2,880 research outputs found

    Berta García

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    Berta García es proveniente de Jalisco, México. García creció en una familia grande y tuvo una buena niñez. García conoció a su esposo en su ciudad natal. Tuvieron tres hijas y viajaron a los Estados Unidos como turistas, al final de esas vacaciones, tomaron la decisión de quedarse permanentemente en EE. UU. García y su esposo llegaron a Hastings, Nebraska, donde decidieron establecer su hogar. García y su esposo trabajaron arduamente por muchos años en la planta de carne Tyson. García analiza las diferencias, particularmente en las relaciones interpersonales, entre México y Estados Unidos. Berta García comes from Jalisco, Mexico. García grew up in a big family and had a good childhood. García met her husband in her hometown. They had three girls. The family travelled to the US as tourists, then made the decision to stay permanently in the USA. García and her husband arrived in Hastings, Nebraska, where they decided to stay. García and her husband worked at the Tyson meat plant for many years. García discusses the differences, particularly in interpersonal relationships, between Mexico and the US.https://openspaces.unk.edu/cttp-oh/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Los gabinetes de comunicación on line de las empresas del Ibex 35

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    Online press rooms of the most import spanish companies grow during the last year. This article discusses the adaptation to internet Ibex 35 entities. The conclusion indicates a concern for the communicating with new audiences, an increase of the hypertext and multimedia resource, but a lower approximation to the actual converse with the public.Las principales empresas españolas potenciaron en los últimos años sus salas de prensa on line con un paulatino avance hacia la comunicación 2.0. El siguiente artículo analiza la adaptación a la red de las entidades del IBEX 35. La tendencia señala una preocupación por la comunicación con los nuevos públicos, un incremento de los recursos hipertextuales y multimedia pero una menor aproximación a la conversación real con los públicos en internet

    El lenguaje en redes sociales como estrategia comunicativa: administraciones públicas, partidos políticos y organizaciones civiles

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    This paper studies the language of political actors on social networks from the concept of digital language with a communicative perspective. Attention is paid to tweets by political parties, public administrations and civil society related to Catalan politics over the last eight months. The main trends of digital language are confirmed for political language on Twitter, but are relativized by the majority use of a more formal register. In addition, the political language appears as hybrid, heterogeneous, multimodal, a continuation of the offline arena and with little narrative innovation. Within these general characteristics, the activation of innovative linguistic orthographic, lexical, syntactic or coherence elements draws specific strategies for each actor, without common features for the sectors but shows that they do converge at specific moments forming sociolects that seek to promote belonging to a community and protest against specific facts or the status quo.The research has been carried out within the framework of the national I+D+i plan: Uses and preferences in the new media map in Spain: media models for mobile devices (ED341D R2016/019), belonging to the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, a national subprogram of Knowledge Creation from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and the Xescom Network (Redes 2016 GI-1641 Xescom)S

    25 years of research in online organizational communication. Review

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    25 years ago, organizations consolidated their digital communication and researchers began their study. The article analyzes and evaluates the trends, findings and main future challenges of the discipline from the thematic and methodological point of view. All the articles published on the subject in the main journals included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) are studied through an analysis sheet designed for this research and a qualitative study of the topics and hermeneutics. The results indicate a continued increase in interest in the object of study from a largely deterministic and descriptive perspective that offers an overview of the evolution of communication in organizations linked to technological innovations. Emerging issues and challenges include hybrid communication, communication through instant web messaging and robotization and their growing influence on society, especially in political elections and referendumsS

    Las Bitácoras o weblogs y la lógica del campo informativo : un análisis comparativo con la agenda mediática tradicional

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    Las bitácoras o weblogs ilustran las nuevas prácticas y modos informativos de Internet. Si bien cubren diversos géneros temáticos, perspectivas y prácticas discursivas el trabajo se centra en las bitácoras de actualidad. La investigación cuestiona que puedan considerarse medios alternativos de información capaces de independizarse de la prensa tradicional y electrónica además de preguntarse en qué medida las bitácoras y la red en general contribuyen a una mayor democratización y pluralidad de los contenidos. Se parte, así, de una comparación entre la agenda temática de las bitácoras y de los medios impresos para establecer cuál es su lugar en la dinámica del campo informativo, en qué medida pueden generar información nueva y cuál es el enfoque que ofrecen.Weblogs symbolize how nowadays people manage information in internet. Although under this concept are included a wide range of topics, views and discursive practices we focus on the journalistic oriented ones. This research wonders if weblogs can be considered as an alternative channel of information independent from traditional press and e-newspapers. It questions in which ways they contribute to a more democratic, plural and free news system. We compare some weblogs agenda with press one in order to find out which role they play in the dynamics of the informative field, in which degree they can generate new information and which approach they show

    "Paradises, wars and ufos": critical analysis of dominant discourses about love, sex and gender in the spanish version of four popular magazines

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    El propósito de este artículo es llevar a cabo un análisis crítico del discurso dominante, a través del estudio de la elección léxica (metáforas y campos semánticos), sobre amor, sexo y estereotipos de género, en cuatro populares revistas de ocio recientemente publicadas en España. En primer lugar, se estudiará la división de género de las subtareas del amor y del sexo (la seducción como el rol de los hombres y la fidelización del cliente, el de las mujeres); en segundo lugar, se examinará de qué modo estos dos fenómenos son objeto de una ideología normativa connotada según la idea de la ciencia esotérica; en tercer lugar, se investigaran las tres metáforas predominantes (el amor y el sexo como paraíso, guerra y objeto) y su relación con los modelos de mujer y de hombre que se preconizan. Finalmente, se dotará de coherencia a todo el análisis según lo que llamaremos “romanticismo instrumental”.The purpose of this paper is to carry out a critical analysis of the dominant discourses about love, sex and gender stereotypes, by studying the lexical choices (metaphors and semantic fields) in four popular magazines recently published in Spain. Firstly, I will analyze the gender division of love & sex “works” (seduction, for men, and customer loyalty, for women). Secondly, I will examine the way in which these two phenomena are the object of some normative ideology, in relation to the idea of esoteric science; thirdly, I will take into consideration the three predominant metaphors (love and sex live paradise, war and object) and their relation with the leading models of women and men. Lastly, I will offer my conclusion on what I will call “instrumental romanticism”

    Language in social networks as a communication strategy: public administration, political parties and civil society

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    This paper studies the language of political actors on social networks from the concept of digital language with a communicative perspective. Attention is paid to tweets by political parties, public administrations and civil society related to Catalan politics over the last eight months. The main trends of digital language are confirmed for political language on Twitter, but are relativized by the majority use of a more formal register. In addition, the political language appears as hybrid, heterogeneous, multimodal, a continuation of the offline arena and with little narrative innovation. Within these general characteristics, the activation of innovative linguistic orthographic, lexical, syntactic or coherence elements draws specific strategies for each actor, without common features for the sectors but shows that they do converge at specific moments forming sociolects that seek to promote belonging to a community and protest against specific facts or the status quo.El artículo estudia el lenguaje de los actores políticos en redes sociales a partir del concepto de lenguaje digital desde una perspectiva comunicativa. Se examinan los tuits de los partidos políticos, las administraciones públicas y las organizaciones civiles relacionados con la política catalana durante los últimos ocho meses. Se confirman para el lenguaje político en Twitter la evolución general del lenguaje digital pero relativizado por el uso mayoritario de un registro formal. Además, el lenguaje político se perfila como híbrido, heterogéneo, multimodal, continuador de la temática off line y con escasa innovación narrativa. Los estilemas permiten detectar estrategias individualizadas e identidades lingüísticas con rasgos ortotipográficos, léxicos, uso de hashtag, iconos, enlaces o sintaxis propias de cada actor. No se detectan características comunes para cada uno de los tres sectores, únicamente algunos actores confluyen en momentos puntuales conformando sociolectos que buscan promover la pertenencia a una comunidad, la protesta contra hechos puntuales o contra el status quo

    Can ecosystem properties be fully translated into service values? an economic valuation of aquatic plant services

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    Ecological Applications 21. 5 (2011): 3083-3103 copyright by the Ecological Society of AmericaWe carried out an integrated analysis of ecosystem services in the Doñana social-ecological system (southwestern Spain), from the providers (different aquatic plant functional groups) to the beneficiaries (different stakeholders living in or visiting the area). We explored the ecosystem services supplied by aquatic plants by linking these services to different plant functional traits, identifying relevant ecosystem services and then working our way backward to ecosystem properties and the functional traits underpinning them. We started from 15 ecosystem services associated with aquatic systems (freshwater marshes, salt marshes, ponds on aeolian sheets, temporal coastal ponds, and estuaries) and related them to plant traits (directly or indirectly through intermediate ecosystem properties). We gathered information from the literature on the functional traits of 144 plants occurring in the aquatic ecosystems of Doñana. We analyzed the species×trait matrix with multivariate classification and ordination techniques and obtained seven functional groups with different potentials for delivering ecosystem services. A survey was then administered to 477 stakeholders to analyze, through the use of a contingent valuation exercise, how the ecosystem services provided by the different functional groups were valued. We identified connections between individual plant traits, ecosystem processes, and ecosystem services, but a mismatch appeared between the functional groups and the economic values placed on them by the beneficiaries. We found that contingent valuation applied to ecosystem services tended to ignore the ecosystem properties and biodiversity underpinning them. Our results cast doubts over the suitability of the economic valuation framework of ecosystem services to capture the full value of biodiversity and ecosystems to peopleThis research was partially supported by a grant from the Madrid Regional Government of Education, which was co-funded by the Social European Fund (F.S.E.), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Project CGL2006- 14121/BOS), and the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs through project 018/2009. S. Díaz acknowledges support from FONCyT and CONICET (Argentina) and IAI (CRN 2015, supported by US NSF GEO- 0452325