247 research outputs found

    AsnI: A novel class II restriction endonuclease from Arthrobacter sp., strain N-CM, recognizing 5â€Č-AT/TAAT-3â€Č

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    AbstractA new class II restriction endonuclease, AsnI, with a novel sequence specificity was isolated from the Gram-positive eubacterium Arthrobacter species, strain N-CM. AsnI recognizes the unambiguously defined palindromic hexanucleotide consisting of A- and T-residues. The novel enzyme in the presence of Mg2+ cleaves specifically both strands as indicated by the arrows. The staggered cuts generate 5â€Č-protruding ends with single-stranded 5â€Č-TA-3â€Č dinucleotide extensions. The novel enzyme may be a useful tool for cloning experiments by complementation of the few enzymes such as PstI and PvuI cutting only once in the Ampr-gene of plasmids pBR322 and pBR328

    The relationship between chlorophyllous spores and mycorrhizal associations in ferns: evidence from an evolutionary approach

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    Premise: Approximately 14% of all fern species have physiologically active chlorophyllous spores that are much more short-lived than the more common and dormant achlorophyllous spores. Most chlorophyllous-spored species (70%) are epiphytes and account for almost 37% of all epiphytic ferns. Chlorophyllous-spored ferns are also overrepresented among fern species in habitats with waterlogged soils, of which nearly 60% have chlorophyllous spores. Ferns in these disparate habitat types also have a low incidence of mycorrhizal associations. We therefore hypothesized that autotrophic chlorophyllous spores represent an adaptation of ferns to habitats with scarce mycorrhizal associations. Methods: We evaluated the coevolution of chlorophyllous spores and mycorrhizal associations in ferns and their relation to habitat type using phylogenetic comparative methods. Results: Although we did not find support for the coevolution of spore type and mycorrhizal associations, we did find that chlorophyllous spores and the absence of mycorrhizal associations have coevolved with epiphytic and waterlogged habitats. Transition rates to epiphytic and waterlogged habitats were significantly higher in species with chlorophyllous spores compared to achlorophyllous lineages. Conclusions: Spore type and mycorrhizal associations appear to play important roles in the radiation of ferns into different habitat types. Future work should focus on clarifying the functional significance of these associations. Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizae; chlorophyllous spores; correlated evolution; dark septate endophytes; epiphytes; grammitid; green spores; pteridophyte

    results of the sifap1 study

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    Objectives The present study aimed to evaluate the frequency of warning signs in younger patients with stroke with a special regard to the ‘FAST’ scheme, a public stroke recognition instrument (face, arm, speech, timely). Setting Primary stroke care in participating centres of a multinational European prospective cross-sectional study (Stroke in Young Fabry Patients; sifap1). Forty-seven centres from 15 European countries participate in sifap1. Participants 5023 acute patients with stroke (aged 18–55 years) patients (96.5% Caucasians) were enrolled in the study between April 2007 and January 2010. Primary and secondary outcome measures sifap1 was originally designed to investigate the relation of juvenile stroke and Fabry disease. A secondary aim of sifap1 was to investigate stroke patterns in this specific group of patients. The present investigation is a secondary analysis addressing stroke presenting symptoms with a special regard to signs included in the FAST scheme. Results 4535 patients with transient ischaemic attack (TIA; n=1071), ischaemic stroke (n=3396) or other (n=68) were considered in the presented analysis. FAST symptoms could be traced in 76.5% of all cases. 35% of those with at least one FAST symptom had all three symptoms. At least one FAST symptom could be recognised in 69.1% of 18–24 years-old patients, in 74% of those aged 25–34 years, in 75.4% of those aged 35–44 years, and 77.8% in 45–55 years-old patients. With increasing stroke severity signs included in the FAST scheme were more prevalent (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, NIHSS15: 100%). Clustering clinical signs according to FAST lower percentages of strokes in the posterior circulation (65.2%) and in patients with TIA (62.3%) were identified. Conclusions FAST may be applied as a useful and rapid tool to identify stroke symptoms in young individuals aged 18–55 years. Especially in patients eligible for thrombolysis FAST might address the majority of individuals

    Le statut de l’image religieuse au Moyen Âge, entre Orient et Occident

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    La notion d’image dans la pensĂ©e mĂ©diĂ©vale renvoie aussi bien aux reprĂ©sentations des arts plastiques qu’aux figures mĂ©taphoriques de l’écriture. Les images de la pensĂ©e, des rĂȘves et de la mĂ©moire se fondent avec celles des peintres et des sculpteurs en une mĂȘme catĂ©gorie, situĂ©e aux fondements de la pensĂ©e chrĂ©tienne de cette Ă©poque. Imagines et similitudines dĂ©finissent une apprĂ©hension biblique du monde oĂč l’homme fut crĂ©Ă© Ă  l’image de Dieu. L’avĂšnement christologique qui restaure un lien..

    Kupffer cells are protective in alcoholic steatosis

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    Massive accumulation of lipids is a characteristic of alcoholic liver disease. Excess of hepatic fat activates Kupffer cells (KCs), which affect disease progression. Yet, KCs contribute to the resolution and advancement of liver injury. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of KC depletion on markers of liver injury and the hepatic lipidome in liver steatosis (Lieber-DeCarli diet, LDC, female mice, mixed C57BL/6J and DBA/2J background). LDC increased the number of dead hepatocytes without changing the mRNA levels of inflammatory cytokines in the liver. Animals fed LDC accumulated elevated levels of almost all lipid classes. KC ablation normalized phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol levels in LDC livers, but had no effect in the controls. A modest decline of trigylceride and diglyceride levels upon KC loss was observed in both groups. Serum aminotransferases and hepatic ceramide were elevated in all animals upon KC depletion, and in particular, cytotoxic very long-chain ceramides increased in the LDC livers. Meta-biclustering revealed that eight lipid species occurred in more than 40% of the biclusters, and four of them were very long-chain ceramides. KC loss was further associated with excess free cholesterol levels in LDC livers. Expression of inflammatory cytokines did, however, not increase in parallel. In summary, the current study described a function of KCs in hepatic ceramide and cholesterol metabolism in an animal model of LDC liver steatosis. High abundance of cytotoxic ceramides and free cholesterol predispose the liver to disease progression suggesting a protective role of KCs in alcoholic liver diseases

    Tailored vs. Standardized Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression and Comorbid Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background and Aims:Major depression can be treated by means of cognitive behavior therapy, delivered via the Internet as guided self-help. Individually tailored guided self-help treatments have shown promising results in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This randomized controlled trial tested the efficacy of an Internet-based individually tailored guided selfhelp treatment which specifically targeted depression with comorbid symptoms. The treatment was compared both to standardized (non-tailored) Internet-based treatment and to an active control group in the form of a monitored online discussion group. Both guided self-help treatments were based on cognitive behavior therapy and lasted for 10 weeks. The discussion group consisted of weekly discussion themes related to depression and the treatment of depression. Methods:A total of 121 participants with diagnosed major depressive disorder and with a range of comorbid symptoms were randomized to three groups. The tailored treatment consisted of a prescribed set of modules targeting depression as well as comorbid problems. The standardized treatment was a previously tested guided self-help program for depression. Results:From pre-treatment to post-treatment, both treatment groups improved on measures of depression, anxiety and quality of life. The results were maintained at a 6-month follow-up. Subgroup analyses showed that the tailored treatment was more effective than the standardized treatment among participants with higher levels of depression at baseline and more comorbidity, both in terms of reduction of depressive symptoms and on recovery rates. In the subgroup with lower baseline scores of depression, few differences were seen between treatments and the discussion group. Conclusions:This study shows that tailored Internet-based treatment for depression is effective and that addressing comorbidity by tailoring may be one way of making guided self-help treatments more effective than standardized approaches in the treatment of more severe depression

    Psychodynamic Guided Self-help for Adult Deperssion through the Internet: A Randomised Controlled Trial.

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    Abstract Background and aims: Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDT) is an effective treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), but not all clients with MDD can receive psychotherapy. Using the Internet to provide psychodynamic treatments is one way of improving access to psychological treatments for MDD. The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to investigate the efficacy of an Internet-based psychodynamic guided self-help treatment for MDD. Methods: Ninety-two participants who were diagnosed with MDD according to the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview were randomised to treatment or an active control. The treatment consisted of nine treatment modules based on psychodynamic principles with online therapist contact. The active control condition was a structured support intervention and contained psychoeducation and scheduled weekly contacts online. Both interventions lasted for 10 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Results: Mixed-effects model analyses of all randomised participants showed that participants receiving Internet-based PDT made large and superior improvements compared with the active control group on the BDI-II (between-group Cohen’s d = 1.11). Treatment effects were maintained at a 10-month follow-up. Conclusions: Internet-based psychodynamic guided self-help is an efficacious treatment for MDD that has the potential to increase accessibility and availability of PDT for MDD

    Phylogenetic diversity and the structure of host-epiphyte interactions across the Neotropics

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    Understanding the mechanisms driving community assembly has been a major focus of ecological research for nearly a century, yet little is known about these mechanisms in commensal communities, particularly with respect to their historical/evolutionary components. Here, we use a large-scale dataset of 4,440 vascular plant species to explore the relationship between the evolutionary distinctiveness (ED) (as measured by the 'species evolutionary history' (SEH)) of host species and the phylogenetic diversity (PD) of their associated epiphyte species. Although there was considerable variation across hosts and their associated epiphyte species, they were largely unrelated to host SEH. Our results mostly support the idea that the determinants of epiphyte colonization success might involve host characteristics that are unrelated to host SEH (e.g., architectural differences between hosts). While determinants of PD of epiphyte assemblages are poorly known, they do not appear to be related to the evolutionary history of host species. Instead, they might be better explained by neutral processes of colonization and extinction. However, the high level of phylogenetic signal in epiphyte PD (independent of SEH) suggests it might still be influenced by yet unrecognized evolutionary determinants. This study highlights how little is still known about the phylogenetic determinants of epiphyte communities

    Acute Cerebrovascular Disease in the Young The Stroke in Young Fabry Patients Study

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    Background and Purpose-Strokes have especially devastating implications if they occur early in life; however, only limited information exists on the characteristics of acute cerebrovascular disease in young adults. Although risk factors and manifestation of atherosclerosis are commonly associated with stroke in the elderly, recent data suggests different causes for stroke in the young. We initiated the prospective, multinational European study Stroke in Young Fabry Patients (sifap) to characterize a cohort of young stroke patients. Methods-Overall, 5023 patients aged 18 to 55 years with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke (3396), hemorrhagic stroke (271), transient ischemic attack (1071) were enrolled in 15 European countries and 47 centers between April 2007 and January 2010 undergoing a detailed, standardized, clinical, laboratory, and radiological protocol. Results-Median age in the overall cohort was 46 years. Definite Fabry disease was diagnosed in 0.5% (95% confidence interval, 0.4%-0.8%; n=27) of all patients; and probable Fabry disease in additional 18 patients. Males dominated the study population (2962/59%) whereas females outnumbered men (65.3%) among the youngest patients (18-24 years). About 80.5% of the patients had a first stroke. Silent infarcts on magnetic resonance imaging were seen in 20% of patients with a first-ever stroke, and in 11.4% of patients with transient ischemic attack and no history of a previous cerebrovascular event. The most common causes of ischemic stroke were large artery atherosclerosis (18.6%) and dissection (9.9%). Conclusions-Definite Fabry disease occurs in 0.5% and probable Fabry disease in further 0.4% of young stroke patients. Silent infarcts, white matter intensities, and classical risk factors were highly prevalent, emphasizing the need for new early preventive strategies
