62 research outputs found

    Investment Tax Credit--Section 38 Property--Buildings

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    Investment Tax Credit--Section 38 Property--Buildings

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    TesisAteEscuela de PosgradoGestión de Políticas PúblicasEn la investigación titulada: “El modelo de reforma educativa y su influencia en la transformación de instituciones educativas públicas a escuelas eficaces en el distrito de Villa El Salvador, 2018”, el objetivo general de la investigación fue: Determinar la influencia del modelo de reforma educativa en la transformación de instituciones educativas públicas a escuelas eficaces en el distrito de Villa El Salvador, 2018. El tipo de investigación es básica, el nivel de investigación es explicativo, el diseño de la investigación es no experimental transversal y el enfoque es cuantitativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 92 profesionales de educación: docentes y directivos de cuatro instituciones educativas públicas del distrito de Villa El Salvador, de la ciudad de Lima, 2018. La técnica que se utilizó fue la encuesta y los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron dos cuestionarios aplicados a los mencionados profesionales. Para la validez de los instrumentos se utilizó el juicio de expertos y para la confiabilidad de cada instrumento se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach que salió muy alta en ambas variables: 0.837 para la variable La reforma educativa y 0.886 para la variable Escuelas eficaces. Con referencia al objetivo general: Determinar la influencia del modelo de reforma educativa en la transformación de instituciones educativas públicas a escuelas eficaces en el distrito de Villa El Salvador, 2018; se concluye que sí existe influencia del modelo de reforma educativa en la transformación de instituciones educativas públicas a escuelas eficaces en el distrito de Villa El Salvador, 2018. Valorando los efectos adquiridos, a partir de la prueba de hipótesis con un nivel de significancia de 0.05 y coeficiente de Nagelkerke donde se aprecia que el 21,9% de las cuatro instituciones educativas públicas encuestadas, indicaron que el modelo de reforma educativa sí influye en la decisión de las escuelas eficaces. Asimismo, se tiene el área determinada por la curva COR al 24.8% que ratifica dicha influencia. Además, se observó que los profesionales tienen un nivel de Desarrollo en las Escuelas eficaces con respecto a la reforma educativa

    Using VO tools to investigate distant radio starbursts hosting obscured AGN in the HDF(N) region

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    A 10-arcmin field around the HDF(N) contains 92 radio sources >40 uJy, resolved by MERLIN+VLA at 0".2-2".0 resolution. 55 have Chandra X-ray counterparts including 18 with a hard X-ray photon index and high luminosity characteristic of a type-II (obscured) AGN. >70% of the radio sources have been classified as starbursts or AGN using radio morphologies, spectral indices and comparisons with optical appearance and MIR emission. Starbursts outnumber radio AGN 3:1. This study extends the VO methods previously used to identify X-ray-selected obscured type-II AGN to investigate whether very luminous radio and X-ray emission originates from different phenomena in the same galaxy. The high-redshift starbursts have typical sizes of 5--10 kpc and star formation rates of ~1000 Msun/yr. There is no correlation between radio and X-ray luminosities nor spectral indices at z>~1.3. ~70% of both the radio-selected AGN and the starburst samples were detected by Chandra. The X-ray luminosity indicates the presence of an AGN in at least half of the 45 cross-matched radio starbursts, of which 11 are type-II AGN including 7 at z>1.5. This distribution overlaps closely with the X-ray detected radio sources which were also detected by SCUBA. Stacked 1.4-GHz emission at the positions of radio-faint X-ray sources is correlated with X-ray hardness. Most extended radio starbursts at z>1.3 host X-ray selected obscured AGN. Radio emission from most of these ultra-luminous objects is dominated by star formation but it contributes less than 1/3 of their X-ray luminosity. Our results support the inferences from SCUBA and IR data, that at z>1.5, star formation is an order of magnitude more extended and more copious, it is closely linked to AGN activity and it is triggered differently, compared with star formation at lower redshifts.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, uses graphicx, rotating, natbib, supertabular packages and aa.cls. Accepted for publication in A&

    Ross, Macdonald, and a Theory for the Dynamics and Control of Mosquito-Transmitted Pathogens

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    Ronald Ross and George Macdonald are credited with developing a mathematical model of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission. A systematic historical review suggests that several mathematicians and scientists contributed to development of the Ross-Macdonald model over a period of 70 years. Ross developed two different mathematical models, Macdonald a third, and various “Ross-Macdonald” mathematical models exist. Ross-Macdonald models are best defined by a consensus set of assumptions. The mathematical model is just one part of a theory for the dynamics and control of mosquito-transmitted pathogens that also includes epidemiological and entomological concepts and metrics for measuring transmission. All the basic elements of the theory had fallen into place by the end of the Global Malaria Eradication Programme (GMEP, 1955–1969) with the concept of vectorial capacity, methods for measuring key components of transmission by mosquitoes, and a quantitative theory of vector control. The Ross-Macdonald theory has since played a central role in development of research on mosquito-borne pathogen transmission and the development of strategies for mosquito-borne disease prevention

    A Preclinical Assessment of Neural Stem Cells as Delivery Vehicles for Anti-Amyloid Therapeutics

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    Transplantation of neural stems cells (NSCs) could be a useful means to deliver biologic therapeutics for late-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we conducted a small preclinical investigation of whether NSCs could be modified to express metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), a secreted protease reported to degrade aggregated Aβ peptides that are the major constituents of the senile plaques. Our findings illuminated three issues with using NSCs as delivery vehicles for this particular application. First, transplanted NSCs generally failed to migrate to amyloid plaques, instead tending to colonize white matter tracts. Second, the final destination of these cells was highly influenced by how they were delivered. We found that our injection methods led to cells largely distributing to white matter tracts, which are anisotropic conduits for fluids that facilitate rapid distribution within the CNS. Third, with regard to MMP9 as a therapeutic to remove senile plaques, we observed high concentrations of endogenous metalloproteinases around amyloid plaques in the mouse models used for these preclinical tests with no evidence that the NSC-delivered enzymes elevated these activities or had any impact. Interestingly, MMP9-expressing NSCs formed substantially larger grafts. Overall, we observed long-term survival of NSCs in the brains of mice with high amyloid burden. Therefore, we conclude that such cells may have potential in therapeutic applications in AD but improved targeting of these cells to disease-specific lesions may be required to enhance efficacy

    Clinical anticancer drug development: targeting the cyclin-dependent kinases

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    Cell division involves a cyclical biochemical process composed of several step-wise reactions that have to occur once per cell cycle. Dysregulation of cell division is a hallmark of all cancers. Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms frequently result in deranged expression and/or activity of cell-cycle proteins including the cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), Cdk inhibitors and checkpoint control proteins. The critical nature of these proteins in cell cycling raises hope that targeting them may result in selective cytotoxicity and valuable anticancer activity

    Sympathetic involvement in time-constrained sequential foraging

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    Appraising sequential offers relative to an unknown future opportunity and a time cost requires an optimization policy that draws on a learned estimate of an environment’s richness. Converging evidence points to a learning asymmetry, whereby estimates of this richness update with a bias toward integrating positive information. We replicate this bias in a sequential foraging (prey selection) task and probe associated activation within the sympathetic branch of the autonomic system, using trial-by-trial measures of simultaneously recorded cardiac autonomic physiology. We reveal a unique adaptive role for the sympathetic branch in learning. It was specifically associated with adaptation to a deteriorating environment: it correlated with both the rate of negative information integration in belief estimates and downward changes in moment-to-moment environmental richness, and was predictive of optimal performance on the task. The findings are consistent with a framework whereby autonomic function supports the learning demands of prey selection

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder