2,377 research outputs found

    Resource bounds analysis.

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    We present a generic analysis that infers both upper and lower bounds on the usage that a program makes of a set of user-definable resources. The inferred bounds will in general be functions of input data sizes. A resource in our approach is a quite general, user-defined notion which associates a basic cost function with elementary operations. The analysis then derives the related (upper- and lower- bound) cost functions for all procedures in the program. We also present an assertion language which is used to define both such resources and resource-related properties that the system can then check based on the results of the analysis. We have performed some experiments with some concrete resource-related properties such as execution steps, bits sent or received by an application, number of arithmetic operations performed, number of calls to a procedure, number of transactions, etc. presenting the resource usage functions inferred and the times taken to perform the analysis. Applications of our analysis include resource consumption verification and debugging (including for mobile code), resource control in parallel/distributed computing, and resource-oriented specialization

    Prey choice, provisioning behaviour, and effects of early nutrition on nestling phenotype of titmice

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    [EN] It is generally assumed that blue and great tits (Cyanistes caeruleus, Parus major) compete for the same type of food (Lepidoptera larvae) during the breeding season and that the former have some advantage because they are usually earlier and can exploit small caterpillars that are often more abundant and are not consumed by great tits. However, it is not clear whether, when confronted with similar circumstances (e.g., nestling demand), blue and great tits show similar preferences for a particular caterpillar type. In this 2-y study, we compare the diet of both tit species in detail by controlling for hatching date and brood size. We also examine how the contribution of caterpillars and spiders to the diet is related to nestling development. A positive relationship was found between the percentage of spiders in the diet and nestling tarsus length in both species, reinforcing the idea that neonatal nutrition could have a strong influence on nestling phenotype (e.g., offspring size). Such a correlation may arise because spiders contain a high level of taurine, an essential nutrient in the early development of young, and/or this prey type contains more calcium than other food items, which may affect the rate of nestling bone mineralization. Blue tits fed their young double the number of tortricid larvae in comparison with great tits, whereas the latter showed a clear preference for noctuids and exploited, with a low frequency, a type of larvae not consumed by blue tits, hairy caterpillars (Lasiocampidae). Our results point to resource partitioning by these species in this forest ecosystem and contribute to a better understanding of feeding ecology of titmice, which is particularly timely in a global warming context [FR] Il est généralement admis que les mésanges bleues (Cyanistes caeruleus) et les mésanges charbonnières (Parus major) se font compétition pour le même type de nourriture (larves de lépidoptères) durant la période de reproduction. Il est également admis que les mésanges bleues possèdent un certain avantage, car elles se reproduisent plus tôt et mangent de petites chenilles souvent plus abondantes qui ne sont pas consommées par les mésanges charbonnières. Cependant, il n'est pas clair si dans les mêmes conditions (ex. de demande en nourriture des oisillons), les mésanges bleues et charbonnières préfèrent les mêmes types de chenilles. Dans cette étude de 2 ans, nous avons comparé en détail les régimes alimentaires des 2 espèces de mésanges en contrôlant pour la date de ponte et la taille de la couvée. Nous avons aussi examiné si les contributions des chenilles et des araignées au régime alimentaire étaient reliées au développement des oisillons. Chez les 2 espèces, une relation positive a été trouvée entre le pourcentage d'araignées dans le régime alimentaire et la longueur du tarse des oisillons renforçant ainsi l'idée que la nutrition néonatale peut avoir une grande influence sur le phénotype des oisillons (ex. la taille des jeunes). Une telle corrélation peut résulter du fait que les araignées ont un taux élevé de taurine, un nutriment essentiel au développement précoce des jeunes, et/ou que ce type de proie contient plus de calcium que d'autres aliments ce qui peut influencer le taux de minéralisation des os chez les oisillons. Les mésanges bleues ont nourri leurs jeunes avec deux fois plus de larves de tortricidés que les mésanges charbonnières qui elles ont montré une nette préférence pour les noctuidés. Ces dernières ont aussi consommé, quoique peu fréquemment, des livrées (Lasiocampidae), un type de larves boudé par les mésanges bleues. Nos résultats pointent vers une division des ressources entre ces espèces dans cet écosystème forestier et contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'écologie alimentaire des mésanges ce qui est particulièrement utile dans un contexte de réchauffement climatiqueV. García-Navas was supported by a FPI predoctoral fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)-European Social Fund). This study was financed by the MICINN (grant reference: GCL2007-61395)Peer Reviewe

    Non-Strict Independence-Based Program Parallelization Using Sharing and Freeness Information.

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    The current ubiquity of multi-core processors has brought renewed interest in program parallelization. Logic programs allow studying the parallelization of programs with complex, dynamic data structures with (declarative) pointers in a comparatively simple semantic setting. In this context, automatic parallelizers which exploit and-parallelism rely on notions of independence in order to ensure certain efficiency properties. “Non-strict” independence is a more relaxed notion than the traditional notion of “strict” independence which still ensures the relevant efficiency properties and can allow considerable more parallelism. Non-strict independence cannot be determined solely at run-time (“a priori”) and thus global analysis is a requirement. However, extracting non-strict independence information from available analyses and domains is non-trivial. This paper provides on one hand an extended presentation of our classic techniques for compile-time detection of non-strict independence based on extracting information from (abstract interpretation-based) analyses using the now well understood and popular Sharing + Freeness domain. This includes algorithms for combined compile-time/run-time detection which involve special run-time checks for this type of parallelism. In addition, we propose herein novel annotation (parallelization) algorithms, URLP and CRLP, which are specially suited to non-strict independence. We also propose new ways of using the Sharing + Freeness information to optimize how the run-time environments of goals are kept apart during parallel execution. Finally, we also describe the implementation of these techniques in our parallelizing compiler and recall some early performance results. We provide as well an extended description of our pictorial representation of sharing and freeness information

    Materiales utilizados en la policromía de la fachada de Pedro I (Real Alcázar de Sevilla, España)

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    This research has been conducted on the architectural decoration of the façade of the Palace of King Pedro I (The Royal Alcazar of Seville, Spain). The stratigraphic study of pictorial layers has revealed numerous interventions made on the polychrome decorations that have been related to those referenced in historical documents. Mineralogical and compositional studies of the natural and synthetic pigments and their alteration have provided an independent chronology for the polychrome decorations. Finally, this study has revealed the importance of colour of the decorative elements over the history of the palace.El estudio de la fachada del palacio de Pedro I ha puesto de manifiesto la existencia de un gran número de policromías realizadas con una amplia variedad de pigmentos de diferentes cronologías. Mediante diversas técnicas analíticas han sido diferenciadas y caracterizadas química y mineralógicamente. El estudio estratigráfico detallado de las diferentes policromías ha permitido relacionarlas con las sucesivas intervenciones documentadas, comprobando así la gran importancia que el color ha tenido en todas las épocas o momentos históricos del Palacio

    Redes internacionales de la arquitectura española : 1r Seminario AEMCI : Barcelona, 9 de julio de 2019, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB-UPC

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    Descripció del recurs: 24 gener 2020Contribucions del primer Seminario AEMCI, celebrat a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona, el 9 de juliol de 2019, en el marc del projecte competitiu "La arquitectura española en los medios de comunicación internacionales: publicaciones, exposiciones, congresos (primera parte: 1940-1975)". Els textos recullen els avenços de les investigacions en curs que formen part del projecte HAR2017-85205-PPrimera edició

    Plasma coenzyme Q10 status is impaired in selected genetic conditions.

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    Identifying diseases displaying chronic low plasma Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) values may be important to prevent possible cardiovascular dysfunction. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate plasma CoQ concentrations in a large cohort of pediatric and young adult patients. We evaluated plasma CoQ values in 597 individuals (age range 1 month to 43 years, average 11 years), studied during the period 2005-2016. Patients were classified into 6 different groups: control group of healthy participants, phenylketonuric patients (PKU), patients with mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), patients with other inborn errors of metabolism (IEM), patients with neurogenetic diseases, and individuals with neurological diseases with no genetic diagnosis. Plasma total CoQ was measured by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection and ultraviolet detection at 275 nm. ANOVA with Bonferroni correction showed that plasma CoQ values were significantly lower in the PKU and MPS groups than in controls and neurological patients. The IEM group showed intermediate values that were not significantly different from those of the controls. In PKU patients, the Chi-Square test showed a significant association between having low plasma CoQ values and being classic PKU patients. The percentage of neurogenetic and other neurological patients with low CoQ values was low (below 8%). In conclusión, plasma CoQ monitoring in selected groups of patients with different IEM (especially in PKU and MPS patients, but also in IEM under protein-restricted diets) seems advisable to prevent the possibility of a chronic blood CoQ suboptimal status in such groups of patients

    Configurational entropy calculation of poly(α-alkyl β,L-aspartate)s amorphous and crystalline films using gas permeation

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    The permeability and diffusion coefficient of gases such as N-2, O-2 and CO2 through two polymeric membranes of poly(alpha-alkyl beta,L-aspartate)s (PAALA-n) were determined by the "time-lag" method. One of these membranes was crystalline (PAALA-1) and the other one was amorphous (PAALA-6). The comparison of the obtained result for both membranes is addressed by the calculation of the so called configurational entropy. The study has been done in the range of temperatures 20 degrees C to 70 degrees C.This work was supported by the Direccion General de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica (DGICYT), Grant ENE-2011-Ref.24761 and also DGAPA-UNAM Proyecto IN 102512, and SEP-CONACYT 154626.Del Castillo, LF.; Andrio Balado, A.; Nava, JA.; Mollá Romano, S.; Muñoz-Guerra, S.; Compañ Moreno, V. (2014). Configurational entropy calculation of poly(α-alkyl β,L-aspartate)s amorphous and crystalline films using gas permeation. European Polymer Journal. 59:254-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2014.07.024S2542615

    Static Analysis-based Debugging, Certification, Testing, and Optimization with CiaoPP

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    Facilitate the development of safe, efficient programs. Approach: •Next-generation, higher-level, multiparadigm prog. languages. •Improved program development environments. •A framework (CiaoPP) which integrates: •Debugging. •Verification and certification. •Testing. •Optimization (optimized compilation, parallelization, ...