56 research outputs found

    Coupled h-m fracture interaction using fem with zero-thickness interface elements

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    Intensive hydraulic fracturing is a procedure employed for low permeability reservoir stimulation. This technique consists of generating a sequence of regularly spaced parallel fractures (multi-stage fracturing). The generation of a fracture involves the modification of the local stress state, and therefore, in the case of multi-stage fracturing, the propagation of a certain fracture can be affected by the injection sequence, as it has been observed with microseismicity monitoring [1]. This paper describes a study of this technique by means of the Finite Element Method with zero-thickness interface elements for the geo-mechanical modelling of discontinuities [2]. The technique consists in inserting interface elements in between standard elements to allow jumps in the displacement solution fields. For the mechanical problem, their kinematic constitutive variables are relative displacements, and the corresponding static variables are stress tractions. The relationship between variables is controlled via a fracture-based constitutive law with elasto-plastic structure [3]. Concerning the hydraulic problem, the interface formulation includes both the longitudinal flow (with a longitudinal conductivity parameter strongly dependent on the fracture aperture), as well as and the transversal flow across the element [4]. Previous work by the authors focused on the validation of the method, the analysis a single fracture plane problem [5, 6]. In this case the method is extended to allow free propagation of fractures in any direction, by means of inserting interface elements between all continuum elements. The results presented in this paper analyse the effect of material properties, in particular fracture characterization, in the propagation and the effect of different major to minor principal horizontal stress ratio, on the trajectory and interaction of the fractures

    Triage (2009): la ética en tiempos de guerra

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    A través de la película Triage (2009) de Danis Tanovic, este trabajo repasa las características del triaje y sus implicaciones éticas en el contexto bélico donde dos fotorreporteros intentan documentar la crueldad de la guerra. Las características del singular triaje que realiza el Dr Talzani plantea la conveniencia de la eutanasia en situaciones extremas. También se analiza el trastorno por estrés post traumático que padecerá uno de los protagonistas como consecuencia del impacto que las experiencias vividas causan en quienes sobreviven al horror de la guerra

    Zero-thickness interface elements with h-m coupling, formulation and applications in geomechanics

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    Previous developments on zero-thickness interface elements for coupled Hydro-Mechanics problems are briefly described, followed by some new geomechanical applications, particularly to hydraulic fracture in rock. The results are compared satisfactorily to approximate formulas and previously published numerical results. Once verified, the model is applied to new cases to show the capabilities of the approach

    Allostatic load and executive functions in overweight adults

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    Background/objective: Overweight is linked to inflammatory and neuroendocrine responses potentially prompting deregulations in biological systems harmful to the brain, particularly to the prefrontal cortex. This structure is crucial for executive performance, ultimately supervising behaviour. Thus, in the present work, we aimed to test the relationship between allostatic load increase, a surrogate of chronic physiological stress, and core executive functions, such as cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and working memory. Method Forty-seven healthy-weight and 56 overweight volunteers aged from 21 to 40 underwent medical and neuropsychological examination. Results: Overweight subjects exhibited a greater allostatic load index than healthy-weight individuals. Moreover, the allostatic load index was negatively related to inhibitory control. When separated, the link between allostatic load index and cognitive flexibility was more marked in the overweight group. Conclusions: An overweight status was linked to chronic physiological stress. The inverse relationship between the allostatic load index and cognitive flexibility proved stronger in this group. Set-shifting alterations could sustain rigid-like behaviours and attitudes towards food

    Exact results for static and radiative fields of a quark in N=4 super Yang-Mills

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    In this work (which supersedes our previous preprint arXiv:1112.2345) we determine the expectation value of the N=4$ SU(N) SYM Lagrangian density operator in the presence of an infinitely heavy static particle in the symmetric representation of SU(N), by means of a D3-brane probe computation. The result that we obtain coincides with two previous computations of different observables, up to kinematical factors. We argue that these agreements go beyond the D-brane probe approximation, which leads us to propose an exact formula for the expectation value of various operators. In particular, we provide an expression for the total energy loss by radiation of a heavy particle in the fundamental representation.Comment: 14 pages. This submission supersedes our previous preprint arXiv:1112.2345. v2: numerical factors fixed, minor clarifications, added reference

    Aging in HIV-Infected Subjects: A New Scenario and a New View

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    The prevalence of HIV-infected people aged 50 years or older is increasing rapidly; the proportion will increase from 28% to 73% in 2030. In addition, HIV-infected individuals may be more vulnerable to age-related condition. There is growing evidence that the prevalence of comorbidities and other age-related conditions (geriatric syndromes, functional or neurocognitive/mental problems, polypharmacy, and social difficulties) is higher in the HIV-infected population than in their uninfected counterparts. However, despite the potential impact of this situation on health care, little information exists about the optimal clinical management of older HIV-infected people. Here we examine the age-related conditions in older HIV-infected persons and address clinical management according to author expertise and published literature. Our aim is to advance the debate about the most appropriate management of this population, including less well-studied aspects, such as frequency of screening for psychological/mental and social and functional capabilities

    Generalized cusp in AdS_4 x CP^3 and more one-loop results from semiclassical strings

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    We evaluate the exact one-loop partition function for fundamental strings whose world-surface ends on a cusp at the boundary of AdS_4 and has a "jump" in CP^3. This allows us to extract the stringy prediction for the ABJM generalized cusp anomalous dimension Gamma_{cusp}^{ABJM} (phi,theta) up to NLO in sigma-model perturbation theory. With a similar analysis, we present the exact partition functions for folded closed string solutions moving in the AdS_3 parts of AdS_4 x CP^3 and AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1 backgrounds. Results are obtained applying to the string solutions relevant for the AdS_4/CFT_3 and AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence the tools previously developed for their AdS_5 x S^5 counterparts.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, version 3, corrected misprints in formulas 2.12, B.86, C.33, added comment on verification of the light-like limi

    Nuclear DICKKOPF-1 as a biomarker of chemoresistance and poor clinical outcome in colorectal cancer

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    Sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) insurgence and progression depend on the activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Dickkopf (DKK)-1 is an extracellular inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling that also has undefined β-catenin-independent actions. Here we report for the first time that a proportion of DKK-1 locates within the nucleus of healthy small intestine and colon mucosa, and of CRC cells at specific chromatin sites of active transcription. Moreover, we show that DKK-1 regulates several cancer-related genes including the cancer stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) and Ral-binding protein 1-associated Eps domain-containing 2 (REPS2), which are involved in detoxification of chemotherapeutic agents. Nuclear DKK-1 expression is lost along CRC progression; however, it remains high in a subset (15%) of CRC patients (n = 699) and associates with decreased progression-free survival (PFS) after chemotherapy administration and overall survival (OS) [adjusted HR, 1.65; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.23-2.21; P = 0.002)]. Overexpression of ALDH1A1 and REPS2 associates with nuclear DKK-1 expression in tumors and correlates with decreased OS (P = 0.001 and 0.014) and PFS. In summary, our findings demonstrate a novel location of DKK-1 within the cell nucleus and support a role of nuclear DKK-1 as a predictive biomarker of chemoresistance in colorectal cancer