166 research outputs found

    Propuesta para la creación de un observatorio estatal de riesgo y ordenación territorial Estado de México

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    El ordenamiento ecológico-territorial y la gestión de riesgos de un territorio, en México, presentan en la actualidad una carencia en las medidas de preparación, prevención y mitigación de los riesgos, puesto que no se encuentran adecuadamente coordinadas y arraigadas en el quehacer de los habitantes, de los tomadores de decisiones y de las instituciones encargadas de difundir las estrategias para la reducción de los mismos. La presente investigación, pretende ser una herramienta ante la toma de decisiones, para los gestores del riesgo en los gobiernos locales. Profundizando y elaborando variables e indicadores, con la finalidad de obtener un índice, que permita medir el grado de gestión con el que cuenta el territorio a estudiar y propiciar así una mayor resiliencia.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Influence of accelerometer signal filtering on automatic detection of gait impact parameters

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    [EN] Filtering the signal recorded by an accelerometer is essential to remove noise recorded by the sensor, but in order to calculate gait parameters properly, the choice of a suitable cutoff frequency of the filter is critical. This paper evaluates the influence of the filter cutoff frequency in the calculation of the parameters: vertical peak tibial acceleration and acceleration rate. The accelerometer signal filtering with low-pass filter with cutoff frequency below 50 Hz gives good results in the calculation of peak tibial acceleration but produces estimations of the acceleration rate below its real valueThis work has been sponsored by the Generalitat Valenciana: application budget line T4015 grant from the “Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte”, aid for conducting R & D for emerging research groups corresponding to the call set out in Annex IX, the Order 64/2014, of July 31, the “Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (DOCV no. 7.332, of August 5, 2014). Record GV /2015/067.Camacho García, A.; Llinares Llopis, R.; Lucas-Cuevas, Á.; Pérez Soriano, P. (2016). Influence of accelerometer signal filtering on automatic detection of gait impact parameters. International Journal of Advancements in Digital Signal Processing. 3(1). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/94462S3

    La colección «Plantes De La Province De Grenada» de Pedro del Campo, en el herbario del Real Colegio Alfonso XII de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (España)

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    CARRASCO, M. A., PEREA, D., ARAGÓN, C. F. & GARCÍA-CAMACHO, R. 2002. La Colección «Plantes de da Province de Grenada» de Pedro del Campo, en el herbario del Real Colegio Alfonso XII de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (España). Bot. Complutensis 26: 93-103. En este trabajo presentamos una colección de plantas con interés histórico hallada en el herbario del Real Colegio Alfonso XII de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid). Fueron recolectadas en Granada por Pedro del Campo, distribuidas por E. Bourgeau en sus exsiccata de 1852 y utilizadas por Willkomm y Lange para establecer la distribución de las especies en la obra Prodromus florae hispanicae, según consta expresamente en ella. Además, muchos de estos materiales proceden de las localidades clásicas citadas por Boissier.CARRASCO, M. A., PEREA, D., ARAGÓN, C. F. & GARCÍA-CAMACHO, R. 2002. The sets «Plantes de la Province de Grenada» from Pedro del Campo, in the herbarium of Real Colegio Alfonso XII of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid, Spain). Bot. Complutensis 26: 93-103. This paper focuses on a set of plants, found in the Real Colegio Alfonso XII historical herbarium of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid). These plants which belonged to Pedro del Campo, were distributed in exsiccata by Bourgeau in 1852. The historical importance of these sheets is enhanced as they were used for Willkomm and Lange in order to establish the species corology in the classic Prodromus florae hispanicae, as clearly stated in that work. Furthermore, many of these sheets were collected in the localities cited by Boissier

    Análisis de la flora vascular de los volcanes del Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real, España)

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    We present a study of the vascular flora of the volcanic region of Ciudad Real province, Spain. The flora of the region includes 550 taxa, which correspond to eight volcanoes selected by its different origins and litologies.The taxa pertain to 67 families. The most speciose are Compositae, Leguminosae and Gramineae, which despite of being just 4.48% of the families, include the 35.09% of the species in the catalogue. The best represented chorological group is the Mediterranean s.l., (70% of the taxa). Terophytes conform the predominant biological type (63.45% of the taxa). The study shows that there is not a special flora of volcanic soils in the study area.Se presenta un estudio de la composición y un análisis de similitud de la flora vascular de los volcanes del Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real. Se recopila un catálogo florístico de 550 táxones de ocho afloramientos volcánicos representativos por tener diferentes orígenes y litologías. Los táxones pertenecen a 67 familias. Las mejor representadas son Compositae, Leguminosae y Gramineae, que constituyendo el 4,48% de las familias acumulan el 35,09% de las especies del catálogo. El grupo corológico mejor representado es el Mediterráneo s.l., al que pertenece el 70% de los táxones. El tipo biológico predominante es el de los terófitos, con el 63,45%. Tras el estudio se concluye que no existe flora vascular especial asociada a substratos volcánicos en el área de estudio

    Análisis de señales de acelerometría en Biomecánica

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    El análisis de señales de acelerometría permite detectar movimientos que puedan resultar lesivos en la realización de una actividad física. Para determinar estos movimientos, es necesario analizar parámetros de las señales de acelerometría obtenidos a partir de varios puntos de interés. La localización de estos puntos se convierte en una tarea tediosa cuando se realiza de forma manual por un experto. Este trabajo presenta un ejemplo de aplicación de técnicas de procesado de señal a señales biomédicas. En concreto, se describe la forma en que se realiza un análisis de señal para detectar los puntos de interés en registros de datos de forma automática y se presentan los resultados al experto permitiéndole editar o modificar esos puntos.Este trabajo ha estado patrocinado por la Generalitat Valenciana: aplicación presupuestaria, línea de subvención T4015 de la Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, las ayudas para la realización de proyectos de I+D para grupos de investigación emergentes correspondientes a la convocatoria establecida en el anexo IX, de la Orden 64/2014, de 31 de julio, de la Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (DOCV núm. 7.332, de 5 de agosto de 2014). Expediente GV/2015/067.Camacho García, A.; Llinares Llopis, R.; Miró Borrás, J.; Bernabeu Soler, PA. (2015). Análisis de señales de acelerometría en Biomecánica. Compobell. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/71740

    Exposure and Knowledge of Sharps Injuries among Medical Students in Seven States of Mexico

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    Background: Medical students are vulnerable to accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens when performing clinical activities. Knowledge of both the prevalence of exposure and necessary reporting procedures is important to minimize the risk of harm to medical students. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey of medical students from 19 universities from seven states in Mexico was utilized to determinethe prevalence of needle stick injuries amongst medical students and the associated reporting procedures. Results: We included 312 respondents; of these, 52.24% were men and 47.76% were women, and the mean age was 23.19 years (SD ± 2.11 years). Nearly all of them (94.23%) were medical students doing clerkships in public hospitals. Mean knowledge score of blood-borne pathogens was 3.6 (SD ± 1.16) on a scale of 0-10 designed specifically for this study. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents had sustained a needle stick injury at some point during their medical school training, and 33.97% reported some type of mucocutaneous exposure. Overall, the non-reporting rate of needle stick injury was 48.34%. Approximately 25% of the respondents were not familiar with reporting procedures in the event of a needle stick injury or mucocutaneous exposure; 61.50% had received information from their hospital about the standard protocol to follow after a blood or body fluid exposure. Conclusion: In this Mexican population of medical students, there is a high risk of suffering needle stick injuries  during medical training. Furthermore, knowledge regarding prevention, evaluation, and reporting of needle stick injuries is suboptimal

    Leisure-Time Physical Activity in Relation to the Stages of Changes and Achievement Goals in Adolescents: Comparative Study of Students in Spain, Costa Rica, and Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between levels of leisure-time sports and physical activity and the stages of change in high school students with goal orientations. Methods: The sample was conformed of 2168 students randomly selected to participate in a longitudinal study in Costa Rica (423), Mexico (408), and Spain (1337), with 1052 being boys, 1037 girls, and 79 who did not specify sex, aged between 11 and 16 years old (M = 12.49, SD = 0.81). We used a questionnaire to ask students about their leisure-time sports and physical activity, about stages of change and to measure achievement goals. Results: The results show that students are more active in Costa Rica, most of them being in a stage of active change. Conclusions: We found significant differences in achievement goals in all three countries, which shows that students in active stages have higher values than those in the inactive stage


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    En el presente artículo se muestra la caracterización usando difracción de rayos X y ensayos de tracción de un material compuesto de una matriz de polietileno de alta densidad (HDPE) reforzado con partículas de fibra de agave, en las cuales están mezcladas tres especies: tequilana, salmiana y americana. Se evalúa la influencia de diferentes porcentajes de agave para observar los cambios en su estructura cristalina y como consecuencia, su comportamiento esfuerzo-deformación. Los resultados obtenidos son los de un material con propiedades mecánicas reducidas, pero que sin duda tiene campo de aplicación enorme por la tendencia de utilizar biopolímeros.Palabra(s) Clave(s): Agave, polietileno de alta densidad (HDPE), difracción de rayos X (DRX), pruebas de tracción.AbstractThe present article shows the characterization by X-ray diffraction and tensile tests of a composite material of a high density polyethylene (HDPE) matrix reinforced with agave fiber particles, in which three species are mixed: tequilana, salmiana and americana. The influence of different percentages of agave is evaluated to observe the changes in its crystalline structure and, therefore, its stress-deformation behavior. The results obtained are of a material with reduced mechanical properties, but undoubtedly have an enormous field of application by the tendency to use biopolymers.Keyboards: Agave, high density polyethylene (HDPE), X-ray diffraction (XRD), tensile testing.

    Impact of hospitalization on nutritional status in persons aged 65 years and over (NUTRIFRAG Study): Protocol for a prospective observational study

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    [ES] Background Malnutrition is a recurring problem that has become more relevant in recent years. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of malnutrition and nutritional status on admission and its evolution until discharge in patients aged 65 and over admitted to medical and surgical hospitalization units in hospitals of the Spanish National Health System. Methods Prospective observational study to be carried out in the medical-surgical hospitalization units of 9 public hospitals between 01/09/2022 and 31/12/2024. Using consecutive sampling, a total of 4077 patients will be included (453 in each hospital). Variables included are related to the care process, functionality, cognition and comorbidity, risk profile, nutritional status and dysphagia; as well as frailty, dietary quality and contextual variables. The incidence of risk of malnutrition, undernutrition and dysphagia during the care process and at discharge will be calculated. The association with risk factors will be studied with logistic regression models and multivariate Cox regression models. In addition, an analysis of participants’ satisfaction with food services will be carried out. The study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee on 30/09/2020, approved for funding on 02/12/2021 and with registration number RBR-5jnbyhk in the Brazilian clinical trials database (ReBEC) for observational studies. Discussion Some studies address nutritional status or dysphagia in older people in various care settings. However, there is a lack of large sample studies including both processes of the impact of hospitalization. The results of the project will provide information on the incidence and prevalence of both pathologies in the study subjects, their associated factors and their relationship with the average length of stay, mortality and early readmission. In addition, early detection of a problem such as malnutrition related to the disease and/or dysphagia during a hospital stay will favor the action of professionals to resolve both pathologies and improve the health status of patients.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the Project "PI21/00738" and co-funded by the European Union. The funders did not and will not have a role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript