1,171 research outputs found

    Women in History - Mary Parker Follett: a Leadership Theorist Ahead of Her Time

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    As a management and leadership voice in the 1920s and 30s, Mary Parker Follett was far ahead of her time (Burnier, 2003; Business Strategy Review, 2002; Harrington, 1999; Smith, 2002). Follett was born in 1868 in Quincy, Massachusetts and was educated at Radcliffe. She began her professional life as a social worker in Roxbury, an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse neighborhood outside Boston. She believed strongly in the power of diversity to enrich society and advocated the grass roots development of community-based organizations and adult education (Smith, 2002, p. 3). After 1908, she became involved in a movement to establish community centers in public schools and contributed to many community-based and governmental organizations, including the Women\u27s Municipal League, the Massachusetts Minimum Wage Board, and the National Community Center Association

    Women in History - Mary Parker Follett: a Leadership Theorist Ahead of Her Time

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    As a management and leadership voice in the 1920s and 30s, Mary Parker Follett was far ahead of her time (Burnier, 2003; Business Strategy Review, 2002; Harrington, 1999; Smith, 2002). Follett was born in 1868 in Quincy, Massachusetts and was educated at Radcliffe. She began her professional life as a social worker in Roxbury, an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse neighborhood outside Boston. She believed strongly in the power of diversity to enrich society and advocated the grass roots development of community-based organizations and adult education (Smith, 2002, p. 3). After 1908, she became involved in a movement to establish community centers in public schools and contributed to many community-based and governmental organizations, including the Women\u27s Municipal League, the Massachusetts Minimum Wage Board, and the National Community Center Association

    CarRace: a multidisciplinaire engaging project

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    LMATE: An Innovative Bachelor Degree Connecting Mathematics And Industry

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    The bachelor degree in Mathematics Applied to Technology and Enterprise (LMATE) has an innovative structure, working in partnership with industry, involving a transdisciplinarity curriculum plan, with a solid mathematical base including extensive knowledge in statistics, optimization, modeling and programming (Python, R, etc.), along with training in engineering, physics and management. LMATE presents three differences in relation to other applied mathematics portuguese bachelors degrees: it was constructed upside down towards the usual, once partner entities (enterprises, public entities and research centers) were consulted on relevant mathematical contents to solve their problems, instead of being created exclusively by the academy; in its curricular plan has optional curricular units from several engineering areas; and is the only bachelor degree in applied mathematics that has an internship integrated. As LMATE performance evaluation measures the following can be listed: the number of partner entities has increased to 37 currently; demand has been far greater than the offer of vacancies, reaching around 800%; average entry grades have been increasing (from 12.6 to 15.2); and more than 70 of the 176 students who entered in the six years of LMATE have graduated, having done internships in partner entities. Based on a follow-up study of students who have already finished LMATE to assess the quality of the knowledge acquired and its employability, it is concluded that many of finalists enroll in master\u27s degrees, the majority just after LMATE; others enter the labor market straight away, but all feel that LMATE provided them with adequate preparation

    An approach to teach Calculus/Mathematical Analysis (for engineering students) using computers and active learning – its conception, development of materials and evaluation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da EducaçãoThis thesis reports a new approach to the teaching of Mathematical Analysis 1/ Calculus (AM1) to students of engineering, applying results of research on the use of computers and active learning with the aim of enhancing understanding. The main goal of the new approach is to reduce the known problem of failure and superficial understanding in introductory college mathematics in Portugal (and other countries). This researcher created the approach named ActivMathComp where: - Students are active and collaborate with colleagues during classes; - Computer is embedded as a communication, interaction and computational tool; - Students use interactive digital learning documents; - Students explore concepts in order to develop a deep understanding of them; - Students contact with mathematical applications; - Students have frequent short quizzes with immediate feedback on a Learning Management System; - The teacher/student relationship is grounded on trust, on mutual understanding and on students’ involvement on their own learning. The interactive digital documents were created assuming principles such as the zone of proximal development and multiple representations. Towards its comparison with the traditional approach, the ActivMathComp was implemented in a group of 16 AM1 students at the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. The participants freely chose to enrol in the group and were required to bring their own laptop to classes. Took place a quasi-experiment where all the other seven classes following AM1 were taken as a comparison group. The participating students got significantly higher grades than the other students and had a higher success rate. Data gathered from questionnaires and tests were screened to identify possible bias. The participating students evaluated ActivMathComp as highly positive in nearly all aspects

    Bycatch and discard survival rate in a small-scale bivalve dredge fishery along the Algarve coast (southern Portugal)

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    Although the bivalve dredge used on the Algarve coast (southern Portugal) is highly selective for the target species, in some periods of the year the bycatch can exceed the catch of the commercial species. The present study aimed to quantify the bycatch and discards, estimate damage and mortality, and propose management measures to minimize discards and mortality. A total of 15 fishing surveys (60 tows) were performed using two types of dredges (“DDredge” targeting Donax trunculus and “SDredge” targeting Spisula solida and Chamelea gallina). Of the 85257 individuals (392.4 kg) of 52 taxa that were caught, 73.4% belonged to the target species, 22.1% to commercially undersized target species and 4.5% to bycatch species. Bycatch rates were lower for SDredge (13.5% in number and 6.3% in weight) than for DDredge (46.0% in number and 32.9% in weight). Damage and mortality rates were also lower using SDredge (1.3% and 1.0% of the total catches, respectively) than using DDredge (4.0% and 2.8% of the total catches). Survival experiments revealed the diverse vulnerability of the taxa and confirmed the influence of the damage score on the mortality rate. The results gathered in the present study encourage the adoption of a bycatch reduction device to reduce both direct and indirect mortality.This study was performed within the framework of the research project “Science Technology and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries (MINOUW)” funded by the Research and Innovation Action (RIA) of the EU Horizon 2020 programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio de la construcción de la identidad de género a través del programa televisivo "mujeres y hombres y viceversa"

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    Con esta investigación se analiza la construcción de la identidad de género a través del programa de televisión “Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa”, a partir de las teorías de la percepción y construcción social (Cuesta, 2006) y en base a los modelos del aprendizaje social (Bandura y Walters, 1963). Se plantearon unas hipótesis derivadas de los mismos para analizar (1) las expectativas de rol de género, (2) desarrollo y activación de expectativas de rol, (3)integración de estrategias de procesamiento de la información, (4) influencia grupal e individual, (5) consecuencias de la conducta modelo (6) establecimiento de expresiones, respuestas y conductas nuevas, (7) “efecto tercera persona” (Davison, 1993), (8) tipo de rasgos conductuales, roles profesionales y características físicas en jóvenes. Se empleó una metodología cualitativa a través de la realización de focus group en jóvenes universitarios. Los resultados confirmaron las hipótesis planteadas, validando la importancia del programa de televisión “Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa” en la construcción de la identidad de género. Se plantearon posibles líneas de investigación, especialmente el análisis de la categoría “machismo” y de otros programas televisivos

    Lysossomal acid lipase activity in dried blood spots - preliminar results

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    Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) are a group of heterogeneous and multisystemic disorders caused by defects in enzymes responsible for the intralysosomal degradation of particular compounds. One of them is Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency (LALD) that is caused by the deficiency of the enzyme Lysosomal Acid Lipase (LAL), which is responsible for the hydrolysis of cholesterol esters and triglycerides in the lysosome.N/

    La I Guerra Mundial y los orígenes de la Teoría de los Efectos. El caso de aliadófilos y germanófilos

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    During World War I, Spain is neutral. However, in the media there is a media battle: there is a clash between Germanophiles (those media and opinion leaders who support the German Empire) and pro-Allied (the supporters of France and the United Kingdom). This phenomenon has been studied in depth in the field of the history of communication, often linked to the history of Spanish journalism (Auvert (1983, 1986 and 1989). In this paper, we analyze this phenomenon from a different perspective. We proposed the following hypothesis: policy makers, for the first time, are really aware of the power of the media to generate public opinion trends. Then a series of measures to control these effects of media were initiated, such as grants and strategic support to different media and journalist. In that way, arise the early Theories of Communication and Effects, and therefore, the first Political Communication Theories from a positivist methodology (called Behabioralism , Kegley, 2008). The historical pathway of these development was very complex and mixed business aspects related to communication industry, ideological, cultural changes (such as the incipient emergence of the society of mass communication) and scientific aspects: especially the proposals derived from the Chicago School and Yale, where, as a result of the events of the war, they were designing the first empirical models Theories Effects (Lasswell, 1927) and Political Communication.Durante la I Guerra Mundial España se declara neutral. Sin embargo, en los medios de comunicación se produce una batalla mediática: surge un enfrentamiento entre germanófilos (aquellos medios y líderes de opinión que apoyan al Imperio Alemán) y aliadófilos (los que apoyan a Francia y el Reino Unido). Este fenómeno ha sido estudiado con profundidad en el ámbito de la historia de la comunicación, frecuentemente vinculado a la historia del periodismo español (Auvert 1983, 1986 y 1989). En este trabajo, se analiza este fenómeno desde una perspectiva diferente y se parte de la siguiente hipótesis: los “gestores políticos”, por primera vez, son realmente conscientes del “poder” de los medios para generar tendencias de “opinión pública”. Se inician así una serie de acciones encaminadas a controlar estos efectos de los medios, tales como las conocidas subvenciones y apoyos estratégicos. Surgen de ese modo las primeras “Teorías de los Efectos” de la comunicación y, por consiguiente, las primeras “Teorías sobre Comunicación Política” desde una metodología positivista (aparece el llamado behavioralism ,Kegley, 2008). El recorrido histórico de estos orígenes es muy complejo y se mezclan aspectos empresariales relacionados con la industria de la comunicación (especialmente del periodismo), aspectos ideológicos, aspectos culturales (como la incipiente aparición de la sociedad de la comunicación de masas) y aspectos científicos: especialmente las propuestas derivadas de la Escuela de Chicago y Yale, donde, como consecuencia de los acontecimientos de la Guerra, se estaban diseñando los primeros modelos empíricos sobre las “Teorías de los Efectos” (Lasswell, 1927) y de la “Comunicación Política”

    Motivational analysis of smartphone use among young people: a qualitative research

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    El smartphone se ha convertido en un objeto imprescindible en la vida diaria de los adolescentes, provocando en ocasiones cierto uso problemático o adictivo (Chóliz 2012). Esta investigación analiza el imaginario colectivo que subyace a esta conducta con el objetivo de conocer sus bases motivacionales. Los resultados parecen indicar que existe, bajo determinadas condiciones, un elevado riesgo de “conducta excesiva”.The smartphone has become a must-have item in the daily lives of teenagers, sometimes causing some problematic or addictive use (Chóliz 2012). This research analyzes the collective imagination behind this behavior in order to meet their motivational bases. The results suggest that there is, under certain conditions, a high risk of “excessive behavior”