67 research outputs found

    A modified empirical criterion for strength of transversely anisotropic rocks with metamorphic origin

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    A modified empirical criterion is proposed to determine the strength of transversely anisotropic rocks. In this regard, mechanical properties of intact anisotropic slate obtained from three different districts of Iran were taken into consideration. Afterward, triaxial rock strength criterion introduced by Rafiai was modified for transversely anisotropic rocks. The criterion was modified by adding a new parameter α for taking the influence of strength anisotropy into consideration. The results obtained have shown that the parameter α can be considered as the strength reduction parameter due to rock anisotropy. The modified criterion was compared to the modified Hoek–Brown (Saroglou and Tsiambaos) and Ramamurthy criteria for different anisotropic rocks. It was concluded that the criterion proposed in this paper is a more accurate and precise criterion in predicting the strength of anisotropic rocks

    Vocal Tract Images Reveal Neural Representations of Sensorimotor Transformation During Speech Imitation

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    Imitating speech necessitates the transformation from sensory targets to vocal tract motor output, yet little is known about the representational basis of this process in the human brain. Here, we address this question by using real-time MR imaging (rtMRI) of the vocal tract and functional MRI (fMRI) of the brain in a speech imitation paradigm. Participants trained on imitating a native vowel and a similar nonnative vowel that required lip rounding. Later, participants imitated these vowels and an untrained vowel pair during separate fMRI and rtMRI runs. Univariate fMRI analyses revealed that regions including left inferior frontal gyrus were more active during sensorimotor transformation (ST) and production of nonnative vowels, compared with native vowels; further, ST for nonnative vowels activated somatomotor cortex bilaterally, compared with ST of native vowels. Using test representational similarity analysis (RSA) models constructed from participants' vocal tract images and from stimulus formant distances, we found that RSA searchlight analyses of fMRI data showed either type of model could be represented in somatomotor, temporal, cerebellar, and hippocampal neural activation patterns during ST. We thus provide the first evidence of widespread and robust cortical and subcortical neural representation of vocal tract and/or formant parameters, during prearticulatory ST

    Enhancing Europe’s global power: a scenario exercise with eight proposals

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    In the present context of intensifying competition between the major trading economies and potentially game-changing technological developments, the European Union is generally seen as the weaker party. Lacking the ‘hard power’ derived from military capabilities, it has laid claim to a ‘soft power’ of normative influence externally, yet even that is only partially utilised. Nor has Europe been able to exercise the power to coerce – ‘sharp power’ – commensurate with its economic weight as a trading bloc equivalent in size and reach to the US or China, its most prominent global competitors. How can Europe strengthen its position, and in what fields? Through a scenario exercise, we develop eight policy proposals aimed at countering Europe®s vulnerabilities and enabling it to assert its sharp and soft power more effectively. Specifically, we consider the feasibility, means and scope for their realisation. Together, they provide a transformative agenda for the EU’s position in the world

    A large, curated, open-source stroke neuroimaging dataset to improve lesion segmentation algorithms.

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    Accurate lesion segmentation is critical in stroke rehabilitation research for the quantification of lesion burden and accurate image processing. Current automated lesion segmentation methods for T1-weighted (T1w) MRIs, commonly used in stroke research, lack accuracy and reliability. Manual segmentation remains the gold standard, but it is time-consuming, subjective, and requires neuroanatomical expertise. We previously released an open-source dataset of stroke T1w MRIs and manually-segmented lesion masks (ATLAS v1.2, N = 304) to encourage the development of better algorithms. However, many methods developed with ATLAS v1.2 report low accuracy, are not publicly accessible or are improperly validated, limiting their utility to the field. Here we present ATLAS v2.0 (N = 1271), a larger dataset of T1w MRIs and manually segmented lesion masks that includes training (n = 655), test (hidden masks, n = 300), and generalizability (hidden MRIs and masks, n = 316) datasets. Algorithm development using this larger sample should lead to more robust solutions; the hidden datasets allow for unbiased performance evaluation via segmentation challenges. We anticipate that ATLAS v2.0 will lead to improved algorithms, facilitating large-scale stroke research

    Functional brain outcomes of L2 speech learning emerge during sensorimotor transformation

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    Sensorimotor transformation (ST) may be a critical process in mapping perceived speech input onto non-native (L2) phonemes, in support of subsequent speech production. Yet, little is known concerning the role of ST with respect to L2 speech, particularly where learned L2 phones (e.g., vowels) must be produced in more complex lexical contexts (e.g., multi-syllabic words). Here, we charted the behavioral and neural outcomes of producing trained L2 vowels at word level, using a speech imitation paradigm and functional MRI. We asked whether participants would be able to faithfully imitate trained L2 vowels when they occurred in non-words of varying complexity (one or three syllables). Moreover, we related individual differences in imitation success during training to BOLD activation during ST (i.e., pre-imitation listening), and during later imitation. We predicted that superior temporal and peri-Sylvian speech regions would show increased activation as a function of item complexity and non-nativeness of vowels, during ST. We further anticipated that pre-scan acoustic learning performance would predict BOLD activation for non-native (vs. native) speech during ST and imitation. We found individual differences in imitation success for training on the non-native vowel tokens in isolation; these were preserved in a subsequent task, during imitation of mono- and trisyllabic words containing those vowels. fMRI data revealed a widespread network involved in ST, modulated by both vowel nativeness and utterance complexity: superior temporal activation increased monotonically with complexity, showing greater activation for non-native than native vowels when presented in isolation and in trisyllables, but not in monosyllables. Individual differences analyses showed that learning versus lack of improvement on the non-native vowel during pre-scan training predicted increased ST activation for non-native compared with native items, at insular cortex, pre-SMA/SMA, and cerebellum. Our results hold implications for the importance of ST as a process underlying successful imitation of non-native speech

    Chronic stroke sensorimotor impairment is related to smaller hippocampal volumes: an ENIGMA analysis

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    Background Persistent sensorimotor impairments after stroke can negatively impact quality of life. The hippocampus is vulnerable to poststroke secondary degeneration and is involved in sensorimotor behavior but has not been widely studied within the context of poststroke upper‐limb sensorimotor impairment. We investigated associations between non‐lesioned hippocampal volume and upper limb sensorimotor impairment in people with chronic stroke, hypothesizing that smaller ipsilesional hippocampal volumes would be associated with greater sensorimotor impairment. Methods and Results Cross‐sectional T1‐weighted magnetic resonance images of the brain were pooled from 357 participants with chronic stroke from 18 research cohorts of the ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuoImaging Genetics through Meta‐Analysis) Stroke Recovery Working Group. Sensorimotor impairment was estimated from the FMA‐UE (Fugl‐Meyer Assessment of Upper Extremity). Robust mixed‐effects linear models were used to test associations between poststroke sensorimotor impairment and hippocampal volumes (ipsilesional and contralesional separately; Bonferroni‐corrected, P<0.025), controlling for age, sex, lesion volume, and lesioned hemisphere. In exploratory analyses, we tested for a sensorimotor impairment and sex interaction and relationships between lesion volume, sensorimotor damage, and hippocampal volume. Greater sensorimotor impairment was significantly associated with ipsilesional (P=0.005; ÎČ=0.16) but not contralesional (P=0.96; ÎČ=0.003) hippocampal volume, independent of lesion volume and other covariates (P=0.001; ÎČ=0.26). Women showed progressively worsening sensorimotor impairment with smaller ipsilesional (P=0.008; ÎČ=−0.26) and contralesional (P=0.006; ÎČ=−0.27) hippocampal volumes compared with men. Hippocampal volume was associated with lesion size (P<0.001; ÎČ=−0.21) and extent of sensorimotor damage (P=0.003; ÎČ=−0.15). Conclusions The present study identifies novel associations between chronic poststroke sensorimotor impairment and ipsilesional hippocampal volume that are not caused by lesion size and may be stronger in women

    The impact of training on the application of palliative methods for labor pain reduction

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    Background &amp; Aim: The severe pain of labor is the important cause of fear and anxiety in pregnant women. This study has been performed to evaluate effect of education on midwives practice. Methods &amp; Materials: This is a quasi-experimental study. That was done 59 midwives in the labor wards of non-educational of Guilan University of Medical Sciences Hospital. Data gathered by a questioner, which its validity was done by panel of experts and reliability by test-retest. 59 midwives were chosen by quota sampling and participated in a one-day workshop. Pretest and post-test questioner completed before and after four months of education by all midwives. Data analyzed by descriptive and inferencing statistical methods with SPSS. Results: The paired t-test results showed that midwives practice about pain relieving methods changed significantly after workshop (p&lt;0.005). Analytical methods demonstrated that there was no significant difference between mean practice scores and demographic characteristics of midwives. Conclusion: This study showed that teaching through workshop can improve the use of pain-relieving methods by midwives in labor wards especially more simple and efficacious methods

    VÄtmarkers hydrologiska ekosystemtjÀnster och multifunktion : WetKit Hydro-ES: Wetland toolkit for hydrological ecosystem services

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    Ett vĂ„tmarkslandskap liknar en stjĂ€rnbild. PĂ„ samma sĂ€tt som en stjĂ€rnbild beror pĂ„ stjĂ€rnornas plats och ljusstyrka inom den, kan ett vĂ„tmarkslandskap definieras av platsen och egenskaperna hos dess vĂ„tmarker. Placeringen i vĂ„tmarkslandskapet Ă€r en viktig indikator för vĂ„tmarkens funktionalitet. För att en vĂ„tmark ska rena nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen effektivt mĂ„ste den ha en tillrĂ€ckligt hög nĂ€ringsbelastning och varken för lite eller för mycket inkommande vatten. PĂ„ liknande sĂ€tt beror en individuell vĂ„tmarks förmĂ„ga att buffra översvĂ€mningar och torka pĂ„ placeringen i vĂ„tmarkslandskapet, med vissa vĂ„tmarker som har god potential att behĂ„lla vatten vid torka, medan andra erbjuder möjlighet att mildra lokala översvĂ€mningar.  AvvĂ€gningar, eller fördelar inom ett omrĂ„de som Ă€r förknippade med nackdelar inom ett annat omrĂ„de, mĂ„ste ocksĂ„ beaktas. VĂ„tmarker med hög nĂ€ringsbelastning har hög potential för nĂ€ringsrening, men innebĂ€r risk för betydande avgĂ„ng av vĂ€xt­husgaser (sĂ€rskilt metan). VĂ„tmarker som effektivt behĂ„ller kol i sina sediment kan behöva mer frekvent underhĂ„ll Ă€n de som inte ackumulerar lika mycket sediment över tid. VĂ„tmarker som anlĂ€ggs pĂ„ nĂ€ringrik jord för biologisk mĂ„ngfald genom dĂ€mning riskerar att bli fosforkĂ€llor, dĂ€rför behövs en fosforriskbedömning göras vid projekteringen.  En tredje slutsats frĂ„n vĂ„rt projekt var betydelsen av de individer som arbetar med frĂ„gan och deras tillgĂ„ng till relevant information. Implementeringen av vĂ„tmarker i Sverige Ă€r en frivillig aktivitet frĂ„n markĂ€garperspektiv och mĂ„nga personer Ă€r involverade i processen, inklusive myndighetsutövare, vĂ„tmarksrĂ„dgivare, Ă„tgĂ€rdssamordnare, medlemmar i olika organisationer (t.ex. vatten­vĂ„rdsförbund, intresseorganisationer) och markĂ€garna sjĂ€lva. Alla dessa grupper har uttryckt ett behov av praktiska rĂ„d om placering, utformning, tillgĂ€ngliga verk­tyg och eventuella avvĂ€gningar för olika vĂ„tmarkstyper samt kontinuerlig dialog med forskare och sakkunniga.  Slutligen identifierade projektet omrĂ„den dĂ€r kunskapen Ă€r bristfĂ€llig. Faktorerna som styr vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp frĂ„n vĂ„tmarker krĂ€ver vidare studier. Resultat frĂ„n vĂ„rt projekt visade att att det finns stora skillnader i mikrobiella samhĂ€llen mellan vĂ„tmarker. Dessa skillnader pĂ„verkar variationen i exempelvis metanproduktion och –konsumtion. Skillnaderna i mikrobiella samhĂ€llen belyser ocksĂ„ det faktum att biodiversitet ocksĂ„ handlar om mikroorganismer, inte bara synlig flora och fauna. Vidare behövs finansieringen för vĂ„tmarksanlĂ€ggning harmoniseras pĂ„ nationell nivĂ„. Kunskapen Ă€r i dagslĂ€get Ă€ven bristfĂ€llig kring vĂ„tmarkers lĂ„ngsiktiga effekt, skötselbehov, synergier eller möjliga avvĂ€gningar mellan funktioner och risker. Det finns ett stort behov av lĂ„ngsiktiga mĂ€tningar för att följa upp anlagda vĂ„tmarkers faktiska effekt, samt att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla mĂ„luppfyllelse vid anlĂ€ggning av nya
