266 research outputs found

    Quantum Emulation of Molecular Force Fields: A Blueprint for a Superconducting Architecture

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    In this work, we propose a flexible architecture of microwave resonators with tunable couplings to perform quantum simulations of problems from the field of molecular chemistry. The architecture builds on the experience of the D-Wave design, working with nearly harmonic circuits instead of qubits. This architecture, or modifications of it, can be used to emulate molecular processes such as vibronic transitions. Furthermore, we discuss several aspects of these emulations, such as dynamical ranges of the physical parameters, quenching times necessary for diabaticity, and, finally, the possibility of implementing anharmonic corrections to the force fields by exploiting certain nonlinear features of superconducting devices.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Simulation with a Boson Sampling Circuit

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    In this work we study a system that consists of 2M2M matter qubits that interact through a boson sampling circuit, i.e., an MM-port interferometer, embedded in two different architectures. We prove that, under the conditions required to derive a master equation, the qubits evolve according to effective bipartite XY spin Hamiltonians, with or without local and collective dissipation terms. This opens the door to the simulation of any bipartite spin or hard-core boson models and exploring dissipative phase transitions as the competition between coherent and incoherent exchange of excitations. We also show that in the purely dissipative regime this model has a large number of exact and approximate dark states, whose structure and decay rates can be estimated analytically. We finally argue that this system may be used for the adiabatic preparation of boson sampling states encoded in the matter qubits.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    A universal time-dependent control scheme for realizing arbitrary bosonic unitaries

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    We study the implementation of arbitrary unitary transformations between two sets of NN stationary bosonic modes, which are connected through a photonic quantum channel. By controlling the individual couplings between the modes and the channel, an initial NN-partite quantum state in register A can be released as a multi-photon wavepacket and, successively, be reabsorbed in register B. Here we prove that there exists a set of control pulses that implement this transfer with arbitrarily high fidelity and, simultaneously, realize a pre-specified N×NN\times N unitary transformation between the two sets of modes. Moreover, we provide a numerical algorithm for constructing these control pulses and discuss the scaling and robustness of this protocol in terms of several illustrative examples. By being purely control-based and not relying on any adaptions of the underlying hardware, the presented scheme is extremely flexible and can find widespread applications, for example, for boson-sampling experiments, multi-qubit state transfer protocols or in continuous-variable quantum computing architectures.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures + Supplementary material (4 pages, 1 figure

    Centro juvenil para la convivencia social y el desarrollo de habilidades creativas para jóvenes de 15 a 25 años de Tehuacán que forman parte de una “bedroom culture”

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    "El objetivo de esta tesis es aprovechar y mejorar el interés y la preferencia que los jóvenes tienen hacia el uso de la tecnología y medios digitales para generar en ellos el interés hacia la socialización, la convivencia y puedan desarrollar sus habilidades creativas con el uso de estos mismos medios digitales, esto para crear un interés y motivación en los jóvenes para que al retomar la socialización y los factores que implica la misma también puedan definirse a ellos mismos con talentos y habilidades desarrolladas en un ambiente creativo, dinámico y tecnológico"


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    Este trabajo estudia el desempeño de sistemas de radio cognitivo con diferentes distribuciones de probabilidad del tiempo de servicio de los usuarios secundarios. Para ello, se desarrolló un simulador de eventos discretos del sistema de radio cognitivo. En particular, se considera que el tiempo de servicio de los usuarios secundarios sigue una distribución de probabilidad log-normal y ésta es aproximada mediante distribuciones de probabilidad hiper-exponenciales de diferente orden. Para el cálculo de los parámetros de las distribuciones hiper-exponenciales se utiliza el algoritmo de Maximización de la Esperanza (EM). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, mediante la distribución hiper-exponencial se pueden aproximar diferentes distribuciones de probabilidad como la log-normal sin pérdida significativa en la precisión de los resultados numéricos de las diferentes métricas de desempeño. Este resultado es relevante porque facilita el tratamiento y análisis matemático de sistemas de radio cognitivo.In this paper, performance evaluation of cognitive radio networks (CRNs) with different probability density functions for the service time of secondary users is studied. To this end, a discrete event simulation program that captures the fundamental aspects of CRNs is developed. In particular, it is assumed that the secondary service time of many real life applications is well characterized by the log-normal distribution. In this work, the log-normal model is systematically approximated by n-th order hyper-exponential distributions. The parameters of the n-th order hyper-exponential distribution are computed by the well-known Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. Numerical results show that, the hyper-exponential distribution can be used for approximating the log-normal behaviour of the secondary service time without significative loss of precision on the obtained results for the different performance metrics. This result is relevant because the mathematical (queueing) analysis of CRN with log-normal service time is possible by means of approximating the log-normal behavior of the service time by the hyper-exponential model

    Procedimiento de establecimiento de conexión para redes inalámbricas

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    Número de publicación: 2 391 754 Número de solicitud: 201030454Procedimiento de establecimiento de conexión para redes inalámbricas. Procedimiento de establecimiento de conexión para red inalámbrica provista de terminales móviles y servidores, en el que un terminal origen genera un mensaje de datos destinado a un terminal destino, que comprende las etapas de: a) Establecimiento de conexión del terminal origen con un servidor. b) Almacenamiento del mensaje de datos por parte del servidor. c) Establecimiento de conexión entre el servidor, donde la etapa de establecimiento de conexión comprende: - la generación de un mensaje de búsqueda del terminal destino; - la difusión de dicho mensaje de búsqueda por la red mediante su recepción y reenvío por terminales de la red; que se caracteriza por el hecho de que los mensajes de búsqueda comprenden un contador de reenvíos, que va acumulando el número de veces que el mensaje ha sido reenviado, y donde los terminales tienen un número máximo de reenvíos admisible, de modo que es posible reducir y controlar el número de mensajes reenviados.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Prospective techno-economic and environmental assessment of a national hydrogen production mix for road transport

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    Fuel cell electric vehicles arise as an alternative to conventional vehicles in the road transport sector. They could contribute to decarbonising the transport system because they have no direct CO2 emissions during the use phase. In fact, the life-cycle environmental performance of hydrogen as a transportation fuel focuses on its production. In this sense, through the case study of Spain, this article prospectively assesses the techno-economic and environmental performance of a national hydrogen production mix by following a methodological framework based on energy systems modelling enriched with endogenous carbon footprint indicators. Taking into account the need for a hydrogen economy based on clean options, alternative scenarios characterised by carbon footprint restrictions with respect to a fossil-based scenario dominated by steam methane reforming are evaluated. In these scenarios, the steam reforming of natural gas still arises as the key hydrogen production technology in the short term, whereas water electrolysis is the main technology in the medium and long term. Furthermore, in scenarios with very restrictive carbon footprint limits, biomass gasification also appears as a key hydrogen production technology in the long term. In the alternative scenarios assessed, the functional substitution of hydrogen for conventional fossil fuels in the road transport sector could lead to high greenhouse gas emission savings, ranging from 36 to 58 Mt CO2 eq in 2050. Overall, these findings and the model structure and characterisation developed for the assessment of hydrogen energy scenarios are expected to be relevant not only to the specific case study of Spain but also to analysts and decision-makers in a large number of countries facing similar concerns.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry ofEconomy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE

    Truncating FLNC Mutations Are Associated With High-Risk Dilated and Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathies

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    BACKGROUND: Filamin C (encoded by the FLNC gene) is essential for sarcomere attachment to the plasmatic membrane. FLNC mutations have been associated with myofibrillar myopathies, and cardiac involvement has been reported in some carriers. Accordingly, since 2012, the authors have included FLNC in the genetic screening of patients with inherited cardiomyopathies and sudden death. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the association between truncating mutations in FLNC and the development of high-risk dilated and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies. METHODS: FLNC was studied using next-generation sequencing in 2,877 patients with inherited cardiovascular diseases. A characteristic phenotype was identified in probands with truncating mutations in FLNC. Clinical and genetic evaluation of 28 affected families was performed. Localization of filamin C in cardiac tissue was analyzed in patients with truncating FLNC mutations using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Twenty-three truncating mutations were identified in 28 probands previously diagnosed with dilated, arrhythmogenic, or restrictive cardiomyopathies. Truncating FLNC mutations were absent in patients with other phenotypes, including 1,078 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Fifty-four mutation carriers were identified among 121 screened relatives. The phenotype consisted of left ventricular dilation (68%), systolic dysfunction (46%), and myocardial fibrosis (67%); inferolateral negative T waves and low QRS voltages on electrocardiography (33%); ventricular arrhythmias (82%); and frequent sudden cardiac death (40 cases in 21 of 28 families). Clinical skeletal myopathy was not observed. Penetrance was >97% in carriers older than 40 years. Truncating mutations in FLNC cosegregated with this phenotype with a dominant inheritance pattern (combined logarithm of the odds score: 9.5). Immunohistochemical staining of myocardial tissue showed no abnormal filamin C aggregates in patients with truncating FLNC mutations. CONCLUSIONS: Truncating mutations in FLNC caused an overlapping phenotype of dilated and left-dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies complicated by frequent premature sudden death. Prompt implantation of a cardiac defibrillator should be considered in affected patients harboring truncating mutations in FLNC.Instituto de Salud Carlos III [PI11/0699, PI14/0967, PI14/01477, RD012/0042/0029, RD012/0042/0049, RD012/0042/0066, RD12/0042/0069]; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [SAF2015-71863-REDT]; Plan Nacional de I+D+I; Plan Estatalde I+D+I, European Regional Development Fund; Health in Code SLS