2,142 research outputs found

    The Andersen Likelihood Ratio Test with a Random Split Criterion Lacks Power

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    The Andersen LRT uses sample characteristics as split criteria to evaluate Rasch model fit, or theory driven hypothesis testing for a test. The power and Type I error of a random split criterion was evaluated with a simulation study. Results consistently show a random split criterion lacks power

    Combined automotive safety and security pattern engineering approach

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    Automotive systems will exhibit increased levels of automation as well as ever tighter integration with other vehicles, traffic infrastructure, and cloud services. From safety perspective, this can be perceived as boon or bane - it greatly increases complexity and uncertainty, but at the same time opens up new opportunities for realizing innovative safety functions. Moreover, cybersecurity becomes important as additional concern because attacks are now much more likely and severe. However, there is a lack of experience with security concerns in context of safety engineering in general and in automotive safety departments in particular. To address this problem, we propose a systematic pattern-based approach that interlinks safety and security patterns and provides guidance with respect to selection and combination of both types of patterns in context of system engineering. A combined safety and security pattern engineering workflow is proposed to provide systematic guidance to support non-expert engineers based on best practices. The application of the approach is shown and demonstrated by an automotive case study and different use case scenarios.EC/H2020/692474/EU/Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems/AMASSEC/H2020/737422/EU/Secure COnnected Trustable Things/SCOTTEC/H2020/732242/EU/Dependability Engineering Innovation for CPS - DEIS/DEISBMBF, 01IS16043, Collaborative Embedded Systems (CrESt

    Lernergebnisse Studierender durch praktikumsintegrierte Praxisforschung im Verlauf ihres Lehramtsstudiums. Inwieweit führt wiederholtes Forschendes Lernen zu stabilen Lernergebnisbereichen in Bezug auf die Weiterentwicklung der eigenen Praxis und die Förderung von Forschungsorientierung?

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    Forschendes Lernen zielt im Bereich der Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenbildung auf die Förderung professionellen Lernens durch die Förderung von Forschungsorientierung ab. Im Zuge der im Beitrag präsentierten Längsschnittstudie wurde eruiert, inwieweit die mehrmalige Durchführung von Praxisforschung im Bachelorstudium Primarstufe Effekte auf Lernergebnisse Studierender zeigt und ob stabile Bereiche von Lernergebnissen durch Praxisforschung abgeleitet werden können. Die Analysen zeigen, dass sich in Bezug auf professionelles, auf die Weiterentwicklung von Praxis bezogenes Lernen keine stabilen Faktoren von Lernergebnissen zeigen, Forschen hingegen einen übergeordneten Faktor darstellt. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Resultate, dass zunehmende Erfahrung Studierender mit Praxisforschung im Schnitt zu höheren Lernergebnissen in Bezug auf Forschen und Weiterentwicklung von Praxis führt. Insofern regen die Studienergebnisse einen differenzierten Blick auf die mehrmalige Durchführung Forschenden Lernens in Lehramtsstudien an und werfen ein kritisches Licht auf die Vergleichbarkeit bisheriger Studien. (DIPF/Orig.)In the field of initial teacher education, research-based learning aims to promote professional learning by fostering research orientation. In the course of the longitudinal study presented in the article, we investigated to what extent the repeated implementation of practitioner research in the bachelor’s degree program in primary school education shows effects on teacher students’ learning outcomes and whether stable areas of learning outcomes from practitioner research can be derived. The analyses show that no stable factors of learning outcomes are revealed in relation to professional learning related to the further development of practice, whereas research can be identified as area of learning outcome. Furthermore, the results show that increasing experience with practitioner research leads on average to higher learning outcomes of teacher students related to research and further development of practice. In this respect, the study results provide insights into repeated implementation of research-based learning in initial teacher education and offer a critical view on the comparability of prior studies. (DIPF/Orig.

    Using the 16PF to test the differentiation of personality by intelligence hypothesis

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    The differentiation of personality by intelligence hypothesis suggests that there will be greater individual differences in personality traits for those individuals who are more intelligent. Conversely, less intelligent individuals will be more similar to each other in their personality traits. The hypothesis was tested with a large sample of managerial job candidates who completed an omnibus personality measure with 16 scales and five intelligence measures (used to generate an intelligence g-factor). Based on the g-factor composite, the sample was split using the median to conduct factor analyses within each half. A five-factor model was tested for both the lower and higher intelligence halves and were found to have configural invariance but not metric or scalar invariance. In general, the results provide little support for the differentiation hypothesis as there was no clear and consistent pattern of lower inter-scale correlations for the more intelligent individuals

    Systematic pattern approach for safety and security co-engineering in the automotive domain

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    Future automotive systems will exhibit increased levels of automation as well as ever tighter integration with other vehicles, traffic infrastructure, and cloud services. From safety perspective, this can be perceived as boon or bane - it greatly increases complexity and uncertainty, but at the same time opens up new opportunities for realizing innovative safety functions. Moreover, cybersecurity becomes important as additional concern because attacks are now much more likely and severe. Unfortunately, there is lack of experience with security concerns in context of safety engineering in general and in automotive safety departments in particular. To remediate this problem, we propose a systematic pattern-based approach that interlinks safety and security patterns and provides guidance with respect to selection and combination of both types of patterns in context of system engineering. The application of a combined safety and security pattern engineering workflow is shown and demonstrated by an automotive use case scenario

    Pathways linking aging and atheroprotection in Mif‐deficient atherosclerotic mice

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    Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition of our arteries and the main underlying pathology of myocardial infarction and stroke. The pathogenesis is age-dependent, but the links between disease progression, age, and atherogenic cytokines and chemokines are incompletely understood. Here, we studied the chemokine-like inflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in atherogenic Apoe−/− mice across different stages of aging and cholesterol-rich high-fat diet (HFD). MIF promotes atherosclerosis by mediating leukocyte recruitment, lesional inflammation, and suppressing atheroprotective B cells. However, links between MIF and advanced atherosclerosis across aging have not been systematically explored. We compared effects of global Mif-gene deficiency in 30-, 42-, and 48-week-old Apoe−/− mice on HFD for 24, 36, or 42 weeks, respectively, and in 52-week-old mice on a 6-week HFD. Mif-deficient mice exhibited reduced atherosclerotic lesions in the 30/24- and 42/36-week-old groups, but atheroprotection, which in the applied Apoe−/− model was limited to lesions in the brachiocephalic artery and abdominal aorta, was not detected in the 48/42- and 52/6-week-old groups. This suggested that atheroprotection afforded by global Mif-gene deletion differs across aging stages and atherogenic diet duration. To characterize this phenotype and study the underlying mechanisms, we determined immune cells in the periphery and vascular lesions, obtained a multiplex cytokine/chemokine profile, and compared the transcriptome between the age-related phenotypes. We found that Mif deficiency promotes lesional macrophage and T-cell counts in younger but not aged mice, with subgroup analysis pointing toward a role for Trem2+ macrophages. The transcriptomic analysis identified pronounced MIF- and aging-dependent changes in pathways predominantly related to lipid synthesis and metabolism, lipid storage, and brown fat cell differentiation, as well as immunity, and atherosclerosis-relevant enriched genes such as Plin1, Ldlr, Cpne7, or Il34, hinting toward effects on lesional lipids, foamy macrophages, and immune cells. Moreover, Mif-deficient aged mice exhibited a distinct plasma cytokine/chemokine signature consistent with the notion that mediators known to drive inflamm'aging are either not downregulated or even upregulated in Mif-deficient aged mice compared with the corresponding younger ones. Lastly, Mif deficiency favored formation of lymphocyte-rich peri-adventitial leukocyte clusters. While the causative contributions of these mechanistic pillars and their interplay will be subject to future scrutiny, our study suggests that atheroprotection due to global Mif-gene deficiency in atherogenic Apoe−/− mice is reduced upon advanced aging and identifies previously unrecognized cellular and molecular targets that could explain this phenotype shift. These observations enhance our understanding of inflamm'aging and MIF pathways in atherosclerosis and may have implications for translational MIF-directed strategies

    Der Studien- und Berufserfolg von (angehenden) Lehrkräften in Österreich im Längsschnitt – Ausgewählte Befunde aus dem ersten Studienjahr

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    Es wird eine Längsschnittstudie vorgestellt, in der zwei Kohorten von Studierenden vom Aufnahmeverfahren beginnend über den Verlauf des Studiums bis in den Beruf begleitet werden. Über jeweils fünf Jahre hinweg sollen Studienerfolg und Praxiserfahrungen erhoben und in Beziehung zu den Ergebnissen des Aufnahmeverfahrens gesetzt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden neben der Konzeption der Studie Ergebnisse einer Nacherhebung im ersten Semester präsentiert (Nt2 = 781, Nt2a = 241), die darauf hinweisen, dass von den erhobenen Merkmalen vor allem die Sprachkompetenz und bestimmte Persönlichkeitsmerkmale prädiktiv für die Studienleistungen und die Zufriedenheit mit der Studien- und Berufswahl sind

    Multiple Myeloma Treatment in Real-world Clinical Practice : Results of a Prospective, Multinational, Noninterventional Study

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank all patients and their families and all the EMMOS investigators for their valuable contributions to the study. The authors would like to acknowledge Robert Olie for his significant contribution to the EMMOS study. Writing support during the development of our report was provided by Laura Mulcahy and Catherine Crookes of FireKite, an Ashfield company, a part of UDG Healthcare plc, which was funded by Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and Janssen Global Services, LLC. The EMMOS study was supported by research funding from Janssen Pharmaceutical NV and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Funding Information: The authors would like to thank all patients and their families and all the EMMOS investigators for their valuable contributions to the study. The authors would like to acknowledge Robert Olie for his significant contribution to the EMMOS study. Writing support during the development of our report was provided by Laura Mulcahy and Catherine Crookes of FireKite, an Ashfield company, a part of UDG Healthcare plc, which was funded by Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and Janssen Global Services, LLC. The EMMOS study was supported by research funding from Janssen Pharmaceutical NV and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Funding Information: M.M. has received personal fees from Janssen, Celgene, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Novartis, and Takeda and grants from Janssen and Sanofi during the conduct of the study. E.T. has received grants from Janssen and personal fees from Janssen and Takeda during the conduct of the study, and grants from Amgen, Celgene/Genesis, personal fees from Amgen, Celgene/Genesis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, and Glaxo-Smith Kline outside the submitted work. M.V.M. has received personal fees from Janssen, Celgene, Amgen, and Takeda outside the submitted work. M.C. reports honoraria from Janssen, outside the submitted work. M. B. reports grants from Janssen Cilag during the conduct of the study. M.D. has received honoraria for participation on advisory boards for Janssen, Celgene, Takeda, Amgen, and Novartis. H.S. has received honoraria from Janssen-Cilag, Celgene, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, and Takeda outside the submitted work. V.P. reports personal fees from Janssen during the conduct of the study and grants, personal fees, and nonfinancial support from Amgen, grants and personal fees from Sanofi, and personal fees from Takeda outside the submitted work. W.W. has received personal fees and grants from Amgen, Celgene, Novartis, Roche, Takeda, Gilead, and Janssen and nonfinancial support from Roche outside the submitted work. J.S. reports grants and nonfinancial support from Janssen Pharmaceutical during the conduct of the study. V.L. reports funding from Janssen Global Services LLC during the conduct of the study and study support from Janssen-Cilag and Pharmion outside the submitted work. A.P. reports employment and shareholding of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) during the conduct of the study. C.C. reports employment at Janssen-Cilag during the conduct of the study. C.F. reports employment at Janssen Research and Development during the conduct of the study. F.T.B. reports employment at Janssen-Cilag during the conduct of the study. The remaining authors have stated that they have no conflicts of interest. Publisher Copyright: © 2018 The AuthorsMultiple myeloma (MM) remains an incurable disease, with little information available on its management in real-world clinical practice. The results of the present prospective, noninterventional observational study revealed great diversity in the treatment regimens used to treat MM. Our results also provide data to inform health economic, pharmacoepidemiologic, and outcomes research, providing a framework for the design of protocols to improve the outcomes of patients with MM. Background: The present prospective, multinational, noninterventional study aimed to document and describe real-world treatment regimens and disease progression in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Patients and Methods: Adult patients initiating any new MM therapy from October 2010 to October 2012 were eligible. A multistage patient/site recruitment model was applied to minimize the selection bias; enrollment was stratified by country, region, and practice type. The patient medical and disease features, treatment history, and remission status were recorded at baseline, and prospective data on treatment, efficacy, and safety were collected electronically every 3 months. Results: A total of 2358 patients were enrolled. Of these patients, 775 and 1583 did and did not undergo stem cell transplantation (SCT) at any time during treatment, respectively. Of the patients in the SCT and non-SCT groups, 49%, 21%, 14%, and 15% and 57%, 20%, 12% and 10% were enrolled at treatment line 1, 2, 3, and ≥ 4, respectively. In the SCT and non-SCT groups, 45% and 54% of the patients had received bortezomib-based therapy without thalidomide/lenalidomide, 12% and 18% had received thalidomide/lenalidomide-based therapy without bortezomib, and 30% and 4% had received bortezomib plus thalidomide/lenalidomide-based therapy as frontline treatment, respectively. The corresponding proportions of SCT and non-SCT patients in lines 2, 3, and ≥ 4 were 45% and 37%, 30% and 37%, and 12% and 3%, 33% and 27%, 35% and 32%, and 8% and 2%, and 27% and 27%, 27% and 23%, and 6% and 4%, respectively. In the SCT and non-SCT patients, the overall response rate was 86% to 97% and 64% to 85% in line 1, 74% to 78% and 59% to 68% in line 2, 55% to 83% and 48% to 60% in line 3, and 49% to 65% and 36% and 45% in line 4, respectively, for regimens that included bortezomib and/or thalidomide/lenalidomide. Conclusion: The results of our prospective study have revealed great diversity in the treatment regimens used to manage MM in real-life practice. This diversity was linked to factors such as novel agent accessibility and evolving treatment recommendations. Our results provide insight into associated clinical benefits.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Measurement of inclusive π0\pi^{0} production in hadronic Z0Z^{0} decays

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    An analysis is presented of inclusive \pi^0 production in Z^0 decays measured with the DELPHI detector. At low energies, \pi^0 decays are reconstructed by \linebreak using pairs of converted photons and combinations of converted photons and photons reconstructed in the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter (HPC). At high energies (up to x_p = 2 \cdot p_{\pi}/\sqrt{s} = 0.75) the excellent granularity of the HPC is exploited to search for two-photon substructures in single showers. The inclusive differential cross section is measured as a function of energy for {q\overline q} and {b \bar b} events. The number of \pi^0's per hadronic Z^0 event is N(\pi^0)/ Z_{had}^0 = 9.2 \pm 0.2 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 1.0 \mbox{(syst)} and for {b \bar b}~events the number of \pi^0's is {\mathrm N(\pi^0)/ b \overline b} = 10.1 \pm 0.4 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 1.1 \mbox{(syst)} . The ratio of the number of \pi^0's in b \overline b events to hadronic Z^0 events is less affected by the systematic errors and is found to be 1.09 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.01. The measured \pi^0 cross sections are compared with the predictions of different parton shower models. For hadronic events, the peak position in the \mathrm \xi_p = \ln(1/x_p) distribution is \xi_p^{\star} = 3.90^{+0.24}_{-0.14}. The average number of \pi^0's from the decay of primary \mathrm B hadrons is found to be {\mathrm N} (B \rightarrow \pi^0 \, X)/\mbox{B hadron} = 2.78 \pm 0.15 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 0.60 \mbox{(syst)}

    Measurements of the leptonic branching fractions of the τ\tau

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    Data collected with the DELPHI detector from 1993 to 1995 combined with previous DELPHI results for data from 1991 and 1992 yield the branching fractions B({\tau \rightarrow \mbox{\rm e} \nu \bar{\nu}}) = (17.877 \pm 0.109_{stat} \pm 0.110_{sys} )\% and B(τμννˉ)=(17.325±0.095stat±0.077sys)%B({\tau \rightarrow \mu \nu \bar{\nu}}) = (17.325 \pm 0.095_{stat} \pm 0.077_{sys} )\%