292 research outputs found

    Recuperación de Grafos para Optical Music Recognition

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    En un mundo en el que la información nos rodea, tratarla de manera adecuada cobra vital importancia. Con el auge de las técnicas de Machine Learning, extraer valor de este preciado recurso supone un avance en muchos ámbitos. Uno de ellos que puede beneficiarse gracias a estas técnicas es el cultural, en concreto, el musical. Este patrimonio se ha transmitido siempre en forma de partituras, describiéndose por medio de la notación musical. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos, existen sistemas que permiten digitalizar estas partituras para interpretar; exportar a distintos formatos; editar, o simplemente preservar esta información. En concreto, el área de investigación que se encarga de leer e interpretar la notación musical es el del Optical Music Recognition (OMR). A pesar de los grandes avances en este campo, la investigación actual se centra en la transcripción secuencial de partituras, olvidando la importancia de generar formatos que permitan a un ordenador interpretar la notación musical de manera adecuada. En busca de mejorar esta interpretabilidad y, dada la naturaleza relacional de la música, algunos autores proponen que esta notación puede ser representada por un grafo. En dicha estructura, los símbolos musicales componen los nodos y las relaciones entre ellos, las aristas. Desafortunadamente, no existe casi investigación al respecto sobre cómo extraer grafos que describan esta notación. En este trabajo de fin de máster, se aborda este hueco en la literatura y se estudia cómo extraer grafos a partir de partituras musicales. Para ello, se plantea el problema desde tres perspectivas distintas. En la primera, se investiga la posibilidad de extraer únicamente las relaciones entre símbolos; en la segunda, se propone detectar los símbolos musicales (nodos) en extractos de partituras con sistemas que no utilicen detección de objetos; finalmente, se propone un método que permite sacar grafos de manera holística a partir de extractos de partituras. Los resultados obtenidos en estos trabajos sugieren que es posible recuperar relaciones y grafos completos capaces de representar la notación musical con precisión

    A holistic approach for image-to-graph: application to optical music recognition

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    A number of applications would benefit from neural approaches that are capable of generating graphs from images in an end-to-end fashion. One of these fields is optical music recognition (OMR), which focuses on the computational reading of music notation from document images. Given that music notation can be expressed as a graph, the aforementioned approach represents a promising solution for OMR. In this work, we propose a new neural architecture that retrieves a certain representation of a graph—identified by a specific order of its vertices—in an end-to-end manner. This architecture works by means of a double output: It sequentially predicts the possible categories of the vertices, along with the edges between each of their pairs. The experiments carried out prove the effectiveness of our proposal as regards retrieving graph structures from excerpts of handwritten musical notation. Our results also show that certain design decisions, such as the choice of graph representations, play a fundamental role in the performance of this approach.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Work produced with the support of a 2021 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. The Foundation takes no responsibility for the opinions, statements and contents of this project, which are entirely the responsibility of its authors. The second author is supported by grant ACIF/2021/356 from the “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana”

    Influence of tool geometry and numerical parameters when modeling orthogonal cutting of LFRP composites

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    The first objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of mesh size and shape in finite element modeling of composite cutting. Also the influence of the level of energy needed to reach complete breakage of the element is considered. The statement of this level of energy is crucial to simulate the material behavior. On the other hand geometrical characteristics of the tool have significant influence on machining processes. The second objective of the present work is to advance in the knowledge concerning tool geometry and its effect in composite cutting. A two-dimensional finite element model of orthogonal cutting has been developed and validated for Glass LFRP composite, comparing with experimental results presented in scientific literature. It was demonstrated that both numerical parameters and tool geometry influence the predicted chip morphology and machining induced damage.The authors are indebted for the financial support of this work, to the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (under Project DPI2008 06746)Publicad

    Region-based layout analysis of music score images

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    The Layout Analysis (LA) stage is of vital importance to the correct performance of an Optical Music Recognition (OMR) system. It identifies the regions of interest, such as staves or lyrics, which must then be processed in order to transcribe their content. Despite the existence of modern approaches based on deep learning, an exhaustive study of LA in OMR has not yet been carried out with regard to the performance of different models, their generalization to different domains or, more importantly, their impact on subsequent stages of the pipeline. This work focuses on filling this gap in the literature by means of an experimental study of different neural architectures, music document types, and evaluation scenarios. The need for training data has also led to a proposal for a new semi-synthetic data-generation technique that enables the efficient applicability of LA approaches in real scenarios. Our results show that: (i) the choice of the model and its performance are crucial for the entire transcription process; (ii) the metrics commonly used to evaluate the LA stage do not always correlate with the final performance of the OMR system, and (iii) the proposed data-generation technique enables state-of-the-art results to be achieved with a limited set of labeled data.This paper is part of the I+D+i PID2020-118447RA-I00 (MultiScore) project funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain and the GV/2020/030, Spain project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain. The first and third authors acknowledge support from the “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana, Spain ” through grants ACIF/2019/042 and ACIF/2021/356, respectively

    TCP performance enhancement over wireless mesh networks by means of the combination of multi-RAT devices and the MPTCP protocol

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    The last trends at communications realms, in particular, wireless technologies, where it is more and more usual that devices carry more than one interface (i.e. multi-RAT, Radio Access Technology), to get access to the Internet, question the classic single-path paradigm, imposed by the mainstream transport protocol, TCP. In this work we assess the behavior of Multipath TCP (MPTCP), which allows the transparent breakdown of a single TCP session into multiple simultaneous subflows. This straightforward feature might lead to remarkable performance enhancements, yielding as well a stronger resilience against failures within any of the routes. Moreover, we evaluate three different routing algorithms (link, node and zone disjoint) that aim to discover the optimal route configuration of disjoint paths over a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), exploiting the possibilities arisen by this brand new protocol. We use the obtained results to evaluate, by means of simulation, the behavior of the MPTCP protocol, showing that the aggregated performance is significatively higher than that of achieved by the traditional single-path and single-flow TCP.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish government for its funding in the project “Connectivity as a Service: Access for the Internet of the Future”, COSAIF (TEC2012-38574-C02-01)


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    This study aimed to establish reference values and compare isokinetic performance in female soccer players according to player position. Eighty-seven female soccer players from the Chilean first-division soccer clubs were evaluated in isokinetic strength. The player position was grouped as goalkeeper (GK), central defender (CD), lateral defender (LD), midfielder (MF), and forward (FW). Concentric knee extension and flexion muscle strength measurements were conducted using a standardized test protocol with an angular velocity of 60º/sec. There were no differences in peak torque of knee extension and flexion between player positions in both the dominant leg (DL) and the nondominant leg (NDL). The H:Q ratio shows significant differences (p=0.0379) in the dominant leg between CD vs. MF (GK: 63.1±11.1; CD: 55.6±4.6; LD: 62.5±9.6; MF: 64.8±12.0; FW: 61.1±10.9). Our results can be used for practitioners working with female professional soccer players to assess and monitor strength according to player position to improve performance. Future studies should confirm whether these values can be used as risk factors, complementing other functional metrics (e.g., eccentric force) and different angular velocities

    Relaciones entre el consumo de tabaco y la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en una muestra de la población de Madrid. (The relationship between smoking and leisure time physical activity in a sample of the population of Madrid).

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    <b>Resumen</b><p align="justify">El principal objetivo del presente estudio fue aportar más evidencias sobre la relación entre el consumo de tabaco y la práctica de actividad física, así como sobre el efecto modulador que podrían ejercer las variables sexo y edad en la misma. Se efectuó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 625 personas. El muestreo fue polietápico, utilizándose un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la práctica de actividad física y el consumo de tabaco eran conductas relacionadas [2(1)=7,373; p=,007; φ=,11]. Esa relación se explicaba por una incidencia del sedentarismo superior a la esperada (p menor que ,01) entre fumadores (51,9%). Además, dicha asociación difería según sexo [2(1)=12,172; p=,000; φ=,20] y se daba sólo en determinados grupos de edad: 15-19 [2(1)=5,012; p=,025; φ=,27] y 20-29 años [2(1)=7,580; p=,006; φ=,20]. Por tanto, de los resultados de este estudio se desprende que el tabaquismo y la práctica de actividad física son conductas que parecen estar inversamente relacionadas. No obstante, esta asociación se da en los varones, pero no en las mujeres y, en función de la edad, solamente entre jóvenes y adolescentes.</p><p>Abstract</p><p align="justify">The aim of this study was to provide more evidence about the relationship between smoking and leisure time physical activity. We also clarified the effect of sex and age on this relationship. A descriptive study with cross sectional design was used and 625 people were selected. Sampling was multistage and an ad hoc questionnaire was used. A significant relationship between leisure time physical activity and smoking [2(1)=7.373; p=.007; φ=.11] was found. A sedentary life was prevalent among smokers (51.9%) but not among non smokers (40.5%). This association was different by sex [2(1)=12.172; p=.000; φ=.20] and exist only in some age groups: 15-19 [2(1)=5.012; p=.025; φ=.27] and 20-29 [2(1)=7.580; p=.006; φ=.20]. Tobacco consumption and leisure time physical activity seem to be inversely related among men and amongst the young and adolescent of both sexes.</p

    Relaciones entre el consumo de tabaco y la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en una muestra de la población de Madrid

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    El principal objetivo del presente estudio fue aportar más evidencias sobre la relación entre el consumo de tabaco y la práctica de actividad física, así como sobre el efecto modulador que podrían ejercer las variables sexo y edad en la misma. Se efectuó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 625 personas. El muestreo fue polietápico, utilizándose un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la práctica de actividad física y el consumo de tabaco eran conductas relacionadas [¿2(1)=7,373; p=,007; ¿=,11]. Esa relación se explicaba por una incidencia del sedentarismo superior a la esperada (pmenor que,01) entre fumadores (51,9%). Además, dicha asociación difería según sexo [¿2(1)=12,172; p=,000; ¿=,20] y se daba sólo en determinados grupos de edad: 15-19 [¿2(1)=5,012; p=,025; ¿=,27] y 20-29 años [¿2(1)=7,580; p=,006; ¿=,20]. Por tanto, de los resultados de este estudio se desprende que el tabaquismo y la práctica de actividad física son conductas que parecen estar inversamente relacionadas. No obstante, esta asociación se da en los varones, pero no en las mujeres y, en función de la edad, solamente entre jóvenes y adolescentes

    A Novel Direct Load Control Testbed for Smart Appliances

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    The effort to continuously improve and innovate smart appliances (SA) energy management requires an experimental research and development environment which integrates widely differing tools and resources seamlessly. To this end, this paper proposes a novel Direct Load Control (DLC) testbed, aiming to conveniently support the research community, as well as analyzing and comparing their designs in a laboratory environment. Based on the LabVIEW computing platform, this original testbed enables access to knowledge of major components such as online weather forecasting information, distributed energy resources (e.g., energy storage, solar photovoltaic), dynamic electricity tariff from utilities and demand response (DR) providers together with different mathematical optimization features given by General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS). This intercommunication is possible thanks to the different applications programming interfaces (API) incorporated into the system and to intermediate agents specially developed for this case. Different basic case studies have been presented to envision the possibilities of this system in the future and more complex scenarios, to actively support the DLC strategies. These measures will offer enough flexibility to minimize the impact on user comfort combined with support for multiple DR programs. Thus, given the successful results, this platform can lead to a solution towards more efficient use of energy in the residential environment