4,686 research outputs found

    Adherencia y cumplimiento terapéutico familiar en tratamientos logopédicos de dislalia

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    Esta revisión bibliográfica trata sobre la Adherencia y el Cumplimiento terapéutico familiar en los tratamientos logopédicos de los sujetos con patología de dislalia, haciendo hincapié en los conceptos tratados en esta revisión, la metodología aplicada, los resultados adquiridos y, finalmente, las conclusiones obtenidas. En la actualidad este tema es de gran importancia en patologías tanto del ámbito logopédico como de cualquier otra especialidad, ya que el grado en el que el paciente y su familia se adhieran o ejecuten los consejos o pautas del logopeda, podrá contribuir de manera positiva o negativa en el tratamiento y recuperación de ese paciente.Grado en Logopedi

    Transgresión de las fronteras geográficas y de género: estudio de las masculinidades alternativas en la historia de la escalada en Yosemite

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    The last few years have been eventful as far as mountaineering in Yosemite is concerned with the soloing of el Cap and the freeing of the Dawn Wall. The documentary film Valley Uprising: Yosemite’s Rock Climbing Revolution (Mortimer et al. 2014) not only traces the history of climbing in the Park but offers a more profound analysis of the evolution of society and gender roles in America in the last half-century, showing that, although the Valley is fairly isolated from urban communities, it is by no means disconnected from the ideological, political and cultural revolutions that the country has lived through. Yosemite is, in actual fact, a  liminal space where gender roles and identities are contested, contracted and re-formulated. This article analyses three differing climbing styles that have dominated Yosemite in the 20th century, to prove that they overstep the physical borders of the territory and that each becomes paradigmatic of the dissenting masculinities that have continuously threatened the establishment outside the geographical limits of the  Park. This genealogy of the particular masculinities of each group allows us to see that these manhoods —perceived as deviant or dissenting outside the Park— were, for insiders, the normative modes of being a man.Los últimos años han estado plagados de acontecimientos relevantes en el mundo de la escalada, tales como la escalada en libre del Dawn Wall o la escalada en solitario del Cap. El documental Valley Uprising: Yosemite’s Rock Climbing Revolution (Mortimer et al. 2014) no solo narra la historia de la escalada en Yosemite, sino que además ofrece un profundo análisis de la evolución de la sociedad americana y de los roles de género en el siglo pasado. El documental muestra a la perfección que, a pesar de su aislamiento geográfico, Yosemite no está completamente aislado o al margen de las revoluciones ideológicas, políticas y culturares que sacudieron al país en el siglo XX. Yosemite es, en realidad, un espacio liminal en el que se han cuestionado, y aún se cuestionan, desafían y reformulan, tanto el género como la identidad. Este artículo analiza las tres escuelas de escalada que han dominado este deporte en Yosemite durante el siglo XX para demostrar que todas ellas traspasan los límites físicos del territorio donde se practica este deporte, ya que cada una de estas escuelas representa a una de las masculinidades alternativas que continuamente desafían y amenazan el status quo fuera de los bordes que delimitan el espacio natural. Esta genealogía de las masculinidades de Yosemite permite entender que estas maneras de ser un hombre, percibidas como aberrantes o disidentes fuera de este microcosmos, eran vistas como normativas por los individuos que pertenecían a cada una de estas escuelas de escalada.&nbsp

    La medición de la satisfacción del consumidor de servicios deportivos a través de la lógica borrosa

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    This study focuses on measuring customer satisfaction within the context of sports services by using a novel approach in sport psychology: modelling uncertainty through the application of fuzzy logic. several analytical procedures for dealing with fuzziness have been described in order to verify empirically the extent to which this methodology complements the traditional statistical approach. this study examines the relationships between numerical evaluations of customer satisfaction and the degree of uncertainty linked to these verbal judgements. the proposed approach enriches the information on the attitudes of sport service consumers and overcomes the shortcomings of the "third-person" perspective. In addition, this proposal is robust against two sources of bias: scale coarseness, and interaction between numerical and verbal judgements

    Cognitive Keys in Psychophysical Estimation of Chemosensory Perception in University Students

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    Psychophysical methods allow us to measure the relationship between stimuli and sensory perception. Of these, Detection Threshold (DT) allows us to know the minimum concentration to produce taste identification. Given this, we wonder whether, for example, wine tasting experts are more capable of perceiving their sensory properties than other people, or whether they can distinguish them because they are better able to “describe” them. To verify this, this study analyses the influence of having prior knowledge of the name astringency and, failing that, to detect it and distinguish it between the four basic tastes. One-hundred-and-sixty-two university students with an average age of 19.43 (SD = 2.55) years were assigned to three experimental conditions: an experimental group (G.2) without previous knowledge of the name astringency and with alimentary satiety, and two control groups, both with previous knowledge of the name, these being G.1, with satiety, and G.3, with hunger. DT was collected for the four basic tastes and astringencies. Results showed significant differences in the identification of astringency, being the least identified experimental group with respect to the control groups. It is striking that G.2, without prior knowledge of the name, identified astringency as a bitter taste in most cases. This supports our hypothesis of the importance of attending to linguistic cognitive processes when psychophysically estimating taste in human

    Perceived quality in urgent transport sector

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    This research has focused on the customer evaluation of perceived quality in the urgent transport service in Spain. Using different statistical procedures, such as ordinal regression, between-groups comparison or multilevel modeling, this study shows how the perceived service quality of the public company «Correos» is lower than several of the main competitors: Seur, MRW and Nacex. Despite the investment achieved by this public institution in order to improve service quality, these efforts have not been reflected in the customer evaluation, at least to the same extent as competitors. Several recommendations for further research are discussed in the final part of the study.Perceived quality, urgent transport service, Correos


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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs: 2022/202

    Evaluation of Enzyme Additives on the Nutritional Use of Feeds with a High Content of Plant Ingredients for Mugil cephalus

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    The Mugilidae are a group of fish with a great interest for aquaculture due to their omnivorous profile, rapid growth, and resistance to environmental variations. The selection of feed ingredients for these species is currently focused on an extensive use of plant by-products, with this being limited by their content in anti-nutritive factors (mainly phytate and non-starch polysaccharides; NSPs). Nevertheless, specific enzymes can be used to counteract some of those negative effects. In the present study, the effect of pretreating two high-plant feeds with a mixture of enzymes (glucanases + phytase) on the digestive use of protein and phosphorus by juvenile mullets (Mugil cephalus) was assessed using both in vitro and in vivo assays. The enzymatic treatment significantly modified the potential bioavailability of some nutrients, such as a reduction of sugars, pentoses, and phytic phosphorus. Also, it increased the digestibility of protein in one of the feeds but reduced that of phosphorus in both of them. The potential usefulness of enzyme treatment and the information provided by the two types of assays are discusse

    Spider diversity (Arachnida: Araneae) in two different coffee management systems and surrounding tropical forest during two contrasting seasons in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    This study focuses on species richness, abundance, diversity, and seasonal variation of spiders in two coffee plantations with different crop management and a portion of tropical forest in two municipalities of La Costa region of Oaxaca, Mexico, using manual collection, foliage beating and pitfall traps. We collected 2,210 spiders belonging to 35 families, 100 genera and 146 species. The inventory includes 51 new species records for Oaxaca. Completeness values for two estimators indicate that the level of representation of inventories range from 68.25% to 78.44%, and the proportion of singletons range from 33.72% to 38.14%. Spider abundance in the rainy season was significantly lower than during the dry season. Spider abundance in the Tropical Forest was significantly lower than Monoculture site with the foliage beating method. Polyculture was the site with the lowest spider abundance with the pitfall traps. Rarefaction curves did not show significant differences in species richness between the sites and seasons. Hutcheson t-test showed that spider diversity was significantly lower in Monoculture than Tropical Forest during the rainy season. This study contributes to the knowledge of the arachnofauna of Mexico and particularly of the state of Oaxaca.Este estudio se enfoca en la riqueza de especies, abundancia, diversidad y variación estacional de las arañas en dos cultivos de café con diferente manejo y una porción de bosque tropical en dos municipios de la región Costa de Oaxaca, México, utilizando la colecta manual, agitación del follaje y trampas de caída. Se recolectaron 2,210 arañas pertenecientes a 35 familias, 100 géneros y 146 especies. El inventario incluye 51 nuevos registros de especies para Oaxaca. Los valores de completitud de dos estimadores indican que el nivel de representación de los inventarios oscila entre el 68.25 % y el 78.44 %, mientras que la proporción de singletons fue de 33.72 % y 38.14 %. La abundancia de arañas en la estación lluviosa fue significativamente menor que durante la estación secas. La abundancia de arañas en el Bosque Tropical fue significativamente menor que en el Monocultivo con el método de agitación de follaje. El Policultivo fue el sitio con menor abundancia de arañas con el método de trampas de caída. Las curvas de rarefacción no mostraron diferencias significativas en la riqueza de especies entre los sitios y estaciones. La prueba t de Hutcheson mostró que la diversidad de arañas fue significativamente menor en el Monocultivo que en el Bosque Tropical durante la estación lluviosa. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de la aracnofauna de México y particularmente del estado de Oaxaca