130 research outputs found

    Valoración del comportamiento saludable (alimentación y ejercicio físico) en jóvenes que practican deporte o actividad física en Huesca

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    Las principales herramientas para combatir la obesidad y el sobrepeso, son la actividad física y unos correctos hábitos alimentarios, lo que se denomina; estilos de vida saludables. Para ello es necesario que exista un equilibrio entre ambas. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo transversal mediante una encuesta nutricional en una muestra significativa de jóvenes de 18-23 años (n=137) que practicaban deporte o actividad física en diferentes centros deportivos o gimnasios de la ciudad de Huesca y provincia con el principal objetivo de evaluar la situación de salud, alimentación y ejercicio físico y encontrar diferencias significativas según sexo y entre la práctica de deporte o gimnasio. La encuesta utilizada incluía tres partes; datos generales y sociodemográficos, ejercicio físico y autopercepción, alimentación y hábitos alimentarios. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadística SPSS v.19. Los resultados nos demostraron que se trataba de una muestra no sedentaria, que cumplían las recomendaciones de actividad física para la salud establecidas por la OMS. Existió una abrumadora prevalencia de normopeso del 83,2%, la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue mayor en hombres y la de infrapeso en mujeres. Respecto a la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos se acercaban mucho al reflejado en las encuestas nacionales de salud, pero se debe mejorar si lo comparamos con las recomendaciones de la pirámide Naos ya que es preocupante el abuso de alimentos llenos de calorías y de baja densidad nutricional, el bajo consumo de verduras cocidas y el exceso de alimentos proteicos, especialmente la carne

    Premenstrual and menstrual changes reported after COVID-19 vaccination: The EVA project

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    Background: Menstrual disorders were not reported as a possible secondary effect in any of the clinical trials for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Aim: To describe the prevalence of perceived premenstrual and menstrual changes after COVID-19 vaccine administration. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: A total of 14,153 women (mean age 31.5 ± 9.3 years old) who had received the full course of vaccination at least three months earlier were included in this cross-sectional study. Data including the type of vaccine administered, perceived changes in the amount and duration of menstrual bleeding, presence of clots, cycle length, and premenstrual symptoms were collected through a retrospective online survey from June to September 2021. Results: Of the women who participated in this study, 3136 reported no menstrual changes and 11,017 (78% of the study sample) reported experiencing menstrual cycle changes after vaccination. In summary, women who reported menstrual changes after vaccination were older (overall p < 0.001) and slightly more smokers (p = 0.05) than women who did not report any changes. The most prevalent changes in relation to premenstrual symptoms were increased fatigue (43%), abdominal bloating (37%), irritability (29%), sadness (28%), and headaches (28%). The most predominant menstrual changes were more menstrual bleeding (43%), more menstrual pain (41%), delayed menstruation (38%), fewer days of menstrual bleeding (34.5%), and shorter cycle length (32%). Conclusion: Women vaccinated against COVID-19 usually perceive mild menstrual and premenstrual changes. Future studies are warranted to clarify the physiological mechanisms behind these widely reported changes.Antonio Chamorro-Alejandro Otero Research Chair, University of Granad

    Emotional impact on children during home confinement in Spain

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about important changes. On March 14, 2020, a strict home confinement was decreed in Spain. Children did not attend school and were not allowed to leave their homes. The aim of this study was to determine the emotional state of these children, as well as associated factors. Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using an online questionnaire sent by cell phone. This survey includes sociodemographic items and questions concerning the emotional impact of the lockdown. With the questions on emotions, two categories of emotional state were established with the variables fear, irritability, sadness and somatization: those who were less or more emotionally aected. A multivariate logistic model was used to estimate the associations between the variables. Results: A total of 3,890 responses were obtained. The mean age of the children was 6.78 years (range 0 to 16). A score indicating poor emotional state was reported by 40.12%. The multivariate logistic model for poor emotional state was directly associated with having less appetite, sleep disturbances, and with parents’ beliefs that their child will have di culties returning to normal life after lockdown. A better emotional state was associated with being an only child, access to outdoor spaces at home, having pets, and parents informing their children about the pandemic using creative explanations. Conclusions: During strict home confinement, a considerable emotional impact was observed in children as described by their parents. Specific elements were associated with a better or poorer emotional stat

    La Balma del Gai. Vint anys de recerca en un campament de caçadors-recol·lectors entre el plistocè final i l'holocè a l'altiplà del Moianès

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    La Balma del Gai és un petit abric situat a la Catalunya central, concretament al municipi de Moià (el Moianès), que es troba a uns 760 metres sobre el nivell actual del mar i que dista uns 50 km de la línia de costa actual. Concretament, es troba al bell mig de la unitat geogràfica que anomenen altiplà del Moianès, una zona plana però elevada limitada a l'est i al sud pels cingles del Bertí i al nord per una cadena de turons suaus -tot i que arriben als mil metres d'altitud- i que cap a l'oest va perdent progressivament altitud vers la depressió del Bages i la vall del riu Llobregat. S'obre en una paret calcària d'origen eocè -substrat fonamental de l'altiplà del Moianès-, que es troba al marge dret del torrent que porta el mateix nom (torrent del Gai), el qual és un dels múltiples petits cursos d'aigua que travessen l'altiplà de nord a sud i sud-oest i que acaben sent tributaris del riu Llobregat. La situació precisa del jaciment és gairebé just sota un pont de la carretera N141c, entre Moià i Collsuspina, que salva el desnivell del torrent. Part del jaciment queda arrecerat per una construcció rústica que tancaria en època històrica, i gairebé fins a l'actualitat, un tram de la Balma

    La formació en l'ús i accés a la informació a les biblioteques de la UPC

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    Peptide Metal-Organic Frameworks for Enantioselective Separation of Chiral Drugs

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    We report the ability of a chiral Cu(II) 3D MOF based on the tripeptide Gly-L-His-Gly (GHG) for the enantioselective separation of metamphetamine and ephedrine. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that chiral recognition is linked to preferential binding of one of the enantiomers as result of either stronger or additional H-bonds with the framework that lead to energetically more stable diastereomeric adducts. Solid phase extraction (SPE) of a racemic mixture by using Cu(GHG) as extractive phase permits isolating more than 50% of the (+)-ephedrine enantiomer as target compound in only four minutes. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first example of a MOF capable of separating chiral polar drugs

    Understanding the first Neolithic occupation of Cova d’En Pardo (Planes, Alicante): preliminary results of the multidisciplinary analysis of levels VIII and VIIIb

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    Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en la Cova d’En Pardo (Planes, Alicante), concretamente los niveles VIII y VIIIb. El desarrollo de un proyecto multidisciplinar ha permitido caracterizar la ocupación de una pequeña cavidad por parte de las primeras comunidades campesinas asociadas al inicio del proceso de neolitización del levante de la península Ibérica.We present the results of excavations carried out in the Cova d’En Pardo (Planes, Alicante), specifically the levels VIII and VIIIb. The development of a multidisciplinary project has allowed characterize the occupation of a small cavity by the first farming communities associated with the Neolithization process of the Levant of Iberian Peninsula.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto Origins and Spread of Agriculture in the western Mediterranean región (ERC-2008-AdG 230561)