3,028 research outputs found

    Una revisión sobre el tratamiento de los agresores en violencia de género

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    Este trabajo tienecomo objetivo analizar los programas de intervención para eltratamiento a los agresores de violencia de género. Para abordar esta temática se han analizado los conceptos fundamentales que rodean y explican este tipo de violencia. Se describen los principales enfoques teóricos y, haciendo énfasis en los agresores, se desarrollan los rasgos específicos que los caracterizan, así como la tipología de hombres que maltratan, el tratamiento judicial y la naturaleza de los programas.A pesar de la gravedad de la violencia de género y de la alta tasa de prevalencia de este tipo de maltrato hacia la mujer, el desarrollo de programas se encuentra aún en una etapa incipiente. No obstante, los resultados de los diferentestratamientos descritos son esperanzadores, ya que han conseguido reducir las conductas de maltrato y evitar la reincidencia.Se defiende que el motivo que debe prevalecer en el tratamiento con maltratadores de violencia de género es el de protección a las víctimas

    Transformación de una escuela en una escuela cooperativa: historia de un proyecto intercultural

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    El artículo revisa el proceso de creación y los principales elementos que se han tenido en cuenta para transformar un centro escolar concreto, perteneciente a la ciudad de Valencia (España) con un significativamente alto índice de alumnado inmigrante, en un centro escolar con un proyecto cooperativo, mostrando con ello las principales virtudes y obstáculos hallados en dicho proceso, al tiempo que ayuda a reflexionar y a concluir con futuras propuestas de trabajo para mejorar el proyecto iniciado

    'The books and the words started not just to mean something, but everything': The Restoring Power of Narrative in Markus Zusak's The Book Thief.

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    Set in Nazi Germany, The Book Thief (2005), by Australian author Markus Zusak, immerses the reader in the vibrant and tricky journey undertaken by a German girl, Liesel Meminger, towards trauma recovery. By portraying characters that go beyond the typical Jew victim –also present in the story– Zusak encourages readers to approach this Holocaust novel, narrated by Death himself, from a different perspective, which I relate in my analysis to the importance of listening to the perpetrator side of the story. From this point of departure, my dissertation focuses on how the healing power of narrative allows Liesel both to reconnect with the world and negotiate her traumatic past by transforming her experiences into narrative memory. Death’s reflections highlight the dual function of words as they can save and destroy humanity simultaneously, and both Liesel and her context, marked by the rise of Nazism, are good proof of it. Drawing on this, my analysis traces Liesel’s evolution from an abandoned, impoverished girl that can barely read to an empowered woman that gets strength from books and eventually writes her own story, using narrative as a weapon to restore her identity and to resist Nazi oppression and ideology. RESUMENAmbientada en la Alemania nazi, La ladrona de libros (2005), escrita por el autor australiano Markus Zusak, sumerge al lector en un dinámico y delicado viaje emprendido por una niña alemana, Liesel Meminger, hacia la recuperación del trauma. A través de la presentación de personajes que van más allá de la típica víctima judía (también presente en la novela), Zusak anima al lector a abordar esta novela del Holocausto, narrada por la propia Muerte, de una manera diferente, lo cual relaciono en mi análisis con la importancia de escuchar la versión de la historia del perpetrador. Partiendo de ahí, mi análisis se centra en cómo el poder curativo de la narrativa permite a Liesel reconectar con el mundo, así como gestionar su pasado traumático a través de la transformación de sus vivencias en memoria narrativa. Los comentarios de la Muerte recalcan la doble funcionalidad de las palabras, ya que pueden salvar y destruir la humanidad al mismo tiempo, y tanto Liesel como su entorno, marcado por el ascenso del nazismo, son buena prueba de ello. Basándome en esto, mi análisis traza la evolución de Liesel desde una niña abandonada y sin recursos que apenas sabe leer a una mujer empoderada que obtiene fortaleza de los libros y que termina escribiendo su propia historia, utilizando la narrativa como un instrumento para restaurar su identidad y resistir a la opresión e ideología nazi. <br /

    Enfoques y prácticas de Innovación en la arquitectura Española

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    Tomando como perspectiva cuatro campos de innovación: “Productos”, “Ciencia y Tecnología”, “Cultura, “Negocio”, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de los enfoques y prácticas de Innovación de la arquitectura española en diferentes entornos de producción y pensamiento: la Universidad, los Colegios Oficiales, Empresas del sector y Estudios Profesionales de Arquitectos. Los resultados expresados de modo gráfico ofrecen una perspectiva global del estado de la innovación en arquitectura en el ámbito nacional, delatan el estado de la cuestión al mismo tiempo que permiten vislumbrar las líneas de una necesaria reestructuración. ABSTRACT. From the following fields of innovation: "Products", "Science and Technology", "Culture”, "Business", a quantitative analysis of approaches and practices of Innovation in Spanish architecture is carried out in different environments of production and thought, University, Architects' Societies, Companies in relationship with the sector and Architects' Professional Firms. The results expressed graphically offer a global perspective of Innovation in Spanish architecture, betray its deficiencies and allow to detect lines of a necessary restructuring

    Wound healing following refractive surgery in hens

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    Producción CientíficaThe wound-healing response is critical to the outcome of refractive surgery and studying wound healing contributes to an understanding of the pathophysiology of other corneal injuries. Animal models allow research to be conducted with sufficient samples and under controlled parameters. We studied the hen to determine the healing process from clinical, biophysical, and biological standpoints after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). PRK ( 6.0 diopters) was performed in hen eyes. At 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h and 5, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days postoperatively, we studied the clinical follow-up, objective measurements of light transmission (direct transmittance), apoptosis by TUNEL assay, proliferation by immunocytochemical analysis of 5-bromo-20-deoxyuridine, and expression of alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA) in myofibroblasts in the corneas. Hen corneas reepithelialize quickly. Haze developed from 5 to 60 days after surgery and was correlated with the appearance and finalization of the expression of SMA. The direct transmittance of light was low during the first 15 days and improved at 30 and 60 days. TUNEL-positive cells were observed 3 h after surgery and the numbers decreased thereafter. Epithelial proliferation began at 12 h and was greater at 48 h, while stromal cell proliferation began at 24 h and was greater at 72 h. The hen cornea is anatomically similar to the human cornea, and the manner in which it heals is a good model for studying different surgical techniques and pharmacologic assays

    Personal Geographies in GIS: New Approaches to Analyse Accessibility to Public Services

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    This paper presents the results of two complementary studies undertaken in the city of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. The main objective was to analyse accessibility to public services from the users' personal circumstances and perception of the environment. The paper provides information on the methodology adopted to include cognitive distances and time budgets into a GIS database. It summarises both cartographic and numeric results and concludes with a discussion on future developments in this area. The main outcomes of the study include: (a) the demonstration that personal geographies can be handled and analysed using GIS technology, (b) a personal approach to the analysis of spatiotemporal accessibility, and (c) the development of a set of innovative cartographic representations

    The voice of birth families to improve visits in foster care

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    In foster care, contact visits with birth families play an important role in relation to the child’s wellbeing, and they may impact on placement outcomes. However, the views of birth parents with respect to such visits have largely been unexplored. This research is part of a project financed by the regional government of Andalusia (SEJ-7106) regarding contact visits in foster care. This study aims to give voice to parents and gather their views about contact visits, including how they might be improved. Participants were 23 birth families who had contact visits with 35 children in non-kinship foster care. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted in order to explore two key aspects: the parents’ opinions regarding the contact visits and the main areas they felt needed improving. The interviews were transcribed and the transcripts were examined using an inductive method of open coding to identify themes among participants’ responses. The main themes to emerge concerned their general view of contact visits and the organization of visits. The paper discusses the study’s implications of the findings for practice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluation of Enzyme Additives on the Nutritional Use of Feeds with a High Content of Plant Ingredients for Mugil cephalus

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    The Mugilidae are a group of fish with a great interest for aquaculture due to their omnivorous profile, rapid growth, and resistance to environmental variations. The selection of feed ingredients for these species is currently focused on an extensive use of plant by-products, with this being limited by their content in anti-nutritive factors (mainly phytate and non-starch polysaccharides; NSPs). Nevertheless, specific enzymes can be used to counteract some of those negative effects. In the present study, the effect of pretreating two high-plant feeds with a mixture of enzymes (glucanases + phytase) on the digestive use of protein and phosphorus by juvenile mullets (Mugil cephalus) was assessed using both in vitro and in vivo assays. The enzymatic treatment significantly modified the potential bioavailability of some nutrients, such as a reduction of sugars, pentoses, and phytic phosphorus. Also, it increased the digestibility of protein in one of the feeds but reduced that of phosphorus in both of them. The potential usefulness of enzyme treatment and the information provided by the two types of assays are discusse

    Choice of social support sources among immigrants

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    A partir del modelo del convoy social (Khan y Antonucci, 1980), se analiza la elección de fuentes de apoyo entre inmigrantes con la Entrevista Manhein (Veiel, 1990). Participaron voluntariamente 150 marroquíes y filipinos potenciales usuarios de los Servicios Sociales de Marbella (Costa del Sol). Tras aplicar a los datos análisis log-lineales (SPSS 9), los modelos obtenidos muestran que: 1) la nacionalidad, etapa de asentamiento y situación familiar influyen en la elección de fuente de apoyo; y 2) la influencia directa de cada una de estas variables está modulada por la naturaleza de la demanda. Se observó que los inmigrantes prefieren el apoyo de vínculos familiares, pero destacan los amigos en demandas psicológicas cotidianas. Los resultados avalan el empleo del modelo del convoy en el análisis del apoyo social en inmigrantes.Based on the social convoy model (Khan & Antonucci, 1980), this study examines the choice of social support sources among immigrants through Manhein Interview (Veil, 1990). 150 well-fare facility recipients from Morocco and Philippines took part voluntarily. Log-linear analysis (SPSS.9) were employed to process data. The models obtained showed how nationality, family status and length of stay influenced participant’s choices. Nevertheless, these direct effects were modulated by the types of demands. Generally, immigrants tended to choose kin and sometimes friends, particularly for psychological daily needs. Results from this study supported the application of the social convoy model to the analysis of immigrant’s social support system

    Identidad y responsabilidades socioeducativas del mediador escolar y del mediador intercultural: hacia una clarificación de funciones

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    El presente artículo reconoce que, ante la creciente presencia en escenarios socioeducativos de la figura profesional del mediador en los dos ámbitos principales relacionados con la educación (el escolar y el intercultural), deben identificarse los rasgos idiosincrásicos de cada uno de ellos, lo que no es óbice para reconocer cómo, a pesar de que existen, en efecto, diferencias en la definición de estos dos modelos de mediación, se evidencian aspectos coincidentes que los vinculan a un tronco común: las competencias y responsabilidades socioeducativas que adquieren cada uno de ellos. Las autoras del artículo aplican la metodología comparada para demostrar ambas realidades compatibles en las figuras del mediador escolar y el mediador intercultural, respectivamente