1,388 research outputs found

    Skills for the Fourth Industrial Revolution - A response to Industry 4.0 challenges

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    Many countries are now entering the stage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also referred to as Industry 4.0, in which technological advances enable significant changes in industry. Industry 4.0 will not only increase resource and time efficiency, it will also change the way people work. The Universities of the Future (UoF) project aims to address the educational needs arising from Industry 4.0 in Europe by creating educational offerings in collaboration between industry, universities, and public bodies. To this end, the project takes two approaches: the identifying of skills required for succeeding in the Industry 4.0 environment, and a report on Industry 4.0 challenges and education focusing on Finland, Poland and Portugal. This thesis serves as part of that report. One of the most important challenges is skilled labour scarcity, which has forced companies and countries to find novel ways to attract or create talent. For every professional, a good understanding of their own discipline is the basis for job performance, but it is also necessary to have the curiosity and motivation to continue lifelong learning, and to have a wider vision that allows them to understand complex problems or situations. Mastering the scientific process and developing creative thinking helps develop problem-solving skills. In addition, everyday life requires working effectively and communicating with people from different backgrounds, and the possibility to learn from our peers. Particularly when developing technology for human use, the synergy of work with people from different disciplines and backgrounds is key. Human work in the fourth industrial revolution is not meant to be discarded, but its role must transform in order to thrive and find new solutions to increasingly complex challenges

    Emoji Marketing: Strengthening the Consumer Brand Relationship and Its Downstream Effects

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    Brands communicate and engage directly with their consumers using online communications that often contain emojis. While recent research has examined some of the implications of emojis within marketing contexts, a question still remains regarding the role of emojis in the consumer-brand relationship, and how this digital language can create stronger connections with consumers. In this research, I find that emojis increase perceptions of the brand as a human, thereby enhancing consumer-brand connections with favorable downstream consumption consequences such as word of mouth, click through rates, brand attitudes, willingness to pay, and purchase behaviors. Findings from this research contribute to marketing theory by extending our knowledge of the influence of new technologies, such as emojis in the digital marketplace. Additionally, these findings advance our understanding of emojis (both facial and non-facial emojis) as a digital language that allows brands to communicate with consumers in a more relatable manner. Consequently, marketing managers can be equipped with this information to strategically plan digital brand communications to include emojis and nurture a closer relationship between consumer and brand

    The different dimensions of livelihood impacts of Payments for Environmentals Services (PES) schemes: A systematic review

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    Through a systematic review of peer-reviewed and grey literature, this paper analyzes evidence of the livelihood impacts of Payments for Environmental Services (PES). Forty-six studies assessed PES livelihood impacts. The assessments presented more positive livelihood impacts than negative ones, focusing on financial benefits. Non-monetary and non-material impacts of PES were largely understudied. Most reviews focused on ES providers, hindering the understanding of broader societal impacts. The review yielded examples where participants lost from their participation or where improvements in one livelihood dimension paralleled deterioration in another. Consequently, we identified key research gaps in: i) understanding the social and cultural impacts of PES, ii) evaluating environmental and economic additionality from improving other ES at the expense of cultural ones, iii) and assessing PES impacts in terms of trade-offs between multiple livelihood dimensions. Moreover, increased knowledge is needed on the impact of PES on changes in household expenditure and choice, and on trade-offs between household income and inequality in ES provider communities. Finally, if PES schemes are implemented to sustainably improve livelihoods, targeting disaggregated populations, understanding equity and social power relations within and between ES providers and users, and better monitoring and evaluation systems that consider locally relevant livelihood dimensions are needed

    Changes in food access by mestizo communities associated with deforestation and agrobiodiversity loss in Ucayali, Peruvian Amazon

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    Few longitudinal studies link agricultural biodiversity, land use and food access in rural landscapes. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that, in a context of economic change, cash crop expansion is associated with deforestation, reduced agrobiodiversity and changes in food access. For this purpose, we analysed data collected from the same 53 upland and floodplain mestizo households in Ucayali, Peru, in 2000 and 2015. We found an emerging transition towards less diversified food access coupled with loss of forest cover and reduced agricultural biodiversity. In 2015, diets appeared to rely on fewer food groups, fewer food items, and on products increasingly purchased in the market compared to 2000. Wild fruits and plants were mentioned, but rarely consumed. Agricultural production systems became more specialised with a shift towards commercial crops. Peak deforestation years in the 15-year period appeared linked with incentives for agricultural expansion. Our results suggest an overall trend from diversified productive and “extractive” systems and more diverse food access, towards specialized productive systems, with less diverse food access and stronger market orientation (both in production and consumption). The assumption in the food and agricultural sciences that increased income and market-orientation is linked to improved food security, is challenged by our integrated analyses of food access, agrobiodiversity, land use and forest cover. Our results highlight the importance of longitudinal, multidimensional, systemic analyses, with major implications for land use, food and health policies. The potential risks of parallel homogenisation of diets and agricultural production systems require interdisciplinary research and policies that promote integrated landscape approaches for sustainable and inclusive food systems

    Circadian rhythms of proliferation events in two mouse carcinomas

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    We studied the index of DNA synthesis (DNAs) of two cellular carcinomas: the hepatocellular ES12a and the mammary TN60 of mice, throughout one circadian cycle. In the results, we observed that both tumors have circadian rhythms (CRs), but the peaks of DNAs vary. Besides, the mean of DNAs along 24 h shows significative differences, the TN60 has higher values than the ES12a. These observed CR in the DNAs index in both carcinomas mean that, at least in partly, the proliferation of cancer cells can be regulated by endocrine factor as it normally occurs in ordinary cells. The big problem we can find for the chronopharmacology is that it is impossible to know in advance the rate of proliferation of each tumor.Fil: Garcia, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Andrini, Laura Beatríz. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Marina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Inda, Ana. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Palma, Maria Belen. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Miriuka, Santiago Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Errecalde, Ana Lia. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentin

    Estrategia Empresarial : Mapas Estratégias

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    La presente investigacion bibliografica tiene como tema estrategia empresarial y como sub tema los mapas estrategicos. El objetivo que se pretende alcanzar es explicar la temática en cuatro capítulos desarrollados de forma lógica y sustentada a base de la investigación documental para que el lector valore la importancia de esta herramienta y la practique en su ámbito laboral. La base teórica que sustenta este informe se hace énfasis en cuatro capítulos tales como los mapas estrategicos, el cuadro de mando integral; los mapas estratégicos del balanced scorecard como herramientas de apoyo en el project management y mapas estratégicos. BSC, modelos de aplicación. Las técnicas utilizadas para el desarrollo de este informe fue la lectura y recolección de documentación bibliográfica basado en la estrategia empresarial, así mismo la tabulación del informe se hará aplicando las normas APA 6 de Javeriano. Los resultados o presentación del informe está basado en la normativa de presentación de seminario de graduación plan 2013 de la UNAN Managua. Los principales términos descriptores del informe, son la introducción, justificación, objetivos del informe, introducción del tema y sub tema, conclusiones y bibliografía

    Diez para Dios. El diezmo y su arrendamiento en el Valle de Toluca, 1650 1700

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    Durante el periodo novohispano, el arrendamiento y la cobranza del diezmo eclesiástico estuvieron ligados íntimamente a la actividad productiva de la tierra, sobre todo a la agricultura y ganadería. El Valle de Toluca fue un bastión importante en el arrendamiento del diezmo, de acuerdo con los protocolos de la Notaría N° 1 de Toluca. En la transacción económica Iglesiaparticulares podemos encontrar hacendados de renombre y/o personas que se prestaban como fiadores para la actividad que redituó ganancias a la Iglesia católica. Para la argumentación de este artículo se consultaron fuentes primarias de archivo, siendo el principal el Archivo General de Notarías del Estado de México, en su sección histórica.Durante el periodo novohispano, el arrendamiento y la cobranza del diezmo eclesiástico estuvieron ligados íntimamente a la actividad productiva de la tierra, sobre todo a la agricultura y ganadería. El Valle de Toluca fue un bastión importante en el arrendamiento del diezmo, de acuerdo con los protocolos de la Notaría N° 1 de Toluca. En la transacción económica Iglesiaparticulares podemos encontrar hacendados de renombre y/o personas que se prestaban como fiadores para la actividad que redituó ganancias a la Iglesia católica. Para la argumentación de este artículo se consultaron fuentes primarias de archivo, siendo el principal el Archivo General de Notarías del Estado de México, en su sección histórica

    Microbial diversity in hummock and hollow soils of three wetlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau revealed by 16S rRNA pyrosequencing

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    The wetlands of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau are believed to play an important role in global nutrient cycling, but the composition and diversity of microorganisms in this ecosystem are poorly characterized. An understanding of the effects of geography and microtopography on microbial populations will provide clues to the underlying mechanisms that structure microbial communities. In this study, we used pyrosequencing-based analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences to assess and compare the composition of soil microbial communities present in hummock and hollow soils from three wetlands (Dangxiong, Hongyuan and Maduo) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the world’s highest plateau. A total of 36 bacterial phyla were detected. Proteobacteria (34.5% average relative abundance), Actinobacteria (17.3%) and Bacteroidetes (11%) had the highest relative abundances across all sites. Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Firmicutes, and Planctomycetes were also relatively abundant (1–10%). In addition, archaeal sequences belonging to Euryarchaea, Crenarchaea and Thaumarchaea were detected. Alphaproteobacteria sequences, especially of the order Rhodospirillales, were significantly more abundant in Maduo than Hongyuan and Dangxiong wetlands. Compared with Hongyuan soils, Dangxiong and Maduo had significantly higher relative abundances of Gammaproteobacteria sequences (mainly order Xanthomonadales). Hongyuan wetland had a relatively high abundance of methanogens (mainly genera Methanobacterium, Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta) and methanotrophs (mainly Methylocystis) compared with the other two wetlands. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) indicated that the microbial community structure differed between locations and microtopographies and canonical correspondence analysis indicated an association between microbial community structure and soil properties or geography. These insights into the microbial community structure and the main controlling factors in wetlands of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau provide a valuable background for further studies on biogeochemical processes in this distinct ecosystem