25 research outputs found

    Focal Mechanisms for Subcrustal Earthquakes Beneath the Gibraltar Arc

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    Earthquakes below 50‐km depth are usually associated with active subduction, and the direction of faulting is aligned with the orientation of the subduction zone. Faulting in 42 earthquakes beneath the Gibraltar Arc and Alboran Sea shows different characteristics. The most abundant solutions show horizontal slip, in agreement with relative plate motion between Africa and Europe. Further solutions are associated with shortening and suggest compression from the basal drag of the Earth's mantle on the moving plates. In turn, no signature of active subduction was found. Images of the Earth's interior from teleseismic waves suggest a relation between the earthquakes and a stalled remnant of ~150‐Ma‐old oceanic material that once formed the connection between two oceans and later has been buried beneath the Gibraltar Arc.We received financial support through Mineco/Feder Project CGL2015‐67130‐C2‐2‐R and Junta de Andalucía research group RNM 10

    Design an Amperometric Biosensor for the Detection of Lactate

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    In this study, we present the design of a new electrode material, as a L-lactate selective electrochemical sensor. We identified the conditions under which the mediator DHB-Nafion provides the best reversibility and robustness. We also found that by using a Nafion overlayer 50% of modified material is preserved. With these conditions the electrochemical detection of NADH is carried out. By adding to the molecular electrode's material L-LDH enzyme, the detection is accomplished at different concentrations of L-lactate. Finally we performed the determination of L-lactate under hydrodynamic regime. The working potential under hydrodynamic regime is 0.56 V vs. Ag/AgCl (pH 7.4) in 50 mM phosphate buffer with 50 mM KCl as supporting electrolyte. The results from the calibration curve obtained by linear regression was 0.9826 at concentrations from 0.0 to 0.6 mM of L-lactate, and 0.9738 at concentrations from 0.7 to 0.11 mM of L-lactate

    A STEP fault in Central Betics, associated with lateral lithospheric tearing at the northern edge of the Gibraltar arc subduction system

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    We study the crustal and lithospheric mantle structure under central Betics in the westernmost Mediterranean region by migrating P-receiver functions along a dense seismic profile (∼2 km interstation distance). The profile, North–South oriented, probes the crustal structure of different geological units, from the Alboran domain in the south with metamorphic rocks, through the External Zones with sedimentary rocks to the Variscan terrains of the Iberian Massif in the north. From north to south, the Moho depth increases from ∼30 km to ∼46 km underneath the Guadix basin, due to the underthrusting of the Iberian crust below the Alboran crust, and suddenly shallows to ∼30 km underneath the Internal Zones with a step of 17 km. This sharp Moho step correlates well with a lithospheric step of ∼40 km, where the thickness of the lithosphere changes abruptly from ∼100 km in the north to ∼50 km in the south. We interpret this sharp and prominent lithospheric step as the termination of the Iberian lithosphere caused by a near-vertical STEP (Subduction-Transform-Edge-Propagator) fault that continues towards the surface as a positive flower tectonic structure of crustal scale. This STEP fault is located at the northern edge of the narrow Westernmost Mediterranean subduction system facilitating the slab rollback motion towards the west. The sharp termination of the Iberian lithosphere occurs under the contact between the Alpujarride and the Nevado-Filabride complexes of the Alboran domain in an ENE-WSW right-lateral transpressive shear zone. The thickest crust and lithosphere do not correlate with the highest topography along the profile suggesting that this high topography is a combined effect of the positive flower structure, and the push up of the asthenosphere produced by the removal of the Iberian lithosphere.This work was sup-ported by the projects: CGL2015-67130-C2-2-R, GCL2012-31472 (TRANSCORBE), HIRE (GFZ Potsdam) and PP2012-PIJD003 (Granada University). We acknowledge work on free softwares SAC and GMT

    Soy Niña

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    Este libro pretende contribuir al reencuentro de la educación con esas finalidades que verdaderamente importan a una niña o un niño: ser feliz, jugar, vivir juntos y (no) aprender. Para ello hemos puesto el arte, nuestras experiencias y el saber acumulado al servicio del disfrute, el cuestionamiento, el análisis crítico y la construcción común de un presente deseable. Un texto colaborativo coordinado por Ignacio Calderón Almendros y realizado por alumnado de Educación y Cambio Social en el Grado en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Málaga

    Nuevos escenarios para la docencia universitaria : entornos híbridos y pedagogías emergentes.

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    Memorias del IX Simposio Internacional de Docencia Universitaria (SIDU)Los trabajos reunidos en esta Memoria representan una contribución importante al campo de la educación y de la docencia universitaria, en tanto muestran distintas maneras de responder a las problemáticas educativas cotidianas y presentan propuestas para afrontar los retos emergentes en el campo de la educación superior. Invitamos a los lectores a realizar una lectura atenta y crítica de los trabajos compilados en esta publicación. Estamos seguros de que este acercamiento propiciará la reflexión y el análisis riguroso de los objetos de estudio abordados por los autores, y estimulará la generación de nuevos proyectos de investigación, intervención e innovación educativa que incidan en el desarrollo de mejores prácticas de docencia en educación media superior y superior.Pimera edición digitaldoi.org/10.56019/EDU-CETYS.2024.182

    Equidad en salud

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    Construyendo los objetivos sanitarios desde la mirada ciudadana: foros de salud en la Región MetropolitanaDiagnósticos regionales de salud pública con enfoque en determinantes socialesEnsayo de campo del DNA de VPH y Papanicolau en detección precoz del cáncer cervicouterinoEnsayo poblacional de la inspección visual con acido acético en la detección de cáncer cervicouterinoExperiencia del buque Cirujano Videla en la salud rural insular de ChiloéPrograma piloto de atención a población transexual en el sistema público de saludRed de rehabilitación del Servicio de Salud Metropolitano SurSistemas de información en salud en Venezuel