2,805 research outputs found

    Exploring the Educational Paths of Mexicanas: Testimonios of Academic Success

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    In 2014, Latina/o children comprise over 50% of the California K-12 student population. The recently changing demographics are not problematic; rather, the problems that inspired this study include a legacy of inadequate education (under-education) and the lack of support of Latina/o students throughout the P-20 educational system (preschool through graduate school). This qualitative study explores the experiences of nine Mexican American women who share at least four past experiences in common: 1) immigration to the United States from México, 2) experience learning English as a new language, 3) attainment of a baccalaureate degree, and 4) enrollment in a post-baccalaureate (graduate school) program. Data was gathered through individual narrative testimonios of personal and academic experiences. Data collection also included a focus group discussion (plática). Participants shared and reflected on the ways in which their families, individual educators, student support programs, personal characteristics, and experiential/lived experiences contributed to their academic success. To honor the participants\u27 lived experiences, complete testimonios are included. The findings of this study parallel and build on Yosso\u27s (2005) model of community cultural wealth, including aspirational, familial, and resistant forms of community cultural capital. The participants make eleven recommendations for current and future educators

    Adaptation Narratives: Climate Change and Environmental Politics in Mexican Costal Communities

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    This dissertation explores some key challenges the Mexican government and international organizations such as the World Bank may face when implementing climate change adaptation initiatives in coastal lagoon communities in the Mexican state of Tabasco, in the Gulf of Mexico. My analysis of the government’s climate change adaptation initiatives, scientists’ explanations, and fishers’ views on local environmental changes is based on political ecology approaches to environmental narratives, and critical literature on climate change. It outlines the interaction among three environmental narratives: that produced by the Mexican government and its allies who are re-orienting environmental programs into climate change adaptation programs; scientific narratives on coastal environmental processes including coastal erosion; and the narrative produced by poor fishers who are dependent on lagoon and coastal resources for their livelihoods, and who blame the off shore oil industry for most of their environmental problems. Scientific accounts of coastal environmental change tend to support more the position of fishers than the government, which produces a need for the government to be selective in how it uses science to justify its adaptation programs. The dissertation then examines the challenges that state initiatives of this type face when they interact with local environmental politics involving fishers and the state-owned oil industry. While fishers blame the oil industry for environmental problems, government adaptation programs seek to enrol fishers and the oil industry together as vulnerable to the local effects of climate change such as coastal erosion and increased frequency of hurricanes. I discuss how through processes of simplification, state agencies render complex political issues into technical problems, but how, in light of local conflicts, climate change adaptation interventions become highly political on the ground. I also argue that climate change policy analysis must be done in light of past and failed state interventions in Tabasco, which have resulted in what scholars have called a “harmful development” for fishers and ecosystems (Tudela, 1989)

    A invenção da moda brasileira

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    This article considers true the idea that exists, or existed, what we might call “Brazilian fashion”, not due to its productive origin, but, because of the manifestation of an aesthetics which is specific of it, even though it lies with the imagination of people. While investigating the origin of this statement, we noticed in its foundation the presence of an aesthetic nationalist ideal, with the use of colors, shapes and volumes which are peculiar to the visualgrammar of fashion, this last one still lacking its own study. The “Brazilian fashion” has primarily been dealt with its history or with the sociability of their signs, but rarely had its structure studied as a language. This work suggests methods to analyse this phenomenonEsta argumentação toma como verdadeira a idéia de que existe, ou existiu, aquilo que pode ser chamado de “moda brasileira”, não em função de sua origem produtiva, mas pela manifestação de uma estética que lhe é particular, ainda que seja no imaginário das pessoas. Investigando a procedência desse discurso, constata-se em sua base a presença de um ideal nacionalista estetizado em cores, formas e volumes próprios da gramática visual da moda, ainda carente de um estudo próprio, pois a “moda brasileira” tem sido abordada prioritariamente por meio de sua história ou da sociabilidade de seus signos, mas raramente em sua estrutura como linguagem. Este trabalho sugere modos de análise para este fenômeno

    Iniciação a conceitos metodológico-visuais para o desenvolvimento de estamparia têxtil

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    Este trabalho descreve uma metodologia experimental para a criação de uma coleção detecidos estampados, acompanhando preceitos pontuais da Teoria da Gestalt no que dizrespeito à formação de unidades expressivas. Não houve, durante a ação projetual, odesafio de adequar os produtos finais a qualquer nicho de mercado, porém ametodologia projetual mostra-se pertinente em qualquer nível de domínio deferramentas de desenho (manuais ou digitais) bem como as temáticas e os estilosdiversos

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) as a Tool for Intercultural Education. A collaborative experience in secondary education in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, Mexico

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    This paper discusses the collaborative experience of creating educational materials for a secondary school in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, México. In this school, students from Nahuatl, Tun savi, Me'phaa and Spanish speaking communities live and learn together. The intercultural context provides challenges for science education that we sought to address. The use of collaborative technologies in science classes has made visible the cultural diversity in the classroom, helping students and teachers recognize themselves as active agents in the construction of common knowledge and in sharing their\ud knowledge. This experience also shows the importance of ICTs as technologies of expression that reinforce individual and collective identity in intercultural contexts

    David Buckingham: a Educação Midiática não deve apenas lidar com o mundo digital, mas sim exigir algo diferente

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    British researcher David Buckingham gave an interview to Revista Comunicação & Educação, via a virtual conference, recently in Brazil. Buckingham analyzes issues of the communication and education interface, the theoretical references shared with cultural studies, and primarily, the understanding that it is necessary to overcome the instrumental bias of the media in favor of a comprehensive understanding of digital capitalism. In the interview, Buckingham answers questions related to teacher training in the field of digital technologies, the development of pedagogical strategies to deal with digital capitalism at school and, above all, the concept of media education.David Buckingham concedeu entrevista exclusiva à Revista Comunicação & Educação. Realizado remotamente, o diálogo tem o intuito de elucidar aspectos práticos e teóricos que marcam a obra do autor. Buckingham analisa questões da interface comunicação e educação, as referências teóricas compartilhadas com os estudos culturais e, sobretudo, o entendimento de que é necessário superar o viés instrumental da mídia em favor de uma compreensão abrangente sobre o capitalismo digital. Na entrevista, o pesquisador responde questões relacionadas à formação docente no campo das tecnologias digitais, ao desenvolvimento de estratégias pedagógicas para lidar com o capitalismo digital no âmbito escolar e, especialmente, ao conceito de educação midiática

    Sistemas pasivos de confort térmico aplicados al diseño arquitectónico del nuevo palacio municipal para mejorar las condiciones de confort ambiental al interior del edificio en el distrito de Jayanca, Lambayeque

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como ámbito de estudio el palacio municipal y los factores climáticos q afectan el confort ambiental de los usuarios en el distrito de Jayanca. Entre los factores analizados que afectan directamente la calidad del servicio es la ausencia del confort térmico en los ambientes de la edificación, debido a las altas temperaturas que presenta la localidad. Además, se menciona otra limitación en relación a la insuficiente capacidad de área en la infraestructura existente de la municipalidad, puesto que las instalaciones corresponden a una tipología de vivienda, dificultando aún más las condiciones de confort a los usuarios. Es por ello que producto de la investigación de la presente tesis se establece estrategias que contrarresten las condicionantes climáticas del lugar por medio de sistemas pasivos de confort térmicos aplicados en la propuesta de diseño del nuevo palacio municipal del distrito de Jayanc