88 research outputs found

    Interactive Groups: Fostering Collaborative Interactions in an Additional Language in a Multilingual Context

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    Research has shown that participating in collaborative interactions is essential both for language learning and for effective access to school content, which is even more important in multilingual contexts where a large proportion of students are in schools where the language of instruction is different from the language of the home context. However, research still needs to analyse further educational actions that succeed in generating collaborative interactions under these circumstances. This exploratory study analyses an educational action called Interactive Groups in a multilingual context in which Basque is the language of instruction and is the L2 for most pupils. Using the Communicative Methodology, twenty-one Interactive Groups were video recorded and analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Two interviews were conducted with teachers, one with a volunteer, seven with students, and two focus groups with students. The results show that collaborative interactions in the target language prevail in these Interactive Groups, which is achieved because both the adult and the students generate a collective scaffolding that (a) encourages focusing on the academic task, (b) neutralises disruptive behaviours and (c) activates solidarity among students to overcome learning difficulties. The educational implications of the results are discussed

    Can tundish deskulling waste be used as a magnesium oxide source to develop magnesium phosphate cement?

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    Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has a significant environmental impact since approximately 0.81 kg of CO2 is generated for every kilogram produced. Thus, it is mandatory to look for sustainable alternative cements. One of the most promising materials in this sense is magnesium phosphate cement (MPC). This study evaluates the possibility of revaluing a waste obtained from the tundish deskulling (TUN) as a raw material for formulating alternative MPC. This approach aims to promote the circular economy and minimizing the environmental impact of MPC. The tundish working lining is a crucial refractory material used in continuous steel casting. An optimal cement formulation was achieved by maximizing the compressive strength (CS) at 7 days, resulting in the combination of 60 wt% of TUN and 40 wt% of KH2PO4, with a water/cement (W/C) ratio of 0.27. The physical and mechanical properties were evaluated at three different stages: after 1, 7, and 28 days of curing. Furthermore, an exhaustive physicochemical characterization was conducted to investigate the feasibility of using it as an alternative cement. This study confirms the feasibility of formulating MPC using TUN as raw material due to the main product obtained, which is K-struvite. The use of TUN implies important economic savings and enhances sustainability criteria avoiding its management in landfills

    ¿Es mayor la brecha de participación laboral entre hombres y mujeres para la población que no contrata personal doméstico respecto a la que sí lo hace?

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    Estimar la relación entre la diferencia de participación laboral de las mujeres con respecto a los hombres y la presencia de personal doméstico en el hogar.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Promišljanje protiv "praznih ljuštura" u turističkim razvojnim projektima

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    Tourism is a sophisticated creation of capitalist practices and a development vehicle both in less developed and in industrialised countries. This article, written in the style of an academic essay, contributes to the field by identifying two main tourism development strategies used to cope with globalisation and modernisation, and it presents an analytical model through which to frame them. Most tourism projects rely on an increasing number of tourists and think towards the outside; to satisfy tourists, local offerings must adapt constantly to their shifting needs and desires. This tourism development strategy breaches continuities in the cultural production of meanings within local communities. However, there are some examples of touristic developments which think against this strategy and look towards the inside, as described in this article.Turizam je sofisticirana kreacija kapitalističkih praksi i razvojno sredstvo i u manje razvijenim i u industrijaliziranim zemljama. Ovaj članak, napisan u stilu znanstvenog eseja, doprinosi polju utvrđujući dvije osnovne strategije razvoja turizma koje se koriste u suočavanju s globalizacijom i modernizacijom te predstavlja analitički model za njihovo uokvirivanje. Većina turističkih projekata oslanja se na sve veći broj turista i razmišlja prema van; kako bi turisti bili zadovoljni, lokalna se ponuda neprekidno mora prilagođavati njihovim promjenjivim potrebama i željama. Takva strategija razvoja turizma prekida kontinuitet u kulturnoj proizvodnji značenja u lokalnim zajednicama. Međutim, postoje pojedini primjeri turističkog razvoja koji se suprotstavljaju takvoj strategiji i gledaju prema unutra, kao što je opisano u ovom članku

    Removal of Parabens from Aqueous Solution Using β-Cyclodextrin Cross-Linked Polymer

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    The removal of four parabens, methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and benzyl-paraben, by β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) polymer from aqueous solution was studied. Different β-CD polymers were prepared by using two cross-linkers, i.e., hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDI) and toluene-2,6-diisocyanate (TDI), with various molar ratios of cross-linker. β-CD-HMDI polymer with molar ratio of 1:7 and β-CD-TDI polymer with ratio 1:4 gave the highest adsorption of parabens among the β-CD-HMDI and β-CD-TDI series, and were subsequently used for further studies. The adsorption capacity of β-CD-HMDI is 0.0305, 0.0376, 0.1854 and 0.3026 mmol/g for methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and benzyl-paraben, respectively. β-CD-TDI have higher adsorption capacities compared with β-CD-HMDI, the adsorption capacity are 0.1019, 0.1286, 0.2551, and 0.3699 mmol/g methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and benzyl-paraben respectively. The parameters studied were adsorption capacity, water retention, and reusability. Role of both cross-linker in adsorption, hydrophobicity of polymers, and adsorption capacity of different parabens were compared and discussed. All experiments were conducted in batch adsorption technique. These polymers were applied to real samples and showed positive results

    Thymidylate synthase polymorphisms in genomic DNA as clinical outcome predictors in a European population of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients receiving pemetrexed

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    BACKGROUND: We studied whether thymidylate synthase (TS) genotype has an independent prognostic/predictive impact on a European population of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients receiving pemetrexed. METHODS: Twenty-five patients treated with pemetrexed-based regimens were included. Genomic DNA was isolated prior to treatment. The variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphisms, the G > C single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and the TS 6-bp insertion/deletion (6/6) in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) polymorphisms were analyzed and correlated with overall response rate (ORR), progression-free survival (PFS), overall-survival (OS) and toxicity. RESULTS: The genotype +6/+6 predicted a higher ORR among active/former smokers compared to +6/-6 genotype (100% vs. 50%; p = 0.085). Overall, the 3R/3R genotype predicted a higher ORR (100%) over the rest VNTR polymorphisms (p = 0.055). The presence of 3R/3R genotype significantly correlated with a superior ORR in patients without EGFR activating mutations (100%) compared to 2R/2R, 2R/3R and 3R/4R genotype (77.8%, 33.3% and 0% respectively; p = 0.017). After a median follow-up of 21 months, a trend towards a better PFS, although not significant, was found among subjects showing 3R/3R polymorphisms (p = 0.089). A significantly superior OS was found in patients showing 3R/3R genotype rather than other VNTR polymorphisms (p = 0.019). No significant correlation with the toxicity was observed. CONCLUSION: In our series, 3R/3R polymorphism correlated with a superior OS. Also, this polymorphism, when associated to wild type EGFR, was related to a higher ORR to pemetrexed. Toxicity was not significantly correlated with a specific TS genotype