132 research outputs found

    Convergence Analysis of the Straightforward Expansion Perturbation Method for Weakly Nonlinear Vibrations

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    There are typically several perturbation methods for approaching the solution of weakly nonlinear vibrations (where the nonlinear terms are "small" compared to the linear ones): the Method of Strained Parameters, the Naive Singular Perturbation Method, the Method of Multiple Scales, the Method of Harmonic Balance and the Method of Averaging. The Straightforward Expansion Perturbation Method (SEPM) applied to weakly nonlinear vibrations does not usually yield to correct solutions. In this manuscript, we provide mathematical proof of the inaccuracy of the SEPM in general cases. Nevertheless, we also provide a sufficient condition for the SEPM to be successfully applied to weakly nonlinear vibrations. This mathematical formalism is written in the syntax of the first-order formal language of Set Theory under the methodology framework provided by the Category Theory

    Determination of the influence of specific building regulations in smart buildings

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    The automation of domestic services began to be implemented in buildings since the late nineteenth century, and today we are used to terms like ‘intelligent buildings’, ‘digital home’ or ‘domotic buildings’. These concepts tell us about constructions which integrate new technologies in order to improve comfort, optimize energy consumption or enhance the security of users. In conjunction, building regulations have been updated to suit the needs of society and to regulate these new facilities in such structures. However, we are not always sure about how far, from the quantitative or qualitative point of view, legislation should regulate certain aspects of the building activity. Consequently, content analysis is adopted in this research to determine the influence of building regulations in the implementation of new technologies in the construction process. This study includes the analysis of different European regulations, the collection and documentation of such guidelines that have been established and a study of the impact that all of these have had in the way we start thinking an architectural project. The achievements of the research could be explained in terms of the regulatory requirements that must be taken into account in order to achieve a successful implementation of a home automation system, and the key finding has been the confirmation of how the design of smart buildings may be promoted through specific regulatory requirements while other factors, such as the global economic situation, do not seem to affect directly the rate of penetration of home automation in construction

    Evaluación del Nivel de Competencias de los Egresados: Coahuila, México

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    The vision of employers has always been a crucial point in determining whether university graduates have therequired skills to face working life. The objectives are to evaluate by employers the level of skills reached bystudents in the Faculty of Administration Sciences, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Determine in which career thegraduates are better prepared to interact in the workplace and finally how gender influences the decisionmaking of employers. The empirical and exploratory research covered a sample of 61 employers related toCommerce and Services, Transportation and Manufacturing. To evaluate, frequency tables and the KruskalWallis statistic were used. The results showed that there are skills related to teamwork, cooperation,entrepreneurship and negotiation. In addition, it was found that women have better levels of employability andthere are preferences in hiring Business Administration graduates.La visión de los empleadores ha sido siempre un punto crucial para determinar si los egresados universitariostienen las competencias requeridas para enfrentarse a la vida laboral. Los objetivos son evaluar por losempleadores el nivel de competencias alcanzado por estudiantes en la Facultad de Ciencias de laAdministración en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Determinar en cuál carrera los egresados salen mejorpreparados para interactuar en el ámbito laboral y finalmente cómo influye el género en la toma de decisionesde los empleadores. La investigación empírica y exploratoria abarcó una muestra de 61 empleadoresrelacionados con comercio y servicio, transporte y manufactura. Para evaluar se utilizaron tablas defrecuencia y el estadístico Kruskal Wallis. Los resultados demostraron que existen competenciasrelacionadas con trabajo en equipo, cooperación, emprendimiento y negociación. Además, se constató quelas mujeres tienen mejores niveles de empleabilidad y existen preferencias en la contratación de losegresados de Administración de Empresas

    Diagnosis of the financial literacy of young people in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

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    Cuando la alfabetización financiera es escasa, esta se ve reflejada en la falta de planeación y administración de ingresos disponibles y gastos soportables, así como en el escaso o nulo aprovechamiento de los diferentes productos y servicios financieros, es por tal motivo que la presente investigación se orienta a evaluar la alfabetización financiera de la población adulta de entre los 25 a los 29 años de la ciudad de saltillo, lo cual nos permitirá conocer el panorama actual de conocimientos y habilidades con que cuenta este sector poblacional para mantener una economia sostenible.When financial literacy is scarce, this is reflected in the lack of planning and administration of available income and bearable expenses, as well as in the little or no use of the different financial products and services, it is for this reason that the present investigation It is aimed at evaluating the financial literacy of the adult population between 25 and 29 years of age in the city of Saltillo, which will allow us to know the current panorama of knowledge and skills that this population sector has to maintain a sustainable economy

    Governance and public agenda in the era of Covid-19

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    [ES] La gobernanza, entendida como un sistema de corresponsabilidad entre gobernantes y gobernados, en relación con la agenda pública como eje central de discusión y acuerdos, ha sido estudiada como fenómeno emergente ante la pandemia. El objetivo del trabajo es establecer las categorías para el análisis de la gobernanza y la agenda pública, considerando la relación entre los actores políticos y sociales, públicos y privados. Se realizó un estudio documental y de revisión sistemática con fuentes indexadas a repositorios internacionales, considerando el periodo de 2019 a 2022. Se encontró una estructura de cuatro categorías que la literatura relaciona con la gobernanza y la agenda. En relación con el estado del arte se recomienda el contraste del modelo propuesto.[EN] Governance, understood as a system of co-responsibility between the rulers and the ruled, in relation to the public agenda as the central axis of discussion and agreements, has been studied as an emerging phenomenon in the face of the pandemic. The objective of the work is to establish the categories for the analysis of governance and the public agenda, considering the relationship between political and social, public and private actors. A documentary and systematic review study was carried out with sources indexed to international repositories, considering the period from 2019 to 2022. A structure of four categories was found that the literature relates to governance and the agenda. In relation to the state of the art, the contrast of the proposed model is recommended

    Sistema reconfigurable para el prototipado rápido de aplicaciones basadas en Bus PCI

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    Uno de los principales objetivos en la implantación de un sistema de control consiste en garantizar que cumplirá determinadas restricciones temporales, las cuales dependen en gran medida del hardware usado para implementar el sistema. Actualmente, frente a los costes tanto económicos como temporales en el desarrollo de sistemas mediante ASICs, las arquitecturas reconfigurables y las técnicas de codiseño constituyen unas herramientas muy valiosas en la búsqueda del sistema óptimo. Este artículo propone una arquitectura reconfigurable basada en dispositivos FPGAs, que permite aprovechar la potencia que ofrece el bus PCI; resultando idónea para afrontar el diseño de sistemas de inspección visual automatizados desde el punto de vista de codiseño. La arquitectura que se presenta se basa en las tarjetas de desarrollo PCI Proto-Lab/PLX, de HK Meßsysteme GMBH, y en la XS40 de la empresa Xess.Los autores desean expresar su gratitud al gobierno español por el apoyo CICYT (TIC-200-1765-C03-02) que están prestando al proyecto COSIVA, en el que está incluido el trabajo desarrollado en el presente artículo

    Early Pliocene climatic optimum, cooling and early glaciation deduced by terrestrial and marine environmental changes in SW Spain

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    The Pliocene is a key period in Earth's climate evolution, as it records the transition from warm and stable conditions to the colder and more variable glaciated climate of the Pleistocene. Simultaneously, climate became more seasonal in the Mediterranean area, and Mediterranean-type seasonal precipitation rhythm with summer drought established. These climatic changes presumably had significant impacts on terrestrial environments. However, the response of terrestrial environments to such climate changes is still not fully understood due to the lack of detailed studies dealing with this period of time. In this study, multiproxy analyses of continuous core sampling from La Matilla (SW Spain) shows detailed and continuous record of pollen, sand content and abundance of benthic foraminifer Bolivina spathulata to describe paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate trends during the early Pliocene. This record shows warmest, most humid climate conditions and highest riverine nutrient supply at ~ 4.35 Ma, coinciding with the Pliocene climatic optimum and high global sea level. A climate cooling and aridity trend occurred subsequently and a significant glaciation occurred at ~ 4.1–4.0 Ma, during a period known by very little terrestrial evidence of glaciation. Our multiproxy data thus indicate that terrestrial and marine environments were significantly variable during the early Pliocene and that major glaciation-like cooling occurred before the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation at the beginning of the Pleistocene (~2.7 Ma). This major climate cooling and aridity maxima between 4.1 and 4.0 Ma is independently validated by a coeval sea-level drop (third order Za2 sequence boundary). This sea level drawdown is supported by enhanced coarse sedimentation and minima in riverine nutrient supply, showing paired vegetation and sea-level changes and thus a strong land-ocean relationship. This study also shows that long-term climatic trends were interrupted by orbital-scale cyclic climatic variability, with eccentricity, obliquity and precession acting as the main triggers controlling climate and environmental change in the area.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Implementing a hardware-embedded reactive agents platform based on a service-oriented architecture over heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) represent a key technology for collecting important information from different sources in context-aware environments. Unfortunately, integrating devices from different architectures or wireless technologies into a single sensor network is not an easy task for designers and developers. In this sense, distributed architectures, such as service-oriented architectures and multi-agent systems, can facilitate the integration of heterogeneous sensor networks. In addition, the sensors’ capabilities can be expanded by means of intelligent agents that change their behavior dynamically. This paper presents the Hardware-Embedded Reactive Agents (HERA) platform. HERA is based on Services laYers over Light PHysical devices (SYLPH), a distributed platform which integrates a service-oriented approach into heterogeneous WSNs. As SYLPH, HERA can be executed over multiple devices independently of their wireless technology, their architecture or the programming language they use. However, HERA goes one step ahead of SYLPH and adds reactive agents to the platform and also a reasoning mechanism that provides HERA Agents with Case-Based Planning features that allow solving problems considering past experiences. Unlike other approaches, HERA allows developing applications where reactive agents are directly embedded into heterogeneous wireless sensor nodes with reduced computational resources

    Adherence model to cervical cancer treatment in the Covid-19 era

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    سرطان الرحم العنقي هو مرض يفسر الضعف الذي تعاني منه النساء من حيث الصحة الإنجابية مع تأثيره على الصحة المهنية والصحة العامة , فعندما يكون معدل الانتشار في المكسيك أقل من البلدان الأعضاء الأخرى في منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية ، فإن تأثيره على التنمية البشرية والتنمية المحلية يظهر أهمية المرض في المجتمعات أكثر من المدن حيث يبدو أن سياسات الوقاية من خلال الفحوصات الطبية تكبح هذا التوجه ، لكنها تظهر نقص الفرص والقدرات في المراكز الصحية في المناطق الريفية. لإثبات الموثوقية والصلاحية والارتباطات بين المتغيرات المذكورة في الجانب النظري فيما يتعلق بوزنهم في مستشفى عام. تم إجراء دراسة غير تجريبية ، مقطعية واستكشافية مع اختيار غير احتمالي لـ 104 مرضى من مستشفى عام في ولاية المكسيك. تم إنشاء مقياس المتغيرات النفسية والاجتماعية للالتزام بعلاج سرطان الرحم العنقي. من النموذج الهيكلي ، تم إثبات تعديل مسارات تحديد العلاقات التي تؤثر فيها المعرفة على سلوك الالتزام بالعلاج. يلاحظ حدود تصميم الدراسة وأخذ العينات وتحليلها ويوصى بتضمين المتغيرات التنظيمية والنفسية المدعومة بنظريات المنظمات ونظريات الشخصية.Cervical Uterine Cancer is a disease that explains the vulnerability in which women are in terms of reproductive health with an impact on occupational health and public health, even when in Mexico the prevalence rate is lower than the other member countries of the OECD, its impact on Human Development and Local Development shows the importance that the disease have in communities more than in cities where prevention policies through check-ups and medical examinations seem to curb the trend, but show the lack of opportunities and capacities of health centers in rural areas.   To establish the reliability, validity, and correlations between the variables reported in the literature with respect to their weighting in a public hospital. A non-experimental, cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 104 patients from a public hospital in the State of Mexico. The Scale of Psychosocial Variables Determinants of Adherence to Treatment of Cervical Uterine Cancer was constructed. From a structural model, it was demonstrated the adjustment of the trajectories of determining relationships in which knowledge influenced the behavior of adherence to treatment. The limits of the design, sampling and analysis of the study are noted and it is recommended to include organizational and psychological variables supported by theories of organizations and theories of personality

    Genomic mutation profile in progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients prior to first-line chemoimmunotherapy with FCR and rituximab maintenance (REM)

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    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most prevalent leukemia in Western countries and is notable for its variable clinical course. This variability is partly reflected by the mutational status of IGHV genes. Many CLL samples have been studied in recent years by next-generation sequencing. These studies have identified recurrent somatic mutations in NOTCH1, SF3B1, ATM, TP53, BIRC3 and others genes that play roles in cell cycle, DNA repair, RNA metabolism and splicing. In this study, we have taken a deep-targeted massive sequencing approach to analyze the impact of mutations in the most frequently mutated genes in patients with CLL enrolled in the REM (rituximab en mantenimiento) clinical trial. The mutational status of our patients with CLL, except for the TP53 gene, does not seem to affect the good results obtained with maintenance therapy with rituximab after front-line FCR treatment