (NW Iberian Peninsula), one of the areas with the highest mussel production in the world. This model was used to perform historical (1999-2018) and future (2080-2099) projections. Temperature and stratification water conditions were compared in order to determine at what extent climate change can affect mussel production. Thermal stress will increase in a non-homogeneous throughout the water column and the comfort level of mussels will be reduced by more than 60% in the upper layers and more than 30% in deep layers in most of the mussel raft polygons. Water column stratification will increase ~ 5-10 cycles h-1 in most of the polygons reducing the vertical exchange of nutrients and oxygen. Hereby changes in water temperature and stratification at the end of the century will not be favorable for mussel growth.publishe

    Combined Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation on Sea Surface Temperature in the Alborán Sea

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    We explored the possible effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO) on interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the Albora´n Sea, both separately and combined. The probability of observing mean annual SST values higher than average was related to NAO and AO values of the previous year. The effect of NAO on SST was negative, while that of AO was positive. The pure effects of NAO and AO on SST are obscuring each other, due to the positive correlation between them. When decomposing SST, NAO and AO in seasonal values, we found that variation in mean annual SST and mean winter SST was significantly related to the mean autumn NAO of the previous year, while mean summer SST was related to mean autumn AO of the previous year. The one year delay in the effect of the NAO and AO on the SST could be partially related to the amount of accumulated snow, as we found a significant correlation between the total snow in the North Albora´n watershed for a year with the annual average SST of the subsequent year. A positive AO implies a colder atmosphere in the Polar Regions, which could favour occasional cold waves over the Iberian Peninsula which, when coupled with precipitations favoured by a negative NAO, may result in snow precipitation. This snow may be accumulated in the high peaks and melt down in spring-summer of the following year, which consequently increases the runoff of freshwater to the sea, which in turn causes a diminution of sea surface salinity and density, and blocks the local upwelling of colder water, resulting in a higher SST.CGL2009-11316 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, and FEDER

    Práctica clínica en neonatología en la graduación de enfermería: enfrentamientos y desafíos en un contexto de cambios

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    This work aimed to analyze the situational diagnosis of the Undergraduate Nursing clinical practice in the field of Neonatology in different institutions of higher education in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in order to identify the challenges with regard to the new educational requirements. The research, with an exploratory design and a qualitative approach, concerned the characterization of the clinical practice in the institutional sphere and its dimensioning from the perspective of students. According to the results, along with the conventional planning, having or not a proper environment for training constitutes a significant difference in its development. The generalist clinical practice, as it is now conceived, coexists with the desire for specialization. Students ask for a closer contact to the high-risk newborn infants. One concludes that there's a need for rethinking these issues within the Undergraduate Nursing course.Este trabajo objetivó analizar el diagnóstico situacional de la práctica clínica de Enfermería en el área de Neonatología en diferentes instituciones de enseñanza superior en la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil, a fin de identificar los desafíos con relación a las nuevas exigencias educacionales. La investigación, de naturaleza exploratoria y con abordaje cualitativo, envolvió la caracterización de la práctica clínica en el plano institucional y su dimensionamiento en la perspectiva de los alumnos. Como apuntan los resultados, junto con la programación convencional, tener o no campo propio para la práctica constituyó diferencial significativo en su desarrollo. La formación generalista, en la manera como es concebida, coexiste con la aspiración por la especialización. Los alumnos reivindican una mayor aproximación a los recién nacidos de alto riesgo. Se concluye que hay necesidad de repensar esas cuestiones en el ámbito de la Graduación en Enfermería.Este trabalho objetivou analisar o diagnóstico situacional do estágio de Enfermagem na área de Neonatologia em distintas instituições de ensino superior na cidade de São Paulo, a fim de identificar os desafios em relação às novas exigências educacionais. A pesquisa, de cunho exploratório e com abordagem qualitativa, envolveu a caracterização do estágio no plano institucional e seu dimensionamento na perspectiva dos alunos. Conforme apontam os resultados, junto à programação convencional, ter, ou não, campo próprio para o estágio constituiu diferencial significativo no seu desenvolvimento. A formação generalista, na forma como é concebida, coexiste com a aspiração pela especialização. Os alunos reivindicam maior aproximação aos recém-nascidos de alto risco. Conclui-se que há necessidade de repensar essas questões no âmbito da Graduação.Universidade Federal de São João Del ReiUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina PreventivaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    Study of the efflux velocity induced by two propellers

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    Present analysis is related with seabed erosion caused during docking and undocking maneuvering. Twin propellers without rudder were studied using a physical model with a fixed clearance distance and three different rotating velocities. Experimental results were compared to theoretical expressions of the efflux velocity, axial velocity and finally maximum bed velocity. Efflux velocity equations overestimate the experimental results, whereas axial velocity computed using the Dutch method fits reasonably well the experimental data. However, when maximum bed velocity expressions are compared to experimental results, German method behaves better with an over estimation if a quadratic superposition of the single jets is used.Postprint (published version