652 research outputs found

    Pescado congelado: desarrollo y aplicación del Método del Índice de Calidad (QIM) a diferentes especies y estudio de hábitos de compra y consumo

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    La Tesis Doctoral se divide en dos partes. En la primera parte el objetivo principal es utilizar un panel de catadores entrenado para desarrollar y validar un esquema sensorial basado en el Método del Índice de Calidad (QIM) específico para diferentes especies de pescado, de gran importancia comercial y capturadas por buques congeladores gallegos, cuyo destino final es su utilización como materia prima en la industria y/o la venta directa al consumidor final tras la descongelación. Una vez desarrollado y validado el esquema QIM para cada especie, es utilizado para estimar su vida útil y se evalúa la precisión de dicha estimación. Además, los esquemas QIM desarrollados se utilizan durante un año de almacenamiento a temperaturas de congelación de las diferentes especies pesqueras para conocer si el tiempo de congelación previo a la descongelación afecta a la calidad sensorial del pescado una vez descongelado y almacenado a temperaturas de refrigeración. Tanto el desarrollo de los esquemas QIM como las aplicaciones realizadas requieren el uso de diversos métodos estadísticos. En la segunda parte de la Tesis Doctoral el objetivo es realizar un estudio de consumidores para investigar los hábitos de compra y consumo de productos pesqueros frescos, congelados y descongelados. Para ello, se utiliza el método de la entrevista personal, previo diseño y validación de un cuestionario. Los datos obtenidos se analizan en función de factores demográficos y socioeconómicos utilizando técnicas estadísticas

    How Can Socio-scientific Issues Help Develop Critical Thinking in Chemistry Education? A Reflection on the Problem of Plastics

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    Socio-scientific issues demonstrate the relationship between science, technology, and society by considering currently unresolved questions. The problem of plastics and their pollution is just one example with important implications for the planet. The aim of this paper is to revisit socio-scientific issues and see them as a way of developing citizens’ critical thinking skills through chemistry education. In light of the problems posed by plastics, we present evidence tested with Spanish grade-8 students of how critical thinking skills can be developed through chemistry education in terms of the vision of chemistry, understanding acquisition, a holistic approach to problems, critical analysis of information, argumentation, decision making, personal autonomy, and communication. This study also presents some examples of how progress in the development of critical thinking by students has been evaluated.Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission PID2019-105765GA-I00University of Granada/CBU

    Annie Ernaux : pouvoir, langue et autobiographie

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    Les premiers récits d'Annie Ernaux -Les armoires vides (1974), Ce qu'ils disent ou rien (1977) et La femme gelée (1981)- sont présidés par l'émergence massive d'un sujet émotionnel en proie à un déficit ontologique qui, doublement marginalisé par son sexe et par sa condition sociale modeste, entretient un rapport conflictuel avec la langue et avec le monde. Nous analysons les modalités d'inscription d'une voix qui rejette aussi bien la langue de ses origines ouvrières que le modèle de l'institution scolaire et des livres, et qui, bannie de tous les discours, a perdu sa place dans les mots tout comme dans l'existence. D'une part, la possession de la langue de l'élite, acquise par l'adolescente comme une langue étrangère, apparaît comme le seul palliatif au double déficit ontologique qui frappe le sujet mais ne réussit pas à écarter le risque permanent de dégradation (formes dévaluées de la langue et du corps) et est toujours vécue comme extérieur au sujet. D'autre part, l'inscription de la langue orale de la mère et de l'enfance ne va pas sans poser la question capitale du positionnement de la voix narrative vis-à-vis des énoncés proscrits par l'Institution et par sa doxa.Los primeros relatos de Annie Ernaux -Les armoires vides (1974), Ce qu'ils disent ou rien (1977) et La femme gelée (1981)- están dominados por la presencia masiva de un sujeto emocional víctima de un déficit ontológico que, doblemente marginado por su sexo y por su condición social modesta, mantiene una relación conflictiva con la lengua y con el mundo. Analizamos las modalidades de inscripción de una voz que rechaza tanto la lengua de sus orígenes obreros como el modelo de la institución escolar y que, expulsada de todos los discursos, ha perdido su lugar en las palabras y en la existencia. Por una parte, la apropriación de la lengua de la élite, verdadera lengua extranjera, parece como el único paliativo posible contra el doble déficit ontológico que afecta al sujeto pero no consigue alejar el riesgo permanente de la degradación (formas devaluadas de la lengua y el cuerpo) y permanece exterior al sujeto. Por otra parte, la inscripción de la lengua oral de la madre y la infancia no deja de plantear la cuestión crucial del posicionamiento de la voz narrativa respecto de los enunciados proscritos por la Institución y por su doxa.The first stories by Annie Ernaux -Les armoires vides (1974), Ce qu'ils disent ou rien (1977) and La femme gelée (1981)- are dominated by the overwhelming presence of an emotional subject that, doubly marginalised by the subject's sex and modest social position, maintains a conflictive relationship with language and with the world. We analyse the modes of inscription of a voice that rejects both the language of its working-class origins and the model of the school institutional and that, expelled from all discourse, has lost its place within words and within existence. On the one hand, appropriation of the language of the elite, the true foreign language, appears as the only possible palliative against the double ontological deficit that affects the subject and yet remains external to it, as well as failing to provide distance from the permanent risk of degradation (devaluated forms of the language and of the body). On the other hand, inscription of the oral language pertaining both to the mother and to childhood cannot distract from raising the crucial question of the positioning of the narrative voice with respect to statements proscribed by the Institution and by its doxa

    Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge on Fractions as Operator in Word Problems

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    The preservice primary school mathematics teacher needs training that focuses on school mathematics and its didactics. Research has shown the importance of developing mathematical content knowledge as well as adequate didactic knowledge. Teacher education programs must address both to provide an effective teaching-learning process. The present research aims to assess the mathematical content knowledge of 194 prospective teachers about fraction word problems faced by students at the Primary Education stage, based on the Mathematics Teachers′ Specialized Knowledge (MTSK) model. By means of the preservice teachers’ written answers, we explored their knowledge and identified the associated error to fraction word problems (one-step and multistep) in which the fraction has a meaning as an operator. Preservice teachers showed some difficulties when working with this content, difficulties that were intensified when they solved multistep problems. The most common error founded in both types of problems is related to the meaning of fraction as operator. The results show a weak prior mathematical content knowledge and as a consequence, it is necessary to establish preventive actions in the training degrees since an insufficient mathematical content knowledge prevents them having a proper didactic knowledge

    “Zombie attack” a new way to teach Chemistry

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    The Higher Education requires new models which allow training people able to adapt and survive in changing environments. It is based on the use of technologies and the adaptation of knowledge to people. It is about an education according to circumstances, which is adapted to context and virtual behaviour of people. One of the main difficulties that lecturers find in the classroom is how to maintain students' attention and interest in their subject, especially when students also think that the subject is not important for their training. In order to motivate these students, innovation in educational techniques and methodologies, such as experiential learning, are progressively being imposed to and/or coordinated with the traditional ones. Escape Room is a very modern concept in education, based on the development of mental skills for the solution of enigmas and problems. It is a tool to develop the cooperative, cognitive, deductive and logical reasoning skills of the students. In this work, an educational gamification experience based on the escape room concept is presented. The students have 1 hour and 30 minutes to carry out this activity. They will have to solve four puzzles and enigmas that will give them the key to open a treasure chest and finally let them escape from the classroom. Logic, ingenuity and teamwork will allow participants to develop not only chemical competence, but also other basic skills. The story that is told throughout the escape room is a zombie attack: the city has been infected (with a virus) and only the occupants of the room where the activity takes place have not been infected. In addition, they can all protect themselves if they are able to open the chest where the antidote is located. The aim of this activity is to enhance the knowledge acquired throughout the semester as well as the development of skills.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    New methodologies to improve the chemistry learning at University, the use of Flipped Classroom

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    The use of ICT could be interesting for students to increase the participation, motivation and learning about sciences. Chemistry is considerated as very difficult subject. The objective was to carry out a new didactic proposal for teaching the cited reactions. Thus, the use of flipped classroom developed by students was used to lead students toward the learning of atomic theory, the periodic table or different chemical bonds. Those improve the possibilities to develop new mental models to understand the chemistry. The volunteer students filled a questionnaire about the utility of the new proposal and the advantages or disadvantages of using to improve the knowledge in the subject. The results showed that use of cited methodology allowed them to practice and to improve the comprehension of chemical processes. In conclusion, 62.5 % of students group indicated that use of the proposal methodology was very beneficial and 65.6 % of students wrote that they would have chosen these technologies to learn this subject and showed interest in the use of the techniques in others subjects.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Significance of cell adhesion molecules profile during pregnancy in gestational diabetes mellitus. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Endothelial dysfunction has been considered as a key etiological factor contributed to the development of vascular disease in diabetes mellitus. Serum level of endothelial cell adhesion molecules (AMs) were reported to be increased in GDM and pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance when compared with nonpregnant women. The literature provides limited evidence of endothelial dysfunction in GDM with heterogeneous and contradictory results respect to their possible involvement in maternal, perinatal and future complications. Our objective is to evaluate current evidence on the role of AMs in maternal and perinatal complications in women with GDM. PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus databases were searched. We evaluated the studies’ quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Meta-analyses were conducted, and heterogeneity and publication bias were examined. Nineteen relevant studies were finally included, recruiting 765 GDM and 2368 control pregnant women. AMs levels were generally higher in GDM participants showing statistical significance maternal ICAM-1 levels (SMD = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.25 to 0.91; p = 0.001). Our meta-analysis did not detect significant differences in subgroups or in meta-regression analyses. Future studies are needed to establish the potential role of these biomarkers in GDM and its complications

    A geometrical interpretation of collinearity: a natural way to justify ridge regression and its anomalies

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    Justifying ridge regression from a geometrical perspective is one of the main contributions of this paper. To the best of our knowledge, this question has not been treated previously. This paper shows that ridge regression is a particular case of the raising procedures that provides greater flexibility by transforming the matrix X associated with the model. Thus, the raising procedures, based on a geometrical idea of the vectorial space associated with the columns of matrix X, lead naturally to ridge regression and justify the presence of the well-known constant k on the main diagonal of matrix X^t X. This paper also analyzes and compares different alternatives to raising with respect to collinearity mitigation. The results are illustrated with an empirical application

    Indifference, Demandingness and Resignation Regarding Support for Childrearing

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    This article explores the maternal experiences of a heterogeneous group of 26 mothers from Granada (Andalusia, Spain). The aim is to analyse the needs and demands that these women express with regard to childrearing, using a qualitative methodology. The authors conducted in-depth interviews and analysed the discourses of the mothers following the hermeneutical method. The variables used for sample selection and the themes that emerged during the interviews revealed that the discourses of the mothers revolve around three dimensions: indifference, demands and resignation regarding support for childrearing. The lack of paternal involvement in childrearing appears as a transversal dimension. This article shows that the material conditions of existence marked the differences in the responses of the women regarding support for childrearing, while the sexual division of labour and gender inequalities unified their discourses

    Application of randomized response techniques for investigating cannabis use by Spanish university students

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    Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in developed countries, and has a significant impact on mental and physical health in the general population. Although the evaluation of levels of substance use is difficult, a method such as the randomized response technique (RRT), which includes both a personal component and an assurance of confidentiality, provides a combination which can achieve a considerable degree of accuracy. Various RRT surveys have been conducted to measure the prevalence of drug use, but to date no studies have been made of the effectiveness of this approach in surveys with respect to quantitative variables related to drug use. This paper describes a probabilistic, stratified sample of 1146 university students asking sensitive quantitative questions about cannabis use in Spanish universities, conducted using the RRT. On comparing the results of the direct question (DQ) survey and those of the randomized response (RR) survey, we find that the number of cannabis cigarettes consumed during the past year (DQ: 3, RR: 17 aproximately), and the number of days when consumption took place (DQ: 1, RR: 7) are much higher with RRT. The advantages of RRT, reported previously and corroborated in our study, make it a useful method for investigating cannabis use.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteConsejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Emple