2 research outputs found
Energy Homeostasis in Monotremes
- Author
- Abensperg-Traun
- Aiello
- Andrews
- Ashwell
- Ashwell
- Ashwell
- Ashwell
- Augee
- Augee
- Augee
- Augee
- Barker
- Beard
- Beard
- Bech
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bethge
- Bethge
- Bethge
- Brice
- Brown
- Buffenstein
- Cannon
- Capellini
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clutton-Brock
- Crompton
- Damassa
- Darwin
- Dawson
- Dawson
- Dawson
- Demeneix
- Denver
- Diogo
- Du
- Edmeades
- Else
- Else
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fish
- Flannery
- Florant
- Frappell
- Frappell
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geiser
- Geoffroy SĂ int-Hilaire
- Gillooly
- Gittleman
- Gongora
- González-Lagos
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Green
- Griffiths
- Grigg
- Grigg
- Grigg
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Hassiotis
- Hofman
- Howley
- Hulbert
- Hulbert
- Hulbert
- Hulbert
- Hulbert
- Hulbert
- Isler
- Johansen
- Johnson
- Kerr
- Koteja
- Kozlowski
- Kuchel
- Kwiecinski
- Little
- Londraville
- Lopes
- Lovegrove
- Magnus
- Magnus
- Martin
- Mayr
- McAllan
- McNab
- McNab
- McNab
- McNab
- McNab
- Mendel
- Miklouho-Maclay
- Miklouho-Maclay
- Mink
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Mueller
- Musser
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nicol
- Nowack
- Oelkrug
- Omland
- Phillips
- Polymeropoulos
- Prokop
- Prokop
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Rismiller
- Rismiller
- Rolfe
- Ruf
- Saunders
- Schmid
- Schmidt-Nielsen
- Shaw
- Shedlock
- Shine
- Sieg
- Simon
- Smyth
- Speakman
- Sprent
- Sprent
- Sprent
- Stearns
- Stewart C. Nicol
- Sutherland
- Taylor
- Tomasi
- Tomasi
- Turbill
- Warren
- Weisbecker
- Werneburg
- White
- White
- Wilkinson
- Willis
- Young
- Young
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The platypus: evolutionary history, biology, and an uncertain future
- Author
- Akiyama
- Amato
- Archer
- Archer
- Archer
- Archer
- Archer
- Archer
- Archer
- Archer
- Asahara
- Augee
- Barrett
- Bauer
- Bethge
- Bethge
- Bethge
- Bethge
- Bethge
- Bino
- Bino
- Bino
- Bohringer
- Booth
- Brown
- Bryant
- Burrell
- Caldwell
- Camens
- Camilla Whittington
- Coleman
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Cosgrove
- CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology
- Daniel Lunney
- David Goldney
- de Plater
- de Plater
- de Plater
- Easton
- Ellem
- Enjapoori
- Evans
- Faragher
- Fenner
- Ficetola
- Fish
- Fisher
- Flannery
- Fleay
- Fleay
- Forasiepi
- Francis
- Frankham
- Furlan
- Furlan
- Furlan
- Gardner
- Gaston
- Gates
- Gemmell
- Gemmell
- Gemmell
- Geoff Williams
- Geoffroy SĂ int-Hilaire
- Gilad Bino
- Gilligan
- Goldney
- Gongora
- Goulburn Herald
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Gregory
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Grigg
- Grus
- Gust
- Gust
- Gust
- Hanski
- Harrop
- Hawkins
- Hawkins
- He
- Hill
- Hobbins
- Holderegger
- Holland
- Hulbert
- Iggo
- Isaac
- Jaime Gongora
- Jenna Day
- Jessica Thomas
- Joanne H Connolly
- Johansen
- Josh Griffiths
- Kearney
- Kellaway
- Keller
- Kerle
- Kessell
- Kimberly Dias
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Klamt
- Klamt
- Klamt
- Koch
- Koh
- Kolomyjec
- Kolomyjec
- Kolomyjec
- Kourie
- Krause
- Krause
- Krubitzer
- Krueger
- Lagabrielle
- Lancaster
- Lester
- Ligabue-Braun
- Lintermans
- Loewenstein
- Lugg
- Luis Mijangos
- Lunn
- Lunney
- Lunney
- Lunney
- Lunney
- Lunney
- Lunney
- Mace
- Macgregor
- Macgregor
- Macgregor
- Macgregor
- Macrini
- Magierowski
- Manger
- Manger
- Manger
- Marchant
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- McColl
- McKay
- McLachlan-Troup
- McLachlan-Troup
- McLeod
- Meckel
- Melissa Klamt
- Melody Serena
- Michael Archer
- Milione
- Minella
- Munday
- Munks
- Munks
- Munks
- Musser
- Musser
- Musser
- Naughton
- Nicol
- Olsson Herrin
- Otley
- Otley
- Otley
- Pascual
- Pascual
- Pascual
- Peter Temple-Smith
- Pettigrew
- Pettigrew
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Pian
- Pian
- Pike
- Pridmore
- Pringle
- Proske
- Proske
- Rakick
- Rich
- Rich
- Rich
- Richard T Kingsford
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rohweder
- Rohweder
- Rowe
- Sarah Munks
- Scheich
- Scott
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Serena
- Shaw
- Springer
- Tahneal Hawke
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Temple-Smith
- Temple-Smith
- The Don Dorrigo Gazette and Guy Fawkes Advocate
- The Nowra Leader
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Tom Grant
- Torres
- Torres
- Torres
- Torres
- Torres
- Turnbull
- Walker
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Warren
- Warren
- Webb
- Whittington
- Whittington
- Whittington
- Whittington
- Whittington
- Whittington
- Whittington
- Whittington
- William Sherwin
- Williams
- Woinarski
- Wong
- Woodburne
- Zeiss
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study