1,276 research outputs found

    La Pachacha, Rafael Maluenda

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    Children Of The Sleeping Giant: Social Activism Among Latino Youth In The United States.

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    Racialization, oppression, and resistance are key components of the United States’ race relations. Consequently, social movements organized and led by youth of color represent the manifestation of resistance to social and political structures of power. The present thesis examines the activism of Latino/a youth in Southern California against House of Representatives Bill 4437, “The Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act,” that took place in 2006. During this contentious context, youth activists organized protests, classroom discussions, and walkouts across the U.S., particularly in Southern California. Twenty-four participants of these events were interviewed in order examine the conditions that led them to engage in social movement activism and how they understood race and racism within their organized resistance. Traditional and current social movement theories (i.e. political process theory), do not adequately explain the emergence of activism among Latino/a high school students whose political engagement is often sparked by their experiences with racial discrimination or anti-immigrant sentiment. This research study addresses an existing gap in social movement theories by merging social movement theory with race-centered theories in order to contextualize and understand social movements led by youth of color within the U.S. racial system. The voices of participants represent critical epistemological frontiers as the study documents and examines their experiences and counter-frames. Counter narratives are indicative of insurgent consciousness among racial minority movements in their challenges against authorities and official narratives. The findings of this study demonstrate that student activists in Los Angeles and San Diego, California, had varying degrees of consciousness regarding the proposed immigration bill. This included views of H.R. 4437 as threatening to their families, community, as well as deeming the bill as a racialized political threat. Secondly, the findings also indicate that marginalization of communities of color continues to occur, as in this case, student activists’ faced repression for making political claims. I conclude with a discussion of the significance of the 2006 youth movement, participants’ reflections, and lessons participants took away as they matriculated into adulthood and some into the continuing movement for immigrants’ rights

    Rietveld Quantitative Phase Analysis of Oil Well Cement: in Situ Hydration Study at 150 Bars and 150 °C

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    Oil and gas well cements are multimineral materials that hydrate under high pressure and temperature. Their overall reactivity at early ages is studied by a number of techniques including through the use of the consistometer. However, for a proper understanding of the performance of these cements in the field, the reactivity of every component, in real‐world conditions, must be analysed. To date, in situ high energy synchrotron powder diffraction studies of hydrating oil well cement pastes have been carried out, but the quality of the data was not appropriated for Rietveld quantitative phase analyses. Therefore, the phase reactivities were followed by the inspection of the evolution of non‐overlapped diffraction peaks. Very recently, we have developed a new cell specially designed to rotate under high pressure and temperature. Here, this spinning capillary cell is used for in situ studies of the hydration of a commercial oil well cement paste at 150 bars and 150 °C. The powder diffraction data were analysed by the Rietveld method to quantitatively determine the reactivities of each component phase. The reaction degree of alite was 90% after 7 hours, and that of belite was 42% at 14 hours. These analyses are accurate, as the in situ measured crystalline portlandite content at the end of the experiment, 12.9 wt%, compares relatively well with the value determined ex situ by thermal analysis, i.e., 14.0 wt%. The crystalline calcium silicates forming at 150 bars and 150 °C are also discussed.This research was funded by Spanish MINECO, grant number BIA2017‐82391‐R which is co‐funded by FEDER. We thank Marc Malfois for his help during the experiment performed at NCD‐SWEET beamline at ALBA synchrotron. We also thank Marcus Paul (Dyckerhoff GmbH) for providing the OWC sample with its characterization and helpful discussions

    Unraveling the role of cognition in the internationalization process

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    The aim of this paper is to verify the effects of triggering stimuli on internationalization and whether, according to the target population, ambidexterity and mental models (MM) increase the predisposition to exports, as well as whether the country of origin causes differences in terms of cognition.Data collection consisted of applying a questionnaire to a sample of 285 students from Business Administration programs in Brazil and Spain. ANOVA Welsh was used to verify the heterogeneity of variations, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used to assess normality, and nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to verify the results of the previous tests. The results showed that the strategic MM facilitates internationalization. In the sample studied, it was possible to verify that Brazilians show an operational tendency, with decisions based on logic and an improvised lifestyle, which denotes lower possibility of engaging in internationalization. This differs from what was found in the Spanish sample, which showed tendency to a strategic approach, denoting greater possibility of engagement in an internationalization process. These results may also be used to improve internationalization stimulus programs, considering cognitive aspects.There is a low number of references relating the subject of ambidexterity to the internationalization process. This study is relevant for proposing the creation of indexes to obtain data on the MM and ambidexterity regarding the identification of personal motivation factors influencing the entrepreneur’s insertion in international markets.Proposition of a formula for standardizing and rescaling the instruments’ value, as the differences between scales may contribute to the inclusion of a hidden dimension of the internationalization process: the analysis of cognition15

    Frecuencia de autoanticuerpos y niveles de calprotectina fecal en un grupo de pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

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    La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) comprende dos entidades, la colitis ulcerativa (CU) y la enfermedad de Crohn (ECr). La evidencia sugiere que la EII es el resultado de una inapropiada respuesta inflamatoria a la flora intestinal en el contexto de un paciente con susceptibilidad genética. Dentro de sus principales manifestaciones extra intestinales, se encuentran las artritis periféricas y el compromiso axial articular definidas como espondiloartritis (EAS). Es importante anotar que un gran número de pacientes que no cumplen criterios diagnósticos pueden quedar agrupados como síndrome de intestino irritable asociado a diarrea, o colitis inespecífica en los cuales podrían emplearse estudios serológicos complementarios. El algoritmo diagnóstico de la EII incluye una tamización en suero para anticuerpos anti Saccharomyces cerevisae (ASCAS) IgG/IgA y anticuerpos anti citoplasma del neutrófilo con patrón perinuclear (ANCAS), sin embargo estas pruebas no son frecuentemente solicitadas por desconocimiento o por falta de disponibilidad de recursos tecnológicos o infraestructura. Esta patología genera una respuesta inmune ante antígenos normalmente tolerados; en este sentido, los linfocitos T actúan tanto en el origen como en el mantenimiento de las mismas, siendo uno de los mecanismos un perfil de secreción de citoquinas alterado, que es necesario estudiar a nivel sistémico para profundizar el entendimiento de la fisiopatología y poder plantear nuevos blancos terapéuticos. Palabras clave: Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal, artropatías inflamatorias crónicas, enfermedad de Crohn, Colitis Ulcerativa, CalprotectinaHOPITAL MILITAR CENTRALInflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises two entities, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CrD). Evidence suggests that IBD results from an inappropriate inflammatory response in the intestinal flora in the context of a patient with a genetic susceptibility. Among its main extra-intestinal manifestations are peripheral arthritis and joint involvement defined as axial spondyloarthritis (SpA). It is important to note that a large number of patients who do not meet diagnostic criteria can be grouped as irritable bowel syndrome associated with diarrhea, or nonspecific colitis in which complementary serological studies could be used. The IBD diagnostic algorithm includes a screening for serum antibodies Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCAs) IgG / IgA and anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies with perinuclear pattern (ANCA), however these tests are not often requested by ignorance or lack of availability technological resources or infrastructure. This condition generates an immune response against antigens normally tolerated and in this connection, T cells act in both the source and the maintenance of them, one of the mechanisms profile altered cytokine secretion, it is necessary to look at the level systemic to deepen understanding of the pathophysiology and new therapeutic targets to raise. Key words: Inflammatory bowel disease, chronic inflammatory arthritis, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Coliti

    Análisis del grado de efectividad de los Programas de Capacitación en el personal administrativo de la Oficina de Recursos Humanos en el Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal

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    El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional constituye un proyecto elaborado para elevar el desarrollo estratégico y la mejora de la gestión pública, que menciona la problemática de la capacitación del personal administrativo de la oficina de recursos humanos en el ámbito del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP). El capítulo 1 está orientado a la descripción de la problemática del INMP. Mientras que, el capítulo 2, al análisis de la situación problemática de dicha organización inteligente. Por último, en el capítulo 3 se busca una solución alternativa a la situación problemática.The present work on professional sufficiency constitutes a strategic development project for the improvement of public management, which mentions the problem of training the administrative staff of the human resources office within the scope of the Nacional Maternal Perinatal Institute (INMP). The chapter 1 is aimed at describing the problems of the INMP. While, chapter 2, to the analysis of the problematic situation of said intelligent organization. Finally, in chapter 3 an alternative solution to the problematic situation is sought.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    U B V R I Photometry of Stellar Structures throughout the Disk of the Barred Galaxy NGC 3367

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    We report new detailed surface U, B, V, R, and I photometry of 81 stellar structures in the disk of the barred galaxy NGC 3367. The images show many different structures indicating that star formation is going on in the most part of the disk. NGC 3367 is known to have a very high concentration of molecular gas distribution in the central regions of the galaxy and bipolar synchrotron emission from the nucleus with two lobes (at 6 kpc) forming a triple structure similar to a radio galaxy. We have determined the U, B, V, R, and I magnitudes and U - B, B - V, U - V, and V - I colors for the central region (nucleus), a region which includes supernovae 2003 AA, and 79 star associations throughout NGC 3367. Estimation of ages of star associations is very difficult due to several factors, among them: filling factor, metallicity, spatial distribution of each structure and the fact that we estimated the magnitudes with a circular aperture of 16 pixels in diameter, equivalent to 6.81.46''.8\sim1.4 kpc. However, if the colors derived for NGC 3367 were similar to the colors expected of star clusters with theoretical evolutionary star tracks developed for the LMC and had a similar metallicity, NGC 3367 show 51 percent of the observed structures with age type SWB I (few tens of Myrs), with seven sources outside the bright surface brightness visible disk of NGC 3367.Comment: Accepted for publication (abr 2007) in The Astronomical Journal (July 2007 issue

    Combination of supercritical CO2 and high-power ultrasound for the inactivation of fungal and bacterial spores in lipid emulsions

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    [EN] For the first time, this study addresses the intensification of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) treatments using high-power ultrasound (HPU) for the inactivation of fungal (Aspergillus niger) and bacterial (Clostridium butyricum) spores in oil-in-water emulsions. The inactivation kinetics were analyzed at different pressures (100, 350 and 550 bar) and temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80, 85 °C), depending on the microorganism, and compared to the conventional thermal treatment. The inactivation kinetics were satisfactorily described using the Weibull model. Experimental results showed that SC-CO2 enhanced the inactivation level of both spores when compared to thermal treatments. Bacterial spores (C.butyricum) were found to be more resistant to SC-CO2 + HPU, than fungal (A.niger) ones, as also observed in the thermal and SC-CO2 treatments. The application of HPU intensified the SC-CO2 inactivation of C.butyricum spores, e.g. shortening the total inactivation time from 10 to 3 min at 85 °C. However, HPU did not affect the SC-CO2 inactivation of A.niger spores. The study into the effect of a combined SC-CO2 + HPU treatment has to be necessarily extended to other fungal and bacterial spores, and future studies should elucidate the impact of HPU application on the emulsion's stabilityThe authors acknowledge the financial support from Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, GermanyGómez-Gómez, Á.; Brito-De La Fuente, E.; Gallegos, C.; Garcia-Perez, J.; Benedito Fort, JJ. (2021). Combination of supercritical CO2 and high-power ultrasound for the inactivation of fungal and bacterial spores in lipid emulsions. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 76:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105636S1117

    Harvest date modifies seed quality and oil composition of Jatropha curcas growth under subtropical conditions in Argentina

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    One of the most currently promoted new crops for biodiesel productions the perennial species Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) due to its promising high seed yields with high oil concentrations (33–39%) and oil quality that reaching the international biodiesel standards. Although there have been different evaluations of genotypes growing under the same environmental conditions, revealing great variability for seed and oil quality, no reports are available about the effect environmental conditions during grain filling over such traits. The objectives of this work were to determine (i) the effect of harvest dates on seed quality and oil concentration, (ii) if such changes can be explained by the average temperature during grain filling and (iii) how harvest dates could affect biodiesel quality. An experiment was carried out during 29 months in experimental plots located in Formosa, Argentina. A systematic fruit harvest was conducted during 15 different dates on 10 plants with similar height (≈1.80m). Environmental conditions during the experiment were appropriate to create a broad individual seed weight range (326–752mg) and significant differences were found among harvest dates. Seed oil concentrations were significantly different among harvest dates with a maximum value of 38.7±0.6% on 08 August 2011 and a minimum of 19.6±1.8% on 17 March 2010. Oil concentration increased linearly as seed weight increased up to a value of 605mg, after which higher seed weight was not associated with greater seed oil concentration. Oil concentration was largely (r2=0.85) explained by the kernel percentage through a linear regression (y=−25.9+0.967x). Variations in seed weight and oil concentration were not associated with changes in average temperature during grain filling, suggesting that fluctuations in the source-sink relation through the growing season could explain the variations found among harvest dates. Temperature during seed filling period strongly affected oil composition and higher temperatures were associated with higher oleic acid and lower linoleic acid concentrations, although this effect generated only small effects on the biodiesel quality. Environmental conditions during grain filling modified seed quality and oil composition, while its concentration was not affected. This work reveals the existence of harvest dates effects on seed quality and oil concentration, although unrelated with the environmental conditions explored during grain filling period

    Strangeness Production in ALICE at the LHC

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