75 research outputs found

    Modelo pedagógico de desarrollo de la superación política e ideológica a cuadros políticos (Original).

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    The purpose of this article is to show, from a generalizing and scientific outlook, a pedagogical model of political and ideological development for political leaders in the Party School System, which provides a solution to the current problem related to the attachment to the formative tradition, with an analytical-lineal-disciplinary approach. The study included a population integrated by political leaders, teachers of the Party School System and headmasters of Municipal Schools. Empirical and theoretical research methods were used in the study. The scientific research reveals an integrative approach of diverse contexts, including the academic one, cognitive and trans-disciplinary relations. The determination of dialectical relationships, new qualities and regularities in the treatment to the political and ideological development of political leaders in the Party School System favors new epistemic positions that lead to an improvement of Pedagogy as a science applied to the political leadership of society, from its function in the professional growth of the political leader.Mostrar, desde una mirada generalizadora y científica, un modelo pedagógico de superación política e ideológica a cuadros políticos en el Sistema de Escuelas del Partido, que proporcione una solución a la problemática actual relacionada con el apego a la tradición formativa, con un enfoque analítico-lineal-disciplinar, es el propósito de este artículo. Se investigó con una población integrada por cuadros políticos, profesores del Sistema de Escuelas del Partido y directores de Escuelas Municipales. Se utilizaron en el estudio métodos de investigación del nivel empírico y teórico. La investigación científica revela un enfoque integrador de diversos contextos –con inclusión del académico-, relaciones cognitivas y transdisciplinares. La determinación de relaciones dialécticas, nuevas cualidades y regularidades en el tratamiento a la superación política e ideológica a cuadros políticos en el Sistema de Escuelas del Partido favorece nuevas posiciones epistémicas que conducen a un perfeccionamiento de la Pedagogía como ciencia aplicada a la dirección política de la sociedad, desde su función en la superación profesional del cuadro político

    Rational design of MXene/activated carbon/polyoxometalate triple hybrid electrodes with enhanced capacitance for organic-electrolyte supercapacitors

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    Altres ajuts: ICN2 and IREC are funded by the CERCA programme / Generalitat de Catalunya, and ICN2. This work has been carried out within the framework of doctoral program (PhD) of Material Science (Department of Physics) of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).We report a triple hybrid electrode (MXene/activated carbon (AC)/polyoxometalates (POMs)) combining the merits of three materials: MXene (high volumetric capacitance), AC (high gravimetric capacitance) and Phosphotungstate (fast redox). Phosphotungstic acid (HPW12) and tetraethylammonium phosphotungstate (TEAPW12) were the two POMs used to prepare MXene/AC/POMs triple hybrids. MXene/AC/TEAPW12 outperformed MXene/AC/HPW12 in 1 M tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TEABF4)/acetonitrile. Nano-dispersion of POMs facilitates charge storage through surface capacitive processes (91% at 2 mV s). MXene/AC/TEAPW12 delivered significantly higher gravimetric capacitance (87F g at 1 mV s) than MXene (40F g at 1 mV s) in the same organic electrolyte, without sacrificing much volumetric capacitance (less than 10%). The gravimetric capacitance of the triple hybrid was similar to that of MXene/AC, whereas its volumetric capacitance was 1.5 times higher. Replacing TEA cations with 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cations (EMIM), the capacitance improved by 21%. Coupled with AC positive electrodes in an asymmetric cell, MXene/AC/TEAPW12 delivered 4.6 times higher gravimetric energy density and 3.5 times higher volumetric energy density than a similar MXene asymmetric cell at relatively high-power densities. This study proves that MXene/AC/TEAPW12 combines the merits and compensates for the demerits of each component and is a promising electrode material for organic-electrolyte supercapacitors

    Metodología multi-modal en relaciones cuantitativas estructura-actividad

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    Los estudios QSAR definidos en la literatura están basados en enfoques uni-modales, dejando de analizar conjuntos de datos que contienen distintas informaciones químicas. En esta investigación se propone aplicar por primera vez y analizar el comportamiento del enfoque multi-modal en el desarrollo de estudios QSAR. Para este fin se utilizó una base de compuestos con actividad hepatotóxica, a partir de la cual se construyeron cuatro modalidades considerando distintos descriptores moleculares basados en diversas teorías y enfoques. Se desarrollaron varios modelos usando los enfoques uni-modales y multi-modales utilizando algoritmos de clasificación reportados en la literatura e implementados en el lenguaje R. Los parámetros de cada uno de los algoritmos se optimizaron con el procedimiento "parametertuningwithrepeatedgrid-searchcross-validation", mientras la validación de dichos modelos se realizó mediante validación cruzada de 10 pliegues con 10 repeticiones. Estadísticamente se comprobó que el enfoque multimodal mejora el desempeño de los modelos predictivos comparado con algunos de los modelos derivados de los conjuntos de datos con modalidades individuales.Palabras Clave: enfoque multi-modal, enfoque uni-modal, estudios QSAR.</p

    Central Ceramide-Induced Hypothalamic Lipotoxicity and ER Stress Regulate Energy Balance

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    Hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a key mechanism leading to obesity. Here, we demonstrate that ceramides induce lipotoxicity and hypothalamic ER stress, leading to sympathetic inhibition, reduced brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis, and weight gain. Genetic overexpression of the chaperone GRP78/BiP (glucoseregulated protein 78 kDa/binding immunoglobulin protein) in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) abolishes ceramide action by reducing hypothalamic ER stress and increasing BAT thermogenesis, which leads to weight loss and improved glucose homeostasis. The pathophysiological relevance of this mechanism is demonstrated in obese Zucker rats, which show increased hypothalamic ceramide levels and ER stress. Overexpression of GRP78 in the VMH of these animals reduced body weight by increasing BAT thermogenesis as well as decreasing leptin and insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. Overall, these data identify a triangulated signaling network involving central ceramides, hypothalamic lipotoxicity/ER stress, and BAT thermogenesis as a pathophysiological mechanism of obesity

    Compatibility of organic farming treatments against Monosteira unicostata with non-target arthropod fauna of almond trees canopy

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    Field trials had shown that 1-2 applications of kaolin and potassium salts of fatty acids combined with thyme essential oil (PSTEO) reduced the abundance of the lace bug Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), an important pest of almond trees in the Mediterranean region. These products could be useful for the control of this pest in organic production of almonds, but higher number of applications could be necessary. However, the possible detrimental effects on the almond orchard ecosystem should be evaluated. In the present work, the effects observed on the non-target arthropod fauna of the almond trees canopy in those field assays are shown. First, a comprehensive report of the non-target arthropod fauna of the almond tree is provided. Regarding natural enemies, most of the predatory arthropods captured were spiders belonging to different families like Salticidae, Thomisidae, Philodromidae, Theridiidae, Araneidae or Oxyopidae. Other predatory families that appeared in significant numbers were Chrysopidae, Anthocoridae, Aeolothripidae, Coccinellidae, Phytoseiidae, Erythraeidae or Forficulidae. Among parasitoids, the most abundant families were Eulophidae, Scelionidae and Dryinidae. Kaolin reduced the abundance of natural enemies and other non-target arthropods as well as their diversity and number of species. On the contrary, PSTEO only produced a slight reduction in the number of natural enemies, whereas no effect was found on the diversity and species richness. These effects were observed despite the reduced number of applications, so greater effect is expected if its frequency is increased in order to achieve an efficient control of M. unicostata

    El binomi temps/temperatura en la indústria alimentària

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    Seguretat alimentària; Indústria alimentària; Inactivació tèrmicaSeguridad alimentaria; Industria alimentaria; Inactivación térmicaFood safety; Food industry; Thermal inactivationEl treball presentat per aquesta comunitat de pràctica (CoP) vol ser una eina de suport a l'hora d'avaluar la idoneïtat i l'eficàcia del binomi temps/temperatura que utilitzen les indústries alimentàries en aquelles etapes del procés productiu on aquests paràmetres són rellevants per garantir la seguretat alimentària. La informació ha estat obtinguda pels autors a partir de la recerca bibliogràfica. A mesura que l'equip de treball anava avançant en aquesta recerca , augmentava el ventall dels valors recomanats per les diferents fonts. Aquest ball de xifres es deu, entre d'altres qüestions, a les múltiples combinacions possibles dels valors temps i temperatura, així com als factors a tenir en compte a l'hora d'establir aquests paràmetres per a aconseguir aliments segurs: característiques intrínseques del producte (aw, ph...), condicions d'envasament, patogen que es pretén controlar, vida útil del producte acabat. Així doncs, sovint, la informació continguda en aquest treball haurà de ser interpretada pel lector que haurà de tenir present d'una banda les variables que poden incidir en la determinació del binomi temps/temperatura i, d'altre banda, la no concordança entre el que estableix la normativa vigent i les propostes d'altres fonts.El trabajo presentado por esta comunidad de práctica (CoP) quiere ser una herramienta de apoyo a la hora de evaluar la idoneidad y eficacia del binomio tiempo/temperatura que utilizan las industrias alimentarias en aquellas etapas del proceso productivo donde estos parámetros son relevantes para garantizar la seguridad alimenticia. La información ha sido obtenida por los autores a partir de la búsqueda bibliográfica. A medida que el equipo de trabajo iba avanzando en esta investigación, aumentaba el abanico de los valores recomendados por las distintas fuentes. Este baile de cifras se debe, entre otras cuestiones, a las múltiples combinaciones posibles de los valores tiempo y temperatura, así como a los factores a tener en cuenta a la hora de establecer estos parámetros para conseguir alimentos seguros: características intrínsecas del producto (aw, ph...), condiciones de envasado, patógeno que se pretende controlar, vida útil del producto terminado. Así pues, a menudo, la información contenida en este trabajo deberá ser interpretada por el lector que deberá tener presente por un lado las variables que pueden incidir en la determinación del binomio tiempo/temperatura y, por otro, la no concordancia entre lo que establece la normativa vigente y las propuestas de otras fuentes.The work presented by this community of practice (CoP) aims to be a support tool when evaluating the suitability and effectiveness of the time/temperature binomial used by food industries in those stages of the production process where these parameters are relevant to guarantee the food security. The information has been obtained by the authors from the bibliographic search. As the work team progressed in this investigation, the range of values recommended by different sources increased. This dance of figures is due, among other issues, to the multiple possible combinations of time and temperature values, as well as the factors to be taken into account when establishing these parameters to obtain safe foods: intrinsic characteristics of the product (aw , ph...), packaging conditions, pathogen to be controlled, shelf life of the finished product. Thus, often, the information contained in this work must be interpreted by the reader who must keep in mind, on the one hand, the variables that may affect the determination of the time/temperature binomial and, on the other, the non-concordance between what is established current regulations and proposals from other sources

    Aportación a la flora vascular de São Tomé

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    87 taxa collected in the Isle of São Tomé in August 1986 are given. and the endemic character of some of them is stressed upon. A herbarium label is tran scribed for each one, and the presence or absence in the well-known Catalogue of the SãoTomé Flora by EXELL &amp; al. (1944) is elaborated.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Se relacionan 87 táxones recolectados en la isla de São Tomé en agosto de 1986, señalando aquellos que son endemismos de la isla. Para cada uno de ellos se transcribe la etiqueta y se detalla su presencia o no en e l conocido catálogo de plantas vasculares de São Tomé obra de EXELL &amp; al. (1944)