45 research outputs found

    A GIS-based multivariate clustering for characterization and ecoregion mapping from a viticultural perspective

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    In wine-growing regions, zoning studies define areas according to their potential to produce specific wines and also identify the key drivers behind their variability and optimize vineyard management for sustainable viticulture. However, delineation of homogeneous zones is difficult because of the complex combination of factors which could affect zone classifications. One possibility to capture potential variability is the use of natural environmental properties as they are related to success in grape growing. With the aim of characterizing the spatial variability of the main vine-related environmental variables and determining different zones, climate and topographical data were obtained for Extremadura (southwestern Spain), an important wine region. Firstly, accurate maps of all climate indices were generated by using regression-kriging as the most suitable algorithm in which exhaustive secondary information on elevation was incorporated, and maps of topography-derived variables were obtained using GIS (Geographical Information System) tools. Secondly, principal component analysis and multivariate geographic classification were used to define homogeneous classes, resulting in three zones. Each zone was further characterized by overlaying the zonation map with a geology map and all enviromental layers. It was obtained that although a wide part of the Extremaduran territory has warm climate characteristics, the zones have different viticultural potential and a high proportion of the region lays on suitable substrate. This zonation in Extremadura is the basis for further zoning studies at more detailed field scale and the modeling of vineyard response to climate change

    Tumor fibroso solitario de la region parotidea: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    El tumor fibroso solitario es una entidad bien establecida, comúnmente localizada en la pleura, aunque recientemente se ha descrito en otras localizaciones, incluyendo la región de cabeza y cuello, en donde se presenta como una lesión bien circunscrita y de crecimiento lento. Debido a su baja frecuencia se puede confundir con otras neoplasias de esta área, por lo que las características microscópicas, ultraestructurales y de inmunohistoquímica ayudan a establecer su diagnóstico. El pronóstico esta relacionado con la localización y el tamaño del tumor. Se presenta un caso en una mujer de 20 años de edad, localizado en la región parotidea con protrusión a cavidad oral, de crecimiento rápido y con un tamaño de 10x8.5x5.5cm, bien circunscrita, y con características histológicas benignas e inmunoreactividad para CD34.Solitary fibrous tumor is a well-recognized entity that most commonly involves the pleura; however, it has been recently described in other locations including the head and neck region, where it occurs as a slowly growing and well-circumscribed lesion. Due to its low frequency it may be confused with other neoplasms, and for this reason microscopic, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features are necessary to establish its diagnosis. Prognosis of this tumor depends on its location and size. We present a 20-year-old woman with a well circumscribed, rapidly enlarging solitary fibrous tumor located in the parotid region, which protruded into the oral cavity, measured 10 x 8.5 x 5.5 cm and exhibited benign histological features and positive immunoreactivity to CD34

    A GIS-based multivariate clustering for characterization and ecoregion mapping from a viticultural perspective

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    In wine-growing regions, zoning studies define areas according to their potential to produce specific wines and also identify the key drivers behind their variability and optimize vineyard management for sustainable viticulture. However, delineation of homogeneous zones is difficult because of the complex combination of factors which could affect zone classifications. One possibility to capture potential variability is the use of natural environmental properties as they are related to success in grape growing. With the aim of characterizing the spatial variability of the main vine-related environmental variables and determining different zones, climate and topographical data were obtained for Extremadura (southwestern Spain), an important wine region. Firstly, accurate maps of all climate indices were generated by using regression-kriging as the most suitable algorithm in which exhaustive secondary information on elevation was incorporated, and maps of topography-derived variables were obtained using GIS (Geographical Information System) tools. Secondly, principal component analysis and multivariate geographic classification were used to define homogeneous classes, resulting in three zones. Each zone was further characterized by overlaying the zonation map with a geology map and all enviromental layers. It was obtained that although a wide part of the Extremaduran territory has warm climate characteristics, the zones have different viticultural potential and a high proportion of the region lays on suitable substrate. This zonation in Extremadura is the basis for further zoning studies at more detailed field scale and the modeling of vineyard response to climate change.Trabajo financiado por: Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda TIC008 y TPR009peerReviewe

    Adverse effects of parenteral nutrition in cancer patients; systematic review

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    La malnutrición hospitalaria tiene gran importancia en los pacientes con cáncer y lleva a mayor riesgo de complicaciones, menor respuesta al tratamiento y peor evolución de los mismos. El empleo de nutrición parenteral (NP) en estos pacientes es controvertida por los resultados heterogéneos publicados en la literatura científica. Éste es el motivo por el que la evaluación de los efectos adversos de la NP, de su incidencia y gravedad, es muy importante a la hora de prescribir una NP en estos pacientes. Esta evaluación de los efectos adversos de la NP es el objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) encontrados en diversas bases de datos y publicados en cualquier idioma. De los 74 artículos encontrados en nuestra búsqueda, sólo 13 ECA (18 tipos diferentes de neoplasias) cumplían los criterios de inclusión para ser seleccionados para la revisión sistemática. Estos ECA incluyeron 669 pacientes con NP central en los que se describieron 225 efectos adversos (33,63%) de la NP, y 92 pacientes con NP periférica, con 54 efectos adversos (58,70%). No hubo efectos adversos en los 47 pacientes del grupo control que recibió fluidoterapia intravenosa. Podemos concluir que los estudios publicados son muy heterogéneos y evalúan las complicaciones de la nutrición parenteral únicamente de forma secundaria. Creemos necesario que futuros ensayos clínicos definan las complicaciones de la nutrición parenteral de forma homogénea y los estudien como objetivo primarioMalnutrition in hospitals is of great concern in patients with cancer. This malnutrition in cancer leads to higher risk of complications, and worse response to treatments and outcomes. Parenteral nutrition (PN) in cancer is controversial due to the heterogeneous results found in scientific literature. This is the reason why the evaluation of adverse events of PN, its incidence and severity, is crucial when prescribing PN in cancer patients. This evaluation of adverse events of PN is the aim of the present systematic review of the randomized clinical trials (RCT) written in any language found in several databases. From the 74 articles found in our search, only 13 RCT (18 different types of cancer) met the criteria to be selected for the systematic review. These RCT included 669 patients receiving central PN in whom 225 adverse events (33.63%) of PN were described, and 92 patients with peripheral PN, with 54 adverse events (58.70%). There were no adverse events in a control group of 47 patients receiving parenteral fluids. We conclude that scientific literature is very heterogeneous and evaluate complications of parenteral nutrition only as a secondary aim. We think necessary that further research do define complications of parenteral nutrition homogeneously and study them as a main objectiv

    Flora de interés en bosques-isla de Andalucía Occidental

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    Floristic reports in fragmented forests (island-forests) in western AndalusiaPalabras clave. Paisaje fragmentado, corología, flora, campiña, Andalucía Occidental, España.Key words. Fragmented landscape, chorology, flora, country side, Western Andalusia, Spai

    Effects of weight loss after bariatric surgery on pulmonary function tests and aobtructive sleep apnea in morbidly obese women

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    Introducción: la obesidad afecta a la función respiratoria e incrementa el riesgo de síndrome de apneas-hipopneas del sueño (SAHS). Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la cirugía bariátrica, en mujeres con obesidad mórbida, sobre la función respiratoria y sobre el índice de apneas-hipopneas (IAH) tras dos años de seguimiento. Métodos: se incluyeron 15 mujeres (índice de masa corporal [IMC] medio 50,52 ± 12,71 kg.m-2, edad media 40,13 ± 10,06 años). Los enfermos fueron analizados en dos fases: previo a la cirugía bariátrica y tras dos años de la misma. En cada visita se valoraron las medidas antropométricas y se realizaron pruebas de función respiratoria consistentes en espirometría, pletismografía, medida de la presión inspiratoria máxima y del índice de tensión-tiempo de los músculos inspiratorios, así como análisis de gases arteriales. Por último, también se efectuó una poligrafía cardiorrespiratoria durante el sueño. Resultados: tras la cirugía bariátrica el IMC disminuyó en 44,07 kg.m-2 (IC 95% 38,32 – 49,81). De igual forma, se observaron incrementos significativos en el volumen espiratorio forzado al primer segundo (FEV1) (p < 0,01), la capacidad vital forzada (FVC) (p < 0,01), el volumen de reserva espiratorio (ERV) (p = 0,040), la capacidad funcional residual (FRC) (p = 0,009) y la resistencia de las vías aéreas (Raw) (p = 0,018). Por otra parte, el IAH (p = 0,001) y el índice de desaturación de oxígeno (p = 0,001) disminuyeron tras la cirugía. Se observó una correlación significativa entre el grado de pérdida de peso y el incremento del ERV (0,774, p = 0,024). Conclusiones: tras dos años desde la cirugía bariátrica se siguen observando mejorías significativas en la función respiratoria y en la gravedad del SAHS. La mejoría del ERV estaría en relación directa con los niveles de peso perdidoIntroduction: obesity impacts on respiratory function and also it acts as a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Aims: to study the effects of bariatric surgery on pulmonary function tests and on OSA in morbidly obese women over 4 years. Methods: fifteen morbidly obese women (mean body mass index [BMI] 50.52 ± 12.71 kg.m-2, mean age 40.13 ± 10.06 years) underwent pulmonary function tests (PFT) in two opportunities (before and after weight loss surgery). PFT included spirometry, body plethysmography and measure of maximal inspiratory mouth pressure (PImax) and of tension-time index for inspiratory muscles. Also, in both opportunities, resting arterial blood gas tensions were evaluated and a full night sleep register was performed. Results: BMI significantly decreased after bariatric surgery (-44.07 kg.m-2 [CI 95% -38.32 – -49.81]). Also, there was a significantly increase in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) (p < 0.01), forced vital capacity (FVC) (p < 0.01), expiratory reserve volume (ERV) (p = 0.040), functional residual capacity (FRC) (p = 0.009) and a decline in airways resistance (Raw) (p = 0.018). Concerning sleep registers, apnea hypopnea index (p = 0.001) and desaturation index (p = 0.001) were also reduced after weight loss. Improve in ERV had a significant correlation with weight loss (r = 0.774, p = 0.024). Conclussions: pulmonary function tests and apnea hypopnea index improve after bariatric surgery in mor- bidly obese women. Improvement of ERV is well correlated with weight los

    Screening for selective anticancer activity of plants from Grazalema Natural Park, Spain

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    Since plants are an important source of anticancer drugs, we have carried out a random screening for selective anticancer activity of 57 extracts from 45 plants collected in Grazalema Natural Park, an area in the South of Spain of high plant diversity and endemism. Using lung cancer cells (A549) and lung non-malignant cells (MRC-5), we found that several extracts were more cytotoxic and selective against the cancer cells than the standard anticancer agent cisplatin. Five active extracts were further tested in cancer and normal cell lines from other tissues, including three skin cell lines with increasing degree of malignancy. An extract from the leaves of Daphne laureola L. (Thymelaeaceae) showed a striking potency and selectivity on lung cancer cells and leukemia cells; the IC50 values against these cancer cells were approximately 10,000-fold lower than against the normal cells. Daphnane-type diterpene orthoesters may be responsible for this highly selective anticancer activity

    Nueva base de datos de precipitaciones y temperaturas para Extremadura en el periodo (1989-2018)

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]Se ha elaborado una nueva base de datos de precipitaciones medias mensuales y temperaturas máximas y mínimas medias mensuales, con la que se han analizado los datos de 142 estaciones meteorológicas obtenidos de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) para el periodo (1989-2018). En este estudio se presentan los resultados de diferentes pruebas de homogeneización y relleno de 134, 172 y 176 series de temperaturas y precipitaciones provenientes de las estaciones ubicadas en la región de Extremadura. Para ello, se realizó un primer control de calidad de los datos cumpliendo con los requisitos de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) y las recomendaciones indicadas por el Real Instituto Meteorológico de los Países Bajos (KNMI). Posteriormente se llevó a cabo la homogeneización de las series utilizando el software Climatol, en el que se han implementado diferentes funciones que permiten depurar los datos a través de un análisis de los valores atípicos y de la homogeneidad, así como la completación de las lagunas de las series. Los análisis confirman la obtención de unos niveles de depuración de los datos muy altos, confiables y de buena calidad; obteniendo así una nueva base de datos para posteriores estudios climáticos.[EN]A new database of monthly average rainfall and monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures has been developed, with which data from 142 weather stations obtained from the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) for the period (1989-2018) have been analysed. This study presents the results of different homogenisation and backfilling tests of 134, 172 and 176 temperature and precipitation series from stations located in the region of Extremadura. For this purpose, a first quality control of the data was carried out in compliance with the requirements of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the recommendations indicated by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). Subsequently, the series were homogenised using Climatol software, in which different functions have been implemented to clean the data through an analysis of outliers and homogeneity, as well as filling in the gaps in the series. The analyses confirm the achievement of very high, reliable and good quality data cleaning levels, thus obtaining a new database for further climate studies.Esta investigación fue financiada por la Junta de Extremadura y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través de la ayuda al grupo de investigación Alcántara (TIC008), GR21006, y el Proyecto IB18001 “Análisis y modelización del impacto del cambio climático sobre la distribución de zonas vitícolas en Extremadura”

    Screening for selective anticancer activity of 65 extracts of plants collected in Western Andalusia, Spain

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    Finding cytotoxic drugs with a high selectivity towards cancer cells is crucial to improve the low survival rates of patients diagnosed with metastatic cancers. Since plants are an important source of anticancer drugs, we have screened 65 extracts from 45 plants collected in several areas of Western Andalusia (Spain) for cytotoxic activity on lung cancer cells versus lung normal cells. An extract from the leaves of Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast. (Cupressaceae) showed a marked cytotoxicity (IC50 = 0.37 ± 0.03 µg/mL) and selectivity (selectivity index = 378.3) against the lung cancer cells; cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and an extract from the leaves of Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) were less cytotoxic and selective. Extracts from Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold (Apocynaceae), Frangula alnus Mill. (Rhamnaceae), Iberis ciliata subsp. contracta (Pers.) Moreno (Brassicaceae), Juniperus macrocarpa Sm (Cupressaceae), and Pancratium maritimum L. (Amaryllidaceae) also showed selective cytotoxicity (selectivity index > 10). Active extracts were also tested against a panel of cancer cell lines from a variety tissues. The plants identified in this work are potential sources of natural compounds with selective toxicity towards cancer cells.Universidad de Sevilla VPPI-I.

    Análisis de la relevancia y factibilidad de indicadores de calidad en las unidades de nutrición

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    Introducción: La evaluación de la calidad en las actividades sanitarias exige la elección de unos indicadores acordes con los resultados que queremos medir. De todos los posibles, debemos priorizar aquellos que nos permitan obtener la información más relevante sin sobrecargar el trabajo habitual de nuestras Unidades. Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de los socios de SENPE respecto a la relevancia y la viabilidad del uso de una selección de indicadores de calidad para su aplicación en nutrición clínica. Métodos: Encuesta remitida mediante correo electrónico a los socios de SENPE solicitando a los mismos su opinión sobre 12 indicadores de calidad, valorándose cada uno en cuanto a su relevancia y factibilidad de la aplicación en su medio. Resultados: Contestaron 40 encuestados de 40 centros diferentes de 12 comunidades autónomas. En general, los indicadores fueron considerados más relevantes que factibles. Los indicadores mejor puntuados fueron: “identificación en las bolsas de nutrición artificial”, “posición semi-incorporada del paciente con nutrición enteral por sonda nasogástrica” y “protocolos clínicos básicos”. Considerando los indicadores por grupos (de estructura, proceso o resultado) los mejor valorados fueron: “identificación del paciente en las bolsas de nutrición artificial” (estructura), “posición semi-incorporada” y “protocolos clínicos básicos” (proceso), y “cumplimiento del objetivo calórico” (resultado). Conclusión: Los resultados de la encuesta permiten seleccionar indicadores prioritarios para su aplicación en las Unidades de NutriciónIntroduction: The quality assessment in health activities requires the choice of indicators in line with the results we want to measure. Of all possible, we should prioritize those that allow us to obtain the most relevant information without overloading the regular work of our units. Objective: To determine the opinion of the members of SENPE regarding the relevance and feasibility of using a selection of quality indicators designed for use in clinical nutrition. Methods: E-mail survey sent to members of SENPE asking them their views on 12 quality indicators, evaluating each in terms of their relevance and feasibility of implementation in their environment. Results: 40 respondents answered from 40 centers in 12 different regions. In general, the indicators were considered more relevant than feasible. The indicators best rated were: “identification in artificial nutrition bags, “semi-recumbent position in patient with nasogastric tube feeding” and “basic clinical protocols”. Considering the type of indicator: “patient identification in the bags of artificial nutrition (structure),” a semi-incorporated “and” basic clinical protocols (process), and “fulfillment of the caloric goal” (result). Conclusion: The results of the survey can make a selection of indicators that could be considered for first-line introduction in a Nutrition Uni