375 research outputs found

    Interés por el artículo "El cerdo en la gastronomía antioqueña", publicado en: Rev. Lasallista Investig. Vol. 4 No. 1(Junio 2007); p.58-66

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    El motivo de este correo es decirle que encontré muy interesante el ensayo titulado «El Cerdo en la Gastronomía Antioqueña» escrito por Fernando Aquiles Arango Navarro

    Características clínicas, epidemiológica relacionadas a bronquiolitis grave en niños menores de dos años ingresados en el servicio de pediatría del hospital Alemán Nicaragüense en el periodo Junio-Diciembre del 2016

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    La descripción clínica del cuadro de bronquiolitis del lactante fue magistralmente realizada en el tratado de Holt (1901) por Wohl y Chernick. La bronquiolitis es la forma más frecuente de enfermedad de las vías respiratorias inferiores en los primeros años de vida, el principal agente infeccioso hasta la actualidad relacionado con esta patología es el virus sincitial cuyo ciclo biológico determina la existencia de picos estacionales de incidencia de casos de bronquiolitis en los meses de invierno en los países de clima templado, la gravedad del proceso parece estar condicionada tanto por determinantes genéticos relacionada con la respuesta inmuno inflamatoria del individuo como por factores ambientales y personales (edad, prematuridad, enfermedades previas, etc.). Según las series entre el uno al cinco porciento de los pacientes precisan ingresos hospitalarios, constituyendo la bronquiolitis la principal causa de hospitalización en los menores de un año de edad. Un cinco a 16% de ellos a su vez requerirán ingresos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos por insuficiencia respiratoria o complicaciones asociadas a la enfermedad A pesar del escaso porcentaje de casos graves, dada la elevada incidencia anual de esta patología en niños pequeños el número de ingresos a la ucip durante los meses de invierno supone una proporción elevada del total y un número de pacientes muy significativo, por lo tanto es de interés en este estudio el conocer las características clínico epidemiológicas que están relacionados con los pacientes que fueron diagnosticados con bronquiolitis grav

    Model-Driven Spatial Evaluation of Nutrient Recovery from Livestock Leachate for Struvite Production

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    [EN]Nutrient pollution is one of the major worldwide water quality problems, resulting in environmental and public health issues. Agricultural activities are a main source of nutrient releases emissions, and livestock industry has been proven to be directly related to the presence of high concentrations of phosphorus in the soil, which potentially can reach waterbodies by runoff. To mitigate the phosphorus pollution of aquatic systems, the implementation of nutrient recovery processes allows the capture of phosphorus, preventing its release into the environment. Particularly, the use of struvite precipitation produces a phosphorous-based mineral that is easy to transport, enabling redistribution of phosphorus to deficient locations. However, livestock leachate presents some characteristics that hinder struvite precipitation, preventing extrapolation of the results obtained from wastewater studies to cattle waste. Consideration of these elements is essential to determine the optimal operating conditions for struvite formation, and for predicting the amount of struvite recovered. In this work, a detailed thermodynamic model for precipitates formation from cattle waste is used to develop surrogate models to predict the formation of struvite and calcium precipitates from cattle waste. The variability in the organic waste composition, and how it affects the production of struvite, is captured through a probability framework based on the Monte Carlo method embedded in the model. Consistent with the developed surrogate models, the potential of struvite production to reduce the phosphorus releases from the cattle industry to watersheds in the United States has been assessed. Also, the more vulnerable locations to nutrient pollution were determined using the techno-ecological synergy sustainability metric (TES) by evaluating the spatial distribution and balance of phosphorus from agricultural activities. Although only struvite formation from cattle operations is considered, reductions between 22% and 36% of the total phosphorus releases from the agricultural sector, including manure releases and fertilizer application, can be achieved.Junta de Castilla y León, EP

    A Graph-Based Modeling Framework for Tracing Hydrological Pollutant Transport in Surface Waters

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    Anthropogenic pollution of hydrological systems affects diverse communities and ecosystems around the world. Data analytics and modeling tools play a key role in fighting this challenge, as they can help identify key sources as well as trace transport and quantify impact within complex hydrological systems. Several tools exist for simulating and tracing pollutant transport throughout surface waters using detailed physical models; these tools are powerful, but can be computationally intensive, require significant amounts of data to be developed, and require expert knowledge for their use (ultimately limiting application scope). In this work, we present a graph modeling framework -- which we call HydroGraphs{\tt HydroGraphs} -- for understanding pollutant transport and fate across waterbodies, rivers, and watersheds. This framework uses a simplified representation of hydrological systems that can be constructed based purely on open-source data (National Hydrography Dataset and Watershed Boundary Dataset). The graph representation provides an flexible intuitive approach for capturing connectivity and for identifying upstream pollutant sources and for tracing downstream impacts within small and large hydrological systems. Moreover, the graph representation can facilitate the use of advanced algorithms and tools of graph theory, topology, optimization, and machine learning to aid data analytics and decision-making. We demonstrate the capabilities of our framework by using case studies in the State of Wisconsin; here, we aim to identify upstream nutrient pollutant sources that arise from agricultural practices and trace downstream impacts to waterbodies, rivers, and streams. Our tool ultimately seeks to help stakeholders design effective pollution prevention/mitigation practices and evaluate how surface waters respond to such practices.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures updated format, updated github link, updated agricultural land in figures/analysis; methods/overall results remain unchange

    Development of Chemical Process Design and Control for Sustainability

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    This contribution describes a novel process systems engineering framework that couples advanced control with sustainability evaluation for the optimization of process operations to minimize environmental impacts associated with products, materials and energy. The implemented control strategy combines a biologically-inspired method with optimal control concepts for finding more sustainable operating trajectories. The sustainability assessment of process operating points is carried out by using the U.S. EPA’s Gauging Reaction Effectiveness for the ENvironmental Sustainability of Chemistries with a multi-Objective Process Evaluator (GREENSCOPE) tool that provides scores for the selected indicators in the economic, material efficiency, environmental and energy areas. The indicator scores describe process performance on a sustainability measurement scale, effectively determining which operating point is more sustainable if there are more than several steady states for one specific product manufacturing. Through comparisons between a representative benchmark and the optimal steady states obtained through the implementation of the proposed controller, a systematic decision can be made in terms of whether the implementation of the controller is moving the process towards a more sustainable operation. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is illustrated through a case study of a continuous fermentation process for fuel production, whose material and energy time variation models are characterized by multiple steady states and oscillatory conditions

    Tracking end-of-life stage of chemicals: A scalable data-centric and chemical-centric approach.

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    [EN]Chemical flow analysis (CFA) can be used for collecting life-cycle inventory (LCI), estimating environmental releases, and identifying potential exposure scenarios for chemicals of concern at the end-of-life (EoL) stage. Nonetheless, the demand for comprehensive data and the epistemic uncertainties about the pathway taken by the chemical flows make CFA, LCI, and exposure assessment time-consuming and challenging tasks. Due to the continuous growth of computer power and the appearance of more robust algorithms, data-driven modelling represents an attractive tool for streamlining these tasks. However, a data ingestion pipeline is required for the deployment of serving data-driven models in the real world. Hence, this work moves forward by contributing a chemical-centric and data-centric approach to extract, transform, and load comprehensive data for CFA at the EoL, integrating cross-year and country data and its provenance as part of the data lifecycle. The framework is scalable and adaptable to production-level machine learning operations. The framework can supply data at an annual rate, making it possible to deal with changes in the statistical distributions of model predictors like transferred amount and target variables (e.g., EoL activity identification) to avoid potential data-driven model performance decay over time. For instance, it can detect that recycling transfers of 643 chemicals over the reporting years (1988 to 2020) are 29.87%, 17.79%, and 20.56% for Canada, Australia, and the U.S. Finally, the developed approach enables research advancements on data-driven modelling to easily connect with other data sources for economic information on industry sectors, the economic value of chemicals, and the environmental regulatory implications that may affect the occurrence of an EoL transfer class or activity like recycling of a chemical over years and countries. Finally, stakeholders gain more context about environmental regulation stringency and economic affairs that could affect environmental decision-making and EoL chemical exposure predictions.USEP

    UTN VoIP test bed (Voice over Internet Protocol)

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    La tecnología Voice over IP permite transmitir paquetes de voz usando los protocolos de Internet. Esto es el basamento de la convergencia de video, voz y datos en una sola red y bajo el mismo protocolo; metodología que promete confiabilidad, accesibilidad y por sobre todo bajos costos. La UTN VoIP es un servicio de Telefonía que usa los protocolos VoIP de Internet y es montado sobre la Red Universitaria Tecnológica II. Cuando esté implementada conectará todas las Facultades Regionales y la Unidades Académicas de la UTN, convirtiéndose en la red de VoIP académica más amplia del país. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de un test bed a escala de la UTN VoIP. Los elementos presentes, tales como: Server/Proxy SIP, Gateways, soft-phones e ipphones, se arreglan y conectan para simular las distintas redes de Regionales. Se elije el protocolo SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) para la señalización y se prueban distintos codex (Codification/Decodification) para la conversión de la voz analógica en digital. El test bed también soportará autenticación, contabilidad, control de gestión, seguridad y calidad de servicio y se verificará el plan de numeración diseñado para la UTN VoIP.Eje: Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Resistencia post-impacto en placas laminadas de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio y matriz epoxi /

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    En las últimas décadas se ha venido trabajado con los materiales compuestos, ya que estos permiten alcanzar mayores y mejores características que las de sus componentes individuales, pero no existe un profundo y amplio conocimiento acerca de ellos. Además a nivel mundial se ha pretendido crear una teoría unificada acerca de ellos, tal como la teoría de Von Mises para los metales, pero tristemente esto no ha sido posible. Debido a lo anterior, este trabajo pretende hacer una caracterización de la resistencia mecánica de los materiales compuestos, específicamente de placas laminadas de fibra de vidrio y matriz epoxi. Verificar si luego de ser sometidas a impactos de baja velocidad, los cuales se pueden presentar al momento de la fabricación, existe una variación en dicha resistencia, y si la hay cuanto es su valor antes y después del impacto. Lo anterior se realizara experimentalmente.Incluye bibliografí

    UTN VoIP test bed (Voice over Internet Protocol)

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    La tecnología Voice over IP permite transmitir paquetes de voz usando los protocolos de Internet. Esto es el basamento de la convergencia de video, voz y datos en una sola red y bajo el mismo protocolo; metodología que promete confiabilidad, accesibilidad y por sobre todo bajos costos. La UTN VoIP es un servicio de Telefonía que usa los protocolos VoIP de Internet y es montado sobre la Red Universitaria Tecnológica II. Cuando esté implementada conectará todas las Facultades Regionales y la Unidades Académicas de la UTN, convirtiéndose en la red de VoIP académica más amplia del país. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de un test bed a escala de la UTN VoIP. Los elementos presentes, tales como: Server/Proxy SIP, Gateways, soft-phones e ipphones, se arreglan y conectan para simular las distintas redes de Regionales. Se elije el protocolo SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) para la señalización y se prueban distintos codex (Codification/Decodification) para la conversión de la voz analógica en digital. El test bed también soportará autenticación, contabilidad, control de gestión, seguridad y calidad de servicio y se verificará el plan de numeración diseñado para la UTN VoIP.Eje: Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Surgical treatment of a pseudoaneurysm of the femoral artery secondary to a gunshot wound: clinical case report

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    We report a case of a 18-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm of the right supericial femoral artery secondary to penetrating injury by gunshot, which was treated in our Hospital with an aneurysm resection and a saphenous vascular graft inverted with a satisfactory evolution