81 research outputs found

    Firing Room Remote Application Software Development & Swamp Works Laboratory Robot Software Development

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is creating a way to send humans beyond low Earth orbit, and later to Mars. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is working to make this possible by developing a Spaceport Command and Control System (SCCS) which will allow the launch of Space Launch System (SLS). This paper's focus is on the work performed by the author in her first and second part of the internship as a remote application software developer. During the first part of her internship, the author worked on the SCCS's software application layer by assisting multiple ground subsystems teams including Launch Accessories (LACC) and Environmental Control System (ECS) on the design, development, integration, and testing of remote control software applications. Then, on the second part of the internship, the author worked on the development of robot software at the Swamp Works Laboratory which is a research and technology development group which focuses on inventing new technology to help future In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) missions

    Diez para Dios. El diezmo y su arrendamiento en el Valle de Toluca, 1650 1700

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    Durante el periodo novohispano, el arrendamiento y la cobranza del diezmo eclesiástico estuvieron ligados íntimamente a la actividad productiva de la tierra, sobre todo a la agricultura y ganadería. El Valle de Toluca fue un bastión importante en el arrendamiento del diezmo, de acuerdo con los protocolos de la Notaría N° 1 de Toluca. En la transacción económica Iglesiaparticulares podemos encontrar hacendados de renombre y/o personas que se prestaban como fiadores para la actividad que redituó ganancias a la Iglesia católica. Para la argumentación de este artículo se consultaron fuentes primarias de archivo, siendo el principal el Archivo General de Notarías del Estado de México, en su sección histórica.Durante el periodo novohispano, el arrendamiento y la cobranza del diezmo eclesiástico estuvieron ligados íntimamente a la actividad productiva de la tierra, sobre todo a la agricultura y ganadería. El Valle de Toluca fue un bastión importante en el arrendamiento del diezmo, de acuerdo con los protocolos de la Notaría N° 1 de Toluca. En la transacción económica Iglesiaparticulares podemos encontrar hacendados de renombre y/o personas que se prestaban como fiadores para la actividad que redituó ganancias a la Iglesia católica. Para la argumentación de este artículo se consultaron fuentes primarias de archivo, siendo el principal el Archivo General de Notarías del Estado de México, en su sección histórica

    Matrix Metalloproteases from Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells Are Spatiotemporally Regulated by Hydrogel Mechanics in a 3D Microenvironment

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    Adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) are of interest in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) due to their easy acquisition, multipotency, and secretion of a host of factors that promote regeneration. Retention of ASCs in or around lesions is poor following direct administration. Therefore, for TERM applications, ASCs can be ‘immobilized’ via their incorporation into hydrogels such as gelatine methacryloyl (GelMA). Tweaking GelMA concentration is a common approach to approximate the mechanical properties found in organs or tissues that need repair. Distinct hydrogel mechanics influence the ability of a cell to spread, migrate, proliferate, and secrete trophic factors. Mesenchymal cells such as ASCs are potent remodellers of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Not only do ASCs deposit components, they also secrete matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) which degrade ECM. In this work, we investigated if GelMA polymer concentration influenced the expression of active MMPs by ASCs. In addition, MMPs’ presence was interrogated with regard to ASCs morphology and changes in hydrogel ultrastructure. For this, immortalised ASCs were embedded in 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/v) GelMA hydrogels, photopolymerised and cultured for 14 d. Zymography in situ indicated that MMPs had a variable, hydrogel concentration-dependent influence on ASCs-secreted MMPs. In 5% GelMA, ASCs showed a high and sustained expression of MMPs, while, in 10% and 15% GelMA, such expression was almost null. ASCs morphology based on F-actin staining showed that increasing GelMA concentrations inhibit their spreading. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that hydrogel ultrastructure in terms of pore density, pore size, and percentage porosity were not consistently influenced by cells. Interestingly, changes in ultrastructural parameters were detected also in cell-free materials, albeit without a clear trend. We conclude that hydrogel concentration and its underlying mechanics influenced MMP expression by ASCs. The exact MMPs that respond to these mechanical cues should be defined in follow-up experiments

    Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells Alter the Mechanical Stability and Viscoelastic Properties of Gelatine Methacryloyl Hydrogels

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    The extracellular matrix provides mechanical cues to cells within it, not just in terms of stiffness (elasticity) but also time-dependent responses to deformation (viscoelasticity). In this work, we determined the viscoelastic transformation of gelatine methacryloyl (GelMA) hydrogels caused by adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) through mathematical modelling. GelMA-ASCs combination is of interest to model stem cell-driven repair and to understand cell-biomaterial interactions in 3D environments. Immortalised human ASCs were embedded in 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/v) GelMA hydrogels and evaluated for 14 d. GelMA had a concentration-dependent increase in stiffness, but cells decreased this stiffness over time, across concentrations. Viscoelastic changes in terms of stress relaxation increased progressively in 5% GelMA, while mathematical Maxwell analysis showed that the relative importance (R(i)) of the fastest Maxwell elements increased proportionally. The 10% GelMA only showed differences at 7 d. In contrast, ASCs in 15% GelMA caused slower stress relaxation, increasing the R(i) of the slowest Maxwell element. We conclude that GelMA concentration influenced the stiffness and number of Maxwell elements. ASCs changed the percentage stress relaxation and R(i) of Maxwell elements transforming hydrogel viscoelasticity into a more fluid environment over time. Overall, 5% GelMA induced the most favourable ASC response

    A Beginner’s Guide to the Characterization of Hydrogel Microarchitecture for Cellular Applications

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a three-dimensional, acellular scaffold of living tissues. Incorporating the ECM into cell culture models is a goal of cell biology studies and requires biocompatible materials that can mimic the ECM. Among such materials are hydrogels: polymeric networks that derive most of their mass from water. With the tuning of their properties, these polymer networks can resemble living tissues. The microarchitectural properties of hydrogels, such as porosity, pore size, fiber length, and surface topology can determine cell plasticity. The adequate characterization of these parameters requires reliable and reproducible methods. However, most methods were historically standardized using other biological specimens, such as 2D cell cultures, biopsies, or even animal models. Therefore, their translation comes with technical limitations when applied to hydrogel-based cell culture systems. In our current work, we have reviewed the most common techniques employed in the characterization of hydrogel microarchitectures. Our review provides a concise description of the underlying principles of each method and summarizes the collective data obtained from cell-free and cell-loaded hydrogels. The advantages and limitations of each technique are discussed, and comparisons are made. The information presented in our current work will be of interest to researchers who employ hydrogels as platforms for cell culture, 3D bioprinting, and other fields within hydrogel-based research

    Architecture and Composition Dictate Viscoelastic Properties of Organ-Derived Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels

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    The proteins and polysaccharides of the extracellular matrix (ECM) provide architectural support as well as biochemical and biophysical instruction to cells. Decellularized, ECM hydrogels replicate in vivo functions. The ECM’s elasticity and water retention renders it viscoelastic. In this study, we compared the viscoelastic properties of ECM hydrogels derived from the skin, lung and (cardiac) left ventricle and mathematically modelled these data with a generalized Maxwell model. ECM hydrogels from the skin, lung and cardiac left ventricle (LV) were subjected to a stress relaxation test under uniaxial low-load compression at a 20%/s strain rate and the viscoelasticity determined. Stress relaxation data were modelled according to Maxwell. Physical data were compared with protein and sulfated GAGs composition and ultrastructure SEM. We show that the skin-ECM relaxed faster and had a lower elastic modulus than the lung-ECM and the LV-ECM. The skin-ECM had two Maxwell elements, the lung-ECM and the LV-ECM had three. The skin-ECM had a higher number of sulfated GAGs, and a highly porous surface, while both the LV-ECM and the lung-ECM had homogenous surfaces with localized porous regions. Our results show that the elasticity of ECM hydrogels, but also their viscoelastic relaxation and gelling behavior, was organ dependent. Part of these physical features correlated with their biochemical composition and ultrastructure

    A dynamic and combinatorial histone code drives malaria parasite asexual and sexual development

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    Histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs) frequently co-occur on the same chromatin domains or even in the same molecule. It is now established that these “histone codes” are the result of cross talk between enzymes that catalyze multiple PTMs with univocal readout as compared with these PTMs in isolation. Here, we performed a comprehensive identification and quantification of histone codes of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. We used advanced quantitative middle-down proteomics to identify combinations of PTMs in both the proliferative, asexual stages and transmissible, sexual gametocyte stages of P. falciparum. We provide an updated, high-resolution compendium of 77 PTMs on H3 and H3.3, of which 34 are newly identified in P. falciparum. Coexisting PTMs with unique stage distinctions were identified, indicating that many of these combinatorial PTMs are associated with specific stages of the parasite life cycle. We focused on the code H3R17me2K18acK23ac for its unique presence in mature gametocytes; chromatin proteomics identified a gametocyte-specific SAGA-like effector complex including the transcription factor AP2-G2, which we tied to this specific histone code, as involved in regulating gene expression in mature gametocytes. Ultimately, this study unveils previously undiscovered histone PTMs and their functional relationship with coexisting partners. These results highlight that investigating chromatin regulation in the parasite using single histone PTM assays might overlook higher-order gene regulation for distinct proliferation and differentiation processes.The South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, administered through the South African National Research Foundation; the Leukemia Research Foundation; AFAR; Deerfield and the National Institutes of Health.https://www.asbmb.org/journals-news/molecular-cellular-proteomicshj2022BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyUP Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP CSMC

    Composition, antioxidant properties, and biological activities of the essential oil extracted from Ocotea diospyrifolia (Meisn.) Mez.

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    The article has aimed to characterize the essential oil extracted from Ocotea diospyrifolia (Meisn.) Mez. leaves, in terms of its chemical composition and antioxidant, hemolytic, and phytotoxic potentials, as well as its toxicity against Artemia salina. The major constituents identified by CG-MS were δ-elemene, spathulenol, and β-atlantol. When screened for potential biological activities, the essential oil presented low toxicity against Artemia salina, and a capacity of lysing red blood cells. Also, the evaluation of its in vitro antioxidant activity, using the phosphomolybdenum method, showed better results when compared to butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) and rutin. In conclusion, the results obtained showed certain in vitro toxicity, leading to an interesting target for cytotoxicity evaluations of carcinoma cells

    Cross-cutting principles for planetary health education

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    Since the 2015 launch of the Rockefeller Foundation Lancet Commission on planetary health,1 an enormous groundswell of interest in planetary health education has emerged across many disciplines, institutions, and geographical regions. Advancing these global efforts in planetary health education will equip the next generation of scholars to address crucial questions in this emerging field and support the development of a community of practice. To provide a foundation for the growing interest and efforts in this field, the Planetary Health Alliance has facilitated the first attempt to create a set of principles for planetary health education that intersect education at all levels, across all scales, and in all regions of the world—ie, a set of cross-cutting principles