828 research outputs found

    Effect of radiation attenuation upon the motion of a relativistic particle in a uniform field

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    Radiation attenuation effects upon relativistic particle motion in uniform magnetic fiel

    Variation of the angular and energy distribution in a charged particle flow across a magnetic field

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    Radiation retardation effect on angular and energy distribution of charged particle flow across magnetic fiel


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    In the Russia beverage market, functional beverages are increasingly popular with the population due to their intensive lifestyle and worsening environmental situation. Of great importance is the shelf life of drinks, since they determine the presence in the composition of useful nutrients that affect the various systems of functioning of the human body. The main groups of functional compounds are given. Ways to increase the shelf life of beverages, all aspects and their impact on the safety of the functional components of beverages are considered. The role of flavonoids as one of the groups of functional compounds has been evaluated. Recent studies on the effect of certain functional compounds on each other are given.In the Russia beverage market, functional beverages are increasingly popular with the population due to their intensive lifestyle and worsening environmental situation. Of great importance is the shelf life of drinks, since they determine the presence in the composition of useful nutrients that affect the various systems of functioning of the human body. The main groups of functional compounds are given. Ways to increase the shelf life of beverages, all aspects and their impact on the safety of the functional components of beverages are considered. The role of flavonoids as one of the groups of functional compounds has been evaluated. Recent studies on the effect of certain functional compounds on each other are given

    Producer Cooperatives: a Transaction Cost Economic Approach

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    This paper aims at positioning producer cooperatives within the Transaction Cost Economics theory, one of the most cited and prolific theories on management studies. To accomplish this goal, I will answer the questions what is a cooperative, which transactions producer cooperatives regulate, under which market conditions they operate, and where are the boundaries for such organizations. This paper offers a comprehensive framework to study producer cooperatives, adopting a comparative institutional point of view, where producer cooperatives are compared with markets, firms and other hybrid types

    Vladimir Germanovič Bogoraz (1865-1936): eine Bibliographie

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    Der Name Vladimir Germanovič Bogoraz (1865-1936) deutsche Version: Waldemar Bogoras, literarisches Pseudonym: N.A. Tan ist eng mit der revolutionären Bewegung in Russland verknüpft. Er steht für wesentliche Teile der Geschichte von Narodnaja volja (Der Volkswille), einer streng verfolgten Untergrundorganisation, deren Aktionen die Stimmung im zaristischen Russland des späten 19. Jahrhunderts stark bestimmte. Jedoch nicht nur als politischer Agitator, sondern auch als Wortkünstler tritt Bogoraz aus den Reihen seiner Zeitgenossen hervor. In jungen Jahren verschlug es Bogoraz als politische persona non grata für ein Jahrzehnt (1989-1998) nach Jakutien. Unter dem Eindruck eines ungekannt rauhen Lebens jenseits des Polarkreises wandte er sich hier der belletristischen Dichtung zu. Es wurde der Grundstein für verschiedene, teilweise erst später veröffentlichte Werke gelegt, darunter lyrische Texte, Erzählungen und Romane. Die Tätigkeit des Schriftstellers stand unter dem Einfluss eines besonderen Umstandes. So war Bogoraz nicht nur Revolutionär und Poet: er ging auch ethnographischen Studien nach. In Sibirien erwachte sein Interesse an der lokalen Bevölkerung. Er begann, sich eingehend mit verschiedenen indigenen Kulturen des Nordens zu beschäftigen. Viele seiner Beobachtungen fanden Eingang in seine dichterischen Texte. Auf das deskriptive völker- und volkskundliche Material, das er im Rahmen seines ersten, zwangsweisen Aufenthaltes im hohen Norden und auch später, während einer freiwilligen zweiten Reise in den Fernen Osten Russlands sammelte, wird von Fachleuten noch heute zurückgegriffen. Insbesondere seine Arbeiten über die Kultur der Tschuktschen gelten als Standardwerke innerhalb der Ethnographie der nordostasiatischen Völker. Die vorliegende Publikation zeichnet das Leben von Bogoraz entlang herausragender Daten und Ereignisse nach. Außerdem ist eine umfassende Liste seiner Publikationen, sowie eine Übersicht zur Literatur über sein Leben und Werk beigefügt

    Globalization and the diffusion of gender policy reforms in Latin America

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    In the 1990s, Latin American countries introduced similar national gender equality policy reforms. The key policy areas in which this convergence took place were the criminalization of domestic violence, the introduction of state agencies for women, and the incorporation into law of candidate gender quotas for national parliamentary elections. This thesis evaluates the explanations offered in the existing literature, including both national and international level analyses that could explain this process of policy convergence. The thesis uses a combination of methodological approaches drawn from the policy diffusion and policy transfer literatures. Drawing on the existing literature a number of hypotheses are constructed which could explain the observed pattern of policy change. These include: the number of women in parliament; the level of democracy; the level of economic development; measures of women's education; fertility rates; the strength of the national women's movement; the existence of relevant international norms; the state's involvement in transnational networks; the state's record of similar policy reform; and the degree of geographical proximity to earlier adopters of reforms. The macro study operationalises the external and internal independent variables that emerge from the hypotheses to facilitate an event history analysis. Drawing on the findings of the macro study a case study analysis was carried out on the reform of domestic violence legislation, and the failure to introduce candidate gender quotas in Chile. The macro study confirms the importance of international norms and transnational networks as significant factors in the policy diffusion across the region, and confirms that international norms were mediated by domestic factors including the strength of the local women's movement, domestic political culture and institutional structures. Surprisingly, in contrast to dominant views in the literature, the macro study indicated that the level of economic development, the level of democracy or the status of women were not significant factors in explaining the adoption of reforms. In fact, the criminalisation of domestic violence was negatively correlated to women's status. The case studies confirmed the findings of the macro study at the micro level, in an analysis of Chile's adoption of laws criminalising domestic violence, and its rejection of gender quotas. The wave of gender equality policy reform in Latin America coincided with an increased global interest in women's rights, and the emergence of a global gender equality regime. The thesis demonstrates that the global diffusion of gender equality ideas is a feature of the conditions of national policy-making in a globalizing world

    Моделювання функціонування територіальних систем з метою ідентифікації проблемних ситуацій

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    The purposeful territorial system (country, region), containing production, consumption, management, and environmental spheres is considered. In the process of system functioning, problem situations arise. The method for modeling the functioning of a territorial system by a complex of interacting linear programming problems, reflecting the inextricable link between the mechanism of centralized planning of production and consumption of goods, resources and the mechanism of market pricing is developed. The dependence of system characteristics of the cyclical dynamics on spectral properties of the generalized technological matrices of circulation of goods and resources is proved. The obtained results are relevant for modern Ukraine, other transitional national economies, characterized by an increased occurrence of problem situations. In this case, the territorial system can come very close to the bifurcation point, in which an alternative to further development arises. The choice of any alternative immerses the territorial system in the transition period.To identify problem situations, it is proposed to form the generalized technological matrixes of circulation of goods and resources on the basis of reporting data, to determine their majorizing roots that characterize the structural stability of the system. It is shown that the right and left eigenvectors found, corresponding to the majorizing matrix roots, determine the effective structures of supply of goods, resources and market prices for them. The system of informative features that determine the deviations of the actual characteristics of the territorial system from efficient ones is constructed. The proposed system of features makes it possible to detect national economic disparities that give rise to problem situations.Classes of problem situations are distinguished. The class contains problem situations for which the overall technology for their resolution is effective. This allowed assigning a standard case to each class that sets the reference problem situation and the way to resolve it (using an adequate pricing technology, adjusting the structure of the minimum needs of the population, the structure of available resources, forming the main properties of the system).The obtained results can serve as a platform for creating the information technology of detection and identification of problem situations, which implements the case-based reasoning technology.Рассматривается целенаправленная территориальная система, содержащая сферы производства, потребления, управления, экологическую сферу, в процессе функционирования которой возникают проблемные ситуации. Рассмотрены вопросы идентификации проблемных ситуаций на основе комплекса задач линейного программирования, отражающего неразрывную связь механизмов централизованного планирования и рыночного ценообразования. Сформировано множество типовых прецедентов, разработана технология идентификации проблемных ситуацийРозглядається цілеспрямована територіальна система, що має сфери виробництва, споживання, управління, екологічну сферу, в процесі функціонування якої виникають проблемні ситуації. Розглянуто питання ідентифікації проблемних ситуацій на основі комплексу задач лінійного програмування, який віддзеркалює нерозривний зв’язок механізмів централізованого планування та ринкового ціноутворення. Сформована множина типових прецедентів, розроблена технологія ідентифікації проблемних ситуаці

    Der Emancipationsstreit Weissensteins mit den Gute Mexhof : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der kleinen baltischen Städte

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    Моделювання функціонування територіальних систем з метою ідентифікації проблемних ситуацій

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    The purposeful territorial system (country, region), containing production, consumption, management, and environmental spheres is considered. In the process of system functioning, problem situations arise. The method for modeling the functioning of a territorial system by a complex of interacting linear programming problems, reflecting the inextricable link between the mechanism of centralized planning of production and consumption of goods, resources and the mechanism of market pricing is developed. The dependence of system characteristics of the cyclical dynamics on spectral properties of the generalized technological matrices of circulation of goods and resources is proved. The obtained results are relevant for modern Ukraine, other transitional national economies, characterized by an increased occurrence of problem situations. In this case, the territorial system can come very close to the bifurcation point, in which an alternative to further development arises. The choice of any alternative immerses the territorial system in the transition period.To identify problem situations, it is proposed to form the generalized technological matrixes of circulation of goods and resources on the basis of reporting data, to determine their majorizing roots that characterize the structural stability of the system. It is shown that the right and left eigenvectors found, corresponding to the majorizing matrix roots, determine the effective structures of supply of goods, resources and market prices for them. The system of informative features that determine the deviations of the actual characteristics of the territorial system from efficient ones is constructed. The proposed system of features makes it possible to detect national economic disparities that give rise to problem situations.Classes of problem situations are distinguished. The class contains problem situations for which the overall technology for their resolution is effective. This allowed assigning a standard case to each class that sets the reference problem situation and the way to resolve it (using an adequate pricing technology, adjusting the structure of the minimum needs of the population, the structure of available resources, forming the main properties of the system).The obtained results can serve as a platform for creating the information technology of detection and identification of problem situations, which implements the case-based reasoning technology.Рассматривается целенаправленная территориальная система, содержащая сферы производства, потребления, управления, экологическую сферу, в процессе функционирования которой возникают проблемные ситуации. Рассмотрены вопросы идентификации проблемных ситуаций на основе комплекса задач линейного программирования, отражающего неразрывную связь механизмов централизованного планирования и рыночного ценообразования. Сформировано множество типовых прецедентов, разработана технология идентификации проблемных ситуацийРозглядається цілеспрямована територіальна система, що має сфери виробництва, споживання, управління, екологічну сферу, в процесі функціонування якої виникають проблемні ситуації. Розглянуто питання ідентифікації проблемних ситуацій на основі комплексу задач лінійного програмування, який віддзеркалює нерозривний зв’язок механізмів централізованого планування та ринкового ціноутворення. Сформована множина типових прецедентів, розроблена технологія ідентифікації проблемних ситуаці