590 research outputs found


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    This research evaluated a mixed vehicle environment that included connected and non-connected vehicles in which connected vehicles (CV) were allowed to pay a small fee to request priority at a signalized intersection, similar to a transit signal priority system. Connected vehicles with signal priority were simulated with penetration levels ranging from 10% to 100% as well as with various priority directions (all directions, major street movements in both directions, and major street movements in the direction of highest flow) being allowed to request priority. These scenarios were compared to optimized signal timings to determine the effectiveness of the technology in terms of average delay and benefit-cost analysis was performed to assess the viability of this strategy that allows connected vehicles to receive signal priority for a fee. It was discovered that connected vehicles with signal priority experience less delay than non-connected vehicles for all priority direction scenarios studied up to a certain point. When all directions and major street movements in both directions are allowed to request priority, the advantage for CV was statistically significant up to 20% CV penetration. When priority was only allowed to be requested in the direction of highest flow, CVs experienced lower delay at a statistically significant level up to 40% CV penetration levels. Above these thresholds connected and non-connected vehicles experience similar delay. Average delay for all vehicles on the network, including connected and non-connected vehicle types, was also analyzed and revealed that average delay tended to increase as the CV penetration levels increased. When priority was permitted in only the major direction of travel the average delay for all vehicles on the network was significantly less than the base scenario for up to 50% CV penetration levels. Delay for all vehicles types was higher than the base scenario when priority was permitted in all directions and in both directions on the main corridors. A benefit-cost analysis was performed for the major flow direction priority scenario because it was the only scenario that outperformed the optimized signal timing scenario with no CV. A benefit-cost analysis based solely on revenue generated from CV requesting priority at intersections and the system cost resulted in a benefit-cost ratio greater than 1 at as low as 20% CV penetration levels. When the benefit-cost analysis added the benefit of decreased network delay for all vehicles, benefit-cost ratios as high as 3 were observed at 10% CV penetration levels

    Motivación y rendimiento en la universidad: el papel de los docentes

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    [Resumen] En la presente comunicación se ofrece una visión reivindicativa del papel activo que deben tener los docentes universitarios en la motivación y en el rendimiento de sus alumnos. Con este fin, en primer lugar se repasarán algunos factores fundamentales que pueden influir en la motivación y en el rendimiento de los estudiantes para pasar, posteriormente, al análisis de las posibles acciones de un profesor/a para no disminuir o anular la motivación de sus alumnos y para contribuir a una consecuente mejora de su rendimiento. A través de diferentes ejemplos reales se ofrecerán distintas soluciones para intentar mejorar la relación entre los docentes y los estudiantes, proponiendo un utópico marco óptimo al que aproximarse con la finalidad de que la interacción entre ambos colectivos sea sincera, respetuosa y productiva. Para conseguir estos objetivos se subrayará, en todo momento, la importancia que sigue teniendo en la universidad el profesor en su faceta de tutor. A pesar de la teórica edad adulta de los estudiantes y de su supuesta preparación previa, es un hecho irrefutable que el alumno sigue precisando consejo, guía y comprensión, y la única pretensión de esta comunicación es la de dejar constancia de estas demandas de humanidad por parte del alumnad

    Digital tools and active leaning in an online university: Improving the academic performance of future teachers

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    The use of digital tools forms part of any online educational context. When it comes to the training of future teachers, this point proves crucial in order to transfer this technology to classrooms. In addition to the above, incorporating this type of resources as a part of an active learning proposal will enhance their motivation, self-regulation and autonomy, in addition to having a possible effect on their academic achievement. This research refers to the evaluation of an active educational learning proposal in which a pre-experimental design was used without a control group to study the possible relationship between the use of digital tools and the academic achievement of the students. The sample consisted of 908 students divided into three academic years. The results show that the students who used more tools, actively participating in the proposed activities, obtained better final grades and better marks on the continuous evaluation activities, which they completed in a higher percentage (p[removed

    Creación de comunidad y comunicación mediante el uso de Whatsapp en la elaboración online de Trabajos Fin de Máster de Formación de Profesorado

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    En este breve artículo, se presenta una experiencia y una opinión acerca del uso de Whatsapp en la enseñanza online, como medio, no solo de comunicación sino para crear una comunidad que suele ser inexistente en un entorno en línea. Se considera que podría ser un recurso válidopara sustituir, incluso, a los tradicionales foros. La aproximación se concreta en el uso de esta herramienta durante el transcurso de la realización de los trabajos fin de máster, periodo en el que el aislamiento del alumno se intensifica.In this brief article, an opinion and an experience about using Whatsapp in online education is presented. Not only as a means of communication, but also as a way to create a community which is normally not present in an online environment. It is considered to be a helpful tool, even as far as to substitute the traditional forum. The example has to do with the use of Whatsapp in the final Project of a Master, period in which the feeling of isolation in the students is intensified

    Macrodeberes : hacia unos deberes significativos

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    En esta breve reflexión, se presenta un término propio, los Macrodeberes, como traducción del inglés Homeleaning, empleado por Peter Hutton para hacer referencia a un nuevo tipo de deberes que implican a más agentes educativos, desde un punto de vista colaborador, cooperativo e innovador. Desde estas líneas, se intenta realizar una adaptación, a la realidad española, de las ideas esbozadas por este educador para su centro en Australia, diferenciando Macrodeberes de Microdeberes, y considerando, estos últimos, como los deberes tradicionales de los que se debe partir, con la finalidad de mejorarlos.This brief reflection revolves around a new concept, Macrohomework, an adaptation into Spanish of the word Homelearning, as used by Peter Hutton to refer to a new kind of homework which calls for the involvement of a wider range of educational agents, under an innovative and and cooperative approach. This paper aims to outline an implementation proposal adapted to Spanish society, based on the ideas and experiences of the Australian educator. Macrohomework is presented in contrast to Microhomework, being the latter similar to traditional homework, from which we need to depart and evolve

    Creación de comunidad y comunicación mediante el uso de Whatsapp en la elaboración online de Trabajos Fin de Máster de Formación de Profesorado

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    En este breve artículo, se presenta una experiencia y una opinión acerca del uso de Whatsapp en la enseñanza online, como medio, no solo de comunicación sino para crear una comunidad que suele ser inexistente en un entorno en línea. Se considera que podría ser un recurso válidopara sustituir, incluso, a los tradicionales foros. La aproximación se concreta en el uso de esta herramienta durante el transcurso de la realización de los trabajos fin de máster, periodo en el que el aislamiento del alumno se intensifica.In this brief article, an opinion and an experience about using Whatsapp in online education is presented. Not only as a means of communication, but also as a way to create a community which is normally not present in an online environment. It is considered to be a helpful tool, even as far as to substitute the traditional forum. The example has to do with the use of Whatsapp in the final Project of a Master, period in which the feeling of isolation in the students is intensified

    Seed Dispersal by Brown Bears, Ursus arctos, in Southeastern Alaska

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    Mammals often consume fleshy fruits and disperse significant quantities of the enclosed seeds. In southeastern Alaska, Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) are among the most important dispersers of seeds for the numerous plant species producing fleshy fruits, because these bears are abundant, often eat large quantities of fruit, and commonly excrete seeds in germinable condition. Scat analyses showed that Brown Bears on Chichagof Island ate increasing quantities of fruit through summer and fall. Scats commonly contained several thousand seeds, often of two or more species. Four kinds of seeds of fleshyfruited plants that normally grow in forest understory germinated at similar levels when experimentally deposited (in bear scats) in the two most common habitats (forest and muskeg), suggesting that habitat distribution of these plants is not determined simply by germination patterns. Although seed passage through bear digestive tracts and the composition of scats are known to affect germination rates to some degree, the most important role of bears in seed dispersal is probably transport

    Efficacy of Essential Oils of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare on Echinococcus granulosus

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    The aim of the present work was to determine the in vitro effect of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare essential oils against E. granulosus protoscoleces and cysts. Essential oils were added to the medium resulting in thymol final concentrations of 10 μg/mL. The essential oils had a time-dependent effect provoking the complete loss of protoscolex viability after 72 days of postincubation. The results were confirmed at the ultrastructure level. Loss of infectivity in protoscoleces incubated with O. vulgare after 60 days was observed. On the other hand, the weight of cysts recorded in mice inoculated with T. vulgaris treated protoscoleces was significantly lower than that obtained in control group. Gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase activity was readily detected in the culture supernatant of protoscoleces treated either with the essential oils or thymol. T. vulgaris and O. vulgare essential oils and thymol can induce cell apoptosis of protoscoleces after short incubation times. The efficacy of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare essential oils was also demonstrated in vitro on E. granulosus murine cysts. Our data suggest that essential oils of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare have anthelmintic effect against protoscoleces and cysts of E. granulosus.Fil: Pensel, Patricia Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biologia. Laboratorio de Zoonosis Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Maggiore, Marina Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biologia. Laboratorio de Zoonosis Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Gende, Liesel Brenda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Artrópodos; ArgentinaFil: Eguaras, Martin Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Artrópodos; ArgentinaFil: Denegri, Guillermo Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biologia. Laboratorio de Zoonosis Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Elissondo, María Celina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biologia. Laboratorio de Zoonosis Parasitarias; Argentin

    DinSAR coseismic deformation measurements of the Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile)

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    The beginning of radars goes back to the 1930s where its main boost was related to the second world war. Nowadays, the techniques associated with radars are focused around a vast variety of civil, geodetic, and military applications. The development of the synthetic aperture principle, in the 1950s and 1960s, gave birth to a lot of new applications, and together with the technological progress of the last decades, the technique of interferometry with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data became one of the most powerful ones for sensing remotely, with high quality and a vast spatial coverage. We used Sentinel-1 data and the differential interferometry SAR (DinSAR) technique to map and measure the surface deformation related to the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile). We also validated the results, by analysing the temporal variation of coordinates acquired from global navigation satellite system observations and projecting them in the geometry of the SAR system. Using this application we prove the DinSAR technique to be useful and powerful for the observation and analysis of surface deformation caused by the release of stress during the Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake. It proved to be an efficient tool to detect and map the surface deformation with high spatial resolution in an approximate area of 20,000 km2.Fil: Calvet, Agustín. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Balbarani, Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Departamento de Agrimensura (departamento de Agrimensura) ; Facultad de Ingenieria ; Universidad de Buenos Aires; . Universidad de la Defensa Nacional. Facultad de Ingenieria del Ejercito.; ArgentinaFil: Gende, Mauricio Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Universidad de la Defensa Nacional. Facultad de Ingenieria del Ejercito.; Argentin

    Analisis segmentasi pasar konsumen kopi hitam di Kota Padangsidimpuan

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    Segmentasi pasar adalah upaya pengelompokan konsumen berdasarkan kebutuhan. Sehingga perusahaan dapat menerapkan pemasaran lebih efektif dan ekonomis. Sebelum diterimanya segmentasi pasar, cara yang umum melakukan bisnis dengan konsumen melalui pemasaran massal yaitu menawarkan produk dan bauran pemasaran yang sama kepada semua konsumen. Berdasarkan wawancara yang peneliti lakukan pada salah satu industri kopi hitam yang beralamat di Kelurahan Hutaimbaru, strategi pemasaran produk masih menggunakan pemasaran massal. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti, fenomena di Kota Padangsidimpuan. Kebiasaan masyarakat mengkonsumsi kopi hitam di warung kopi. Budaya ini hal yang menarik diteliti dalam segmentasi sosial budaya. Permasalahan di atas menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu: bagaimanakah segmentasi pasar konsumen kopi hitam di kota Padangsidimpuan. Teori-teori yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini sebagai pendekatan terhadap permasalahan yang diteliti adalah teori tentang segmentasi pasar, teori pasar, teori konsumen dan teori perilaku konsumsi dalam persfektif ekonomi konvensional dan ekonomi Islam. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriftif, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis sebelum di lapangan, analisis data di lapangan model Miles dan Huberman dan analisis data di lapangan model Spradley. Jumlah responden 60 orang. Hasil penelitian, berdasarkan segmentasi demografis yaitu konsumen keseluruhan adalah laki-laki, usia > 35 tahun, pendidikan secara umum yaitu SMA, pekerjaan secara umumnya wiraswasta, pendapatan rata-rata setiap bulan Rp 1.000.0000-Rp 2.000.000 dan > Rp 3.000.000. Berdasarkan segmentasi sosial budaya, agama Islam 59 orang, Kristen 1 orang, berdasarkan suku, 55 suku Batak, 2 suku Nias, 3 suku Jawa konsumen suku Batak. Alasan konsumen memilih warung kopi tempat untuk mengkonsumsi kopi hitam untuk berinteraksi sosial dengan masyarakat dan berbagi informasi pekerjaan. Berdasarkan segmentasi terkait pemakaian konsumen tergolong loyal, tingkat pemakaian pemakai ringan 17 orang, pemakai sedang 24 orang, pemakai berat 19 orang. Alasan konsumen memilih kopi hitam karena rasa yang khas. Berdasarkan segmentasi psikografis, konsumen menghabiskan waktu dengan, membaca Koran, majalah, menonton acara khusus di TV dan mendengarkan radio. Konsumen berpendapat tidak ada perubahan rasa kopi hitam dari dahulu sampai sekarang. Berdasarkan segmentasi psikologis motivasi awal konsumen mengkonsumsi kopi hitam karena interaksi sosial dengan masyarakat yang terjadi di warung kopi, konsumen suka produk yang berkualitas, suka mencoba produk baru sejenis dan aktif mengikuti perkembangan
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