102 research outputs found

    Propuesta de estrategias administrativas – financieras para la mitigación de los efectos de la roya en la Cooperativa El Gorrión RL de Yalí- Jinotega, en el período 2011-2012

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    El presente trabajo muestra la problemática que genera la expansión de la roya para el sector cafetalero organizado por causa de incidencias tanto administrativas como financieras, que se han presentado en la cooperativa de servicios múltiples El Gorrión R.L. Se expresa esta idea dado que en determinado momento la actividad cafetalera es fuente clave para la dinamización socio-económica de dicha cooperativa y cultivo prioritario de sus ingresos, siendo este su principal motor, cuyo curso está siendo gravemente afectado financieramente debido a la pérdida de un gran porcentaje de la producción actual de café causado por la roya en donde la mayoría de los productores se han visto obligados a desbastar sus plantíos de café para evitar el contagio de los nuevos plantíos, lo cual ha generado a ambas partes grandes pérdidas monetarias

    Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Classifying Power Quality Disturbances: A Comparative Study

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    The economic impact associated with power quality (PQ) problems in electrical systems is increasing, so PQ improvement research becomes a key task. In this paper, a Stockwell transform (ST)-based hybrid machine learning approach was used for the recognition and classification of power quality disturbances (PQDs). The ST of the PQDs was used to extract significant waveform features which constitute the input vectors for different machine learning approaches, including the K-nearest neighbors’ algorithm (K-NN), decision tree (DT), and support vector machine (SVM) used for classifying the PQDs. The procedure was optimized by using the genetic algorithm (GA) and the competitive swarm optimization algorithm (CSO). To test the proposed methodology, synthetic PQD waveforms were generated. Typical single disturbances for the voltage signal, as well as complex disturbances resulting from possible combinations of them, were considered. Furthermore, different levels of white Gaussian noise were added to the PQD waveforms while maintaining the desired accuracy level of the proposed classification methods. Finally, all the hybrid classification proposals were evaluated and the best one was compared with some others present in the literature. The proposed ST-based CSO-SVM method provides good results in terms of classification accuracy and noise immunity

    Checklist of the Pleistocene marine molluscs of Praínha and Lagoínhas (Santa Maria Island, Azores).

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    A critical review of the reported Pleistocene species of and Lagoinhas (Santa Maria Island, Azores) is provided, new data increasing the marine molluscan fauna to 95 taxa (80 Gastropoda and 15 Bivalvia). Six of the reported taxa are considered dubious records (5 Gastropoda, 1 Bivalvia). The stratigraphic sequence of Praia Formosa is composed of two main units, about 2-4 meters above present-day sea level. In the lower unit, Patella ulyssiponensis dominates the fossil assemblage of the basal calcareous conglomerate while Myoforceps arustatus (Dillwyn, 1817) dominates the assemblage associated to a calcareous algae mat. Above a non-depositional hiatus surface, a sandy beach deposit mainly composes the upper unit. Its fossil assemblages are dominated by large amounts of Eruilin castanea (Montagu, 1803) and, in a less extent, Lucinella diwricntn (Linnaeus, 1758) and Ensis minor (Chenu, 1843). The stratigraphic sequence of Lagoinhas, located 7.4 m above present-day sea level, is also composed of two units. A basal conglomerate is fossilized by or passes laterally to a calcareous algae mat, dominated by Myoforceps aristatus and with abundant Calliostoma pecimens. As at Prainha, these lower units are covered by a highly fossiliferous sandy bach deposit, though thinner, in which Ervlie castanea is the dominant species. Some species with Caribbean or West African affinities, the "Strombus bubonius accompanying fauna" (Garcia-Talavera, 1990), were found in the lower layers. The upper layer malacofauna is mainly related to the Mediterranean faunas, similarly to what happens nowadays (Ávila, 2000)

    Anthropogenic deforestation and climate dryness as drivers of demographic decline and genetic erosion in the southernmost European fir forests

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    A better understanding of long-term effects of climate and historical anthropogenic changes is needed to define effective conservation measures of endangered forest inhabiting managed landscapes. Diversification and distribution of Mediterranean firs are attributed to the global climate change during the Miocene and Quaternary as well as to the effects of human-driven deforestation. We evaluated the impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities in shaping the genetic diversity and structure of Abies pinsapo Boiss. (Pinaceae), a relict fir endemic from SW Spain. We genotyped a total of 440 individuals from 44 populations by using two different molecular markers (cpSSRs and nSSRs). Overall, low genetic structure was found; however, incipient differentiation appeared within mountain ranges. Analyses suggest that the effects of isolation by distance and lithological or topographical diversity were not enough to structure the populations of the different mountain ranges. The combined role of genetic drift in the small populations and the anthropogenic action associated with forest management has shaped the current genetic pattern of this fir species in the study area. Demographic inference analyses pointed to a very recent synchronic divergence (eleventh–sixteenth century) of the ancestral A. pinsapo population into its current scattered distribution range. Although population bottlenecks were supported by several analyses, the conservation of this endangered species seems not to be limited by lacking genetic diversity, while threats of current climate change and habitat loss must be regarded.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad P08-RNM-03703, P18-RT-1170, CGL2013-45463-PJunta de Andalucía IF/01375/2012, PTDC/BIA-BIC/5233/2014, POCI-01-0145- FEDER-01681

    Luria lurida (Gastropoda), a new record for the Pleistocene of Santa Maria, Azores

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    The cypraeid gastropod Luria lurida (Linnaeus, 1758) is reported for the first time from Pleistocene deposits at the Prainha site, on the island of Santa Maria, Azores archipelago

    Analizadores de red de bajo coste

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    El uso masivo de dispositivos electrónicos, tanto en entornos domésticos como industriales, tiene un impacto directo e inmediato en la creciente y compleja red de distribución eléctrica a la que se conectan. De aquí la necesidad de analizar la calidad de la señal eléctrica y su energía asociada en la propia red e instalaciones afectadas. Por otra parte, la evolución exponencial de microcontroladores y micro PC´S y su aplicación al procesado de señales, convierte a estos dispositivos en candidatos excepcionales para cubrir la mencionada necesidad del análisis de la calidad eléctrica. Esta es justamente la propuesta que se hace en este trabajo. La detección de las perturbaciones eléctricas de mayor incidencia en la calidad de la señal de red se puede realizar de diferentes formas. En este caso, se propone el uso de una potente herramienta matemática como es la Transformada Wavelet (TW), con una contrastada aplicabilidad en este campo. Su traducción a nivel de programación mediante un complejo algoritmo es implementada en dispositivos de bajo coste, particularmente en Arduino y Raspberry Pi. A partir de este algoritmo es posible la detección, análisis y clasificación de distintas perturbaciones eléctricas de forma más intuitiva. Se ha diseñado un sistema capaz de adquirir y analizar la señal de la tensión eléctrica y monitorizar dichos resultados, demostrando la aptitud de estos sistemas de bajo coste para dicho análisis.The massive use of electronic devices, both in domestic and industrial environments, has a direct and immediate impact on the electrical network in which they are connected. This fact generates the need for a power quality analysis in the electrical distribution network and affected installations. On the other hand, the exponential evolution of microcontrollers and micro PC'S and their application to signal processing, makes these devices exceptional candidates to cover the aforementioned power quality analysis. This is precisely the proposal made in this work. The detection of electrical disturbances with greater incidence in power quality can be made in different ways. In this case, the use of a powerful mathematical tool such as the Wavelet Transform (WT), with a proven applicability in this field, is proposed. Its translation at the programming level through a complex algorithm is implemented in low cost devices, particularly in Arduino and Raspberry Pi. From this algorithm it is possible to detect, analyze and classify different electrical disturbances in a more intuitive way. A system capable of acquiring and analyzing the voltage signal, as well as monitoring the results, has been designed, showing the capacity of these low cost devices for such analysis.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096

    Manejo de la tromboflebitis superficial en la mujer embarazada

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    Superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) has traditionally been considered a benign condition. However, current evidence suggests that thrombosis will spread into the deep vein system in a significant proportion of cases, particularly when the thrombus occupies the proximal long saphenous vein. Its presentation in pregnancy is an added difficulty. This case represents the complex management of a condition for which diagnostic prediction tools are lacking. Ultrasound examination plays a key role, especially in pregnant patients, for whom evidence supporting the diagnosis and treatment of venous thromboembolic disease is weaker than for the rest of patients. We present the case of a pregnant woman of 9 weeks with SVT and we discussed her management.La trombosis venosa superficial se ha considerado tradicionalmente como una afección benigna. Sin embargo, la evidencia actual sugiere que una proporción significativa de casos se propagará al sistema venoso profundo, particularmente cuando el trombo ocupa la vena safena larga proximal. Su presentación en el embarazo supone una dificultad añadida. Este caso representa la complejidad en el manejo de una patología sobre la que no hay herramientas de predicción diagnóstica, y donde la ecografía juega un papel clave, en especial en pacientes embarazadas, en quienes las evidencias que soportan el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa son más débiles que en el resto de los pacientes. Presentamos el caso de una gestante de 9 semanas con trombosis venosa superficial y discutimos su manejo

    Una especie nueva de Astragalus sect. Sesamei DC. (Leguminosae) del sureste de España: Astragalus castroviejoi

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    We describe a new species of Astragalus section Sesamei from the semiarid zone of SE Spain: Astragalus castroviejoi. Morphologically the new species resembles A. sesameus L. and A. stella L. and we provide a key to distinguish the three species. A. castroviejoi is a diploid species with 2n = 16, the same chromosome number as A. sesameus and A. stella. We provide an image of the karyotype, together with an illustration of the new species and a map of its distribution. Since the existing populations are restricted in area, we also provide an estimate of the conservartion status of this species according to the criteria of the IUCN.En este trabajo se describe una especie nueva de la zona semiárida del SE de España perteneciente a la sección Sesamei del género Astragalus: Astragalus castroviejoi. En lo morfológico, esta especie se parece a A. sesameus L. y A. stella L., por lo que se aporta una clave para la identificación de estas tres especies. A. castroviejoi es una especie diploide con 2n = 16, el mismo número cromosomático de A. sesameus y A. stella. Se da la descripción del cariótipo y se aporta la iconografía de la especie y un mapa de distribución. Como los núcleos poblacionales son pequeños se hace también una valoración, siguiendo los criterios de la IUCN, del estado de conservación de la especie