913 research outputs found

    Constant gardeners: Endozoochory promotes repeated seedling recruitment in clonal plants

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    [EN] Paradoxically, seedlings of clonal plants are rarely observed in nature, despite many of these species producing large amounts of seeds every fruiting season. Studies about clonal plants’ recruitment strategies are usually based on experiments carried out under controlled conditions (e.g., laboratory) and rarely consider frugivores’ effects. We tested the role of endozoochory in the seedling recruitment in natural conditions of the bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus, a widely distributed clonal species and a key resource in temperate and boreal regions of Eurasia, which has been suggested to recruit at occasional windows of opportunity (unpredictable conditions in which seedling recruitment may occur within conspecific adult stands). We marked brown bear Ursus arctos, mesocarnivore (red foxes Vulpes vulpes and martens Martes spp.) and passerine feces containing bilberry seeds in the Tatra Mountains (Carpathian Mountains, Southern Poland) and followed the fate of the embedded seeds during two years. We detected bilberry germination associated with 100%, 87.5%, and 50% of brown bear, mesocarnivore, and passerine feces, and also in 43.6%, 41.2%, and 23.1% of the control plots located 5, 10, and 30 m away from the bear scats, respectively. In bear scats, investigated in more detail, 15.7% of the seedlings survived at least one year. The largest numbers of seedlings were associated with bear scats (154.4 ± 237.3 seedlings/m2), especially to those defecated upon the soil disturbances these animals create next to their resting sites. Our results demonstrate that endozoochory facilitates repeated bilberry seedling recruitment in nature, suggesting that studies on the reproductive strategies of clonal plants must consider the role of frugivores. Some frugivores’ behaviors, such as the defecation by bears in the vicinity of their resting sites, may in fact be crucial for the reproduction of clonal plants and for the adaptation of these species to the current changing climatic conditionsSIThis study was supported by the BearConnect project funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (2016/22/Z/NZ8/00121) through the 2015–2016 BiodivERsA COFUND call for research proposals, with the national funders ANR/DLR-PT/UEFISCDI/NCN/ RCN. We thank Aida Parres, Danuta Frydryszak, Carlos Bautista, Katarzyna Chrzaz scik, and Max Murgio for their help during the fieldwork and Tomasz Zwijacz-Kozica for providing the GPS locations of brown bear clusters. Tatra National Park provided the necessary permits to conduct the field work. A stimulating discussion with Sam Steyaert and comments made by two anonymous reviewers improved the overall quality of this manuscript. AGR and NS conceived the study, designed the methodology, and conducted the fieldwork. AGR performed all statistical analyses and wrote a first draft of the manuscript with significant contributions of NS. The authors declare no conflict of interes

    Adherencia terapéutica y tic en psiquiatría: una revisión bibliográfica

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    La falta de adherencia terapéutica en las personas con trastorno mental grave (TMG) se considera uno de los principales problemas en Psiquiatría. Un inadecuado cumplimiento en el tratamiento tiene consecuencias negativas tanto para la calidad de vida del propio paciente como para su entorno y el Sistema Nacional de Salud. El auge de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en los últimos años ha favorecido que se estén empleando con la finalidad de aumentar las tasas globales de adherencia. Así, el objetivo principal de esta revisión fue conocer la eficacia de las TIC como método de mejora en la adherencia terapéutica en pacientes con TMG. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática en la que se incluyeron un total de 24 artículos publicados entre los años 2014-2017. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las intervenciones principales son SMS (31%), aplicaciones móviles (23%), videoconferencias (19%) y “pastilleros inteligentes” (8%). Los efectos en su mayoría son favorables en el aumento del cumplimiento terapéutico, si bien se ven limitados por la escasa muestra, así como por la variabilidad intra-estudio. Se concluye que las TIC tienen un potencial efecto beneficioso en la adherencia terapéutica de los pacientes con TMG de curso crónico, siendo además bien aceptadas.Grado en Medicin

    A problemática do Ártico na atualidade : uma visão estratégica

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    O processo de transformação que se verifica nos últimos anos no Ártico, não é mais do que tem acontecido nas duas últimas décadas, com a única diferença de que o degelo tem vindo a acentuar-se e a diminuição da cobertura de gelo marinho afetou significativamente as populações, a fauna e a flora da região. O que para uns, significa maiores e melhores comunicações pelas “novas” rotas marítimas durante períodos de tempo mais alargados, bem como mais fácil acesso às reservas de recursos naturais até então inexplorados, para outros o degelo significa, poluição, a perda cada vez maior da biodiversidade, da pureza de água, gelo e ar, e a alteração de modelos de vida para, e principalmente, os indígenas da região tais como os Inuits, os Saamis, e outros. O impacto das alterações climáticas que se manifestam no Ártico com maior intensidade, pode igualmente ter um impacto muito significativo no resto do mundo. As condições atuais trouxeram mais tecnologia, maiores oportunidades e riqueza para os Estados Árticos (EA) e não-árticos como por exemplo a China, mas também ao acentuar de interesses e divergências entre os Estados Costeiros (EC), alinhados por espaços geográficos estratégicos de exploração, sendo uma das causas da militarização que se tem visto a aumentar, Esta realidade, colocará desafios aos EA que inevitavelmente se envolveram com novas políticas, Tratados e Leis para procurarem soluções aos novos desafios, referentes por exemplo à definição das suas fronteiras marítimas e aos regimes de navegação, com potencial para criar novas tensões, e afetar o desenvolvimento sustentável na região e do meio ambiente.Assim, novas políticas tanto dos EA como de outros atores do Sistema Internacional (SI) foram criadas para atender essa nova realidade ambiental e política, seguindo estratégias que visam uma melhor relação com os vizinhos e, ao mesmo tempo, propondo diretrizes para a exploração de recursos de maneira menos danosa ao meio ambiente, garantindo também a integração dos povos indígenas nas políticas regionais. A União Europeia tem como sua estratégia para o Ártico o provimento científico principalmente relativo às alterações climáticas, uma vez que a Europa é substancialmente atingida pelas suas consequências, além da defesa dos seus interesses na região, sendo para isso fundamental integrar o Conselho Ártico (CA). Os EC continuarão a desempenhar o papel central na Governança do Ártico, através de acordos bilaterais e multilaterais regionais e o CA, adquirirá um papel mais relevante como órgão de promoção do diálogo e cooperação em áreas de interesse comum.The process of transformation that is seen during the last years in the Artic, is not bigger than what is happening during the last two decades, the only difference is that the ice melting has been increasing and the decrease of the marine ice has meaningfully affected the people, fauna and flora in the region. What for some, mean larger and better communications, due to the “new” maritime routes for longer periods of time, as well as an easier access to the natural resources, up to now unexplored, for others, the ice melting away means pollution, increasing loss of biodiversity, decrease in water purity, ice and air, and the alteration of ways of living, mainly affecting the indigenous people such as the Inuits, the Saamis and others. The impact of climate change, which is more intensively manifested on the Artic, can also have a very meaningful impact on the rest of the world. The actual conditions brought more technology, more opportunities and wealth to the Artic States, but also to others such as China. However also had as a consequence an increase on disagreements among the AS, aligned by strategic geographic spaces of exploration, being this situation one of the main causes of the increasing militarization on the region. This reality, will establish challenges to the AS, that inevitably got themselves involved in new policies, treaties and laws on a search for solutions to the new challenges, referring, for example, to the definition of their maritime borders and conditions of navigation. These types of problems have the potential to create new tensions, and affect the sustainable development of the region. Being so, new policies were established by the AS as well as by other actors in the International System to take in account this new political and environmental reality, following strategies which aim to a better relationship among neighbours, and simultaneously, proposing guidelines to explore the natural resources on a less damaging way to the environment, granting also the proper integration of the indigenous peoples on regional policies. The European Union has, as its strategy, the scientific provision, mainly in what concerns the climate changes, seen that Europe is substantially affected by its consequences. Beside that, it is also engaged on the defence of its interests on the region, being that the reason why it is fundamental to integrate the Artic Council. The Artic States will continue to play a central role on the Artic Governance, through bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements, And the Artic Council will have a relevant role promoting the dialogue and cooperation in common interest areas

    La evasión de impuesto y su incidencia en el Departamento de Valoración Aduanera.

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    Uno de los procesos determinantes, en el desarrollo de la actividad aduanera en la importación de mercancías, es el valor, el cual está representado en forma general por la factura, pero al momento en que no se pueda dar un valor exacto a la mercancía, se hace necesario determinar su valor. Para esto, el Departamento de Valoración Aduanera utiliza las herramientas y mecanismos disponibles, y adiciona las normas internacionales de manera, que se le pueda dar ese valor al artículo. El Departamento de Valoración, determinará el valor de la mercancía, permitiendo al funcionario utilizar métodos personalizados, en donde no se utiliza un método o modelo, comparativo, que determine un valor real que permita no solamente cumplir con el contribuyente, sino también que evite la subvaloración y la evasión del impuesto que los contribuyentes pagan al Estado. Con el uso de la tecnología, y toda vez que los sistemas informáticos que tiene la Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas trabajan con programas de la última generación, utilizando base de datos y sistemas comparativos que contribuirán a que la forma automatizada permita al funcionario de valoración determinar un valor exacto, uniforme, lo que permite institucionalizar en toda la dependencia y en el Departamento de Valoración, el valor para las mercancías que existen en Panamá, de manera que la metodología y los procesos utilizados sean estandarizados y que no ocasione fluctuaciones en los precios entre los Departamentos de Valoración inter-institucionales. El desarrollo automatizado de las seis formas de establecer el precio de un artículo, puede muy bien ser sistematizado, de manera tal de crear un sistema de información que maneje una base de datos de las mercancías entrantes a Panamá, teniendo así un punto de referencia para la valoración, lo que se traduce en desarrollar procesos únicos para lo departamento de valoración a nivel nacional y una herramienta que permitirá agilizar las transacciones y brindarle mayor eficiencia a este Departamento. Se debe utilizar una base de datos comparativas que contribuya a darle mayor efectividad al Departamento y en los momentos en que la base de datos no tenga incorporado un nuevo producto, se tenga el dinamismo de crearlo e incorporarle a la base de datos, de manera que el sistema de información va ser dinámico, preciso y con las características de poder ser actualizado

    Impacto emocional generado en las familias tras la identificación de un hijo/a con altas capacidades

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    This paper aims to analyze the emotional impact generated in families after the identification of a child with high abilities. The initial section highlights the role of the family in the child’s development, as well as the possible difficulties derived within the family due to the identification. In this section, the importance of the relationship between the family and the educational center is also explained to finally focus on the emotional response that families experience when faced with the news. The second section focuses on descriptive research carried out through a questionnaire for families (Annex I) answered by 217 participants. The research aims to help analyze the intra family relationships, the educational response provided by the center to meet the needs of the identified child and the emotional response experienced by the family due to the identification. The results obtained reveal that family relationships often undergo changes, although mostly positive. Also, that the educational response does not satisfy families because in most cases it is non-existent and they also reveal that the emotions experienced when receiving the news, in general, tend to oscillate between uncertainty and fear at first, and pride and joy after a while. Este trabajo pretende analizar el impacto emocional que se genera en las familias tras la identificación de un hijo/a con altas capacidades. En primer lugar, se destaca el papel de la familia en el desarrollo del niño/a, así como se explican las posibles dificultades a nivel familiar derivadas de la identificación. Se explica también la importancia de la relación entre la familia y el centro educativo para, finalmente, centrarse en la respuesta emocional que experimentan las familias ante la noticia. En segundo lugar, se presenta una investigación descriptiva realizada a través del Cuestionario para las Familias (anexo I) con 217 participantes. Analiza las relaciones intrafamiliares, la respuesta educativa proporcionada por el centro para cubrir las necesidades del hijo/a identificado y la respuesta emocional experimentada por la familia ante la identificación. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que las relaciones familiares suelen sufrir cambios, aunque mayoritariamente positivos, que la respuesta educativa no satisface a las familias porque en la mayoría de los casos es inexistente y que las emociones experimentadas al recibir la noticia, en general, suelen oscilar entre la incertidumbre y el miedo al principio, y el orgullo y la alegría pasado un tiempo

    La motivación del alumnado a través de la satisfacción con la asignatura. Efecto sobre el rendimiento

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    El alto nivel de absentismo y la falta de motivación de los alumnos son rasgos característicos de una realidad a la que nos enfrentamos día a día. Este problema, agudizado por la cada vez más cercana adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, provoca la necesidad de que nos replanteemos la forma de hacer las cosas en nuestra labor como docentes universitarios. La presente experiencia persigue incrementar el interés y la implicación del alumnado a través de un aumento de su grado de satisfacción con la asignatura. Adicionalmente se pretende comprobar cómo esta circunstancia puede redundar en una mejora de las calificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos

    Because I'm Happy: Exploring the Happiness of Shopping in Social Enterprises and its Effect on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

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    [Abstract] Purpose: This research analyzes the role of happiness associated with sustainable purchases in social enterprises (SEs) as a key precursor of prosocial behavioral responses through satisfaction with such purchases. Design/methodology/approach: This paper studies the relationships between past purchase in a social enterprise, consumer happiness, satisfaction and three indicators of loyalty: repurchase intention, word-of-mouth (WOM) intention and willingness to pay more. In addition, it analyzes the moderating role of altruistic motivation. A survey was designed to collect data from 380 consumers who had bought in a social enterprise. Findings: Sustainable consumption is a source of happiness for ethical consumers to the extent that they feel that they meet a personal need or desire, and they contribute to achieving a social objective with their purchasing behavior. Practical implication: SEs must appeal to the happiness of consumers as a strategic line to achieve their satisfaction and loyalty. Social enterprise practitioners and marketers should deploy organizational capabilities and resources in key performing areas such as communication, customer service or shopping experience, with the purpose of maximizing the happiness of ethical consumers with whom the firm is interacting for the first time. Originality/value: This research highlights the importance of the social enterprise in the commercial setting, since it has been proven that purchases in these companies generate happiness and satisfaction in consumers. In addition, satisfaction has a great impact on their loyalty, which is a direct advantage for this type of company and an indirect one for society as a wholeThis research was funded by the MICINN National Project CO-CRESEO: The co-creation of value in social enterprises. Effects of the omnichannel strategy (PID 2019-109580RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Connecting Social Enterprises and Sustainable Consumption: Systematic Review, Bibliometric Analysis, and Conceptual Framework

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    [Abstract]: The purpose of this study is to explore the meeting point between social enterprises (SEs) and sustainable consumption, given the proven potential of these hybrid organizations in the achievement of sustainable development. Paradoxically, scholarly attention has been scarce to this field of research, particularly from the perspectives of SE products and (potential) customers. Aiming to shed some light, a systematic literature review was conducted, resulting in 24 scientific publications descriptively and thematically explored based on a bibliometric analysis. The findings show that the link between SEs and sustainable consumption is very recent and that empirical articles using quantitative methodologies prevail focused on the analysis of capabilities and performances of SEs aiming to positively influence customers’ response. Nevertheless, the attention to the identification of product attributes and the individual determinants effective enough to press the buy button is still limited. In response to this shortcoming, the originality of this study consists of assembling the findings in this regard into an integrated conceptual framework that paves the way for future analysis in this field of studyMICINN National Project CO-CRESEO ; PID2019-109580RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/ 50110001103

    Experimental investigation of a circulating fluidized bed reactor to capture CO2 with CaO

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    [EN] Calcium looping processes for capturing CO2 from large emissions sources are based on the use of CaO particles as sorbent in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) reactors. A continuous flow of CaO from an oxyfired calciner is fed into the carbonator and a certain inventory of active CaO is expected to capture the CO2 in the flue gas. The circulation rate and the inventory of CaO determine the CO2 capture efficiency. Other parameters such as the average carrying capacity of the CaO circulating particles, the temperature and the gas velocity must be taken into account. To investigate the effect of these variables on CO2 capture efficiency we employed a 6.5 m height CFB carbonator connected to a twin CFB calciner. Many stationary operating states were achieved using different operating conditions. The trends of CO2 capture efficiency measured are compared with those from a simple reactor model. This information may contribute to the future scaling up of the technology.The work was possible thanks to a contract with the companies Endesa and Hunosa and to the CaOling project funded by the European Commission FP7. N Rodríguez acknowledges a fellowship awarded by FICYT. The assistance of B González, F Fuentes and I Rodríguez during the experiments and sample analysis is also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Robot guidance using machine vision techniques in industrial environments: A comparative review

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    In the factory of the future, most of the operations will be done by autonomous robots that need visual feedback to move around the working space avoiding obstacles, to work collaboratively with humans, to identify and locate the working parts, to complete the information provided by other sensors to improve their positioning accuracy, etc. Different vision techniques, such as photogrammetry, stereo vision, structured light, time of flight and laser triangulation, among others, are widely used for inspection and quality control processes in the industry and now for robot guidance. Choosing which type of vision system to use is highly dependent on the parts that need to be located or measured. Thus, in this paper a comparative review of different machine vision techniques for robot guidance is presented. This work analyzes accuracy, range and weight of the sensors, safety, processing time and environmental influences. Researchers and developers can take it as a background information for their future works